I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 228 228 The end of the land, dancing coconut trees?

Chapter 228 228. At the end of the land, dancing coconut trees?

In the wheat field with dazzling golden wheat waves, Miffyin and Rhea were bending down together to pick up the ears of wheat that had fallen into the ground.

These two believers of the Earth Mother Goddess no longer wore overly gorgeous robes, but clothes made of mulberry and linen cloth, which looked very simple.

They made every move carefully, carefully picking up all the ears of wheat that had fallen to the ground in the wheat pile. They were very serious and even a little pious.

According to the legend of the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, all the wheat that can fall is the best and most ripe among the wheat. They deliberately fall to the ground because they want to show off to the Mother Goddess.

"Proud wheat ears."

Miffy looked at the golden ears of wheat in his basket with satisfaction, "I didn't expect that there were so many proud ears of wheat in this field. It seems that the mother goddess really cares about this land."

"Yes, this year's wheat yield per acre is three thousand kilograms." Rhea also held a basket and smiled so much that the wrinkles on her face spread.

"With this food, both the population in the north and Croya's pace of expansion can be accelerated."

The yield per mu of three thousand kilograms, even in the fertile fields of the Mother Earth, is only two thousand kilograms at most. Unexpectedly, it is a thousand kilograms more.

It seems that the Mother Goddess cares more about the land here. He even feels that his divine power has grown more rapidly recently.

Orpheus Oak, who happened to rush over, was immediately dissatisfied when he heard this, and said angrily: "This is obviously the transformation of these fields by Croa's friends, and has nothing to do with the Mother Goddess of the Earth!"

The apprentices following it also nodded. Croya released a very special kind of earthworms for these fields, and then made powder from the mud deep under the sea.

When the earthworms shuttle through the soil, they will evenly mix the powder with the original soil, and they can keep the soil moist and soft as they drill around in the soil.

They also do the fertilizing.

It took more than half a year of hard work to complete the improvement of these fields. These were all seen by them. How could they be attributed to the Mother Earth?

Of course, when these words were spoken by a favored person of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, it was really a bit...

Even Mifein and Rhea showed helpless expressions. Of course they knew it, but after staying in the Temple of the Mother Earth for a long time, they had long been accustomed to saying this, and that was it.

Now that they are being criticized, they will not refute or argue. They are just invited by Mifein: "Let's go pick things quickly. After picking, we have to go through the bottom of the sea.

It is said that the little prince of the mermaid tribe is also preparing a birthday gift for Croya, and we will go and see it. "

Speaking of this, they immediately stopped procrastinating. Under the leadership of Mifein, they got into a small car that looked like a mine cart and began to search for the best fruits in the fields along the Terai River.

Thanks to the warm and humid air blowing from the Terai River and the sea, although this hot and humid air is not very friendly to people, it is absolutely fertile soil for crops.

Coupled with Croya's latest "devil insect mixed culture plan", it even blurs the restrictions of seasons in a sense, allowing a variety of crops to thrive in such an environment.

Riding a small cart that looked like a mine cart, they set off from the wheat field and passed through cabbage fields, potato fields, tomato fields... along the way...

Along the way, there were always birds of paradise dragging their long tail feathers in the sky, flying around this vast field. Their postures were extremely elegant, and their chirps were clear and sweet.

There seems to be some magical effects inside. In short, listening to the chirping of these birds makes me feel energetic.

There are all kinds of colorful fields on the ground, and birds like phoenixes soar in the sky. This harvest scenery is simply intoxicating, as if you are in the Garden of Eden created by the gods.

There were already people living here picking fruits in these fields. After seeing them arrive, they took the initiative to hand over the best fruits and vegetables that had been picked.

With joy and smiles on their faces, the people brought basket after basket of vegetables over.

"Thank you!"

Miffy is good-looking and has a good temper. He has already become involved with all the residents here. In the past, he might have started preaching, but now he has no such idea at all.

With Mifein's help, the others didn't have to move at all and just watched the various crops pile up in the car behind them.

Although these crops are not magic plants, they have been bred and improved by Cloya. Cabbage is the size of a millstone, tomatoes are the size of a football, and potatoes are bigger than the head.

The size of these crops is something that even the Mother Earth Church cannot easily cultivate. Even with divine help, it can only affect an area at most.

It's really strange that the fruits produced by the crops on both sides of the Terai River are so huge, but they taste so good.

This is something that Miffin and others still don't understand. They guessed that it involved Croya's secret, so they didn't ask.

Seeing Miffy's puzzled expression, Orpheus Oak showed a pleasant smile on his face, and glanced at the Heavenly Wind-Feathered Birds that were still chirping in the sky and trailing their long, gorgeous tail feathers.

Of course, this guy doesn't know that this is also what Croa discovered after research. The chirping of these heavenly wind-feathered birds has the natural ability to communicate with crops.

Therefore, after Croa was cultivated, their chirping will convey a kind of "eat with confidence, grow with confidence", similar to this kind of mental fluctuation.

When crops hear such mental fluctuations for a long time, they will form hints in their minds. In addition, the fertilizer and nutrients in the land are indeed very sufficient, and they will develop in a larger direction.

Well, if you have to say that there are disadvantages, there are some.

For example, it will feel very hungry.

The Orpheus Oak suddenly missed the wine it drank when it was in Croa, and it was a little eager to move.

'Go back and drink quickly. '

It thought so in its heart.

At this time, the small mine car had already entered the orchard.

There are extremely tall fruit trees growing all around, including banana trees, peach trees, orange trees, pear trees, cherry trees, apple trees...

It stands to reason that these fruit trees should not bear fruit in the same season, but the reality is that all the fruit branches are hung with heavy fruits.

Pink peaches, tender yellow pears, bright red cherries and deep red apples.

The rich fruit fragrance almost converges into a special natural fragrance, lingering in this orchard, more refreshing than all perfumes.

If you look closely, you can see that there are extremely fine silk threads around the fruits in each area, densely connected into a network, exuding different magic and temperature.

These silk threads wrap the fruit trees, forming the most suitable temperature for them to survive and bloom and bear fruit.

"Teacher Oak, are these the spiders raised by Master Cloa?" An apprentice couldn't help but ask.

"That's right." Orpheus Oak replied, "There are webs spit out by crystal silk spiders around these trees.

I don't know how Croa cultivated them. Now the temperature and humidity here are controlled and adjusted by each crystal silk spider.

If there are no spiders, it would take a lot of effort to build a magic circle to make these fruits bear fruit at the same time."

He sighed very much. This idea of ​​using the power of magic beasts to influence nature and transform the environment is simply a genius idea.

It's incredible that Croa really did it.

"So that's it!"

After he explained it in this way, the apprentices observed the area around the fruit trees more carefully, and some people jumped out of the car to get close to feel it.

The temperature changes around different fruit trees are indeed different, and even the humidity is different.

"So magical."

"Does this kind of magic spider exist naturally?"

"How did Lord Cloa cultivate them?"

While the apprentices were discussing, Miffin stood up and shouted at the fruit trees:

"Hey, help me!"

A few seconds later, bright silk threads burst out from between the leaves and branches, accurately wrapped around the best fruits on each fruit tree, and swung over like a whip.

For a while, fruits fell like rain.

The apprentices hurriedly caught them with their hands and feet. These were all fruits prepared for Cloa's birthday party. If they were broken, it would be a big problem.

"Thank you."

After getting these fruits, Miffin asked, "Aren't you going with us? Cloa is going to hold a birthday party, and you should also attend it."

Hearing his question, a crystal clear little spider like white jade quietly poked its head out from each fruit tree. Their bodies were crystal clear and smooth, without fluff.

The black gemstone-like eyes stared at Miffin, as if hesitating.

But after a brief hesitation, they all shook their heads.

The smallest white jade spider with the most magical power sent out a mental wave: "Master Croa has given us a place to stay, and we have to complete his task.

If the master agrees that we can have a good meal, that's fine!"

"Of course." Orpheus Oak relayed the instructions of a certain wizard: "Croa has already told me that you should have a good meal, just as his birthday party."

This was a special order from Croa, asking him to help him pass on this matter on the way back - he originally planned to let these spiders taste the fruits he planted after the harvest.

You can't really treat them as pitiful workers, and you can't eat whatever you make, right?

Then they work so hard, isn't it very sad.

Croa, who used to be such a hard-working worker, certainly wouldn't become such a bad guy, so he was very generous to the servants and the magic beasts and plants.

In addition to the 90% harvest that needs to be handed in, the rest can be kept by oneself and planted in one's own fields in the future.

It sounds like a small amount, but you have to know that the environment here was transformed by Croa, and the seeds were also provided by Croa. They provided labor.

Compared with most of the lords in this world, his behavior is extremely merciful.


"Thank you, Lord Croa!"

With the words of the Orpheus Oak, these spiders cheered and began to spit out silk threads to pull the fruits into the air. The sharp silk threads entangled in the air and cut the fruits into pieces.

Then, they happily enjoyed the fruits that were cut as thin as cicada wings. They ate them happily. The fruits on the tree were decreasing at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Everyone: "..."

If you hadn't seen this scene with your own eyes, who would believe that spiders actually like to eat fruits so much? No wonder they don't have the gloomy and cold feeling of ordinary magic spiders.

While watching the spiders happily enjoying the fruits, they continued to move forward in the car.

Soon the car left the fields and orchards and came to the rushing Telai River. The car did not stop, but roared into the river like a roller coaster.

Silver water splashed, and at the moment of entering, the consciousness of the Telai River directly wrapped the car, completely isolating them from the river water and entering a clear river bottom.

There are also paved tracks at the bottom of this big river. The apprentices looked up at the light green river water flowing above their heads. The river water was so clear that it seemed as if there was nothing.

Various freshwater fish and freshwater monsters swam freely in the river, each of them was quite plump, as if swimming in the sky.

There were also some water plantains, reeds, cattails and lotus flowers growing around the riverbed tracks, which grew extremely lush even under the water.

The dam further away was even more lush and indescribable, like a huge forest growing in the water, with radiant magic plant flowers hanging in it, and fish swimming in it.

Some fat beavers had been waiting here for a long time. When they saw them coming, they immediately started to use their teeth to chew off edible aquatic crops and piled them into the car behind them.

Lotus roots, lotus pods, reed fruits, water spirit flowers...

All the magic plants that the beavers had worked so hard to grow were piled into the car, but they were still happy to take out more treasured fruits from their nests.

In the distance, there were some pink figures that shuttled like lightning, catching fish and aquatic monsters that were so fat that they looked like they were about to ooze oil, and then swam quickly to pile them into the car.

Rhea gently rubbed a pink porpoise beside him, with extremely gentle movements.

"Thank you."

The pink porpoise touched his palm and swam away.

As they drove like this, the car behind them was already three-fifths full. When they were about to leave the riverbed, the river water was turbulent, and some water-like crystals gathered and were put into the car.

The "gurgling" flowing river seemed to be seeing them off, pushing them out of the Telai River and into the last stop near the sea.

That is the Wheat Valley Territory.

From a distance, almost the entire valley was full of thriving wheat. These wheats were unusually tall, and the surface was intertwined with red and blood, like an oil painting.

After another roller coaster-like bump, they entered the range of the Wheat Valley Territory, and this time, as soon as they entered, rice grains like jade fell from the sky.

Each of these long and thick rice grains was the size of a little finger. If they hadn't caught it in time, it would have hurt if it hit them.

As they continued to move forward, monsters such as grizzly bears, tigers, and leopards would occasionally emerge from the lush wheat bushes on both sides of the road.

They were all very large in size, but their movements were extremely sharp. With just one leap, they accurately threw the rabbits, chickens, wild boars, and other small animals they caught into the car.

Just like shooting a basketball, there were only a few that missed.

And these monsters that missed immediately became dejected, sighing, and wished they could throw again - this was the order of the squirrel boss. If they missed, they wouldn't be able to eat the rice next time!

It was rare to be able to offer a gift to the powerful human wizard, but it turned out to be a mess.

These domineering monsters covered their eyes with their fat claws, unwilling to face it.

The apprentices didn't have time to look at it now. Although the monsters threw it very accurately, there was more and more meat inside, so they had to start sorting it out quickly.

Of course, he also missed the special sight of a squirrel with an emerald snake wrapped around its neck not far away.

The squirrel squeaked, as if he wanted to leave here to attend Cloya's birthday party, but the little snake lazily coiled around its neck, like a scarf, licked its face gently.

At the same time, he also used his body and tail to stop his eager heart and actions to leave here.

He couldn't let the squirrel leave, otherwise, away from the earth, he would have no way to absolutely protect the squirrel.

To put it bluntly, he didn't trust that human!

The helpless squirrel could only sigh pitifully, and by the way, he also fondly stroked the little snake with his flexible claws, watching the car leave Maigu Territory.


When the car left Maigu Territory, the rear compartment was completely filled, filled with the best rice grains and various fresh monsters.

"Ah, finally finished."

The apprentices wiped the blood off their faces and returned to their seats from the pile of prey with difficulty.

The wind in the distance brought a slightly cool moisture, and the vision gradually became wider with the "clang clang" sound of the car moving forward, and the endless blue sea was already in sight.

They only needed to cross the sea and reach Hanjiao Island in the end, and their patrol mission this time would be completed, because there was also a road paved on the sea.

That was also what they needed to check and patrol.

However, as they got closer to the sea, they all made the same sound -


"What is that?"

"Coconut trees?"

They all raised their voices in doubt.

Looking far away, they noticed that there seemed to be some strange changes in the sea. In the blue water... were there a group of coconut trees swaying and dancing?

It looked like the pure white sea spirit coconuts of the Croa adults?

Thanks to the small mode boss for the reward and the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets of all the bosses, I am very grateful!

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