I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 224 224 Weaving music, creating magic plants

Chapter 224 224. Weaving music and creating magic plants

Symphony, as one of Cloya's unique tricks, although it is composed of pure magic, the visual effect is not bad.

The moment Croya played and performed the symphony, his robe with blue clear starlight flew out one after another, intertwining and combining.

It was like a long scroll was suddenly pushed open by force. Inside were countless magical patterns, various emotional villains and patterns, people, elves, magical beasts, and magical plants.

It even includes the Fetal Sea of ​​Atlantis, the land of the North, and the rushing Terai River... Anyway, it's everything Croya collected.

It was obviously just him playing music alone, but it was as if countless people and creatures suddenly appeared, forming a huge orchestra playing together.

Even the rays of the Angel of the Piano were suppressed at this moment, and the scroll belonging to Croya unfolded like wings that covered the sky.

Angel Qin showed a very obvious look of surprise, as well as a hint of hidden nostalgia.

A long, long time ago, He also heard such a great movement, including the great movement of all things in the world.

He didn't make any move, and was instantly hit by the unfolding picture of the symphony.

The never-ending sound of the piano stopped, and the glow was instantly covered by the light of the symphony.

The massive magic power orchestrated by the symphony does not conflict violently with the divine power of the Angel of the Piano. Instead, it is assimilating the power of the latter, just like this all-encompassing picture.

Even the Angel of the Piano, a divine envoy created by the Creator, will be assimilated into the scroll and become part of the symphony.

This is the scariest part of the symphony.

Everything is a movement in a symphony.

After releasing the symphony, even Croya fell into a state of exhaustion. He reluctantly continued to play and raised his head to look at the Angel of the Piano.

This is already one of his strongest attack magics.

If that didn't work, then he would have no choice but to indulge his magic power and turn the gentle sunlight into a bright light of destruction.

The figure of the Angel of the Piano quietly emerged in the symphony. He did not resist too much, but allowed his figure to leave a mark on the movement.

It was an image of an angel wearing a ceremonial dress and holding a harp.

This means that the symphony did cause harm to Him, but it was just not enough.

'Do you really want me to transform...' Croya sighed softly.

But the Angel of the Piano opened his mouth and said:

"Son of man."

This voice was a gentle tone that was indistinguishable between male and female. Every ups and downs seemed to be playing a gorgeous piece of music, directly transmitted into the mind, and only Croa could hear it.

"This is beautiful music."

"I am willing to leave my mark in your music for you to drive. This is a pleasant experience and allows my power to last forever in the music."

"But I'm sorry, but I still can't stop my mission."

"From the moment I arrived, the pulse of the earth has started to move."

"However, I will invite you to play with me."

His body shrank rapidly, from a majestic body of more than 20 meters high to a body of only two meters high, and came in front of Croya.

The Angel of the Piano stretched out his hand: "Come on, let's play the music of the earth together and convey what you want to express to the sleeping Mother Goddess of the Earth."

"Transferring my responsibility to you."

"Do what you want."

Croya looked at His hand and shook it without hesitation.

He was already very satisfied with such a result. No matter how special he was, if he wanted to defeat God's Angel at level five... that would be unbelievable.

At this moment, the white-gold halo around him quickly disappeared, and finally turned into a voice that echoed in his mind——

"Write your music."

Croya kept these words firmly in mind and came to the sky with the angel.

Endless holy light and extremely terrifying glow magic washed over his body, but they were all repelled by the starlight-filled robe and three rings of different colors.

The angel who had taken out the harp again made a gesture to him - which meant that he would start.

This was of course a big challenge for Croya, but he did not flinch, but was very excited.

In the past, he always tried his best to do it again, but now he suddenly had to play like this, just like dancing on a tightrope. The dangerous but exciting feeling made his adrenaline surge.

After taking a deep breath, he began to play.

"The Earth Trembles at the Hour of Advent."

Of course Croya didn't know some of the legends in the Church of the Mother Earth. This music was actually played when the earth was hurt and when people were about to suffer a doomsday-like disaster.

The consciousness of the Earth Mother Goddess will begin to repair the damaged earth and comfort the people who are desperately struggling in the disaster.

However, when Croya began to play with his magic power, the warm radiance belonging to the sun replaced the coming power of the earth with the deep and solemn music.

Just like a sleeping person who felt a group of people begging next to him and wanted to wake up in a daze, it suddenly stopped and was replaced by warm but not hot sunlight.

This kind of warm and slightly sweaty sunshine is the most comfortable to sleep on.

So this person simply turned over, muttered a few words, left the matter to Sunshine with peace of mind, and continued to sleep.

This is the situation now: although the divine power from the earth will still be gathered according to the mission of the Angel of Qin, the method and method of gathering has changed from the Angel of Qin to Croya.

Croya knew the mission of His coming: to repair the cracks in the earth, and to fill Mifein with the bright holy light, so that he could become the next divine messenger to descend into the world's eternal body.

To be honest, this task is quite troublesome.

This is the task of calling Him to Him, and it cannot be changed.

If he wanted to make changes, Croya could only rack his brains to think of ways to achieve his goals without hurting his friends.

"Well, let's take a look at the Orpheus Oak first."

There are priorities.

He decided to take a look at Orpheus Oak first.

However, when he saw the scene deep in the earth, he was stunned——

Deep underground, the huge crack was surrounded by wooden planks from the Orpheus Oak Divine Ship, one after another illuminated by blue magic light.

It has been completely disintegrated, and there are no longer formed magic patterns on the wooden board, only some scattered magic that cannot be spliced ​​together.

It can be seen that some liquid like sea water is slowly gathering towards the crack, which contains powerful natural magic power, as well as...the consciousness of the oak tree.


Croya, who sensed this scene through the magic of the piano music, was stunned for a moment. Sadness surged in his heart. He did not expect that even if he came in person, he still could not prevent the death of Orpheus Oak.

Even the eternal magic power he engraved has entered the abyssal fissure like a wound, which means that the soul of Orpheus Oak has also entered.

The horrific scars were slowly restored by the natural consciousness of the Atlantis sea and the magic power accumulated by the oak tree for six hundred years, but the magic power overflowing from it did not weaken at all.

The Angel of the Piano felt that Croya was stunned and reminded: "The son of man, the little guy who harvests spiritual energy."

"I know." Croya put aside his sadness temporarily and concentrated on guiding the magic that permeated the earth.

He was so focused that he didn't realize that his golden magic power had the last bit left. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to feel the power at all.

This power extends not to the depths of the earth, but to... the underworld.

The magic power that was gathered into Miffy's body gradually eased from the violent infusion at the beginning, and first restored the former's physical strength and magic power.

Then, as if cueing him to perform magic, they gathered into the shape of ears of wheat and floated gently.

"Are you, Chloe?"

Miffy was not stupid and noticed this immediately.

Maisui nodded immediately.

Then the wheat ears continued to sway, expanding into a miniature wheat field, covering the entire Yavanna Holy Mine and the surrounding terrain.

Seeing this scene, Miffyin immediately knew what he should do. He took the initiative to accept the power of the earth and light, using his body as a transfer station for magic power.

The golden wheat ears and the white holy light combined and spread around him with him as the center. The harvest aura he used was essentially a variant of the divine power of the Mother Earth, so of course it could be used with the help of divine power.

With Croya's help, the sunlight falling from the sky began to clear away the bugs, mushroom men and other monsters that were attacking various frontline bases, and also turned the earth golden.

In the earth that was originally covered with blood and desolate gray, the wheat ears condensed by natural magic power broke through the soil layer tenaciously, revealing new sprouts.

In just a blink of an eye, the entire underground city where the Yavanna Holy Mine is located was covered by wheat fields. Even the most seriously injured people would recover immediately as long as they came into contact with the ears of wheat.

Some magical patterns like light strips began to appear around Mifein, which was a precursor to the arrival of the divine envoy.

Now that all the prerequisites have been met, He is about to come.

Without Croya's help, Mifein would definitely be under control at this moment. But with Croya's help, he was able to release all the magic power of the angel's arrival.

Even if it can't really affect the outcome of the arrival of the God's Messenger, at least it can do something with His power.

Mifein's mood was very stable, and he was not at all unwilling to become a vessel for the God's envoy. He just tried his best to expand the golden wheat field.

At this time, the Cardinal of the Holy See of Light, who had returned to the ground and met with Beverselis and the bishop, saw the current scene.

As if he had seen the devil, he looked up at the angel playing the piano in the sky and the young man sitting next to the angel.

"Are you sure you only summoned the God of Joy?" He couldn't help but ask: "Tell me, who is next to him!"

Two angels!

How could two angels suddenly appear!

And the most terrifying thing is that another angel seems to be taking the dominant position. The brilliant light shining from his body has the warmth of the sun.

Of course the God of Light has the authority of the sun, but only one of his subordinate gods and envoys has the power of the sun, and that is the archangel Asclepius.

It stands to reason that they should be happier when a divine messenger of this level comes, but the problem is that this divine messenger... People hate conspiracy and conspiracy.

Although they were longing for the power of the gods, in a sense, it was indeed a conspiracy. If it was really Asklepios, he would probably be beaten to death.

So they really didn't dare to speak at all, for fear of being noticed. After all, he could suppress the Angel of Lyre to take the dominant position and had the power of the sun.

Then it could only be Asklepios, right?


Although Kroya felt them through his power, he didn't do anything to them. He was trying to coordinate the power in Miffin's body.

Since the arrival of the messenger of God was an unchangeable fact, he had to let Miffin take the dominant position, at least not let the so-called messenger of God occupy his body.

He had already lost a friend, and he must not lose the second one.

In order to achieve this goal, he first guided Miffin to use all the magic power of the messenger of God to maintain the surrounding environment transformation, and thought of all his magic and trump cards, and finally came up with a way.

That is the spiritual dream.

He wanted to use the power of the Mother Earth and the power of light to create a dream, a beautiful dream that could make the messenger of God who came to sleep forever.

The dream needs a carrier, a carrier that can hold such a huge power, and also needs a magic plant or magic beast that he can engrave.

"It must be an elemental magic plant..."

"There is really no such powerful magic plant in my current magic plant library, a magic plant that can carry a divine messenger..."

He racked his brains, and finally the wheat field spreading on the ground reminded him - since there is no one, can you create one?

Now there are so many earth divine powers and light divine powers. It should not be difficult to directly raise the energy level of a magic plant to enough to carry the power of a divine messenger, right?

After having this idea, he immediately began to scan the magic plants of the entire earth. With the music of the earth, he can see all the magic plants in the holy mine of Yavana.

In the end, he chose a magic plant growing deep in the earth, waved his hand gently, and the magic power of the earth brought the magic plant to him.

This is a lotus.

To be precise, it is a purple water lily.

When it was deep in the earth, it closed its buds, but after leaving the earth, it quickly opened up to enjoy the sunshine, with petals layered and staggered.

The lavender color adds a touch of elegance and mystery to it.

The Angel of the Qin has been paying attention to Kloya's actions, and he doesn't understand why he took out such a magic plant that is at most level one.

What makes him even more confused is that Kloya is actually weaving his magic power into music scores, mixing it with the power of the earth and injecting it into this lotus.

He seems to be very skilled...

The Angel of the Qin is more and more curious. Kloya actually knows the properties of the earth's magic so well. What is the reason?

Of course, he doesn't know that Kloya has been exposed to the power of the Mother Earth when he was a level one wizard, and even boldly used the Star Crystal Bottle to do research later.

He has a deep understanding of the power of the Mother Earth.

So it is really not difficult to do it now. While using the power of the Mother Earth to transform this water lily, he is also communicating with it and engraving it.

The content of the engraving was the music he composed himself.

This was his feeling of sleeping in the embrace of the moon sea and under the sunshine for a long time. Combined with the magic of spiritual dream, it would construct a new magic——

The purple water lily gradually became transparent, and magic patterns appeared on each of its petals, interweaving and linking each other, forming... a dream that could make the gods' messengers sleep soundly.

It was like a music box, and soft music began to sound.

[Engraving completed, unnamed water lily (Cloa's sweet sleep)]

[During the existence of this magic plant, a spiritual dream will be constructed inside by the "Sweet Sleep Music". During the existence of the dream, all beings that enter the interior will fall into a deep sleep. ]

[This magic is blessed by the earth and light at the same time, and the upper limit is Legend/Lord God Messenger. ]

[Note: The upper limit is only a reference value. ]

After completing the magic pattern construction of this magic plant, Cloa immediately threw it to Miffin's side.

At this time, an illusory figure with short hair wearing armor appeared behind Miphien, and was merging into Miphien's body like the morning mist.

This is the process of gradually entering the body of a mortal life from the "untouchable sacredness" during the summoning of the divine messenger. In this process, He has no self-awareness.

Because the main plane will instinctively reject such a high-level existence.

It was at this time that Cloya and Miphien worked together to push this illusory shadow into the blooming petals of the water lily.

The moment He entered, the petals closed instantly.

His coming was not interrupted, but all were guided into the water lily, and fell into a deep sleep in the spiritual dream constructed by the earth and the sun in the water lily.

After recalling the lotus, Cloya continued to sublimate and transform the water lily with the divine power of the Mother Earth, which he could still control at this moment.

He wanted to do his best to make it a truly deep dream that would never wake up.

It was not until this time that Kloa finally discovered that his power was an extremely sharp sound, like the sound of swords and weapons on a battlefield.

Just by listening to this voice, he felt that he was on a battlefield filled with dark clouds, surrounded by knights in iron armor, and in front of him was a land filled with corpses and blood.


The Angel of the Lyre looked at the water lily and said a name.

Kloya looked at Him in confusion, not understanding the meaning behind this name, after all, he was not a member of the Church.

He really didn't know that much about the star-like pantheon.

And the Angel of the Lyre obviously didn't mean to explain.

After saying this, the light on His body gradually dimmed, which meant that His mission had been completed, whether it was the repair of the earth or the advent of the messenger of God.

There was only one last thing left to be solved. After completing this thing, He would leave the main plane and return to his own world.

That is...

"Go, you have healed the scars of the earth. If you don't want to disappoint your friends, go and make a wish to the Mother Goddess of the Earth."

He pushed Kloya.

The piano music and the huge magic circle that had been permeating the dungeon began to weaken, and the power of light and the power of the earth were gradually returning to silence.

When Croa really made a wish to the Mother Earth, He would leave completely.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly.

Among them, the cardinal and his party were the most devastated.

They clearly felt the arrival of the Son of War, why did it suddenly disappear? Did the Angel of the Lyre really complete the mission?

They didn't understand it, but their bodies were trembling.

Could it be... that Asclepius prevented Deimos from coming?

Then they were really in trouble.

The disappearance of the consciousness of a messenger of God would definitely cause a shock to the Church, and they would then accept the Pope's accountability.

Being burned at the stake.


The elf Ikaros hid in the treasure of the Orpheus family and watched the whole incident in its entirety.

Of course, he couldn't see through the holy light of the Angel of the Lyre and see Croa's true identity, but just the music played was enough for him to gain a lot.

He ignored the sound of Lady Isis's leaf on his body, took out the leaf of Beoril, and said respectfully:

"My Lord, I have recorded the music completely."

"According to your order, this music of the sun should be able to save the laurel tree in the family, right?"

An extremely calm and restrained voice came from the leaf, sounding like the voice of a gloomy middle-aged man wearing glasses.

"Well done, this prophecy consumed my power and caused the little tree to die. I will accept punishment under the branches of the oak ancestor.

You can bring the music back and see if you can save the laurel tree. If you can..."

At the end of the words, he didn't say anything else, but talked about something else: "Ellie may be angry, which is right. You will give her the music score I got from my old friend."

"As for the apostle of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, don't pay attention to her."

"I foresaw that she has rushed to the depths of the earth to get the treasure , let her go. "

The voice paused, with a hint of curiosity: "I have two doubts. The first is Zugmoi. Why did she suddenly close her country?

The second is the little tree.

Its life does not seem to be completely gone.

If it can really come back to life... let it be free.

I used it, and I will atone for my sins in the long years until I meet it again in the world of the dead and start a thousand-year journey. "

After saying this, the leaves shattered into countless fine gray dust and disappeared with the wind.

Ikaros also disappeared after wiping away a tear. He should not appear again. People from the Holy See and the Mother Goddess Church should be here soon.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. There will be two more updates tomorrow~

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