I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 231 231 Open, Dream City

Chapter 231 231. Open, City of Dreams

Seeing one person and one tree lost in thought, Croya continued: "Although according to my assumption, the dream is enough to put this divine envoy into eternal sleep.

However, there needs to be enough dream material.

What you saw before was the world I planned to open to the outside world, including the tree house community and part of the golden apple forest. "

"What do you mean by material?" Mifein came back to his senses and asked.

"To put it simply, the more lives there are living here, the trajectory and logic of their actions will become part of this dream.

No matter how realistic the dream I imagined is, it is not as good as the dream world built by real people and lives. "

This is indeed true. Many spiritual and illusion magic actually affect people's hearts and fall into what they think is the real world.

The richer your knowledge and experience of the world, the faster you can find flaws in illusion magic. Because illusion dreams are not the real world in the final analysis, and there will be a serious sense of violation no matter what.

But if you really follow Croya's approach, the more people living in this dream world, the more real the world will become. In the end... I'm afraid it will be impossible to distinguish the boundary between dreams and reality.

This is really a terrifying ability.

But neither Man nor Tree said anything, and just continued to listen to Croya.

Croya smiled slightly: "I heard that the Holy See of Light has a prison specifically for the undead. What else can be more real and profound than the memories provided by the undead?"


"Human friend, do you want to relieve the grievances of the undead?"

"Do you still want them to keep their memories here?"

Orpheus Oak is well-informed and understands a little of Croya's meaning - many undead and wronged souls stay in the main plane because they have some regrets that have not been dissipated.

Of course, this does not include some necromancers and lichs who are estimated to have become undead and wronged souls who want to gain eternal life.

Croya's intention is nothing more than to use the memories of the souls of the undead to make the world more real.


"I want to take advantage of the undead and the unforgettable wishes of the dead. Those memories are the most profound and can definitely form a dream that is close to reality."


He looked at Mifein, who was still smiling. Besides, he was really good-looking. Even though he obviously wanted something, the latter couldn't feel bored.

Miffy couldn't help but rubbed his head, and said helplessly: "If I could enter the prison of the Holy See before, it would be difficult now."

"I didn't say let you go." Croya blinked: "The knight commander who is still at the frontline base of Yavanna Holy Mine, she should be happy to help.

Purifying the undead will become her credit. Can it help her take a further step in the Holy See of Light? "

As he spoke, he patted Mifein on the shoulder with a smile: "The Knight Commander is an internal agent of the Mother Earth Church, I know that.

If she can reach a higher position, you should be able to gain something. I can't directly target the Holy See of Light now, but I can still help you.

After all, I really hate what the Holy See of Light is doing now. It may be biased, but I really hate it! "

"..." Miffy sighed softly, his expression a little touched: "Actually, you don't need to be involved in this."

"No, I will definitely be involved in this."

Croya shook his head firmly: "You should have seen the sunflowers I planted. With their existence, I and the vast majority of people in the Holy See of Light will never be able to coexist peacefully."

"Instead of letting the Holy See come to trouble me, it's better for me to help you first. At least I can get some information."

At this point, he paused: "Of course, this does not mean that I have a good impression of the Church of the Mother Earth. Friends, do you believe in the God the church says, or in the earth itself?"

After saying what needed to be said, he left here without hesitation, leaving only a former bishop and the current God's Favorite looking at each other.

If anyone else had said this, they would have been furious, but Croya said this...

After a while, Orpheus Oak imitated humans and spread his hands: "Why do I think Croya has a deeper and more accurate understanding of gods than we do?"

Miffy could only remain silent.

Because he can neither refute nor admit it.

After a while, he shook his head: "Let me contact Beverselis. She will definitely not refuse the credit that comes to my door."

Inside the mage tower.

After Cloya buried a nail in Miffy's heart, he returned to the dream server room that he had built one after another in the past year with satisfaction.

This room is about half an acre in size. At first glance, it looks like a sand table or a micro-landscape. There are many apple trees, tree houses, valleys, streams and rivers planted according to the magic patterns of the magic circle.

Further away is the Golden Apple Paradise he built that is open to the public - what the apprentices just went to was for internal special use.

After all, there must be some differences between those who work hard for him and those who can enter with money.

There is a layer of light silver mist on the surface of the sand table, like a gauze.

Everything inside, except for the rivers formed by the spiritual power of the Telai River, was remade by him using the emerald skeleton tree.

The purpose is to shrink them, engrave them with dream walking, and enter the huge dream array he built.

It is not impossible to plant them outside, but the price to pay is an astronomical figure.

The process of making this can be said to be quite troublesome. It took a year to barely complete it and successfully operate it on his birthday.

He felt more and more that it was difficult to make magic props. As the level increased, the level of the magic props he made became higher, and the time consumed was probably getting longer and longer.

He did not leave the Mage Tower for a whole year. It seemed that the moment he picked up the materials and put them down, time flowed silently.


I don't know why, he sighed.

It stands to reason that he is only 23 years old now, and he is already a powerful fifth-level mage, and he also has such a vast territory.

Time should be on his side, but he inexplicably felt a little uncomfortable, as if his perception of time had become very unclear.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

The elves on his shoulders seemed to have sensed his melancholy and followed him in silence.

After a while, he adjusted his mentality and continued to look at the sand table that he had spent a year to make.

In the center of the sand table was a huge cover made of astral crystal, inside which was the Void Moon God Tree, and under the tree was a lavender water lily.

The roots of the God Tree were deeply embedded in the petals of the water lily, and there were roots of golden apples on the side that were entwined with the water lily, absorbing the power inside.

Those golden apple trees were all bought by him from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. They were said to be magic plants from another world. Although they were only descendants of the original, they also had the ability to carry divine power.

They were all level six magic plants, and each one cost 100,000 magic crystals. For this golden apple forest, Cloya almost invested all the magic crystals he earned during this period.

Not only magic crystals, he also engraved the Seven Stars Separation Technique and the special magic that the angel taught him, which can make the divine power harmless, on these golden apple trees.

They will separate the divine power of God Moss in the water lily through their roots, and the scattered ones will form their own fruits, and the rest will be injected into the Void Moon God Tree.

The cover made of astral crystal is located in the center of the magic array, surrounded by precise magic patterns, ensuring that the divine power transformed by the golden apple tree can flow in this small sand table world.

Kloya looked at the sand table and saw the island in the center of the hazy moonlight mist and his eternal magic.

In it, the apprentices were taking a bath and sparring, and the dream and reality seemed to merge into one at this moment.

Clear but with a layer of hazy mist.


"After they entered the golden apple dream array, the reality of the dream increased by one billionth, and the spiritual fluctuations of God Moss decreased immeasurably."

"Your idea is correct."

The voice of the tower spirit sounded.

"That's good."

"By the way, how is the shop going? Can the food be perfectly replicated?" he asked again.

"Yes, these foods are all made from ingredients in the dream array, and they are spiritual bodies themselves.

You only need to make this kind of food and understand their taste, and you can copy it."

"Is that so?"

"It seems that more people are needed to research more flavors and dishes."

Kloya nodded, looked at the water lilies under the Void Moon God Tree, reached out to take the Gopher Wood Harp, and then threw it directly over there.

With a "whoosh", the Gopher Wood Harp fell next to the cover made of the Star Crystal, and turned into a lush Gopher Wood.

Its branches and leaves collided with each other, and soon played a symphony like a scroll, and the magic patterns from the outside of the Star Crystal cover slowly penetrated in and rushed towards the water lilies.

"I don't know if this will work."

To be honest, even Cloya himself was not sure if this attempt would work. He was planning to inject the divine power back into the body of the envoy through the cycle of the symphony.

The greatest ability of the symphony is assimilation. If it really works, he can make this envoy his subordinate and combat force.

The combat power of a envoy should be enough to deal with most troubles.

The only pity is that the gopher wood harp cannot be taken out casually during this period. Only his gopher wood harp can play the symphony continuously.

After doing all this, he walked out of his laboratory slowly, stood on the terrace of the Mage Tower, and looked at the scenery of the sea and sky in the distance.

Muttered to himself: "It's time to start."


Yavanna Holy Mine Front Base.

In the Warcraft Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop.

At this time, the shop was already crowded with people. In this year, many people came here to buy magic plants and Warcraft.

Not long ago, the store announced that since their lord was about to hold a birthday party, all customers who had purchased Warcraft plants in the store could enter the lord's paradise to celebrate and participate in the competition.

If they can win the top ten in the competition, the lord will cultivate the magic beasts and magic plants they bought according to their wishes.

The top three can get permanent admission tickets to the park. They can enter the Golden Apple Park in any magic beast, magic plant and war pet store.

This of course immediately aroused the interest of many people, and even customers who had already run far away came all the way here just to participate in this competition.

The reason is simple. These magic beasts and magic plants are really amazing. Some of them are smarter than their owners. Now your rats will really cook a table of dishes for you.

If they can continue to train and receive training, what will happen to them? They can't imagine it.

So, the mood of waiting here is very excited.

They stared at the curtain covered by red cloth in the center of the store. Some professionals tried to peek with their mental power, but naturally they couldn't feel anything.

Ott and Mir stood on both sides of the red cloth. In fact, they didn't understand what the red cloth meant and why they had to cover it with it. The red cloth was dyed with the juice of the phoenix flower and was very expensive.

But since it was Kloya's order, they must do it. In their opinion, this might be a blessing ceremony circulated among some magicians.

They waited patiently for time to pass and for Kloya's order to come. When Kloya's voice came through the network of mushroom people.

The two of them immediately pulled the rope in their hands.

With a "squeak", the red cloth was separated from the middle, revealing the contents like a waterfall... It was a row of helmets.

Yes, it looked like a helmet at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the surface of this thing is engraved with quite complex magic patterns, including many decorative vines and flower branches. Anyway, it looks very high-end.

It also made those who knew a little about the magic circle present completely unable to see its true function and could only guess.

At this time, Mir stepped forward and said loudly:


"Welcome to our annual Reef Festival."

"Thank you for the Lord's gift. He will open the Golden Apple Paradise and most of its facilities for free today."

"Please seize the opportunity to experience it."

"Only today is it free. If you want to enter the Golden Apple Paradise after today, you will need to pay five first-level magic crystals per person every day."

"Now please come forward one by one in the queue order."

After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation.

The people who had been waiting impatiently immediately walked to the front. The people who walked in the front were the first group of people who bought magic plants and magic beasts here.

Of course, this included Ellie, who had just returned from the Orpheus family. She got a piece of music from the family and was looking for someone to appreciate it with her.

She felt that the Lord of Reef Island, Cloya, would definitely understand this elegant art and the extremely special magic contained in it.

Thinking like this, she came to the front. The smiling shop assistant Nina took two helmets, one large and one small. She first put one on her thieving earth rat Xiao Huang, and then took the other one and put it on Ai Li's head.

The moment she put on the helmet, Ai Li felt that her soul and consciousness seemed to have passed through a tunnel with rainbow grass.

A few seconds later, her eyes suddenly opened up -

At the end of the visible field of vision, there was an extremely special city made of very strange materials.

There were tall fruit trees with golden apples hanging in the city, and the houses were all white. It was a kind of architectural form that she had never seen before, but felt very elegant.

In addition, there were some shops that looked like "snacks" and "hot pot".

The whole world did not seem to be illusory at all. It gave her the feeling that she had really come to a beautiful city.

"It's so magical."

Ai Li sighed, but suddenly felt a lightness on her shoulders. Her thieving earth rat Xiao Huang had jumped down without hesitation and ran towards the city.

Along with Xiao Huang were the pets of other people who had already entered. They ran all the way in ecstasy as if they had suddenly seen their long-lost hometown.

"Don't run!"

"Wait for me!"

"Are you crazy!"

Their owners followed behind resignedly, but these magic beasts were quite fast, and some weak mages ran out of breath.

Of course, this did not include those people holding flower pots. They bought magic plants. Although they did not have so many complicated emotions, they would not run around casually.

These people walked leisurely behind.

When the miserable owners in front finally followed their running pets into the city, their pets suddenly separated again.

In this year, the Magic Beast and Magic Plant War Pet Shop added one magic beast and two magic plants. Now most people bring magic beasts.

That is, the earth-stealing rat, the flame-tailed dog, the blue pigeon and the short-eared cat.

After entering the city, the four kinds of monsters ran in different directions. Although Ai Li was curious about what happened, she still followed her pet.

Not long after, she saw that she and other earth-stealing rats were all standing in front of a small shop about half a person's height.

There was a sign hanging on the shop - Rat Food Shop.

Inside the store are two mice wearing chef uniforms and chef hats. In front of them are a pile of extremely beautifully made cookies, cakes and other foods.

The food exudes an indescribable aroma, not to mention the house rats, even their owners are a little eager to lick their lips.

Seeing this scene, the owners of the house rats couldn't understand why.

It turns out that this place sells food.

But is the food here really filling?

Suspicious, a young female mage stepped forward and asked, "How much does this food cost?"

"It's free, dear lady."

The gopher wearing a chef's robe spoke with a gentle and magnetic voice, as if he was an elegant gentleman.

"As long as we complete our challenge, you can eat these foods as much as you want within today!"

"What's the challenge?"

someone asked impatiently.

"That's a special test for us as a clan of earth rats." The earth rat in chef's robe pointed to a hole on the side with a cute earth rat head standing upright.

“Treasure hunting, as long as you can find the treasure inside, no matter what treasure it is, you can take it away for free, and your pets can also enjoy delicious food.

Let me remind you again, these foods can enhance the mental power of gophers, and there is a very small chance that they can understand magic! "

After saying the last thing, it gracefully made a gesture of invitation. Before it could finish, the impatient people rushed directly into the cave.

Being able to take away the treasure can also increase your pet's mental strength and learn magic. What kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing is this?

They have never doubted the authenticity at all, because the credibility is here.

But what was waiting for them inside the cave... was a sight that would frighten many people.

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