I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 219 219 The Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique Evolves, the Giant Ship Sets Sail

Chapter 219 219. The Celestial Body Imprinting Technique Evolves, and the Giant Ship Sets Sail

"Are you really going to set sail?"

Kroya looked at the excited Orpheus Oak and felt uneasy: "Treden told me that it was the Cardinal of the Church of Light who summoned you, not the elves!"

His sixth sense has always been very sharp, and this matter may not have a good result.

When the powerful Cardinal entered the sea, the little mermaid prince came to tell him, and he felt uneasy since then.

So he couldn't help but persuade: "You can force the other party to let the Orpheus family pick you up, Oak friend..."

However, the Orpheus Oak didn't listen to what Kroya said at all. At this moment, it was so happy that its whole body was covered with small flowers.

Its expression was extremely joyful: "Human friend, this rudder is my key. Only my master can create such a wonderful creation.

He must have sent someone to pick me up!

I will see my master soon, human friend, please stop talking!"

As it said that, it pushed all the ancient scrolls to Cloya: "This is what I promised to give you, you take it!

I will give you all of these."


The latter looked helplessly at the pile of elf scrolls in his arms. Although he knew that these must be very important knowledge, he did not feel happy at all.

On the contrary, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more obvious, and he always felt that something was going to happen.

After struggling for a moment, he suddenly grabbed the oak tree and said seriously: "Friend Oak, if you must go...then accept my magic."

This is actually a very abrupt request, because it may not only expose his special magic, but also cause the other party to mistakenly think that he is going to do something wrong.

After all, who would be willing to have someone else's alien magic in his body?

But he still said that if something really happened, he could still influence it remotely.

He really didn't want to see the oak go like this. It helped him too much, and he already regarded it as a friend.

So he was willing to take some risks of exposure.

The oak stopped moving temporarily, looked at Cloya, and nodded without hesitation: "Of course, human friend."

"What kind of magic do you want me to accept?"

Its straightforwardness made Cloya sigh again, why did it feel that it only grew magic but not IQ...

Cloya complained in his heart, with a serious expression: "I want you to sign a friend contract with me. I will leave an anchor point in your soul, and you can borrow my power when necessary.

I can also pull your soul back when you are in danger."

Hearing the method Cloya said, the first reaction of Orpheus Oak was actually disbelief.

Magic will become weaker with distance. To be able to borrow magic, it must be at least the level of a great wizard or even a mage.

But Cloya is only level 4 now, and he said that he can pull its soul back, which is even more exaggerated than a mortal pulling up a mountain.

In the world of magic, if there is no special way to make up for it, it is a world of difference.

But it still agreed. It opened its arms and gave Cloya a hug. The branches and vines were expressing their friendship and reluctance.

"Okay, human friend... I will mention you to the master after I see him. I hope we can meet again."

When it agreed, Cloya already felt that the astral body imprinting technique could work. It seemed that for this kind of existence with human-like intelligence...

As long as it agreed, it was "desire".

So, he immediately started to imprint.

This time, he used all his golden eternal magic power for the imprinting - because when he just probed into the astral body of the Orpheus Oak, he felt the magic power fluctuations like the abyss and the sea.

If the eternal magic power is not used for imprinting, the imprint can exist, but the magic mark representing the entity will definitely not exist.

The imprinting process is very difficult.

I don't know what's wrong with this Orpheus Oak. Not only is the magic power extremely exaggerated, but even the strength of the soul is also very exaggerated.

When engraving, he even felt that he was facing an endless sea, and his consciousness was engraved in the ocean.

He wanted to use consciousness as a carving knife and a pen to paint on the ocean.

During this period, he tried to maintain stability, allowing the golden light to completely integrate into the soul sea of ​​Orpheus Oak.

Although it was difficult, he felt that his understanding of the astral body engraving technique was getting deeper and deeper, and there was a sense of pleasure that it was a natural outcome.

Gradually, he immersed himself in the feeling of such a free painting.

The golden magic power belonging to him was like the golden sunlight sprinkled in the ocean, and began to leave its own traces on the vast sea.

Orpheus Oak was a little indifferent at first, but after feeling the changes in his soul, he was shocked.

This... After it absorbed the power of natural consciousness, it was already close to the legendary level of power, and it could still be affected by these powers.

It even felt that it had no ability to resist.

And those powers...

'The light of the sun, how wonderful. ’

It looked deeply at Croa who was concentrating on engraving, temporarily put aside the matter of the rudder, patiently felt the power in its body, and waited for Croa to finish.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The sun gradually sank to the west, and the moonlight fell.

When the ocean was shrouded in the gentle moonlight, the patience of the waiting cardinal was finally exhausted.

The magic of the mermaid has always covered this sea area. Not to mention seeing the situation below with the naked eye, even his mental power is like hitting an iron wall, and he can't get in at all.

'Is Shenzhou not below, or has something happened? '

He glanced at the mermaid prince in front of him and said, "I want to go down and see why Shenzhou hasn't appeared yet?"

As he said this, his body was about to turn into light and go directly into the sea.

But before he could go in, a big hand grabbed his body directly-it was the Indigo Sea Giant, holding him in his hand like a chicken.

"You!" He showed an angry expression on his face, and just as he was about to use his strength to break free, a strong figure appeared behind the mermaid prince.

The figure had long blue hair like seaweed, and a very strong body, as if it was a perfectly carved sculpture.

Treden called out coquettishly, "Uncle Randy!"

"Don't be afraid." The sturdy mermaid patted Treden gently, then stared at the human cardinal coldly and warned, "The Atlantis Sea has been our mermaids' territory since the creation of the world.

Human, all you have to do is wait patiently and don't try to challenge us."


The cardinal's expression did not change, but he had actually gritted his teeth and cursed these dirty aliens in his heart.

He really wanted to summon the divine punishment on the spot, but he also knew that if he summoned the divine punishment in the Atlantis Sea, it would probably not come, and he would be punished first.

So he kept silent very rationally, which was actually tacitly agreeing to wait.

During the waiting time, the mermaid prince Randy stayed here all the time, and his mental power certainly extended to the depths of the seabed without any hindrance.

The surface of the ship...

There was the golden light of the sun wandering.

Gradually, it formed a complex and gorgeous pattern, shining in the ocean. If he hadn't suppressed the fluctuations of the ocean's magic, it is estimated that this power would have overflowed.

Randy couldn't help but think: What is the identity of this human, and he actually possesses such exquisite magic.

No wonder his brother had to protect this human himself.


Time passed slowly.

Three more days of sunrise and sunset.

The engraving process lasted for three whole days.

It was midnight on the third day.

Finally, Kloya took a breath and took back the magic. At this moment, he didn't feel dizzy at all, but felt unusually sober.

The star body engraving technique that had always existed in his mind had changed silently, becoming more complex and more peculiar.

[Engraving completed, Orpheus Oak·Atlantis Sea Natural Consciousness (Eternal·Kloya's Friend Contract)]

[During the effective period of this engraving, Orpheus Oak can borrow the power of Kloya after obtaining Kloya's permission, and ignore the barriers of space. 】

【During the effective time of this seal, Croa can use magic at certain times to pull back the soul of the Oak of Orpheus through the channel of magic. 】

【During the effective time of this seal, one party can see the scene seen by the other party through permission, as if experiencing it personally. 】

【This seal is eternal and unchanging, just like our friendship-Croa. 】

Croa can feel that what is completed is not only the contract in the seal, but also the magic power he has absorbed during this period is enough for him to reach the fifth level and the most important evolution of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique.

The current Astral Body Imprinting Technique no longer requires Croa to touch the object, and can be imprinted within the range of his mental power.

The requirements of the imprinting technique are further reduced.

As long as it is a life with wisdom other than humans, it can be directly imprinted as long as it makes a request to him or agrees.

In addition, he can also view all the magic imprints he has currently imprinted, regardless of the distance, and can directly observe and study.

The most important point is that the conditions for the advancement of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique have finally appeared, that is, more powerful beings need to be imprinted.

Although he didn't know how many beings he needed to imprint before he could advance again, at least he had made the requirements clear.

Before he could sigh, the oak tree that had been hugging him said to him: "I should go, human friend... I will keep this secret."

"May we meet again in the embrace of nature."

Accompanied by the voice of the oak tree, Kloya was gently repelled out of the cabin by a force and left the Shenzhou.

"I'm setting sail!"

The last spiritual fluctuation came from the inside of the giant ship, and the fluctuation was filled with joy and happiness, like a child who got candy.

Kloya sighed deeply and looked at the Shenzhou.

The surrounding seawater was repelled by a great force, and a crack was formed in a short time.

In the deepest part of the crack, the elf Shenzhou that had sunk for hundreds of years finally set sail. It raised the sails, and the whistling wind instantly blew the sails.

It seemed to be just a blink of an eye.

It has already passed through the barrier of space and arrived at the sea surface from the bottom of the sea. The surface of Shenzhou is covered with patterns of vines and branches, shining brightly under the moonlight, just like a brand new Shenzhou that has just been built.

The long-awaited cardinal's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately broke free from the shackles of the Indigo Sea Giant and flew to the top of the Elf Shenzhou.

He held another rudder and ordered: "Start the Isis array, the target is the Yavana Holy Mine, start transmitting now!"

A huge and exquisite magic array immediately appeared at the bottom of the Shenzhou, and the data of the space was immediately calculated, and the emerald green light covered the hull.


In the dazzling waterfall of light, the ship became virtual, and the tunnel of space took shape.

At the moment of formation, it disappeared on the sea.

It was as if it had never appeared, leaving only the gentle moonlight and gentle sea breeze of the Atlantis Sea as always.

Kroya stood on the sea and sighed deeply.

The mermaid prince Treden fell beside him obediently, accompanied him, and also did not speak.


On the other side.

Yavana Holy Mine.

Since the power of the Tears of Semrio failed, endless wheat fields have replaced the original defense line composed of grass, trees and rocks, trying to maintain the stability of the front-line base.

But at this moment, there are countless corpses lying in the wheat fields, not only human bodies but also monster bodies. The blood and corpses mixed together, making the wheat fields grow stronger and stronger.

Sitting in the base, wheat ears have grown on his body, and the tired-looking Mifeiyin raised his head and muttered to himself: "Here it comes."

--Suddenly, emerald-colored magic fluctuations appeared in the empty void, accompanied by crackling space fluctuations of lightning, and a huge boat slowly sailed out of it.

As soon as it appeared, the exquisite patterns on the surface of the boat began to change, the runes led to the structural changes of the Shenzhou, and the amazing ductility of the Orpheus Oak played a role, forming one huge muzzle after another.

The next second--


Emerald-colored magic shells burst out from it.

It was like an emerald rainstorm, which began to purify the messy land covered by mycelium.

Coming from the accumulation of six hundred years on the seabed and the magic blessing of the natural consciousness rejected by the power of the virtual god, its magic bombardment has an indescribable exaggerated power.

The mycelium that spread wildly on the land was purified almost instantly when it came into contact with the raindrops, turning into clear water.

In just a few seconds, the mycelium forest turned into a vast swamp, and it was still expanding - the giant ship made of Orpheus oak trees was heading towards the Yavana Holy Mine.

Before its artillery bombardment, even the solid stone wall could not stop it for even a second, and it blasted a big hole and went directly inside.

Of course, the things in the Yavana Holy Mine did not resist - the explosive mosquitoes and flying dragons like dark clouds, as well as mycelium and cultists were trying to stop the Shenzhou from moving forward.

But it was useless.

It still rolled forward slowly, and on the surface, deck and sail of the Shenzhou, there were all kinds of exquisite magic patterns.

The violent cyan hurricane, the dark purple thunder, the leaf storm of the vine, the fireballs and highly corrosive venom spewed by the giant flower...

All the powers of the elven magic were exerted by the magic patterns engraved on the surface of the Shenzhou, powered by the Orpheus Oak, like a floating fortress.

After it smashed countless monsters, the monsters in the Yavana Holy Mine no longer targeted the flying elven Shenzhou, but chose to bypass its magic bombardment and rushed towards the frontline bases of various countries and the Church in the distance.

Before the Shenzhou arrived, they had already attacked these bases, leaving behind thick mountains of corpses and rivers of blood.

Shenzhou certainly noticed this, but it was still moving forward rigidly, also ignoring those monsters.

It stands to reason that with the Orpheus Oak as the control core, it would not be rigid and only focus on moving forward.

In the inheritance of the Orpheus family, each elven Shenzhou is more powerful than the floating city of the wizard, and is an absolute war fortress, whether it is defense or offense, it is an extremely powerful war weapon.

But the current situation is: the cardinal is commanding it with the rudder, ordering it to ignore other things and go straight into the Yavana Holy Mine.

It can't resist. Although the doubts in its heart are getting heavier, it can only follow the cardinal's request and bombard all the way to the depths of the Yavana Holy Mine.

After it entered, spores and hyphae began to entangle, and began to form a web at the big hole blasted when it entered, blocking Shenzhou's retreat.

I don't know if the arrival of Shenzhou angered them, more monsters rushed around like a tide, as if to submerge all the surrounding bases.

It's like saying: If I can't clean up Shenzhou, can't I destroy you?

After watching the whole scene, the elf Ikaros hidden in the void was holding a leaf-shaped magic device and reported respectfully: "Yes, it has entered the Yavana Holy Mine."

A female voice came from the leaf: "This is to test whether the Mother Earth still has control over nature. She has integrated the divine duties of nature and must abandon something."

"You continue to observe here. If you find signs of recovery of the earth's consciousness, use the magic device given to you by the family.

Don't worry about Shenzhou. You can directly detonate it when necessary."

The female voice was extremely cold, without the slightest emotional fluctuation in her voice: "Remember, you must ensure that this land is completely torn apart!

In order to get the blood of the Mother Goddess...

It's all worth it!"

At this point, the flickering light of the leaf gradually faded.

The respectful look on Ikaros's face disappeared instantly, and after putting the leaf into the box, he took out another leaf.

This time his voice was much more casual.

"Mr. Beorel, she was fooled..."

Thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. There will be two more chapters tomorrow~

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