I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 222 222 Is it to escape or to dig for treasure?

Chapter 222 222. Escape for your life or dig for treasure?

The situation at the frontline base has been stabilized with the help of Croya. At least until the magic power provided by Croya and the various potions that assist the rapid growth of magic plants are used up, there will definitely be no problem.

Unless... some particularly powerful mages and cultists, or the kind of warriors and knights who can single-handedly destroy a city, come over.

However, even if there is such a thing that can affect the defense line of magic plants, Miffy will take action to deal with it.

The current situation is obvious. The other party wants to use this worthless insect swarm to consume Mifein's magic power and the knights' physical strength and life.

But as it happens, Croya is the one least afraid of a war of attrition.

He has been confident enough to expand his farming operations in the sea area. This did not even use the transformed monsters, but only dispatched some magical plants to fight.

It's not his true strength at all.

Even if there are some more changes, he can mobilize more magic plants to deal with it.

All of this can be seen as necessary losses for training magic plants and testing magic plant tactics. As long as you can get some improved experience, it is worth it.

So Croya was very confident. After settling the matter here, he had a few words with Miffy, who was finally able to take a breath.

Then he concentrated on dealing with matters in the Yavanna Sacred Mine.

Although he did not have direct control just now, the angel version of Croya was still leading everyone forward.

Although it was quite difficult to lead this group of people forward inside the rock wall, but... we really gained a lot of treasures.

You must know that this is one of the largest mineral deposits in the Semrio continent, and it is a mineral deposit that has withstood hundreds of years of destructive mining and has not been exhausted.

The power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth and the magic power of the etheric realm constitute countless magic crystals and minerals derived from magic crystals.

The miracles that belong to the earth are clearly revealed in this giant mine. For example, what Croya sees now——

Countless crystals formed a small cave. These crystals were so numerous that they formed a crystal forest. The earth-yellow magic power flowed in the crystals, crystal clear but thick.

From a distance, this place looks like a palace made of earth crystals, inhabited by gods and elemental lords who serve the gods.

This is one of the derivative minerals of magic crystal, called "terrestrial topaz". It is the main material for drawing some earth-attribute magic arrays and making magic potions.

Its price even exceeds the magic crystal itself. A standard-weight geodetic crystal costs as much as three magic crystals.

Croya's first reaction after seeing these things was to put them all away - but now he is in angel form.

Just imagine: an angel whose whole body exudes dazzling holy light suddenly goes to work like a miner, knocking and greedily taking all the ores into his bag.

This scene was so jarring that he couldn't even think about it.

But he felt that he was at a loss if he let go of so many ores like this. His territory was in the ocean, and there were a lot of various water element ores, but there were really few earth-type ores.

So he hesitated briefly and decisively communicated with Elf Ellie: "Ask the Stealing Rat to help me get some of these earth topaz, and we will split it 50-50."

Ellie's first reaction after hearing Croya's spiritual communication was...you actually still value these things?

As a member of the Ophis family, the small plane where she was born contained many mineral deposits brought back by the elders of the family, and she basically took them at will.

Having never worried about resources, she suddenly felt unrealistic when she suddenly heard that such a holy and powerful angel wanted these things.

But fortunately, she is not the kind of person whose emotional intelligence is so low that she owes money.

Since Croya wanted her to help, she would help.

She immediately said: "The quality of the earth topaz here is very good. Lord Angel, can you stay here for a while?

We all collect some. "

The elf Mayne, who had been following her, suddenly raised his head and looked at Ellie with an expression as if he had seen a ghost. He hesitated to speak, but hesitated to speak.

In the end, nothing was said.

What shocked him even more was the angel's reaction——


The angel, whose whole body exuded dazzling holy light, summoned white clouds, sat down directly, and closed his eyes slightly, seeming to rest.


Mayne didn't know what to say at all.

Ai Li saw that they were hesitant one by one and said loudly: "Go and collect them all. I still have some food here. Let's take a rest."

After saying that, she took the lead in collecting earth topaz.

The paladins watched the beautiful elf collect materials. The angel was resting again and was ready to start collecting materials.

Seeing this, Mayne could only follow the others to collect geocitrine, and then put these materials into the space magic bag inside the neck of the land rat Xiao Huang.

For a moment, the cave echoed with the tinkling sound of striking crystals.

After about half an hour, the materials were finally collected. Croya stood up without saying a word and began to lead the way.

During the rest period, he communicated with Celesti and the pit lord who were deep underground, and determined the direction and location.

The other party seems to be in a strange place now, and even the contact channel of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is a bit unstable.

While thinking about what to do next, he watched people collect earth yellow crystals.

The members of the Silver Wing Knights were of course carrying space magic devices, so there was no mention of carrying earth yellow crystals.

Elf Ellie was covered with space magic devices - not only were there various supplies, but also food she bought from all over the world.

When collecting ore, she generously distributed it to the Silver Wing Knights.

After resting, eating, and getting a batch of valuable earth yellow crystals, the knights suddenly felt that this journey did not seem to be very uncomfortable.

The group continued to move forward.

Not long after, in front of the angel incarnated by Kloya, the stone wall was eliminated by the holy light, and then a dazzling rainbow light suddenly flashed behind it.

Even with the artificial light source of the angel clone, everyone squinted their eyes because of the light.

But only Cloya saw what was in the cave in front of him—sheep with soft white curly hair, small wings made of white light on both sides of their bodies, and a light golden halo on their heads.

Well, this is also an old friend.

Angel sheep!

At this time, their bodies were all shining with rainbow light, and under their curly wool, the light of countless pieces of Yao crystal fragments was shining.

They formed a series of rainbow-colored glare, rippling around, illuminating the entire cave like a paradise on a rainbow.

The last time I saw angel sheep was in that strange cloud island in the sea, but this time it was in the depths of the earth.

Moreover, the Yao pieces on these sheep were very huge, not much different from the original stones of the Seven Yao crystals.

Cloya's first reaction when he saw them was to immediately wave his hand and splash a white and golden light curtain, instantly covering all the angel sheep.

After seeing these angel sheep last time, Cloya asked the angels many times, and also bought information about angel sheep from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

After comparison and contrast, he can basically confirm that this is a very strange creature, they are born with extremely powerful space magic.

The source of this magic is unknown, but it can resist almost all attacks, and can also open a space channel anywhere to escape.

But after attacking them, some Yao crystals will fall down. So the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce believes that their space ability comes from the Yao crystals on their bodies.

The more damage they cause to them and the more space power they consume, the more Yao crystals they will drop.

As for more, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, in addition to saying that a higher membership level is required, directly stated that this kind of magic beast is extremely difficult to capture, and even they can't capture a few.

Those who are lucky enough to encounter them, even powerful legendary mages, can only get a large number of Yao crystal fragments, and then watch them escape, powerless.

Kloya was no exception. Although the platinum light curtain had trapped the angel sheep, and the power came from the angels, they were still opening the space cracks.

They were dropping colorful Yao pieces. This time, it was not only the four Yao crystals of earth, water, fire and wind, but also the three higher attributes of emptiness and illusion.

Various Yao pieces piled up on the ground, extremely dazzling.

After dropping about five centimeters of Yao pieces, they finally opened the space channel, rushed in impatiently, and fled.

From the time Kloya cast the platinum light curtain to the time they escaped, it was not even a minute, at most thirty seconds.

Because the tunnel he specially opened was very small, basically it could accommodate two people walking side by side, so the team was long, and he immediately covered the angel sheep with the platinum light curtain.

So at this time, the people following him could only see the bursting rainbow light, and they had not figured out the situation yet, so they stood there honestly.

‘With so many Yao chips, it doesn’t matter if I escape…’

Kloya looked at the Yao crystal fragments on the ground, and didn’t care about the reserve of being an angel. He immediately put all the Yao crystal fragments into his pocket like a whirlwind.

This is also a convenient magic method. It can form a pocket that can hold things in a short time with the help of the power of space, and put some things in it.

Of course, this is also a magic that can only be used in the angel state. If his body can control a small amount of space magic, at most he can make a pocket the size of a brick.

After putting these Yao chips, Kloya pretended that nothing happened and continued to move forward.

After taking away the Yao chips, the cave was empty and there was nothing. So although people were very curious about what happened just now, no one dared to ask.

This is the benefit brought by identity. Even if they are curious, as long as Kloya is unwilling to take the initiative to talk about it, they will not ask.

Kloya, who accidentally harvested the earth yellow crystal and a lot of Yao chips, was extremely happy, and he also had a vague feeling that there would be more gains next.

This was indeed the case -

On the following journey, he saw a vast expanse of water-filled jade stones that looked like a lake, which were filled with pure water from the birth of the earth, wrapped in jade.

In addition, there are endless stalactites and the milk-like earth mother milk at the bottom of the stalactites: underground gas springs that erupt a large amount of fire magic; extremely silent underground lakes where blind fish without eyes live.

Faced with these things, Kloya did not say that he would occupy them all directly, but still let Ellie speak, and then pretended to agree that they would collect them.

After going through so many things, everyone has completely lost the initial cautiousness and even doubted whether they were here to escape or to collect treasures?

Even Kloya himself was a little confused. Even if there were many treasures in the Yavana Holy Mine, his luck was a little too good, right?

Not only did he not encounter a group of enemies, but he also collected so many treasures, which was like turning on the lucky cheat.

He couldn't help but think of the way the angel always called him-"lucky friend".

Could it be that this luck refers to real luck?


Compared to the relaxed and happy treasure hunting on Kloya's side, the situation on the Orpheus Oak Shenzhou was a little not so good.

As it broke through the rock layer and continued to move downward, mushroom warriors, mushroom wizards and cultists from the Zugmoi territory began to stop it.

These beings from the lower planes that were corroded by demonic magic had extremely corrosive magic as long as they cast spells.

They were not in a hurry to block the way forward for Shenzhou, but slowly consumed the magic of the Orpheus Oak Shenzhou, like a spider web, to control it.

Faced with this situation, the Orpheus Oak still chose to bombard with magic without hesitation. Now it only had the joy and impatience to see its master in its heart.

It even had a little impact on its wisdom.

We all know that once we are irrational, even the strongest power will gradually go to destruction - the cardinal sitting on the deck of Shenzhou and injecting light magic into the rudder thought so and did so.

He murmured to himself: "Soon, soon... not yet time."

While casting magic, he also took out a magic device in the shape of the Star of Bethlehem and said to it: "Lutes, have you found the place?"

A respectful voice came from the magic device: "Your Excellency Cardinal, I am now almost at the wound where the Mother Earth was torn.

According to your request, I have drawn the magic pattern of burning light on all the Silver Wing Knights. As long as the magic circle outside is activated, I can immediately summon the messenger of God!"

The Cardinal nodded with satisfaction: "The core of the magic circle of the front-line base is in your hands, you must remember..."

His voice became solemn and serious, and it was full of condescending and compassion: "Devote themselves for the gift of God, their flesh and blood will become the ladder for God to descend, and their spirits and souls will live forever in the glory of God!"

If Cloya was here, he would definitely punch him without hesitation, because there was almost no compassion for life in his expression except religious fanaticism and expectation.

This is the source of Kroya's disgust for the Church of Light and other forces. They are too fanatical and will not hesitate to sacrifice most people for a goal.

After hearing his order, Bishop Lutes, who was deeper underground, immediately replied respectfully: "Follow your will, everything is for the coming of the Son of God!"

"Go ahead."

After the last voice fell, Lutes looked at the magic device in the shape of the Star of Bethlehem in his hand, put it away, and looked back-

Behind him was a group of silver-winged knights who were naked and had countless wonderful and complicated magic patterns painted on their strong bodies.

These magic patterns flashed bright light, pure and flawless, and seemed to be unable to tolerate the slightest filth, so pure that people felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, they all closed their eyes, their steps were stiff, but their faces were full of the fanatical light of impending martyrdom, following Lutes, like a group of walking corpses.

"For the coming of the Son of God...Miffin."

The bishop took a deep breath and carefully took out the magic array disk he had been carrying with him, which was engraved with the core of the magic array of the front-line base.

But when he saw the extremely stable magic light flashing on the magic array disk, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"How is this possible--"

He exclaimed: "How can Miffin still maintain the harvest wheat field? Won't his power be consumed?"

This discovery immediately made him feel very uneasy.

In the plan, when Miffin was exhausted, he would activate the magic array disk and sacrifice all the lives in the entire city.

Those powers would be absorbed by Miffin uncontrollably, and he would be instantly filled with the power of light.

At that time, the favor of the Mother Goddess of the Earth would definitely stop it, and the seal deep in the Yavana Holy Mine would be broken by the exploding magic power and rush towards Miffin.

He could take this opportunity to sacrifice all the rest. These members of the Silver Wing Knights were extremely devout fanatics, and their power would summon the messenger of God.

The messenger of God would absorb the favor of the Earth Mother Goddess from Miffin, descend into this world with the help of Miffin's body, and then drive away the evil and come to the depths of the earth to make a wish.

This plan could be said to be perfect, but if Miffin's power was not consumed drastically, nothing could be achieved.

Even if the messenger of God really came, he would definitely be driven away by the still awake Mifeiyin. At that time, the power of the real Mother Earth and the power of light would collide head-on.

Even if the people of the church were slow, they would definitely come immediately.

When he thought of that scene, he looked at the tall figure wearing the holy white dragon leather armor not far in front of him and asked:

"What is going on!"

His tone was very angry.

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