I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 232 News about the Origin Poem

Chapter 232 232. News of the Origin Poem

What greeted everyone was not a treasure hunt for children, but a mist filled with lavender halo.

Anyone who entered would see the scene they longed for the most - some saw a huge, gold-studded treasure chest quietly placed not far away; others saw clusters of magic crystals and magic materials exposed on the ground; and some saw castles and caves guarded by dragons.

In short, everyone saw something different.

The only thing in common was that the treasures inside were all the materials they urgently needed.

Magicians needed materials for alchemy; warriors and knights needed materials to exercise their bodies and temper their fighting spirit.

When they entered here, Kloya outside immediately heard the voice of the tower spirit: "The dream index in the treasure cave is rising.

The power of the lilac butterfly flower is also increasing.

The estimated increase is... one billionth.

The things they see are the most special scenes imagined in memory, which will be of great help to you in filling the gaps in the golden apple dream.

In addition, the treasure hunt activities in the other places are also continuing, and the data shows that your assumption is correct.

The connection of the rainbow grass channel is also normal."

The data cannot lie.

Kloya nodded with satisfaction, "Whether the treasures they get later can be as they wish... depends on whether the dream of this messenger of God can make them so real."

When it comes to this, Ta Ling's voice is a little doubtful: "Even the dream of God should not be able to create things beyond their understanding."

"Yes." Kloya did not deny: "But according to previous tests, as long as you understand the composition of magic materials and the changes in magic properties, you can study them in dreams."

"What do you think they will choose if they suddenly get so many treasures?"


"You mean, you want to use their knowledge to create magic tools and other creations in this dream?" Ta Ling suddenly realized.

"I want to try where the border of this God's messenger's dream is. As a powerful God's messenger, do you think there will be knowledge in his dream?"

"Some scenes will appear subconsciously in the dream. If some people's magic tools can touch these scenes, it is equivalent to the knowledge of God."

If there are other people here, they will definitely say that Cloya is simply trying to squeeze out every possible way from God's messenger Moss.

"Wait and see the subsequent results."

Cloya did not expect it to take effect immediately. He noticed another thing and raised his eyebrows: "One billionth, this number is not low. These people's mental power is quite strong."

You must know that this "billion" is based on the mental power standard of God's messenger Moss that Cloya can detect now, so this number is really not low.

At the same time, he also felt a little confused.

There are only a few dozen people who have just entered, and they can actually get one billionth of mental power, and it is still the "fantasy mental power" that can enrich the dream.

"Can you detect the specific flow of spiritual power?" Kloya asked curiously: "Mark the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by everyone inside for me."

"Please wait a moment... Woo, I still need to mobilize the data conversion of the magic circle, and the spiritual magic pattern of the lavender butterfly flower..."

Ta Ling couldn't help complaining: "If you continue like this, I will go to see the scenery with Teacher Mu Yao Qu Teng!"

It's rare to hear Ta Ling complain like this, Kloya smiled and said: "King Mu Yao Qu Teng has helped me so much, and what I promised him is that he can see all the scenery in my territory in the future.

You can go and see it at will in the future. I have given you the authority of the entire territory.

By the way, speaking of this..."

The mage suddenly looked at a special area on the side: "Can their spirituality enter the golden apple dream and exist for a long time?"

The area he was looking at was a pile of some of the underworld-specific extradition fog, deep black water, wailing soil and other items that he had traded with the pit lord during this period to create an environment similar to the underworld.

Of course, this was also guided by the angel. This guy is indeed extremely knowledgeable, and he knows both the holy kingdom of heaven and the underworld of the lower plane.

And the reason why he created this special area... is actually an extremely bold attempt.

He wanted to use his eternal magic to create a wall that can be isolated, so that the souls living in it can resist the attraction of the underworld.

Perhaps no one can escape the shackles of life, so he has been preparing for a long time, so that if his subordinates do not want to leave this world in the future, there will be a paradise for them to enjoy in peace.

The tower spirit was silent for a short time, and then showed some data in front of Cloya.

Those data are the data of the Golden Apple Dream Underworld area. The data show that it cannot withstand any stimulation and fluctuations, and it is already doing its best to just maintain its existence.

This is still stabilized by the magic circle composed of eternal magic and the power of the quiet serenade carved by Cloya himself, otherwise it would have been destroyed by the turbulence of magic.

"It's a long and arduous journey."

Kroya was not too disappointed. This was just an attempt, and he had enough patience to debug the magic.

At this time, the tower spirit had also listed out the chart. Among the pile of magic sources, the most conspicuous one was the spiritual power emanating from an elf.

No, to be precise...it's something attached to her body.

It was a shadow of an oak tree, entwining around her spiritual power. Its branches and leaves were full of primitive dark green. It seemed to be a protection, but it also seemed more like a prison.

It is the spiritual power emitted by this oak tree that supports the vast majority of the spiritual power. Without it, it would not be possible, let alone one in a billion, or hundreds of millions.


"Forget it, I'll go see her in person."

Croya naturally recognized who this elf was, but this guy disappeared directly after leaving the Yavana Sacred Mine a year ago.

There is not even a little time for communication.

This time he came at the right time. He did have some doubts that he wanted answered, and he was also very curious about the original incident... what was the position of the Ophis family.

Ta Ling reminded: "The spiritual power in her body is very well hidden. If it weren't for the power of Moss, the god in this dream, it would be difficult to detect it.

Master, you have to be careful. If the spiritual power in her body explodes, it may wake up Demos. "

Croya nodded: "I know."

Ellie stared at the thing in front of her with wide eyes——

It was a huge oak tree, almost a forest of single trees. What grew on the branches were not acorns, but crystal clear emerald flowers one after another.

"How come there are emerald flowers here?"

She was a little at a loss for a moment, because this thing was a sacred flower that existed in the legend of the Orpheus family. It was a blessing from the goddess of nature to the first generation head of the Orpheus family.

This magical flower can produce a special potion called "Emerald Dream". Those who take this potion can even enter the divine kingdom of the goddess of nature and perceive magic.

But the emerald garden where this kind of flower is planted was completely burned by the war god of the Holy See of Light, Moss, with the fire of war a long time ago.

Just as she was hesitating, a voice suddenly sounded from the side: "This is a gift for you."

"Mage Croa."

Elf Ellie immediately identified the owner of the voice, and immediately turned around and looked over. Sure enough, she saw Croya wearing a blue mage robe standing not far away.

She was not surprised by Croya's appearance. Croya had originally created this place. It was normal for the master to want to show up.

Croya also smiled back: "I didn't have time to have a good chat with you last time... Ms. Ai Li, you should know what I want to ask."

"I know." Ellie sighed softly.

"Then I'll ask directly." Croya didn't intend to go around in circles: "Regarding the matter of Orpheus Oak, is your family doing this deliberately?"

To be honest, he really didn't want this to be done deliberately by the Ophis family. The original owner's grandfather had something to do with the Ophis family, and no matter how he said it, he had taken over his body.

According to the previous life, it is "cause and effect".

There might really be some trouble in the future.

Ellie looked at Croya's clear pupils, and her tone suddenly became solemn: "Master Croya, our Orpheus family is one of the largest elves in the family. A single person cannot represent the meaning of our entire family."

Croya curled his lips: "Of course I know this, but to be able to plan such a thing... he should be a senior member of the Ophis family."

"To tell you the truth, I was originally exiled to the North by a fourth-level mage from the Mage Association. If there wasn't the tacit approval of the higher-ups, it probably wouldn't have been possible."

"Orpheus Oak looked forward to meeting its owner so much, but in the end this was the result.

Ms. Ellie, I am its friend. What would you think if it were you? "

Putting aside the family to discuss personal matters is simply a hooliganism. Without the power of the Orpheus family, how could such a plan be possible.

Ai Li nodded with deep understanding:

"I feel the same way."

"What Mr. Beorel did was indeed wrong. If I were Oak's friend, I would hate him very much."

"I can walk around the main plane at will because of my family's name. No matter how much I say I did it myself, I can't avoid the influence of my family."

"So this time I brought the goodwill of the family elders who dislike Mr. Beorel."

“...A long time ago, an ancestor of the Orpheus family was a spirit in the river. His daughter was turned into a laurel tree by a powerful outer god.

Only the pure magic of the sun and song can awaken her, so I'd like to invite you to play a song with me. "

She seemed to want to take out something, but the surrounding environment suddenly began to ripple like water waves, and the scenery became blurred and obscured by lavender water lily petals.

And when it was about to appear, Croya felt that the Phoebus robe on his body was trembling, which was obviously related to it.

This made Croya feel that his guess was indeed correct. There was indeed a connection between the Ophis family and the original owner's grandfather, and he was about to see this connection.

That thing was something that even this dreamland couldn't bear. It was obviously unusual, and his interest was indeed aroused.

Kloya hid his surprise in his eyes and extended his hand to invite: "The world here is not stable yet. I will send someone to pick you up to Hanjiao Island.

We will talk in detail then.

During this period, please continue to enjoy the pleasure brought by this world."

After that, his figure disappeared directly.

Just after he left, Ellie looked at the surrounding scenery and deliberately said loudly: "Dreams can only materialize things that exist in this world.

If something does not exist in the world and memory, it cannot appear."

She deliberately let Kloya hear it.

Being able to imprison a messenger of God and use it like this... This is really bold and interesting behavior.


"She did carry items left by gods from another world."

The angel's expression was a little serious for the first time: "Friend... Although it is related to you, you must be careful."

Kloya nodded and said casually:

"I have always been curious about what my meditation method is. Can you tell me?"

This is the first time he directly revealed this matter. Even if the other party knew his meditation method before, he did not take the initiative to ask.

But since this happened, he asked directly. The angel had helped him a lot, and he also needed someone to tell him some secrets.

The angel looked at Cloya and replied: "That is the opening chapter of the Origin Poem."

"That is the chapter representing the sun. A long, long time ago, the symphony in it once rebuilt a world, because the sun will always exist at any time."

"I don't know much about this, unless I can get the database of the Ark."

His tone was slightly apologetic: "Only in this matter, I can't give you any advice."

Cloya nodded to show his understanding: "So there are things you don't know, I understand.

Then... what about the rest of the Origin Poem?"

Well, he really wanted to know. Just one "Rainbow Poem" was so special. If he could learn the rest, how powerful would he be?

Strength is very important. He deeply understands this. He can use it casually, but he can't be without it.

Only when you become stronger can you farm better.

The angel shook his head: "Friend, although the Origin Poem is a whole piece of music, one person can only learn one.

Especially the sun.

In fact, the sun is very domineering. Its light can accommodate everything, except other poems like it.

Besides, the rest of the poems are probably scattered in the star realm. Even if you ask me, I don't know!"

He spread his hands.


Kloya sighed a little regretfully: "No, forget it, thank you this time, I'll go see Ellie first."

After getting an accurate answer, he put the matter aside directly and got up to leave.

After he left, a halo of light suddenly flashed across the angel's face, and the platinum ring in his body became a little unstable.

"Some things really can't even be said, such a big shackle."

He simply collapsed directly on the mushroom, stretched his limbs, and planned to have a good sleep.

Thank you for the reward from the small mode boss, thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the bosses, there will be two more chapters tomorrow~

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