I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 220 220 Saving the Elf Ai Li

Chapter 220 220. Saving Elf Ellie

Thanks to the friendship contract established with Orpheus Oak, Croya can clearly observe everything the other party can see, and of course he can hear the cardinal's orders.

Although he was very confident that his eternal magic power would not be disconnected no matter where he went, but after entering the Yavanna Sacred Mine, the slightly blurred picture still made him feel something was wrong.

So without saying a word, he came to the sea area of ​​​​the Xuyue Divine Tree, used magic power as a wiring, and wrapped the other section of the friend's contract around the branches of the sacred tree.

In this way, the source of magic power changed from him to this magical tree. This tree contains all the magic power he has accumulated. Even if something happens, he can easily intervene.

After doing all this, the trembling picture finally returned to normal. He was sitting in the moon sea, with a group of little guys like dolphins, jellyfish, and sharks beside him, looking at the magic picture in front of him with him -

Mycelium and spores fill the world.

Both the rocks and the land are covered with spores and hyphae, and are still trembling slightly with the air. They are gray and make people feel breathless just looking at them.

Fortunately, this Elf Shenzhou is still quite powerful, and even the harsh environment cannot stop it from moving forward.

Various magic lights constitute various kinds of magic, forcibly opening up a path. Even if it is surrounded by those spores, hyphae and Zerg, it remains spotless.

It stands to reason that this is the highlight moment of the Orpheus Oak. It is killing people and has been silent for six hundred years. It is also a pride for it to be able to show up in this way.

But Croya felt more and more uneasy as he watched, because on the deck of the Shenzhou, what the cardinal said——

"The Shenzhou is approaching the bottom of the Yavanna Sacred Mine."

"...Yes, I have completely controlled it. Its magic flow and soul are all under my control."

"When it reaches the bottom, I will order it to disintegrate, and its contents will fall into the depths of the abyss."

"I understand that everything is for the sake of light!"

Listening to his intentions and plans, it seems that... he wants to sacrifice this divine boat.

Although he only spoke a few words and lowered his voice at every turn, the intention to drive Shenzhou to the deepest part of Yavanna's sacred mine and fill the cracks in the earth with Shenzhou's body and soul was very obvious.

The Cardinal did not regard the Oak Shenzhou as an intelligent life at all, but only as a tool. He watched the latter continue to bombard the way and advance towards the depths of the Yavanna Sacred Mine.

"You're so stupid. People are like this, but you still want to go in!"

Croya's brows jumped and he wanted to pull the oak tree back quickly, but the latter refused at all. It still firmly believed that this was its master's order.

It focuses all its energy and magic on how to open a path.

It looks forward to seeing its master in the depths of the earth, announcing its arrival with the demons and cultists in the sacred mines of Yavanna.

Croya had no choice but to think hard about what to do.

The only thing that made him feel a little relieved was that the Yavanna Holy Mine was really quite deep. If you calculated the distance from the surface to the deepest part of the underground mineral layer, it was estimated that the distance would be three to four hundred kilometers.

Even with its bombardment like this, if you want to truly reach the deepest point, there will definitely be no less hardships along the way.

Therefore, Croya still has enough time to think of a solution.

After thinking hard, he suddenly thought of something - after his Astral Body Imprinting Technique took effect, he could observe the engraved magical beasts or magical plants regardless of distance.

So is the missing elf Ellie carrying a poaching rat? If she really brought the thief with her, she should be able to find a way to determine her location and notify Mifein to rescue her.

According to the news just learned, the root of all these things actually started when Ellie followed the bishop of the Holy See of Light into the Yavanna Sacred Mine and then disappeared.

As long as we can find her, we should be able to solve some problems, at least prevent Orpheus Oak from dying.

"Let me see where it is..."

Croak immediately started to activate the advanced version of the Celestial Spirit Body Engraving Technique - the stream of magic power intertwined in front of him, gradually forming a circular light curtain with countless shining light points.

There are so many light spots inside that they are like the stars on a summer night, and some of the light spots are extraordinarily shining, really shining.

Croya knew that this was the location of all the magic plants and monsters he had engraved.

"If it's the Yavana Sacred Mine, it should be in this direction. If we get closer..."

After studying it carefully, he found the only small spot of light shining at the bottom of Yavanna's sacred mine.

That is the engraved light spot representing the thief rat.

There are actually quite a lot of magic engraved by this guy, not only various recipes, but also magic control, diving, earth and stone shaping...

As a qualified "cook", it's normal to know a lot of things, right?

This also caused the structure of its astral body to be extremely bright, almost like turning on a strong flashlight at night.

"Can you hear it?" Croya tried to communicate with it, and used the Void Moon Sacred Tree as a signal amplifier.

In the end, I actually got an answer.

"Chi chi chi chi!"

The earth-thief rat emitted extremely anxious mental fluctuations, and tried hard to stick its head out from the vines, as if looking for Kloya's figure.

At this time, it was in a deep cave, covered by countless corrupt vines, like a forgotten forest grave.

But these vines not only blocked the breath of the few living people here, but also blocked the pervasive expansion of those spores and hyphae - after all, spores and hyphae are not undead, and of course they don't like such a lifeless place.

"What's wrong?"

Elf Ellie saw the abnormality of her pet, hugged the earth-thief rat, gently stroked its head, and said softly: "Don't move, I'll feed you after we get out."


The earth-thief rat named Xiao Huang nudged Ellie's palm with its head, its small eyes flashing with brilliance, trying to accept the call from the depths of its soul.

It was quiet for a while.

After comforting the earth-thief rat, Ai Li looked around and saw the injured paladins and her elf friends curled up around.

These people were more or less prone to being invaded by mycelium, and they all had high fevers. They all curled up and were unconscious.

A haze flashed in her eyes.

This kind of abyssal magic creation from the lower plane, even she had no good way to get rid of it, not to mention that this matter revealed something strange.

A bishop of the Church of Light with holy relics, and with a complete Silver Wing Knights, could be so easily dispersed by the insect tide and the team of fungus people...

If this spread out, the abyss demons and cultists who were beaten by the Church would jump out of hell.

As a member of the Orpheus family, she actually had alchemical props to save her life, but she had tried it, and neither the Feather of Isis that could open the space portal nor the Horn of Semnas that could communicate with the family could be used normally.

Some things really can't be overthought. If she overthinks, she will even doubt whether these injured silver-winged paladins have problems.

'The magic environment here is too complicated. I can't figure out the direction. There are no animals or magic plants to ask... If I go out rashly, I will definitely be discovered. '

'But their injuries can't last too long... What should I do? '

Just as she was thinking about how to escape next, the earth-stealing rat in her arms suddenly chirped twice, and then picked up her space ring anxiously to look for something.

"You said you want to find that sword?"

Thanks to the elves' natural ability to communicate with magic beasts and magic plants, she immediately understood what Xiao Huang meant, but she was very curious about what she wanted the sword for.


Xiao Huang received Kroya's order, and now there was a way, it urged to take out the sword quickly.

Ai Li had no choice but to take out the living weapon that had turned into a silver sword and handed it to Xiao Huang.

To be honest, she was also a little excited, curious about what this earth-stealing rat wanted to do.

The earth-stealing rat, who had obtained the small sword, rode on the hilt of the small sword, first came to the unconscious silver-winged knights, cut their arms with the blade, and stained the blade with blood.

Then he came to an open space, tried to control the small sword and began to draw complicated magic patterns and patterns on the ground.

Ai Li: "!?"

She covered her mouth and looked at her chubby yellow mouse in surprise.

According to her knowledge reserve, this should be a summoning array, and it seems to be a summoning array related to the Church.

However, the structure of these magic patterns and spells is a bit old, unlike the light spells used by the Church now, but rather like the ones used by the paladins during the development of the old continent.

As the structure of the spell gradually took shape, it formed an extremely special petal pattern like a hexagram, and the power of light began to flow on it.

It shone brightly in the blood of the silver-winged paladin.

"What on earth is this?" Ai Li was more and more surprised. She couldn't understand why a mouse could draw such a strange magic array of light patterns.

The earth-stealing rat Xiao Huang had no time to explain to her. It was trying hard to receive the complicated information of the magic circle from Croa. Just receiving this information was enough to make its small brain boil.

Not to mention that it had to draw it completely. This was because it had been transformed by Croa several times and was the smartest rat among this batch of earth-stealing rats, so it could barely keep up.

It struggled to control the silver sword and drew for about half an hour before the magic circle finally took shape. It also collapsed to the ground exhausted and was picked up by Ai Li with a distressed face.

"Are you okay?" Ai Li's white fingers sprinkled fine green halos like raindrops on Xiao Huang's head.

Xiao Huang hummed and arched into her arms. Finally, he found a suitable position and closed his eyes at ease.

"...You perverted rat." Ai Li patted Xiao Huang gently and focused on the magic circle that had been activated.

The light in the magic circle intertwined and formed the shape of a portal, and countless golden feathers first floated out from it.

These feathers formed a storm around them, awakening all the sleeping people, and began to treat and remove the mycelium in their bodies.

Soon, a figure walked out of the portal.

His body was covered with a battle robe made of endless platinum light, embroidered with iris patterns, and three pairs of six-winged wings were gently stretched out behind him, trembling with the wind.

The platinum light destroyed the magic array pattern on the ground.

Well, except for the fact that he was less than half a meter tall, he was an angel full of sacred breath no matter how you looked at him.

The silver-winged knights who woke up one after another saw this scene, and knelt down without saying a word, with fanatical looks flashing in their eyes.


This must be the angel sent by their bright father to save them!

Kroya, who disguised himself as an angel, remained noble and arrogant, staring at the people around him, and said: "Follow my footsteps and find the right path in evil. This path is narrow, difficult, and leads to light."

After that, he walked directly towards the stone wall on the side, and all the stone walls blocking him were melted by the blazing platinum holy light.

He just walked forward, seemingly not caring at all whether the people behind him could catch up or not.

In fact, there was no need to worry - the Silver Wing Paladins had already followed him immediately, and they also took the awakened elf Maine with them.

They ignored their injuries that had not yet fully recovered, and their eyes were full of fanaticism for faith, which could ignore pain and injuries.

After a brief hesitation, Ellie also decided to follow. Although she thought it was a bit strange, it was summoned by her own little yellow after all, so there shouldn't be any problem.

The angel Kroya walked in front. In fact, it was just his spiritual body, using the power given by the genuine mushroom angel to barely maintain a high-end style.

He must take these people to find the pit lord and the archmage Celesti deep underground before this magic disappears - through the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, he already knows the coordinates of the latter.

Next, he just needs to hide in the rock wall and the patrolling Zerg monsters and move forward.

This is both simple and difficult.

With the iris and the magic he exuded, these people were wrapped up, and the magic could achieve the effect of invisibility.

In addition, the Orpheus Oak Godship, which was advancing rapidly, attracted most of the attention of the monsters in the Yavana Holy Mine. Otherwise, even if he borrowed the power of angels, it would not be easy to lead these people.

In the process of finding the right direction to move forward, he tried to wrap his mental power around the elf Ellie, and whispered: "Orpheus Oak, it will be sacrificed to fill the cracks in the earth and heal the pain of the earth."


Ellie was silent at first, and then replied: "You are not an angel. The current Lord of Light has abandoned his original power, and the summoning array is definitely not aimed at angels!"

Her sharpness did not surprise Kroya. The real nobles and big forces in this world, as long as their children are not brainless, are very smart.

What's more, this is a member of the Orpheus family.

So, he admitted it straightforwardly: "I am the wizard who breeds earth-thieves. The Oak of Orpheus and I are friends. I don't want to see it sacrificed like this.

The situation outside is like this..."

He quickly described the external situation to Ellie. After listening to it, the latter's mental fluctuations suddenly became violent and it took a while to recover.

Kroya knew that she was hesitating, so she didn't urge her and waited quietly.

After a while, Ellie took the initiative to say: "Based on your description, I guess this is an attempt by Councillor Beoril."

"He has always advocated controlling the power of nature to achieve his goals."

"There should be rejected natural consciousness from Atlantis in the body of the Orpheus Oak.

If it reaches the deepest part of the Yavanna Holy Mine, the natural consciousness absorbed by it can soothe the wounds of the earth and forcibly close the passage to the lower plane."

"Of course, its magic, body and soul will become the necessary sacrifices and nutrients for the emergence of natural consciousness to guide Mother Earth to reward it."

She said her own inference. As for the deeper content, although she had a vague guess, she could not prove it absolutely.

So she didn't say it.

After listening to what she said, Kroya's doubts were not solved, but became more and more serious.

"Even if the power of the Orpheus Oak is legendary, can it really reach the bottom?

If a legend can break into the bottom of the Yavanna Holy Mine, why does the Church of Light cooperate with Mr. Beorel instead of sending people themselves?"

Ellie sighed deeply: "Light is the offspring of the Earth Mother Goddess. If there is really a reward, the reward proposed by God and the reward desired by mortals are completely different!"

Kroya felt his hair stand on end in an instant, and said in surprise: "The Lord of Light will come in person? How is this possible!"

After blurting out these surprising words, he suddenly thought of something he had heard from the angel - as long as the main plane is damaged, it is possible to connect to the heaven of the gods or the demons and devils of the abyss or hell.

From the perspective of space science, the heaven and the abyss hell are both high-level planes in the outer layer, and the distance is actually the same.

But the problem is that just like the demons in the abyss or the devils in hell need sacrifices to come to the world, the gods also need sacrifices to come.

Power never comes for no reason.

He recalled the scene he saw when Orpheus Oak Godship came in just now-the front-line bases of major forces attacked by Zerg and Fungus.

If blood is really needed for sacrifice...

There is no doubt that there are only those places.

Thanks to all the big guys for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. I am a little busy today and forced to work overtime. The second update will be tomorrow... Sorry sorry.

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