I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 225 225 Friends in the Underworld, Post-processing

Chapter 225 225. Friends in the Underworld, deal with it afterwards

Making a wish to the Mother Earth Goddess, this is not the first time to face the power of the gods, not to mention that Kloya is a wizard, and he is not so afraid of the gods.

When he came to the deep underground, the former big rift.

The consciousness echoing here has already embraced him, heavy and warm.

That is, I always feel that He seems to be sleeping. This reaction is like a set program, not as smart as imagined.

Of course, thanks to this, there is no situation of facing the consciousness of the Mother Earth Goddess directly. To be honest, this made him feel relieved.

This consciousness and divine power began to ask him——

"Son of the shining man, please make a wish."

This sentence echoed in his ears repeatedly, urging him.

What kind of wish can he make?

Facing such an existence, whether he wants power, knowledge, or endless magic crystals, it should be possible.

But he knew that making a wish was an exchange of faith in the eyes of the gods. The more things you want, the closer the connection.

Especially when getting knowledge directly from the gods, knowledge that is insignificant to the gods may explode the brains of ordinary people.

So, Cloya looked at the blue crystal flow flowing on the ground and the scattered fragments of the Orpheus Oak.

After taking a deep breath, he said: "Mother Goddess of the Earth, can it be resurrected?"


The consciousness echoing around was briefly silent.

About a minute later, the divine power spun to form a vortex, and then a pile of dark fog with the breath of death flowed out from it.

The fog was floating around, and the indescribable sense of death made Cloya feel a little chilly - this is the temperature acting on the soul.

"The fog of the underworld?"

Cloya opened his mouth in surprise, and quickly used magic to protect himself tightly. This thing can't be touched, it will die.

Of course, after protecting himself, he did not forget to collect some of the fog with the astral crystal bottle he carried with him.

Although this thing will corrode the human body and gradually separate the soul, it is also a precious material that can be used to raise some soul summoned beasts.

It is said that the summoning array of the underworld creatures just needs this kind of mist as the basic material - Kloya doesn't know why the underworld creatures need the underworld mist, anyway, that's what it says in the book.

After he collected some mist, he suddenly felt his magic power trembling, and a golden note quietly emerged in the symphony.

It was like a golden star in the dark mist, emitting a beam of light, directly piercing into the deepest darkness.

"This is not the knight's note at the beginning." Kloya's heart moved, and he poured magic power into the note, and its flickering light became brighter and brighter.

Finally, he used the beam of light to split the dark mist, and in the boundless underworld mist, he brought something.

A tall figure appeared from inside.

This is a young man wearing silver-white armor, with gray-white hair and a smile as warm as the sun on his face.

He stood there, like a perfect template of a knight.

"It's you!"

Kroya didn't expect to see him again. Isn't this the one in the armor that Baron Kemoye brought back, the guardian knight of Gopherwood?

But he was burned by Croya himself with two-color flames in the end. In his previous life, he was completely dead. How could he still exist?

What surprised Croya even more was the little guy he was holding in one hand. It was a tender green tree man, who looked very young.

But the little tree man clearly had the familiar magic fluctuations of the Orpheus Oak, and the friendship contract that was connected again!

This situation really made Croya a little incomprehensible.

"Yo~" The knight waved at him, showing his white teeth: "We meet again.

I was hunting with my friends just now, and I felt your magic, so I came to take a look, and I didn't expect to pick it up."

"It has your magic, I sensed some changes, so I rushed over."

The knight shook the little tree man in his hand, just like shaking a leafy vegetable, the little tree man of Orpheus seemed to have lost consciousness and was motionless.


Kloya didn't know what to say, he could only ask: "You are still alive?"

"I just went to the underworld, and I didn't die completely. And I also met my companions." The knight showed a hearty smile: "I am very happy to start the next thousand years of journey with them in the underworld."

"Yes, yes!"

He rummaged in his armor and took out a small hilt and threw it to Croya: "This is a gift from me to my descendants, please pass it to him!"

"I can't stay in this world for long, I have to go back immediately."

Kloya took the hilt and looked at the knight again, but the latter had already left the little tree man and walked straight into the depths of the black fog.

He didn't look back, but waved with his back to Croya: "Thank you for your notes, I'll go first, maybe we can meet again in the future."

As he gradually walked into the depths of the black fog, he seemed to be able to hear other people's voices:

"Are you back? Shall we continue to fight the Nether Ghost Dragon?"

"No, drink with the angel of death!"

"Actually, we can still demolish Elister's Underworld Ranch!"

There were male and female voices, and each voice was heroic and lively.

Although there was no picture, Croya seemed to see the knight surrounded by a group of friends, arms around each other, discussing what to do next.

The black mist and the divine power of the earth began to disappear at the same time, which meant that Croya's wish had been fulfilled and the divine power of the Mother Goddess was returning.

"Why am I still a little envious?" Croya sighed softly. If it was true as he said, he had been trapped in Elister's mage tower for thousands of years.

Then, his partner has been waiting for him in the underworld for thousands of years!

Putting aside the thousands of years of waiting, they were so sure that the knight would definitely arrive.

According to Croya's knowledge about the undead and the dead, even the most powerful undead will lose their emotions as time changes.

It can be said that the destination of the undead will always be monsters with antisocial personality.

It is simply incredible that this knight and his companions can still maintain such an optimistic attitude and intact mind.

It seems that he still underestimated the knight, and also underestimated the golden note, which could actually shine into the underworld.

"Fortunately, my friend Oak is still alive. Although he has no body, his soul is still there.

When I go back and treat it, it should be fine. "

While he was thinking, a white-gold halo suddenly flashed behind him, and an angel's voice sounded from inside:

"Come back quickly. The followers of the Filthy Light and the Mother Goddess of the Earth are coming. There are two legendary priests."

"If you don't leave, they will catch you!"

"This really happened right away. If I had come earlier, there wouldn't have been so many things."

After hearing this, Croya couldn't help but complain. He held the water lily in his left hand and held the Orpheus oak in his right hand. He also collected all the wooden boards around him.

During the collection process, he also rudely picked up some magic crystals scattered next to the cracks. Those magic crystals seemed to be filled with azure mist.

All are magic crystals of level three or above.

After picking up about a dozen, he immediately ran into the white-gold halo and left here in an instant, returning to the lake in the back mountain of Hanjiao Island.

The angel was looking at him with a smile. He put the white-gold four-leaf clover in his hand into his robe, then licked his lips and looked at the water lily in his arms.

"Do you want to taste the taste of God?"

Croya: "...??"

Wait, do you want to hear what you're saying?

After Croya left.

The deep earthy yellow light and the pure white holy light appeared directly above the Yavanna Holy Mine in a very short period of time.

When the light dissipated, a plump woman and a man whose hair was glowing with holy light appeared inside.

They did not hide anything, and openly exposed their appearance to everyone's sight. Of course, they were also seen by the three cardinals and Mifein who were struggling.

The three cardinals and Mifein had no idea of ​​escaping at all, and immediately used magic to fly up and came to the two of them.

Then he saluted respectfully.

These two are "saints" in their respective churches who are only under the pope, and are powerful beings who can enter the kingdom of gods.

If it is not a particularly important matter, they will never come forward, but their appearance basically means that the Pope has noticed what is going on here.

It is worth mentioning that the Pope is not from a certain church.

Instead, one of the seven Holy Spirit God Churches, God of War, God of Light, God of Earth, God of Poseidon, God of Wisdom, God of Forging and Fire, and God of Love, within the belief range of all races in Semrio continent, is chosen to be the Pope. the throne.

Theoretically, the Pope can order all churches to act according to his orders, because those who ascend to the position of Pope will be blessed by the seven Holy Spirit gods.

The church is basically the spokesman for the faith of the Holy Spirit.

But for some reasons, generally speaking, the pope will be chosen from the three churches of the God of Light, the Mother Goddess of Earth, and the God of Wisdom.

But unfortunately, this pope does not belong to these three churches, but a senior cardinal from the Church of Eros. It is said that seven gods sent down an oracle at the same time asking her to become the pope.

Well, no matter how fierce the competition among mortals is, when the boss of the gods speaks, there is no need to fight and it will be decided directly.

Being able to have seven gods issue oracles at the same time and ascending to the rank of pope was an unusual person. This person was obviously extraordinary.

So her command was certainly useful.

No, the Church of Light, which has always been less efficient than a green-shelled snail, sent saints to deal with this matter.

The Saint of the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth actually looks a bit chubby, and his height is also very subtle, only about 1.6 meters at most, but his appearance is very pleasing.

She has some halfling blood, and is usually known for her good temper, but now when she looked at Beverselys, her eyes were full of disgust.

"Forsaking the grace of the Mother Goddess."

"You still have the nerve to stay under the light of the Mother Goddess?"

It was just a simple reprimand, without even using any force, but Beverselis's body immediately trembled.

He was obviously very frightened.

"Hey." The saint of the Church of Light also had a compassionate smile on his face and stopped her: "The Mother Goddess did not take back her guardian aura, so the Mother Goddess must have approved this matter."

"Let's talk about their affairs later. We should first solve the matter of the Yavana Holy Mine."

"Don't forget the order of His Holiness the Pope."

After the Pope's order was raised, even if the saint of the Mother Goddess of the Earth was unwilling, she could only endure it temporarily.

But she stretched out her finger and gently pointed at Bevoselis, and a teardrop-shaped gem fell on the latter's forehead, growing gray-black thorns and deeply piercing into the flesh and blood of the Knight Commander.

That was the Tears of Semrio!

It was originally in the hands of the cardinal of the Church of Light, but in front of the saint who was already close to God, he came back after a call.


The Knight Commander, who had been silent all the time, struggled painfully, his body trembling, the thorns of the earth's punishment would devour her flesh and blood and grow wantonly in her blood vessels.

As long as her life continues, this pain will continue forever.

The saint of the Church of Light didn't even look at her. This plan was a complete failure, and even caused Lord Deimos to lose contact.

Even using the holy objects, they couldn't detect Lord Deimos's location. This was simply a huge failure.

He saved Bevoselis's life, which was already a grace of light. How could he get involved in such a matter of punishing traitors?

Now he was more concerned about the matter of the Yavana Holy Mine: "The consciousness of the Abyss Lord in the Holy Mine disappeared for some reason, but there are still cultists, mycelium and those monsters in it."

"Without the Abyss Lord, this place can become our training ground, allowing the knights to train themselves while eliminating the filth that remains in it."

The saint of the Church of the Mother Earth did not refuse, because in this way, the church's power can legitimately enter the Yavana Holy Mine and even occupy the share of those small countries in the past.

As for the "Yavanna Holy Mine Mining Treaty" signed with their legends a long time ago...

Well, since there are cultists in the mine, isn't it normal for them, the servants of the Holy Spirit, to come and purge them?

If they really want to complain, they can wait until the legends come back from the star realm.

Originally, there was a legend who could sit here and discuss with them, but unfortunately, he has left this world and it will be a long time before he comes back.

In such a huge star realm, how could they come back to take care of a magic crystal mine?

So the two saints decided on the way to deal with the Yavana Holy Mine in a few words.

After dealing with this matter, the saint of the Holy See of Light directly left here with the cardinals and bishops, leaving only Bevoselis.

I don’t know what he was thinking, he actually let Bevoselis continue to serve as the person in charge of the front-line base here, and had no intention of taking her away.

At this time, Bevoselis had reluctantly accepted the pain of the thorn punishment and left silently, not daring to look at Mifiin.

Only the saints of the Mother Goddess Church and Mifiin were left in the sky, and it was not until this time that the latter asked aloud.

"Lady Shantina."

"...Beforesiris should have received instructions from the church."

This was not a question at all, but an extremely firm statement.

If that guy really betrayed so easily, he felt that he had lived in vain for decades.

What's more, the grace of the Mother Goddess has not disappeared. Although there are many different situations that can be inferred, there is one biggest possibility.

She did not betray the Earth Mother Goddess Church at all, but was instructed by the church's top leaders to enter the Church of Light.

"You are very smart, my dear child." Shantina opened her arms, hugged the trembling Mifeiyin into her arms, and comforted her: "Everything is for the earth."

She stroked Mifeiyin's back gently, her voice was very soft, like a cool breeze in summer, it seemed to exist, but it was not so obvious.

The warmth and divine power from the earth quickly repaired Mifeiyin's body, as if nothing had happened.

Mifeiyin was silent in her arms for a long time, and then he said bitterly: "Can even I be sacrificed?"

As a qualified believer and smart person, he should not ask such a question, which would only make people laugh.

But he still asked it.

So, Shantina also answered him: "Yes, everything is for the earth."

The voice of the saint was low for a moment.


This answer that seemed like an answer but also like no answer made Mifeiyin's face squeeze out a smile with difficulty:

"Then let's say I sacrificed myself. I will resign from the position of bishop and concentrate on spreading the gift of the Mother Goddess."

"I want to stay in the Kingdom of Norlant."

His words made Shantina silent for a long time before she said: "For the sake of the earth, please spread the gospel of the Mother Goddess.

I will apply for full support from the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth for you and your country.

Your share in the Yavana Holy Mine will not be reduced."

Miffin's body shook more violently, but he still did not shed even a tear, but just stepped back and left the arms of the saint.

He bowed and said calmly: "I will spread the gospel of the Mother Goddess until the last moment of my life...all for the earth."

"May you live forever in the embrace of the earth."

--This was the last voice of the saint.

When the voice dissipated with the wind, her chubby and lovely figure also disappeared, leaving only Mifeiyin in the vast world.

The heir of the harvest spirit suddenly wanted to find someone to drink with.

He thought that he should go to Kloya, the wizard must be willing to drink with him.

I will enter a new plot tomorrow, and I am a little stuck... Woohoo, I still didn't write two updates today, I apologize and I'm sorry QAQ

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