I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 237 237 First Arrival in Gray Sand City

Chapter 237 237. First Arrival at Gray Sand City

Through the ultra-long-distance teleportation magic circle provided by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, Jamie and his party quickly arrived at the gray desert in the westernmost part of the Norland Kingdom.

As soon as they left the teleportation array, they felt the changes in the surrounding environment - the temperature on Hanjiao Island was like spring all year round, and the moist sea breeze brought cool wind, making it very suitable for human habitation.

But the wind here is filled with a burning smell.

This burning sensation was not the dry heat, but the moist heat. Just a few seconds after leaving the space magic circle, they felt that their bodies were covered with sweat.

Anyone who has experienced heat knows that dry heat can be tolerated, but hot flashes are really uncomfortable all over the body.

Wet vapor even dripped from the hair.

The surrounding area that could be seen was all golden sand, and beyond was darkness, making it impossible to see the true size of the building.

Just as they were hesitating whether to activate the small air purifying magic device on their body, a voice came from the distance——

"Welcome to Gray Sand City."

The voice is very young, but it only takes a moment to go from far to near.

A young man wearing only shoulder armor on his upper body came to them. His well-proportioned muscles were painted with many weird oil paints, and his lower body was only wearing a war skirt.

At first glance, it seems to be some kind of warrior.

But if you sense it carefully, you can find the almost endless magic power in him - this level of magic power, they have only sensed it in their own lord.

Obviously, this is...

"Lord Gray Sand!"

Jamie saluted him on behalf of everyone: "The teacher often mentions you, and this is a small gift he gave you."

The former farm boy was now neither humble nor overbearing when faced with a level 10 God's Favorite, and handed over the box that Croya had prepared.

Lord Gray Sand opened the box and took a look at it. The corners of his mouth raised slightly: "It's a very good gift."

His smile didn't look like he was pretending to be polite.

Then he put away the box and waved.

The surrounding golden sand grains rotated, forming chairs like a small whirlwind. He pointed at the chairs and said, "Sit down and talk."

Hui Sha himself was lying lazily on a soft couch, half-stretching his body, looking at them as if he was a little tired.

"thank you."

Jamie took the apprentices to sit down. As soon as he sat down, he took the initiative to speak: "Master Huisha, according to the agreement between you and our teacher, we will build a store in the city first.

Construct a magic circle with the shop as the center, and then use it to transport materials. First build a sufficient number of houses inside Gray Sand City, and then gradually expand the roads outward.

All materials are supplied by our Hanjiao Island, and the minerals and Warcraft plants along the way..."

Of course he had seen the map, and he spoke very smoothly at this time. It took him ten minutes to convey the rough idea and idea to Lord Gray Sand.

During this period, Lord Gray Sand listened quietly without saying a word.

After he finished speaking, Lord Gray Sand spoke: "It's a genius idea, but... I hope you can conduct an on-site inspection before formulating a new plan."

The tenth-level God's Favorite who looked younger than the apprentices said in a vicissitudes of voice: "The desert will bury everyone."

"There is still a fundamental difference between the simulated environment and the real gray desert."

"You visit first. The first goal is to build a road between Gray Sand City and the oasis ten kilometers away from here."

"If you can successfully build it, you will have a rough understanding of the desert."

Hearing this, the expressions of Jamie and others changed slightly.

They had already considered possible problems when they were busy in the desert, so they were not too surprised at the moment.

After exchanging a look, Jamie said as usual: "Can you please arrange for someone to take us to see it?"

“We will collect data and conduct field visits, and then contact the teacher and ask him to provide guidance remotely.

It will definitely not delay things. "

"Of course, that's why I invited you here." Lord Gray Sand smiled: "Don't worry about your safety here, I promised Hanjiao that nothing would happen to you.

He has told me many times that you are all his babies~"

Hui Sha's final note rose slightly, seeming to have a bit of teasing meaning.

He really didn't make this up. The forty apprentices here now are mages and knights who are best at civil engineering and infrastructure.

Each one of them is a treasure that Cloya has given hope to.

Croya even asked for some treasures from the angels for their self-defense, so that they could finish their work and return safely.

Jamie and others smiled invariably, like children, a little shy.

How should I put it? Most of them are orphans. Suddenly hearing these words seems to be like the earnest instructions of their parents and elders. The feeling of being cared for and cared for, and the warmth emerging from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hahaha, it seems that Croya really values ​​you, don't live up to his expectations."

Hui Sha looked at them and seemed to be in a better mood. He waved his hand:

"Okay, Nilante, take them outside to have a look."

"Coming, coming!"

As soon as the lord finished speaking, a woman wearing leopard skin and looking quite fit jumped out from the surrounding darkness.

She seemed to be jumping. After a few jumps, she landed directly in front of everyone and stepped into a deep sand pit.

She grinned at Jamie and others with her white teeth: "Come with me, I will take you to see the land assigned to you by the lord!"

This woman named Nilande really seemed to be out of sight. She grabbed Jamie's hand and half-pulled him away.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Calm down!"

Jamie is a third-level mage after all, and he still works moving bricks every day, and his physical strength is not bad, but he was actually dragged away.

Seeing this, the others bowed to Lord Gray Sand and left quickly.

Lord Gray Sand looked at the direction Nilant left and shook his head: "This little leopard... forget it, only she can use it."

When they left this huge building and came outside, these children, who had grown up on Hanjiao Island and had never really seen the outside world, were stunned.

They stared blankly at the sky——

It was a gray-blue starry sky, as clear as a huge blue gem. The stars were dotted in the night sky, as if they were within reach, as if you could touch them if you jumped higher.

This is similar but not the same as the starry sky of Hanjiao Island, full of a rough and primitive beauty.

The sand under your feet is all golden sand, extending from your feet to the end of the field of vision. There are some strange triangular houses built here and there on the sand.

This is Gray Sand City, a city that Lord Gray Sand brought all the surviving people and built directly with powerful magic power.

The urban planning seems to be pretty good. The residential areas composed of those houses are neat and orderly, as if they were built with a ruler, which can be said to be straight.

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder will be happy to read it.

The only problem is that the entire city looks very empty, with not many people walking around, which is in sharp contrast to the huge city.

At a rough glance, there are only hundreds or thousands of people at most, which is completely incompatible with the huge scale and area of ​​the city.

"People are out collecting food."

Nilant explained: "Only at night can the Lord of the Night's ability suppress the rioting magic in the desert, and we can walk as freely as possible in the desert."

As she spoke, she reached out and rummaged through her leopard skin coat, and quickly took out a pendant and shook it.

The pendants made of white forest bones collided with each other, but they made a clear "ding-dong" sound like wind chimes.

The pendant looks like a balance as a whole, with a wolf head placed in one of the trays, while the other is empty.

But the strange thing is that the empty tray is heavy and seems to be much heavier than the tray with the wolf's head. There are still some scarlet blood stains faintly visible in the silver bone seams.

Faced with such a pendant that obviously had some religious nature, Jamie originally wanted to refuse.

But Nilande said: “Without the Jackal’s Balance Pendant, you cannot get out of the city.

You can only enter the desert with a scale pendant. "

She stared at everyone, her pupils shrinking slightly like some kind of big cat.

Judging from her appearance, this pendant is obviously very important, and may even involve local religious issues.

Faced with this situation, Jamie did not refuse - faith is the most troublesome thing, so don't mess with it if you can.

"Then thank you Ms. Nilant for your kindness."

He directly took a pendant and dropped it on his chest, next to the colorful sun emblem representing Hanjiao Island.

There seemed to be a faint flash of light in the emblem, but it was fleeting and no one noticed it.

Others also hung up the pendants one after another, and Nilande raised a smile and waved his hand: "I will take you there!"

She quickly led everyone to the place where Lord Gray Sand promised Croya to build a store. It was located in the central street of Gray Sand City and was an area officially managed by Gray Sand City.

There are already several different shops here, including a magic material store and even a building such as the most common mercenary association on the mainland.

It's just that the buildings all look very low - there are not enough building materials in the desert. If you only rely on mages to build the city... who can build a construction team of mages like Croya?

"It seems to be like this."

On the way here, they also paid attention to the people around them and found that everyone was wearing a scale pendant, which made them feel a little more at ease.

Lord Gray Sand was quite generous. The area allocated to them was one acre in size, which was larger than the surrounding mercenary associations.

After discussion, the apprentices decided to build half of the place to build a warcraft and pet shop, and the other half to build a magic food shop.

This time there was no need for Croya to buy a magic house from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Half of the team, twenty people, directly took out the materials from their own space magic tools and started building them.

They are best at building houses, and they estimate that they can cover the entire one-acre piece of land in just one night.

The other half was taken by Jamie and went to the outside world with Nilande to conduct inspections.

They left Gray Sand City and officially entered the desert.

On the way out of the city, they were mentally prepared, thinking that what they were going to see was a dead and lonely sea of ​​sand, but what appeared in front of them was not like this.

——The gray sand sea is indeed endless, but it is not dead inside. In the gray mist, many people can be seen sliding forward on the sand on magical beasts like rays.

Further away, there were groups of jackals following people digging in the sand.

If I have to describe the feeling...

It's like the children catching seafood in the sand on the beach of Hanjiao Island. The only difference is that the children are more playing, while the people here are very serious.

Not far from them, there was a white-haired strong man with a naked upper body, digging the wet sand with a shovel, and soon dug out a gray tuber in it.

"The gift of the night god!"

The strong man who dug the tuber held it high, then bit it directly, biting it frantically, and the tuber immediately splashed out milky white juice and made a sharp cry like a baby crying.

It was as if he was eating some kind of monster fetus raw.

What's more terrifying is that as other people dug out roots one after another, the cries of these babies can even be connected together, echoing in the silent and empty desert.

Jamie stared at the man for a while and asked, "What is he eating?"

"It's gray sand root." The soldier who followed him explained.

There seemed to be contempt on his face: "They can't eat the food given by Lord Huisha in the city, so they can only dig these things at night.

It's really unbearable noise."


The apprentices all felt her disgust and contempt, and looked at each other-this situation would never happen on Hanjiao Island.

Lord Kloya once said that it was not the farmers' fault that they couldn't afford food.

Nilant crossed his arms and looked into the distance, not knowing whether he didn't hear it or thought it was right.

Seeing this, the apprentices didn't say a word, but silently took out the survey items from their backpacks one by one.

The first to be taken out were the small golems that looked no different from mice. After coming out, these golems drilled directly into the gray sand.

They would conduct surveys underground and collect magic power to allow the seeds of the evil sea purple magic duckweed to adapt to these magic powers in advance, so that they would not die in large numbers after being planted.

After the rat golems drilled into the ground, they took out a few birds with crystal clear feathers, like crystal.

"Please, fly."

One of the apprentices stroked them one by one, fed them bird food, and then waved his hand, and the birds flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

At the same time, someone had set up a magical beast vision transmission device nearby, and the huge screen immediately showed the scenery seen by the birds.

These birds were not flying aimlessly, but surveying around the Gray Sand City. They recorded not only the scenery, but also the changes in magic power they sensed in the sky.

In just a few minutes, a bunch of magic devices were set up here, and someone took out the seedlings of the Evil Sea Purple Magic Weed to try it out in advance.

But the survey process was not smooth.

First, the underground golem was attacked by some unknown creatures. They hid in the gray and wet sand, and even if the golem was equipped with a camera, it could not be recorded.

The second was the crystal-eyed birds flying in the sky. The terrain observed by these birds from other planes was constantly changing with the hot wind at night.

In just a few minutes, a towering sand dune turned into a flat land, and the empty and open sand in the distance somehow rose into a continuous pile of sand.

What's worse is the planting of the evil sea purple magic duckweed. These magic plants that were transformed by Kloa and should theoretically be able to adapt to the environment died seven or eight times in just one minute...

This means that the magic composition in the sand is so complex that it is a bit beyond imagination. Even the evil sea purple magic duckweed cannot adapt and can only cycle back and forth.

Specifically manifested in the uninterrupted reporting of the apprentices who are measuring-

"Boss Jamie, the magic readings here cannot be quantified."

"Boss Jamie, there are alien magic beasts about three meters away, and they are attacking the golem."

"Boss, the evil sea purple magic duckweed cannot grow and take root..."

Not to mention that Jamie was a little confused, even Nilant beside him muttered: "It turns out that the environment here is so bad..."

Jamie took a deep breath.

The complexity here was a bit beyond his imagination. It was much more complicated than what he had seen on Hanjiao Island. It seemed that many plans had to be changed temporarily.

He was not in a hurry, but just asked the apprentices to continue data collection and geological survey.

He firmly believed that as long as there was enough data support, the magic composition here could be figured out, and the floating moon alloy could be adaptively transformed.

Time passed by.

At the end, the sky gradually brightened.

The original survey base had grown from dozens of meters to an area of ​​one acre. Huge crystal columns stood on the ground, and sensing and conduction devices made of magic spider silk were drawn around it.

The apprentices who had been busy all night stretched and looked up-

From the distant horizon, the end of the desert and the sky, a red sun slowly rose.

They all had serious expressions on their faces.

When the sun rises, some changes will happen here.

After a busy night, their task was to build a device that could record the changes in magic power before the sun rose to see if it could survive the changes.

"Not good, come here quickly!"

Nilant shouted, and then immediately stuck a scepter into the ground.

After the scepter landed, it formed a powerful magic shield, protecting all the apprentices inside. Through the shield, people who were fleeing into the city in a panic could be seen.

Then... the wind stopped.

From afar came a mighty flood like a tsunami, and there were many magical beasts in the flood, just like the apocalyptic flood in ancient mythology.

Just by visual estimation, its height was hundreds of meters high.

Wherever the flood passed, everything was swept away.

It was like a monster that devoured everything, making a terrifying roar, and soon washed to the vicinity of Gray Sand City.

At first glance, these floods seemed to be able to sweep directly into Gray Sand City, but in fact, they could not even enter the walls of Gray Sand City. A terrifying force formed a shield made of light, preventing them from entering the city.

The palms of the apprentices hiding in the protection range of the scepter were sweating. They looked at the crystal pillars around them that were still standing stubbornly in the flood, and their hearts were a little relieved.

Only Nilant whispered: "You see, there is a flood every day during the day."

"Don't worry."

Jamie was confident: "We will build bridges and roads."

When he saw the flood, he had an idea, but it still needs practice to prove and test it.

Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~

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