I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 227 227 One year later, the apprentices' journey

Chapter 227 227. One year later, the apprentices' journey

It has been a year since Croa decided to make drastic changes to the North.

With the help of Miffin, the Kingdom of Norant almost acquiesced to Croa's control of the North - nominally it was still assigned to Kemoye, who was already marching towards the Earl with great momentum.

In just one year, Earl Kemoye had controlled all the nobles in the entire North, except for the Duke stationed in the Telenas Mountains.

In order to prevent them from affecting his farming plan, Croa very kindly and sincerely sent his apprentices to invite them one by one.

He has renovated the island that originally hosted them in the sea for these nobles. It is absolutely safe and worry-free, and it will be warm as spring no matter how the weather changes.

Of course, it is impossible to leave.

But he also kindly announced that he could accept the descendants of these nobles and join his army of apprentices to study.

If you do well enough, you can serve as the garrison lord of certain places.

He is now a fifth-level archmage, and he is also related to Prince Miffin and Archmage Celeste of the Mage Association, so his status is unbreakable.

Anyone with a little bit of brains will choose to join Kloya's army. Following such a powerful archmage, the future will definitely be much better than being a small noble.

In such a situation where the time, place and people are almost right, if there is no way to make drastic changes to the North, it will definitely be Kloya's problem.

Fortunately, he and his men are very powerful. As the saying goes, "To get rich, build roads first."

Kloya's first order was not to carry out planting operations in various regions, but to require them to build a wide road connecting to the Reef Island with the Telenas Mountains as the starting point, which is large enough to accommodate ten carriages driving side by side.

In a year, the road was finally completed.

If this road is really built according to this medieval civilization, it is estimated that it will not be possible even if all the servants in the entire North are exhausted to death.

However, with the help of magic and monsters, even moving mountains and filling the sea is not a problem. Now is the time for acceptance-

Apprentice Jamie stood on the top of a car that looked like a bread, looking into the distance. As far as he could see, he could see a road paved with white rocks.

Surrounded by grass, trees and rocks, it was so white that it was like a holy white road that led to the heaven where the gods lived.

The apprentices around him had extremely dark skin, just like they had been digging coal for several years. How could they be seen as noble wizards and knights?

Looking at this road, they recalled the hard work they had done this year, and they were very sad and emotional.

"Don't look at it, let's go."

Jamie took another look and smiled: "Just follow our plan, test the smoothness of the road along the way, and pick up the brothers in various territories.

We are still very tight on time, and we have to get to our home before the birthday party of Master Croa."

After hearing his words, the apprentices around him hurriedly got into the car one by one - these bread-like cars were all sketches drawn by Croa himself.

The whole body is made of a special alloy, and the wheels are made of magic rubber. It can run at full speed on any terrain and can transform when necessary.

It is a kind of large golem.

Their task is to pass this road that Croa once rode in a carriage, pick up other apprentices who are working in the fields in various territories along the way, and take local specialties and return to Hanjiao Island to present gifts for Croa's birthday.

After getting in the car, they drove quickly on the white road, extremely stable, with various scenery constantly changing on both sides along the way.

"The road is smooth."

"It's well built."

"The earth-stealing rat construction team and the wind-eroding sandworms are really amazing."

Since the car is basically self-driving, they are more concerned about whether the road will deform under the weight of the wheels, the road signs on both sides of the road, and the magic patterns hidden under the road...

The result is not bad. After all, the earth-stealing rat construction team is responsible for the whole process. These magic beasts are more rigorous than humans.

After all, in many cases, they dig tunnels and pave roads for their own nests. Whether it is reproduction or safety, they dare not compromise.

Soon, they arrived at the first stop.

This place is called Gray Stone Ridge, a complex gray stone mountain. It is far away from the ocean, there are very few water sources around, and the wind blowing is extremely dry.

But it is precisely in such an area that some extremely special magical plants can grow, such as...

"You are here!"

Apprentice Lina waved excitedly at the team: "Come here, they are just about to bloom, let's pick some of the best ones to bring to Lord Cloya!"

Hearing this, Jamie and his ten companions jumped out of the car and followed Lina into the cave. In the cave, which was filled with a faint blue light and was about the size of a football field, they saw a pool of blooming stone lotuses.

The surface of each petal of those lotus flowers has the rough texture of stone, but when it blooms, the lotus pod wrapped inside briefly emits a vibrant earthy yellow light, and even the rock petals become crystal clear, like crystal. .

An indescribable and strange fragrance echoed in the cave, and soon attracted a large number of butterflies to gather here. Those butterflies with phoenix feather patterns danced around the lotus, and the scenery was extremely spectacular.

"It's a good planting!" Jamie praised: "This is the main ingredient of the rock lotus perfume sold by Master Croa in the royal capital and abroad. The wives of the princes and nobles went crazy buying it."

In fact, the popularity of these perfumes is exaggerated. Because of their gentle fragrance, not only the noble ladies of the human race come to buy them, but also some men of the elves.

Each lotus flower can produce about thirty bottles of perfume, and each bottle of perfume can be sold for a high price of twenty magic crystals.

The person who can arrange Croya here is someone he trusts more.

"Hehe." Lina smiled proudly, "I also want to thank Mr. Croya for arranging these wind-feather butterflies and the magic field roots at the bottom of the lake. I don't know what the magic power provided by it can be directly obtained from Hanjiao. The island extends here.”

An apprentice on the side couldn't help but said: "What can't the omnipotent Lord Croya do?"

Although these words sounded neither scientific nor magical, the apprentices all nodded in agreement, as if it was no longer strange for Croya.

The Wind Feather Butterfly is a butterfly that lives on high mountains. It can absorb the "essence of rocks" and is an excellent catalyst for these stone lotuses.

With a catalyst, they can achieve three crops a year, but the wind feather butterfly's ability to adapt to the environment is quite poor.

That is to say, Croya improved them and applied some adaptive abilities learned from the insect swarm, so that they could barely survive for a while.

There is a huge gap between one crop every two years and three crops a year. This lotus pond alone has created huge profits for Croya.

After bragging about Croya, the apprentices searched for a while in the rock lotus pond, and finally selected the largest lotus to take away.

When they left, the people living here in Greystone Ridge mustered up the courage to come around. One of them, an old man with gray hair, offered a gem with trembling hands.

"Sir, this is a treasure in our village. It was obtained by one of our ancestors' knights in the Gray Mountain."

"It was the lord who gave us freedom, allowed us to farm and graze, and allowed us to survive."

The old man lowered his head respectfully and said in a nervous tone: "We are willing to dedicate it to the lord!"


Lina didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly. To be honest, although Croya took away all the nobles who ruled these areas, the farm servants would live more freely.

But there is still a big gap with Hanjiao Island.

She returned to Hanjiao Island every week to report on her work, so she didn't think it was that special. Unexpectedly, in their eyes, Lord Croya was almost a saint.

She couldn't help but glance at Jamie.

The latter had a smile on his face. Although he didn't know what this thing was, he stepped forward to catch the crystal clear blue gem quite solemnly: "The lord will definitely like this gift."

After holding the gem, he glanced at Lina.

Lina immediately understood and stepped forward and said: "You have presented a gift to the Lord. I will ask the Lord to send a tree spirit guard to bless your land."

The farm servants immediately thanked him happily.

But the apprentices still had to go on their way, so they left directly.

With the addition of Lina, there was another car in the convoy. They continued to move forward and came to the second, third, and fourth stations.

During this period, they successively obtained some fish, pine nuts and crystal watermelons from Green Water Lake Ridge, Squirrel Territory, Crystal Cave Territory and other places, and continued to move forward.

After passing through these four territories, it was already the second day and half the distance had been walked.

They looked at the scenery along the way in the car and sighed with emotion: "This large area of ​​land is uninhabited... Too many people really died in that snowstorm."

Halfway through the journey, which is over a thousand kilometers, there are only four developed human settlements. The rest of the area is covered with wildly overgrown vegetation and rampant monsters.

I wonder how low the population in the north is.

"That's why adults choose to let the magic beasts and magic plants take care of that area together. Are we almost there?"

"Almost there."

"Well, it's almost here!"

The apprentices' car stopped in front of a vast and boundless plain. The land in front of them covered about ten hectares, almost entirely covered with green grass.

Floating in the green grass are some elves that look like jellyfish and have gossamer-like wings. They collect the scattered magic power and provide magic power to the magic plants on the ground that are slumped in the sun.

Those magic plants all have roots exposed to the ground. None of them are long and thin. They are all flat like human feet, with small fruits hanging from the roots.

At first glance, it looks like an upside-down tree.

They can even run around like crazy, enjoying the blessings of sunshine and rain in this field freely, waiting to grow big enough, and then be taken to various fields to take root and grow.

These are all magic plants called knob beans.

Under the tireless experiments of the apprentices, this special magic plant has been determined to increase the fertility of the field. After comparison, its effect is better than that of other magic plants.

So this knob bean was planted on a large scale.

Then, with the help of the Orpheus Oak, this knob bean inexplicably has the ability to move at will, and was brought to this "knob bean ranch" for free-range breeding.

So the one guarding here is of course——

"Teacher Oak!"

Jamie had just approached the edge of the knob bean ranch when huge roots suddenly rose from the ground, surrounding the edge of the field of more than ten hectares in just a few seconds.

It was like a fence raised on the ranch, immediately isolating the green grass inside from the outside.

What's even more outrageous is that there is almost no magic fluctuation, and all the roots rise up. The apprentices don't dare to think about being attacked like this... so they should just close their eyes and wait for death.

"You are here."

A tree man more than one meter tall walked out of the tree roots. Its leaves are green, but the trunk is covered with dry bark like wrinkles.

All the apprentices saluted it respectfully.

The reason is simple. This oak teacher is not only a good friend of Lord Kloa, but also a powerful god-favored person - it is stationed here to guard the only road leading to the deeper north, and it also keeps the peas in captivity.

It is the only one in the entire Hanjiao Island that has the special magic that allows the magic plants to walk freely. It is said that it is also teaching elf magic, but basically no one can learn it.

Jamie said, "Teacher Oak, Master Cloa's birthday is coming soon, so we would like to invite you to return to Hanjiao Island with us."

The light in Oak's eyes lit up, and his tone almost immediately jumped up: "My friend's birthday is coming... I also prepared a gift for him!"

It didn't see what it did, but in the endless field behind it, some blood-colored wheat ears suddenly grew.

They looked inconspicuous in the area of ​​the whole field, but on those wheat ears, there were some tiny insects growing.

They were plump, lying on the wheat ears and eating them, and there were blood-colored pupae hanging around them, which looked very strange.

That is...

"Elf blood silkworm?" Jamie said in surprise.

"Yes, I started to cultivate these little guys when I came here a year ago, just to prepare a gift for my friend."

The Orpheus Oak waved its branches (hands) at the blood silkworms, and the blood silkworms immediately began to spin silk, and the blood-red silk threads intertwined in the air, just like the most diligent and skilled weavers.

Soon, a robe with extremely gorgeous shape was formed.

There were patterns of flowers, plants and trees on it, as well as the changes of clouds and rivers, vivid and vivid, as if they were real scenery.

While spinning these silks, the originally plump blood silkworms seemed to be squeezed dry. When the robe was woven, the silkworms also completely withered, turned into something like a dead vine and fell on the ground.

"Thank you for your hard work, I will let you be reborn in my roots and arms..."

The Orpheus Oak waved its branches again, letting the wheat field and the silkworm pupae sink together, and wrapped them with its roots.

As an elemental creature, the blood silkworm can only spit out a fixed number of silk threads in its lifetime, and it will die immediately after spitting out. Unless there is enough life force to breed, it is impossible to be reborn.

After taking the robe, the Orpheus Oak took out another small model, which quickly grew larger after injecting magic power and turned into an open-top wooden sports car.

It sat directly in it, and then waved to the apprentices: "Let's go quickly, it will be troublesome if you can't make it to your friend's birthday!"

"Oh, here we come!"

The apprentices hurriedly got in their own cars and drove into the field. During this time, they also harvested a lot of mature berries and grass seeds.

These fruits are nourished by the magic of the Orpheus Oak and the power of the Mother Earth, and both the taste and the magic contained in them are of level three to four.

The surrounding grass and trees are still helping them move forward, so even an area of ​​dozens of hectares can be crossed in just a few minutes.

After passing the bean pasture, they crossed a bridge and could already see the rushing Terai River and the extremely neat fields on both sides of the Terai River.

There were not only common staple crops such as wheat, potatoes, and corn, but also vegetables and fruits such as cabbage, tomatoes, green onions, and carrots.

They were all neatly arranged, and from a distance they looked like a colorful picture, extremely beautiful.

This was one of the most important areas of Croa, where all the crops he cultivated were planted, and the population here was also the largest in the North.

At a glance, you could see the huge golems working in the fields and the ordinary people sitting on the golems, manipulating the golems to work and harvest.

After training, even ordinary people can skillfully control these golems, and there is no need to worry about how difficult it will be to farm and harvest.

When the apprentices and the Oak of Orpheus saw the scene here, they couldn't help but stop and look into the distance.

They all knew that all the crops growing here were edible, and under the care of Miphiin, the Son of Harvest and Rhea, they could ripen five times a year.

And now, it was the third ripening of the five times a year.

They were going to pick up Miphiin, Rhea and others here, and collect enough vegetables and crops to bring back, so that Croa could taste the fruits of their efforts.

Thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets... I was hard controlled by Heimalou today, so it was a little late.

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