I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 223 223 Chloe vs Angel of the Qin

Chapter 223 223. Chloe vs Angel of the Lyre

Beforesiris, who was being questioned, just turned her head and glanced at Lutes. Her eyes, which were usually clear, were now full of bloody murderous aura.

The expression of this descendant of the Guardian Aura was obviously not right.

In theory, the Guardian Aura from the earth can protect her from all harm. If she is in the embrace of the earth, the strength will be increased several times.

The current location is the real depths of the earth. Even if this scar is flowing with the painful blood of the Mother Goddess, He will still protect her children.

So when she is in the depths of the earth, she can ignore all negative states and pain.

But now she seems to be cursed by something. Not only can she not concentrate at all, but even her magic power is difficult to gather.

The Guardian Aura that she could use casually in the past seems to hate her and does not listen to her commands at all.

She took a few quick breaths: "The elves of the Orpheus family have buried an unknown magic plant in my body. I can't control my thoughts now."

"It should be him. He must have affected the defense of the front-line base. Only he can do this."

"This is deep in the earth. How could something affect your consciousness?" Lutes was shocked.

Guardian Aura has a fatal flaw, that is, when the user's will is no longer as firm as a rock, it will not work.

This is not a problem in many cases. The power of Guardian Aura is enough to exempt most mental magic. Even a legendary wizard will not be affected so easily.

But now she can still be affected in the depths of the earth. This is simply... outrageous.

More importantly, this fatal flaw is only known to very few people. If the Guardian Aura can be cracked so easily, then there must be a traitor in the Church.

"What on earth is Ikaros going to do?"

"He has clearly promised the Cardinal, why would he do this to you?"

After being surprised, Lutes also thought about what to do now. It is absolutely impossible to stop now.

After what happened to Miffin, the chance of being deceived again is infinitely close to zero.

So, it must be completed.

"...I have a way." After taking a few deep breaths of cool air, Bevoselis took out a strange statue from her space magic bag.

The upper body of this statue is a charming female figure, wearing a coat formed by mycelium wrinkles, and the lower body is a bundle of curly and thick pseudopods like a long whip.

At first glance, it seems to be quite gorgeous, but a closer look can feel the extremely corrosive magic it exudes, as if spores and mycelium are emerging.

When Lutes saw this statue, he almost bombarded it with magic, because this statue was the statue of the Abyss Lord Zugmoi.

Although he was not a human in Cloya's eyes and could sacrifice his colleagues and subordinates at will, he never compromised in resisting the abyss and demons.

Light and the abyss are mortal enemies.

"You are betraying the Mother Earth!" Lutes couldn't help but say.

This sounded really ironic. The people of the Church of Light said that the believers of the Mother Earth betrayed the Mother Goddess...

Even Bevoselis, who cooperated with him, showed a sarcastic expression: "The master of all fungi should be the Mother Earth!"

"I will ask Him to increase the intensity of the attack on the front-line base, so that Miffin's power should be exhausted."

After saying that, she injected her power into the statue without hesitation. For the Lord of the Abyss, the power released by the believers of the good god is actually quite delicious.

What's more, the church, which is good at dealing with and studying demons, actually knows some special sacrificial methods. In this regard, they even know much more than some cultists.

This naturally includes how to sacrifice and better use the sacred power to summon the attention of demons.

However, the statue was completely silent.

For some unknown reason, the magic power around the statue was gradually disappearing, and the vague connection seemed to be cut off.

In the end, the statue was just a statue.

It had no other function at all.

This scene shocked the two people present, which was even more shocking than seeing the arrival of the God's messenger on the spot. You know, this Yavanna Holy Mine is the sphere of influence of Zugmoyi in the main plane!

This is equivalent to calling your master at home, but he refused to answer and pulled the phone line.

Things became more and more wrong, and it seemed to be completely out of control, which made the two silent.

After a long silence, Lutes continued to move forward without saying a word.

Bevoseris also followed him and continued to move forward.

At this point, even if the God's messenger and the power of the Earth Mother Goddess really had to clash head-on, as long as the Holy See of Light was willing to intervene and stop the Church of the Earth Mother Goddess.

Then there was still a glimmer of hope.

They really had no way out.

Time passed slowly.

After walking for about seven or eight hours, Kloya finally led the team to meet the pit lord and Celeste who were waiting for them.

Of course, he dispersed his angel clone before sending them to their destination.

He had already told Celeste everything in advance. As long as the two sides met, he would send Ellie away directly through the channel of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The identity of an angel is still not suitable to appear in front of more people. Even if they have some doubts, it is just doubt.

This is not the first time Ellie has seen Celeste. She has basically not been bothered by this journey and is still in the best condition.

"I didn't expect to meet here again, Ms. Archmage Celeste." Ellie smiled slightly.

"I didn't expect it either, but we can talk slowly after the matter is over." After Celeste said this, she took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card and began to draw a magic circle on the side.

The most urgent thing is to send Ellie away and let her go out to contact the people of the Orpheus family to intervene. The extra greetings and courtesies can be discussed later.

If something unexpected happens, it will be troublesome.

But sometimes the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

Before Celeste finished drawing the magic circle, the magic power around her suddenly began to fluctuate violently, not only the earth element magic, but also the space magic and... divine power.

That was the divine power from deep in the earth.

Even the thickest soil layer could not block its light.

The white light completely took over everything around in a few breaths, and even the active earth element became white and transparent in the light.

Celeste's face suddenly became very bad.

The slightly apologetic magnetic male voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce had already sounded beside her-

"The environment you are in is affected by the light of one of the main gods of the Semrio continent. The contact of this chamber of commerce will be temporarily interrupted, and all functions will be unavailable at that time.

The estimated recovery time is undetermined, please pay attention to your own safety, goodbye."

The current situation is very clear. The divine power from the light has taken over here. I don't know why... Zuggmoi won't take care of it when it is invaded by divine power like this?


At this time, the outside world.

The tide that was surging out of the Yavanna Holy Mine suddenly stopped, and the bodies of the insect mushroom people and the cultists froze as if the pause button was pressed.

Then before the next second came, it was directly shattered silently and turned into a pile of dust.

The entire underground world turned into a sea of ​​white and golden light. Even the rock formations of the Yavana Holy Mine were penetrated by the light. Nothing could resist the invasion of the holy light.

The holy light intertwined in the air, and a towering figure began to form from the most basic lines, just like using the holy light as paint to paint in the void space.

The translucent light and shadow gradually formed a human body.

He, or should I call him "Him".

His face was covered by the holy light, and his facial features were not clear. His body was more than 20 meters tall. He was wearing a dress made of the gorgeous colors of morning dew and sunset. He was trembling behind him, and six wings were formed by the colorful rays of light.

It was like six rainbow-colored beams were unfolded, emitting endless gorgeous and brilliant colors, gradually fading, and finally covering the entire sky.

He sat down in the air, holding not the sword and shield commonly seen in the Church of Light, but a small harp in his arms.

Each string of the harp is made of morning dew and sunset glow, as if the beauty of the sky was cut off and made into strings, emitting terrifying magical fluctuations.

With Him as the center, a complex and grand magic circle began to be built.

All the people who saw the arrival of this messenger of God were stunned and shocked, because His identity was indeed extraordinary.

"Angel of the Harp?" Mifeiyin, who was inside the front-line base, raised his head and saw the messenger of God who was about to play.

This messenger of God was not a simple messenger of God, but a messenger of the God of Creation, known as the "Messenger of Joy". According to legend, he would play music for the gods when the morning sun and the sunset appeared together.

Although his status was high, he was also summoned, and what he could play when he was summoned... was not just a happy chapter for the joy of the gods.

For example, now, He is putting the small harp in the center of the magic circle in front of him, turning it into a large sitting harp.

He placed his hands on the harp, playing a low and solemn sound while singing loudly. This sound... was not cheerful at all, but filled with a sad atmosphere.

The magic power was transmitted along with the music, echoing throughout the underground city, and aroused the magic power of the earth.

Its magic power was divided into two, half of which merged into the ground and entered the depths of the earth, wrapping the Orpheus Oak Shenzhou that was rushing forward, and taking it quickly to the deeper part of the earth.

The other half was quickly injected into Miffin's body.

Distance had no meaning at this moment.

Miffin and Shenzhou were both controlled by this power.

The former trembled, and the wheat ears on his body began to drip liquid condensed by light, as if crying; the latter was accelerated by magic and rushed into the earth impatiently.

The speed was so fast that it seemed to have turned into light.

When Shenzhou was about to crash into the deepest part of the earth, Cloya, who was far away on Hanjiao Island and had been paying attention to this place, finally couldn't help but take action.

The magic power in the sacred tree was being consumed violently, just like boiling water. Even with the connection of his eternal magic power, the picture was becoming blurry.

He felt that if he did not take action, his oak friend would definitely die.

In order to achieve this goal, he carefully mobilized all his magic power and used the power of the gopher harp.

"Come back!"

He roared, and added all his magic power to the friendship contract, forcibly pulling it.

The golden magic power was like a line, suddenly stretched straight, crossing a long distance, and was not moved even by the light of the harp angel and the trembling of the earth.

It bound the soul of the Orpheus Oak, but when it was about to tighten and pull it back, the oak took the initiative to cut off the connection.

"You..." Kloya was stunned for a moment, so much so that he couldn't even take care of calming down the backlash of magic power.

He couldn't help but curse: "Are you a fool? This is obviously a trap! There is no master for you!"

This was the first time he was so angry, and he had never cursed in the past when facing troublesome things.

The sea creatures and elves swimming around him were huddled together and trembling, and even the peace-loving olive elves didn't dare to move.

It's no wonder he was so angry.

Once the magic power is cut off, it takes time to reconnect, and it is very difficult to reconnect in such a complex magic environment.

The voice of the Orpheus Oak came back along the broken golden long line, with a child-like joy:

"Human friend."

"I will see my master!"

With this last voice, it accelerated, broke through the constraints of the stratum in just a few seconds, and came to the abyss with countless blue light spots.

This abyss is ugly and terrifying, like a deep scar cut by a sword on the skin, with endless magic power flowing in it.

Obviously, the ore of the Yavana Holy Mine comes from here.

The picture was finally interrupted by the turbulent magic at this moment. All Kloya could see was the shadow of the Orpheus Oak Shenzhou, which was accelerating forward in the dazzling blue light and the hull was gradually melting.

There was silence in the moon sea.


Kloya took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the raging magic and anger in his body, and calmed himself down.

He really hated this kind of out-of-control situation, but he could feel the joy of the Oak of Orpheus, and it really believed that it was going to meet its master.

Now the channels of communication over there have been completely cut off, even the connection with the Warcraft Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop has been cut off, and he really felt anxious.

He felt that he really couldn't sit here and wait for the result anyway. If it involved music... he had a hunch that he should be able to do something.

Now there was only one person left who could help him, so... he immediately went to find the angel in the lake behind the mountain.

Looking at the angel sitting on the mushroom, he made a very solemn request: "Help me, I want to go to the Yavanna Holy Mine in person."

"They are all my friends, do you think I can save them? I want to save them."

The angel seemed to have known that he was coming, but came to him in silence, and kissed his forehead gently as usual.

"Of course."

"Lucky friend, no matter when and where, the sun's light is special, even the earth is longing for the warmth of the sun."

"Please remember the music He played."

"Please imitate the music He played."

The sound became blurred from clear, and the scenery around him seemed to be changing rapidly. The platinum ring gently wrapped him and instantly crossed the barriers of countless spaces.

Brought him to... the Yavana Holy Mine thousands of miles away.

After he completely disappeared at the bottom of the lake, a blue dogtail grass suddenly shook its body and appeared at the bottom of the lake.

The angel looked at the dogtail grass and said unhappily: "I've asked you to take care of it for so long, it's time to help me unlock the seal of the Ark Garden, right?"

The grass of wisdom swayed happily, and it always felt like it was not a plant, but the tail of a canine monster.

The hazy silver moonlight spread out as it swayed, falling over the Ark Garden on the mushrooms, and the mist-like illusion finally disappeared... a little bit.

But just this little bit was enough for the angel to take out a plant from it, which was a white and gold four-leaf clover, which was held in his hand.

After getting the four-leaf clover, the angel finally breathed a sigh of relief, drew a circle casually, and watched Kloya's performance in the picture with the dogtail grass.


Yavanna Holy Mine.

After Kloya arrived, he immediately began to imitate and try to play the music of the Angel of the Lyre. He could understand the language of the Angel of the Lyre from the beginning.

It was the same text as the one that recorded "The Poem of Rainbow".

The name of this music should be called: The Earth Trembles at the Time of Advent.

Although the power of this music is completely different from the "The Poem of Rainbow" he has always been familiar with, it is full of primitive and simple earth magic.

But he learned very quickly, trying to find the flaws in it, so that his piano sound could be inserted and interrupt the flaws of the movement.

With the protection of the platinum ring, he could ignore the mighty music and cast spells freely.

It took only a few minutes, and the sound of the gopher wood piano he played suddenly inserted into the music played by the Angel of the Lyre.

Compared to his magnificent rays of light, Cloya's radiance was not so majestic and hot, but more gentle, just like the morning sun, shining in silently.

Just like the sun rises every day, it seems nothing special, shining in the clear sky, shining on everything.

It is not special, but its existence cannot be ignored at any time, and its existence itself represents the sun.

This is the magic that Cloya has researched after meditating day after day and sitting outside looking at the sun. Although it has not been named until he played it, at this moment he felt that this magic should have a name.

He raised his head and looked directly at the Angel of the Piano in the white and gold ring, as if he could see through the mist covering his face and see through his eyes.

"Please enjoy, the first section of the Rainbow Sonata, clear sky!"

His tone was arrogant, and along with his piano sound, it reached the ears of the Angel of the Piano - if he had ears.

The Angel of the Piano felt the sudden sound of the piano in his own music. His sitting posture did not change. His fingers brushed over the strings, and the surrounding music changed immediately.

The low earth music instantly turned into a magnificent sunset floating in the sky, with countless rays of light shining, covering the area originally covered by light.

The pulse of the earth stopped temporarily, and the tears of light flowing in Mifeiyin's body also stopped. He listened to the suddenly changed music in confusion.

Is this another messenger of God coming?

The clear sky and the rays of light entangled together, relying on the magic circle of the ritual formed by the Angel of the Piano, and a battle began between the sky and the earth.

"Well, this is."

Kloya felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the power of this angel is much stronger than his anyway. But He did not suppress it with power, but used His magic power as a battlefield, allowing Kloya's piano sound to fight with His piano sound.

One is the eternal sunshine, and the other is the morning glow and evening glow that only appear after the sun rises and sets.

Kloya tried his best to play the feeling of falling asleep in the embrace of the sun, which he had experienced in countless magic plants and monsters.

The gentle light in turn wrapped the floating glow, and the structure of the glow was dissolved by the power of the sun, fading the gorgeous colors and gradually becoming clear and bright.

This is his assimilation of the power of the Angel of the Piano!

Thanks to the "Poem of Rainbow" and the Angel of the Piano's open release, he can not only fully verify his own power, but also understand the power of the other party.

According to his understanding of magic power, when the first paragraph came to this point, he decisively started the second paragraph.

"Please enjoy the second paragraph, rainbow fantasy!"

The colorless light in the sky instantly turned into three colors, like dyes, interweaving countless magnificent scenery in the air.

There are boundless oceans, vast and thick land, three-color interwoven flower seas, huge blue trees and platinum-colored brilliant cities. Although he has seen them more or less, they are indeed reproduced in fantasy.

In the music formed by the interweaving of these glories, the rays of light of the Angel of the Harp were suppressed more and more seriously, but He still played the sitting harp slowly.

The suppressed rays of light gradually condensed.

Obviously, it was still impossible for Kloya to really suppress Him.

So Kloya took a deep breath, played the clear sky and fantasy again, and at the same time performed his long-accumulated symphony that had never been used.

The mighty music appeared in the colorless and magnificent three-color illusion, which contained all the emotions and magic collected by Kloya.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, the big chapter is coming!

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