I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 230 230 Golden Apple Dream, a Dream for God

Chapter 230 230. Golden Apple Dream, Dream for God

Little white mouse, oh no, the apprentices, Orpheus Oak, Miffin and others all became extremely curious about the blooming water lily.

Among them, Orpheus Oak and Miffin both knew where this lotus came from. Now that they saw it suddenly bloom, they were even more surprised and a little worried.

You know, the one sealed inside is a divine messenger!

In the main plane world, except for the legend, basically no one can go head-to-head with such an existence. His coming means invincibility.

Has Kloya been so bold as to use this existence?

But if you think about it carefully, they dare to catch even the divine messenger, so using it like this seems...nothing.

The divine messenger of the Holy See of Light suddenly disappeared, and they were almost crazy. It is said that even the sleeping Lord of Light has sent down an oracle.

But if you can't find it, you can't find it.

When he thought of how they were so anxious that they almost turned the Yavana Holy Mine upside down, Mifeiyin felt that his mood suddenly improved.

The worry just now dissipated silently.

When he was in a good mood, he talked more. He simply asked curiously: "What is it?"

"You will know when you extend your mental power in." Kloya kept it a secret and blinked mysteriously.

"Remember, you don't need to pay anything to enter this time, but you need to pay to enter again."

After hearing what he said, everyone present simply contacted the petals of the lotus with their mental power, even the knights were no exception.

For Kloya, who has always been generous, to say the word "pay", it is obvious that there is definitely something special in it.

At the moment they approached the lotus, they had a brief trance. Then they felt that their consciousness was infinitely stretched, passing through a rainbow-colored tunnel, as if they had entered another world.

In that world... there were rising clouds and lavender water lilies blooming all over the world. The quiet atmosphere filled this world, giving people a very special feeling.

What's even more magical is that although it was just the extension of spiritual power, it really felt like they had come to a real world. They could even smell the texture of the soil under their feet, the flow of clouds around them, and the fragrance of water lilies.

"Where is this place?"

Just as they were looking around, Kloya's voice sounded:

"Follow the path of rainbow grass."

Immediately under their feet, a road made of rainbow grass appeared, extending to the invisible end in the distance.

Everyone immediately walked on the rainbow grass road. They thought it would take a long time to walk, but after walking four or five steps, they came to an island covered with rainbow grass and a bright light.

The space seemed to be folded, and the ocean of mist and water lilies was left behind.

The light from somewhere illuminated the island, making it very different from the surrounding scenery full of water lilies and mist, and adding a touch of reality.

This island not only has rainbow grass, but also a lot of apple trees. The apples on them are all golden and very tempting.

"Let's all go and taste the apples." Kloya's voice sounded again, "Explore this place by the way, there may be unexpected gains."

Hearing Kloya's voice, everyone looked at each other for a while, and then decisively scattered to explore this island of about half a hectare.

Mi Feiyin's main concern was of course the golden apples. He walked to the tree, reached out and picked a round golden apple, and rubbed it in his hand.

The texture was very real apple texture, and it seemed that the metallic luster on the surface was just luster, not hard at all.

"Is this a dream?"

"There are real fruits, and I don't know what they taste like."

He took a bite of the apple lightly.


The juice of the apple immediately filled his mouth, and there was sweet flesh, crisp, and the taste even made him a little unable to stop.

As if driven, he ate the apple, which was bigger than his palm, in a few seconds.

He even ate the core of the apple.

After eating, he licked his lips and felt that his mental power was not only fully restored, but also seemed to have become stronger - you know, he is already a sixth-level bishop-level clergyman.

One apple can make the mental power stronger, the level of this fruit should be at least six or seven.

"Such a magical fruit..."

He looked up at the vast apple forest that covered most of the island, and couldn't help but whispered: "Is this planted with His power?"

The "He" here naturally refers to the son of war of light, Deimos.

"Yes." Kloya's voice sounded with the ubiquitous light, with a little pride in it: "This is the golden apple I planted with His divine power. As for what else, you can explore it yourself!"

The voice ended with a clear rise of excitement, and then disappeared with the breeze.

Mifeiyin: "..."

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Cloya was showing off his toy, but he was really interested in it.

So he could only happily start exploring the surroundings, strolling in the white land and golden apple trees.

Before walking a few steps, the sounds of apprentices shouting could be heard in the distance——


"What's this?"


Miffy quickly walked a few steps, and after passing through the gaps between several apple trees, a circular pool with a radius of about ten meters appeared in front of him, covered in warm light.

There was light orange water inside, exuding warm white water vapor. It looked like it was only half a meter deep at most, but on the edge of the pool were some extremely regular golden rocks with magic patterns engraved on them.

It seems that the entire pool is a strange magic circle.

Orpheus Oak was already lying in the pool. This tree man had no clothes at all. He was lying on the wall of the pool, squinting comfortably and enjoying the moisture of the pool water.

There are even colorful flowers blooming on the crown of the tree, which is obviously a good mood.

Seeing people gathered around it, it stretched its branches and invited: "Come together, this is a rare experience."

All the people present were apprentices, and they had all experienced collective life, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about. Except for a few female apprentices, they all took off their clothes neatly and jumped into the pool.

Just like dropping dumplings, "plop plop".

It stands to reason that what they are entering now is only their mental bodies, and there is no such thing as taking off their clothes. Their mental bodies can change however they want.

But they just feel very real, everything here seems to be real, and the rules of the outside world still apply here.

When they all jumped into the pool, the warm orange water flowed toward them as if alive, surrounded by some slender fish with translucent fins that looked like swimming dragons. Follow them in circles.

"Isn't this the fish from Silver Moon Forest?"

"Can they come in here?"

"Uh...what are they doing."

The silver fish opened their mouths in unison, and like a dragon breathing, they exhaled a long silver mist, covering everyone and the trees in the pool.

The silver mist condensed into extremely fine ice crystals on the surface of their skin, and soon spread to all parts of their bodies, even their hair was stained with ice crystals.

What is the experience of hot springs with ice?

Now they feel it - their bodies are both cold and hot, but they don't feel uncomfortable at all. Two different perceptions are intertwined and blooming on their bodies, and they even have a tendency to get addicted to it.

This is not just the feeling of ice and fire. They feel that their mental power is becoming more solid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's really visible to the naked eye, because their bodies are indeed becoming more real, even the folds in their skin and the pores and hair are gradually becoming clearer.

"This... is amazing!"

"My mental strength is twice as strong as before!"

"Hahahaha, I have reached the third level of spiritual power!"

The apprentices were overjoyed.

Whether they are knights or magicians, their demand for mental power is very high, especially those special knights who have learned the fighting spirit of thorns.

The fighting spirit of Thorns is theoretically endless, but how much they can control depends entirely on how strong their mental power and willpower are.

Thinking of the fighting spirit of thorns, their hearts moved. A knight apprentice took the lead and stretched out their hands. White thorns grew from the fingertips and twisted into sword blades.


For a moment, the surrounding mage apprentices quickly ran away and glared at each other: "Are you crazy? Are you using the Sword of Thorns here?"

"You want to fight, right? Let's go out to the training ground and spar in a while?"

"I can't even take a bath to survive!"

Elegant, with forearms darkened by the sun, but the rest of the body was white, the mages looked like pandas and scolded the knights.

The knights pretended not to hear anything, and just as if they had discovered a new world, they ran aside, grabbed their clothes, and jumped into the golden apple forest. After a while, the sound of "clang, clang, clang" was heard.

Apparently they were energetic enough to compete with each other.

Seeing this, the mages rolled their eyes, feeling that these people were really exaggerating. They had been out for so long and still had the energy to compete like this when they came back.

They continued to take a bath, feeling the collision of the two magical powers of ice and fire. Not only were their mental powers slowly increasing, but their understanding of the two magical powers seemed to be increasing as well.

Soon they were immersed in it, and only Mifein, Orpheus, Oak and Rhea quietly got up, and they continued to explore the depths of the golden apple forest together.

This golden apple forest is really quite vast. They walked for about ten minutes before the apple trees in front of them gradually became sparse.

Some buildings appeared in the distance.

No, it should be a tree house to be precise.

Each of them is seven or eight meters high, with branches and vines forming balconies, windows, and stairs. The entire tree house looks simple and mysterious.

Orpheus Oak is very familiar with those tree houses. These are the "Hunter's Trees" that are common among the elves.

To put it simply, it is actually the house where the hunters of the elves live. And because the elves can basically pass the hunter exam as long as they are not disabled as adults, it is the most common tree house where civilians live.

There are also the Tree of War, the Tree of Priests, the Tree of Eternity... Anyway, the elves have corresponding tree houses for each class and profession.

There is even a special assessment for "tree planters" who build tree houses, which is equivalent to a construction worker or a civil engineer on the human side.

Of course, this does not mean that this thing is inferior.

In the land of the elves, which is almost pickled by natural magic, even if you plant a rabbit, you may be able to grow a bunch of rabbits the next year.

If you want to plant this kind of tree house in human territory, the time and energy required will certainly not be the same.

The large continuous forest in front of us now, with dozens of tree houses at a glance, is simply a miracle in human territory.

To be formed in such a dreamland is even more of a miracle.

Orpheus Oak couldn't help but ran over and began to use its own unique power to communicate with these tree houses, which made things happen to it.

Treehouses can actually communicate!

They are all alive and self-aware, not fakes made up in dreams.

The other two people looked at each other and opened the door directly and entered the tree house. As a result, the decoration inside the tree house looked completely different from the outside, filled with a clean and neat feeling.

The floor is made of wood, and the surrounding walls are made of jade tiles. There are tables, chairs, and benches, and there are stairs on the side that can go up and down, leading to the bedroom, kitchen, observation deck, and storage room.

There are even toilets and bathrooms...

They don't understand the meaning of the existence of these things. This is a dream. Are these things useful?

Although I can vaguely think of some plans that Croya may have, it is still impossible to completely guess them.

So I could only follow the Orpheus Oak with a confused look on my face.

"What the hell is going on? Human friend."

Oak thought hard to no avail, so he could only ask Croya, hoping to get an answer. The other two were also curious.

And Croya did not continue to pretend, he appeared directly in front of them and said with a smile: "Do you think that mental power can exist here without the body for a long time?"

This question made both Kazuki fall into silence.

The three of them, including a bishop, a favored person, and a former missionary from the church, certainly knew much more than ordinary people.

But can mental power... really exist independently of the body?

Perhaps a powerful being can divide his mental power and soul and allow his mental power and soul to enter some places for exploration.

But that can't be considered common. What Croya is asking now is whether those knights and mages of one or two levels can let their mental power exist independently for a long time without their bodies.

They thought hard to no avail - perhaps Orpheus Oak and Miffin thought of the possible owner of this dreamland, but since there was Rhea here, they didn't say it clearly.

Seeing this, Croya smiled and motioned for them to follow.

While walking among the tree houses, he said: "This is a real dream that I used a lot of treasures and special magic to create.

Anyone with spiritual power can enter here, not just humans, but also fish, birds and elves. "

As he spoke, there were already a bunch of elves on his body. These little guys huddled together comfortably and lay on his shoulders and head, which was very comfortable.

He glanced at these little guys with gentle eyes, slowed down his pace, and took a leisurely pace.

"Beings who enter here can choose to store their spiritual power here and experience everything in this real dreamland.

Daily life, magic training, physical exercise, and all the special life that cannot be experienced in reality. "

“When they spend enough time here and take back their mental power, they can naturally acquire the memories and experiences here.

Of course, you can experience it yourself, just come here through the passage built by rainbow grass. "

At this point, he stopped, suddenly looked at Rhea, and said, "I have prepared a gift for you here. Go and have a look in the big river in the distance."

He stretched out his hand a little, and the lush golden apple forest in the distance disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a huge river, rushing and flowing.

Inside, there is a pink finless porpoise jumping.

"I'm going to meet my friends first!"

Of course Rhea knew that Croya wanted him to leave intentionally, probably to say something confidential, so he quickly ran away and went to play with the finless porpoise.

"let's go."

After watching him leave, Croya continued to walk forward. A road made of rainbow grass appeared under his feet. The surrounding golden apple woods gradually became sparse, and lavender water lilies began to fill the field of vision.

There seemed to be a strong mental wave looming in the distance.

Orpheus Oak and Miffin both knew what it was.

They said nothing, but listened to Croya continue: "I tried to make this powerful divine messenger fall into a deep sleep forever, but his spirit is so huge... No matter how deep the dream or the embrace of the earth is, He cannot be allowed to sleep forever."


Croya stopped, the road to rainbow grass came to an end.

In the distance, there is a huge mountain-like figure sleeping under the lavender water lilies, surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers.

The mage opened his arms and seemed to embrace the entire world.

His tone was proud:

"I want to use the spiritual power of all living things to build an absolutely real dream, and let him sleep in it forever."

"As long as the spiritual power is sufficient, the world will become more and more real. This world is built in His dream. By absorbing His power, it can provide endless divine power and become a real dreamland."


Ophes Oak and Miffin both widened their eyes in surprise. For a moment, even the bishop and the God's favored felt that Kloya's figure was extremely tall.

This is not only to trap him, but also to use the God's messenger as energy.

What an arrogant approach, what a genius idea!

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