I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 221 The battle line formed by the magic plants

Chapter 221 221. The battle line formed by magic plants

After learning about the situation from Ellie, Croya was distracted.

While letting his angel clone lead them forward, he immediately contacted Mifein through the clerks at the Warcraft Pet Shop.

Although he knew that what he learned was a bit shocking, he believed in Mifein's character. If something like that really happened... Mifein would have stopped it.

Even if we take a step back, we can at least contact the higher-ups of the Earth Mother Church. I believe they will not sit back and ignore what the God of Light wants to do to the Earth Mother.

His only goal was to preserve the Oak of Orpheus.

"Friend, I'm going to let you see an embarrassing scene."

When he saw Mifein again, ears of wheat had grown on his body, and even his hair had turned into ears of wheat.

The whole person is about to become a "wheat man".

"How long can you last like this?"

Croya was really taken aback by this guy's appearance. After looking at him with an indescribable look, he asked aloud.

"I can still hold on for ten days." Mifein did not hide it, and was very open-minded: "If I can protect these people, I feel that my sacrifice is not in vain.

May I ascend to the heaven of Mother Goddess after my death and live eternally in His light. "


So I said that I couldn’t understand why these believers were so happy. If they really entered the kingdom of heaven, they would definitely be controlled.

After Croya couldn't help but curse, he changed the subject and told the information he had just received, but he still hid some things, such as his transformation into an angel.

As for finding the angel after the incident is over, I can only say that it is a kind-hearted angel brother passing by. Anyway, I can't find him. Even if I have some suspicion, it is just suspicion.

In comparison, things here are definitely more important.

After listening to Croya's words, Mifein's expression was slightly dull, and then he had a very angry and painful expression, and the rice ears on his body began to burn with red flames.

He sighed: "How this pain was caused is very clearly recorded in the history of the church. They actually tried to exchange this pain for their own strength..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to be telling some secrets in the church, Croya interrupted decisively: "I don't know the dirty things in the church, and I don't want to know, but I am still willing to help you defend this city."

"I hope, my friend, that you can contact the higher-ups of the Mother Earth Church as soon as possible to stop his behavior."

"It's very difficult." Miffy smiled bitterly: "According to the church's handling method, they will definitely rush to the Holy See of Light for accountability as soon as possible, but no one will be sent until the accountability is over.

My friend, sometimes...an explanation is much more important than the result.

What's more, if the power of light can truly come, it will be a miracle, the power of God that all believers long for.

The dead are only necessary sacrifices. "

There are still some things he didn't say. Now he even doubts whether there are people in the Mother Goddess Church who planned this matter together with the people from the Holy See of Light.

If this is really the case, then it is even impossible to use artifacts to stop the Holy See of Light.

Just like what he told Croya, if the power of light can come, no matter how many sacrifices and sacrifices are made, it is worth it.

"..." Croya resisted the urge to complain.

He originally had a good impression of the Church of the Mother Earth, but now it seems that there are still only a few people who are truly normal.

Although Mifein didn't know what Kroya was thinking, he could tell by the change in his expression.

He sighed again: "The most important thing now is to rescue Elf Ellie."

"Logically speaking, the Elf Shenzhou of the Orpheus family cannot bomb like this within the sphere of human influence.

Their reason is to find their own family members. As long as Ellie comes out safely, they lose their reason to interfere in this matter.

This should save your friend, and the rest of the matter should be easy to solve without it. "

To be honest, what Miffyin said was indeed what Croya had been thinking about, but he didn't take the initiative to mention it.


The Yavanna Holy Mine now seems to be the "wound of the Mother Earth." If this wound can be truly healed, will the people of the Church of the Mother Earth remain indifferent?

Croya and Orpheus Oak are friends, but they are not.

Just sacrificing an oak tree can repair the scars on the earth and drive back the tentacles of the abyss lord.

To be fair, after weighing the pros and cons, Croya would probably do the same thing if he were a senior member of the church.

This is a perfect opportunity.

Different identities will naturally lead to different considerations.

Croya, who had already become a despicable adult, knew this very well, so he did not say it out loud.

His silence made Mifein feel something. The successor of Harvest Spiritual Energy stretched out his hand, his eyes sparkling.

"I know you don't want to sacrifice your oak friend."

"The sacred mine of Yavanna is the wound of the Mother Goddess. It is the sin caused by all of us. We suck the blood and flesh of the Mother Goddess to satisfy our own desires."

“We have committed this sin, and it should not be filled by innocent creatures.

My dear friend, I swear to you, at this point, we are the same. "


"If the people in the church are like you, I believe we can be good friends."

Kloya looked at the boy with wheat ears growing all over his body, and still stretched out his hand - although it was just a projection, he still held Miphiin's hand.

There was no touch, but it was real.

The two smiled at each other, as if a layer of window paper had been broken, and the relationship became closer.

So the next thing was easy to handle.

There was no war in Kloya's territory, but he had been preparing various war magic plants so that he could use them directly when needed.

He could not start a war, and he could not use them, but he must not have them.

Now is the time to accept the results.


After a while.

Inside the magic plant and monster war pet store.

The large teleportation magic circle from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is being activated.

The flowing azure holy spring water brought batches of magic plants transported from Hanjiao Island - among them were sunflowers, burning stumps and peas, and huge ice watermelons...

After a long period of farming development, these magic plants, which were more or less engraved with magic, finally came to the world outside Hanjiao Island to welcome their own war.

They were loaded with small carts of living weapon level, and drove out one by one to the battlefield.

The two persons in charge of the Warcraft Magic Plant War Pet Shop, Mir and Ott, who were also prisoners, stood at the door of the shop and left with the other shop assistants in batches with the carts loaded with magic plants.

They had already been trained in magic plant tactics and could completely transform into commanders of magic plants when necessary.

To ensure safety, they were already wearing armor and carrying protective magic amulets, which could be said to be fully armed.

There was no need for Kroya to supervise the battle in person, they were all ready, and as the magic plants arrived one after another, they also began to leave in various directions.

According to Mifeiyin, his large-scale magic of "Harvest Drunkenness" needs to be constructed at each node. If some nodes can be defended, the magic power consumed will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the shop assistants are going to the magic nodes that Mifeiyin said - that is, the city gates in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast.

The interior of the front-line base is already empty, and all the people who can still fight have gone to the front line.


When the shop assistants rushed to the city gate, the paladins who were still in the city had already been fighting with the endless gray tide of insect swarms and mushroom people and other things.

This includes of course the knights who bought dogs.

The good mentality of the flame tail dog played a huge role at this moment. In such a battlefield, facing so many enemies, many war beasts will feel afraid.

But the flame tail dog will not. There is fire burning on their tails, just like a cluster of flames shuttling through the battlefield, shaking their tails and bombarding the insect swarms.

They panted heavily, showing their sharp white teeth, and their expressions were particularly excited. The speed of firing fireballs was also visibly increased.

Even... they were almost turning into continuous fireballs.

Carefully cultivated by Kroya and injected with a trace of red fire, they were only second-level monsters, but the power of their fireballs was very exaggerated.

Dozens or hundreds of Flametail Hounds shook their tails together to release fireballs, and actually achieved the effect of fireball bombing and suppression of the Battle Mage Corps.

Accompanied by the sound of "boom".

They blasted a hole in the gray tide.


"Come on!"

The paladins didn't care about their image at this moment, and cheered one after another.

What surprised them more was still to come.

Mir rushed over with more than a dozen cars, first dumped all the magic plants in a car, and then threw all the magic crystals into these magic plants.

The "Magic Velvet Grass" that looked like grass grew rapidly and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering a large section of the blank area outside the city gate.

Then, all the other magic plants were dumped on the magic velvet grass. The magic velvet grass was like a self-operating conveyor belt, transporting various magic plants to different areas-

At the front of the magic velvet grass mat was a huge iron wall tree with a metallic luster on the surface. This special tree species would absorb metal through its roots and then strengthen its trunk.

After being engraved by Cloya, they became very huge and extremely ductile-although this characteristic from the Orpheus Oak could not be preserved for a long time, it was enough as a one-time war magic plant.

It only took three or four minutes for the iron wall tree to grow from a seedling to a huge iron wall with a width of five or six meters and a height of about three or four meters.

They guarded the front of the battle line, with their solid bark emitting a cold metallic luster, standing silently, allowing those rushing springtails and mushroom people to attack and remain motionless.

Even if the smooth bark is bitten by insects, it will only leave a shallow tooth mark and a gap.

In front of its recovery ability, it is basically the same as not being injured.

And the bark strengthened by the astral crystal dust can reflect and exempt most low-level magic.

The swarm and mushroom people have always won by quality and infection. Facing these iron-walled trees that cannot be infected or bitten, there is really nothing they can do.

Behind it are more thriving magic plants. Thanks to the existence of the Iron Wall Tree, they have had enough time to grow and gradually take shape.

Dandelions scatter their seeds and float dangling in the sky. Their instinct for life will drive them to places where bugs gather.


Just like an air-dropped bomb, it burst out with dazzling fire and the red light of flesh and blood when it landed.

Rows of sunflowers shoot out crimson rays from their flower plates, with precision, like fire from heaven, hitting the magic-casting guys among the insects.

Ice watermelon throws its fruits one after another with the help of pea bouncing lotus leaves. Their power is much more exaggerated than a catapult.

The frozen watermelon with a huge amount of cold air is like a bomb the moment it hits the ground. Each watermelon can freeze all the bugs within a five-meter radius of the explosion.

Sticky peas burning with flames followed and fell from the sky. The damage caused by the two layers of ice and fire was extremely terrifying.

Many bugs were stuck and were burned to ashes without even being able to run away.

More importantly, Cloya added a fruit juice called "yellow lemon" to these resins.

The bugs produced by the mother nest are quite disgusted with this smell. In their perception, it is similar to poison gas bombs.

They immediately separated in disgust, not wanting to be exposed to these irritating smells.

This is really a double blow to the physical and mental sense of smell. Even the insects that are not afraid of death have some intention of retreating under such an offensive.

It’s really impossible to get in!

The bugs immediately thought about whether they could change their thinking——

The fire line on the ground can be said to be a full coverage saturation strike, and the bugs are not stupid, thinking about whether they can break through from the sky.

Floating flying dragons and balloon-like broodworms flew over, trying to gain control of the air.

However, there have long been floating catkins intertwined with each other in the sky, forming "cloud walls" in the sky, with massive pinwheel chrysanthemums growing on them.

They rotate their blades rapidly like windmills, blowing out the cold air and then recycling it again.

The windmill chrysanthemums, which have accumulated a huge amount of cold air during the long winter, form a line of defense against the cold air. Even the most cold-resistant insects will be instantly frozen and fall off if they try to break through.

There is no way to go through the sky.

There are also some bugs that want to break through from the ground. After all, bugs are actually very capable of digging holes.

But the ground has long been covered with magic velvet grass, and there are also gray sage roots that grow in the soil and shuttle back and forth.

They will quietly entangle and strangle the insects underground, and then pierce them into their bodies, absorbing their flesh and blood as nutrients to enrich themselves.

For plants, the main battlefield for them to compete for nutrients is actually in the soil layer. Both water and nutrients are what they crave.

Therefore, the battlefield below the ground is even more cruel than on the ground.

Whether on the ground, underground or in the sky, the magic plants formed an impeccable line of defense.

The gray insect tide was like a flood that hit a dam and was blocked.

The knights who originally fought bloody battles were completely idle after the magic plants took over the battle line. They are knights from the Codex Country and have experienced quite a few battles.

But this is really the first time I’ve seen this happen.

Even the elves who are best at cultivating magic plants probably do not have such a complete system of war magic plants. They are as if they were born to be used as weapons of war.

They opened their mouths in surprise, and suddenly felt as if nothing happened to them. These magic plants had completely taken over their work.

It was then that they remembered their injuries, and the wounds began to hurt.

As paladins, of course they have a complete set of battlefield first aid methods. After all, they will more or less throw away Holy Light and Healing.

But before they could start treatment, they saw a scene that left them speechless - not far away, some floating, jellyfish-like things were wrapping their flame-tailed dogs.

The dogs that were seriously injured and had excessive consumption of magic power were enjoying themselves peacefully in the gentle wrap of the jellyfish, and their wounds were recovering quickly.

Out of curiosity, they also walked over and were surrounded by floating "aura jellyfish flowers".

The soft and moist water vapor contains magical water that can dispel corrosive and cursed substances, caressing their wounds as if it were alive.

Cool and soft.

This kind of healing is faster than the treatment of Holy Light, and does not require the consumption of one's own vitality - a large part of the healing logic of Holy Light magic is to stimulate and mobilize the vitality of the creature itself.

The treatment methods of water element and natural magic are just the opposite. They are more about compensation and repair. Of course, the former is faster, while the latter is more suitable for restorative treatment.

Staying inside the jellyfish, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, safe and comfortable, the knights' tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

After a while, they fell asleep.

The dogs stayed by their owners' sides obediently and fell asleep soundly.

As a result, the battlefield became very strange——

On one side was a positional battle that was like artillery bombardment, and on the other side was a stable and comfortable sleeping area. Suddenly, there was a serious sense of separation.

All of this was seen by the elf Ikaros who was hiding in the void. His eyes lit up when he saw these magic plants.

He murmured to himself: "What kind of existence cultivated these magic plants? If Lord Beoril knew, he would be very happy."

A blush appeared on the elf's handsome face.

He was looking forward to how this matter would develop.

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