I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 238 Road 238 is hard to build, so let’s build a boat

Chapter 238 238. If it’s hard to build roads, then build ships.

The flood that swept across the world disappeared completely after half an hour, as if it had never existed. The only evidence of its existence was the water mist left behind.

The gray mist blocked the sun and shrouded the desert. It was obviously daytime but the sky was not visible. It looked even scarier than at night.

The gray desert at this moment is so similar to the gray desert simulated by Croya.

At this moment, Nilande finally removed the shield of the scepter and very cautiously told a few people: "Don't enter the desert during the day, otherwise you will definitely die!"

Her tone was so solemn, and coupled with the same ghost-like wind blowing back and forth in the desert, the apprentices on Hanjiao Island nodded heartily.

At worst, you can sleep during the day and work at night.

Anyway, we are already extraordinary people, so it is actually easy to accept the reverse of day and night. Anyway, everything must be safe.

The apprentices immediately disassembled the equipment they were responsible for and returned to the city.

At the end, Jamie looked at the already gray desert and then looked at the city, and the thoughts in his mind became stronger and stronger.

He felt that this place was no longer suitable for building ordinary bridges and passages. Even if they were really built, they would definitely be washed away by such a terrible flood. The only way was to use the flood.

As for the method of using floods, he has already told his companions that they will start trying it after they return.

Now that Jamie is a leader, he does not need to do many things himself. He also knows that he needs to bring out more civil magicians who can stand alone.

Therefore, he planned to take a walk after entering the city.

Nilande is still following them, as if her mission is to entertain these guests from afar, both to protect and to monitor them.

The city is much more lively during the day.

People gathered bustlingly in the streets and markets, carelessly placing things on the ground and shouting to sell——

"Grey sand roots! Five gray sand roots!"

“Fresh sand ray meat!”

"There is only one kilogram of flour from the Mother Earth Church!"

At this moment, the city has the meaning of a city - the outside world is surrounded by gray mist and boundless sand and dust, and only here can people live a stable life.

"You all go back first, I'll take a look here."

Jamie still remembered what Croya said, so he simply asked others to go back to see if the shop was repaired, while he himself wandered around here.

Nilande did not leave with the others, but followed him closely, as if he was more important.

Jamie didn't say anything about this.

He walked in front of the stall without saying a word.

After observing, he found that almost all the people here were naked from the waist up and wore headscarves on their heads. The various items placed on the streets nearby made him feel very novel.

There are triangular stone sculptures, colorful oil paintings, and snake charmers who are playing flutes and controlling snakes.

But most of the stalls sell food.

Whether it is food obtained in the desert or transported from outside, it is hard currency here.

The method of transaction is basically bartering. As far as the current situation in Gray Desert is concerned, although gold coins and magic crystals are also useful, they are really limited.


Jamie looked at the almost naked people locked in wooden cages not far away.

Whenever someone wants to buy, the slave owner will pull the slave out with a smile on his face. Then, just like checking an animal, he opened his lips to check his teeth, carefully examined his body, and even laughed unabashedly when he saw some places.

Looking at these, Jamie felt very calm.

Of course there was slave trading in the north. In many cases, the population was a common currency, which was of course limited to the young and middle-aged population.

Many of his partners and new apprentices are actually the kind of teenagers who no one even buys. Although they are only one word different, the gap between them and adults is huge.

Looking at the slaves, he suddenly remembered that Mr. Miffin had specially called him over to chat for a while before coming out.

The former bishop of the Mother Earth Church and the prince of the Kingdom of Norland told him: "The Gray Desert is the most remote area of ​​the kingdom and the most representative microcosm of most areas in the world.

Write down exactly what you see and tell it to your teacher. "

Miffin's expression was extremely serious when he said these words.

At that time, he still didn't understand what Miffy's words meant, but now he suddenly understood - didn't this mean that he was praising his teacher in disguise?

Able to abolish slavery in one's own territory...

Jamie took a deep breath, not knowing until this moment what kind of difficult decision Croya had made.

That’s a lot of money!

"Why do you keep looking at slave?"

Nilande didn't speak out until now: "Do you want to buy slaves? If you want to buy slaves, I can make the decision and give you a batch."

"Foreigners." There was a joking look on the woman's face: "Don't feel sorry for them. If they are bought away, they might still have a chance to survive.

As long as you can live, what is unacceptable? Even if you are as sad as a mote of dust, you are still alive. "

Jamie didn't answer, but just imitated Croya and smiled slightly: "Do you have any specialties here? I want to buy some and take them back to the teacher as gifts."

Nilant glanced at him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into a small street.

There were all kinds of magical beasts on both sides of the street. It was obvious that Nilant knew what this friend from Hanjiao Island wanted to buy.

As she walked, she pointed to the stall next to her and introduced:

"Here, this is a jackal. An adult jackal is the best companion in the desert."

"This is a sand ray. It only takes one year for two or three people to grow up and fly close to the ground in the sand."

"This, look at this, this is a desert fire spirit, one of the only elemental creatures left now..."

With such a guide who is familiar with the gray desert, she can basically tell what is sold on the roadside, and she also has to evaluate the quality.

The stall owners looked at the golden scale on her chest, but they dared not speak.

In this way, Jamie bought a batch of magical beasts that he had never seen on Hanjiao Island without hesitation, and the gold coins were taken out.

Although Cloya ordered them to run around, the subsidies were not less, and even more than the resources issued by the big forces.

So he had a lot of gold coins and magic crystals on him.

At the end, the stall owners seemed to know that a rich man had come, and they didn't care about Nilant's comments. They took out their most lively magic beasts as soon as they came.

They bought and walked all the way. If Nilant hadn't called people to send all these magic beasts to the magic plant battle pet shop in time, it would probably be too full.

At the deepest part of the alley, Jamie wanted to stop buying, but suddenly saw a magic plant on a small stall.

It was a... light blue water lily.

It floated quietly in the clean water in the jar filled by the stall owner, exquisite and elegant, and with a sense of peaceful beauty.

Jamie was instantly attracted by this water lily. He knew that his teacher had been raising water lilies recently. If he could take this water lily back as a gift, the teacher would definitely be very happy.

Thinking of this, he looked at the stall owner.

The stall owner closed his eyes and rested behind the stall. His red hair was as dazzling as flames, but he had a decadent temperament. It was obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

"Are you crazy?"

Nilant saw the water lily and said in shock: "Agat, that's a blue water lily. Do you really want to sell it?"

She obviously recognized the stall owner.

"Why do you care so much?" Agat opened his eyes and looked at Nilant. It was not until then that Jamie discovered that the left eye of this tall red-haired man was gray and lifeless.

But the power emanating from him seemed to be at least a level 4 to 5 warrior. Only warriors have that kind of vast blood.

You have to know that this is a world with magic and divine arts. Even broken limbs can grow back. For high-level extraordinary people, physical injuries are nothing.

Being choked by this, Nilant immediately couldn't speak and could only shake his head helplessly.

Jamie then stepped forward and asked, "How much do you want to sell this water lily?"

Agat glanced at him and said, "You are from outside, right? Do you have a way to leave the city during the day?"

"Yes." Jamie said directly, "We came here to achieve this goal. If you want, you can try it first."

Hearing this, Agat's pupils shrank for a moment, and without saying a word, he stuffed the jar to Jamie and said simply, "Go now?"


Jamie immediately took Agat back to the Warcraft Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop that had been built, took him into the operating room at the back and started to work in secret.

This busyness took a full ten days.

During this period, apprentices would go in from time to time to take in all the data and cultivated evil sea purple magic duckweed.

When he and Agat came out, they had more space magic bags containing magic plants on them.

The expressions of both of them were very excited.

Especially Jamie, he couldn't wait to say:

"Let's go, let's try it."

"Let's go!"

Agat was even more excited than him. Seeing that he was walking slowly, he simply hugged him and rushed out of the store directly. The speed and endurance of a warrior burst out at this moment.

There was only a "swish".

There was only floating dust in the air.


The two came directly to the city gate in broad daylight, and then Jamie took the lead and built a strange boat on the spot within a safe range.

No, it's better to say that it's a moving house built on the evil sea purple magic duckweed.

The bottom of this strange houseboat is growing flat evil sea purple magic duckweed, and their roots are firmly rooted in the ground, ensuring that the house above that looks like a snail shell will not shake casually.

The house above is made of floating moon alloy, which is a very common log cabin structure. There are some inconspicuous magic plants like dandelions growing on the surface, densely covering the whole house.

From a distance, it looks like a house elf wrapped in fluff.

The vitality and vigor of the magic plants bring a touch of soft color to this seemingly cold and hard house.

After building this weird house, Jamie climbed up along the vines and waved to Agathe:

"Let's try it, the flood should be coming soon."

Agathe was actually a little resistant when he saw the finished product. He thought it would be some kind of sophisticated magical creation, but it turned out to be such a small house that looked like something from a fairy tale.

He really didn't understand why he wanted to be like this, but Jamie's sworn look reduced his doubts a lot.

The red-haired strong man could only walk into the house wrapped in dandelions and sit on the sofa behind the clean and bright windows.

This house looks small from the outside, but in fact it is not very small. It covers an area of ​​more than 100 square meters from top to bottom. The interior is fully decorated - dining table, sofa, bench, bookcase, and even Toilets and showers are readily available.

The two of them sat in such a neat house and waited quietly. Jamie occasionally glanced at the magic reading meter displayed in the corner.

Although they cannot prevent the flood from coming, every time the flood comes, the magic index will change, which can be regarded as a way of prediction.

At this time, the magic reading pointer was shaking wildly, gradually changing from safe green to dazzling red.

This means...

"The flood is coming!" Agathe immediately saw the surging flood in the distance from the window, and tightly held the weapon in his hand.

In the face of such a natural disaster, even a fifth-level warrior like him had no choice at all. All he could do was hope that this strange ship that took a month to build would be effective.

In the distance, overwhelming floods hit.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

When the flood came, the boat was unexpectedly stable - the flood hit the dandelions on the surface of the house, and the dandelions relieved most of the force, so the impact on the house itself was not great. .

The two people sitting inside the house had serious expressions. The life-sustaining magic patterns carved inside the house had been activated, automatically purifying and filtering the air, and turning on warm orange lights.

In the dark flood, the comfort that this light can bring is indescribable. The two of them looked at the turbid flood outside the window, feeling really worried in their hearts.

At this time, the evil sea purple devils that had taken deep roots at the bottom of the house took advantage of this breathing time to quickly adapt to the impact of the flood, and slowly pulled their roots out of the sand.

After all the roots were pulled out, the impact of the first wave of the flood had almost completely disappeared, leaving only the strength of the huge water flow itself.

The Evil Sea Purple Demon Ping carried the house and slowly floated towards the top of the flood. The roots that originally seemed to be somewhat small were all entangled together, like weights.

Each of them tightly grasped the surrounding water magic power, and unexpectedly stabilized themselves.

In this way, the house will not float around, but will float straight towards the water surface, and soon leave the depths of the flood and reach the surface of the water.

At this time, the flood was already hundreds of meters high. Naturally, it had left the scope of the gray fog below, and the warm rays of the sun shone in.

The two people sitting in the house were relieved at this time.

Especially Jamie, who casually pulled out a crystal screen and muttered: "The impact of the fluttering dandelion can be accepted...the corrosiveness of the floods here...the duration of the life-support array inside the house..."

While recording this rare first-hand information, he ordered Agathe: "Go and pull the lever on the left!"

Agathe, a dignified fifth-level warrior who was treated generously even if he was placed in the royal family, said nothing and hurriedly pulled the lever on the wall.


As the lever was pulled down, the roots of the Evil Sea Purple Poem at the bottom of the house were impacted by special magic power and began to stir in a certain direction consciously.

The roots entangled and stirred in the water, and soon formed a small vortex, and the magic inside merged with the magic of the surrounding flood.

The dandelions growing on the surface of the house absorb water and become more fluffy. They absorb the hot wind that comes with the flood, and the flowers on the surface rotate like a fan.

The water flow began to push the small house in the flood toward the distance.

It miraculously walked in a straight line in the flood, without being affected by the impact of the chaotic water flow at all. The speed was neither fast nor slow, but it was about 10 knots per hour.

The map inside the house shows that the ship is leaving Gray Sand City at this time, heading to the gathering point closest to Gray Sand City, which is the area where Lord Gray Sand said they would open a road.

Sitting inside the house, there was steaming milk tea and snacks in front of me, and the bright sunshine outside was not swaying at all.

It seems like this is a very ordinary journey. You just need to sit here and wait, and you will reach your destination after a while.

Agathe stared blankly at the scenery outside the window. Although all he could see was the golden and black brilliance brought by the golden sunlight shining on the dark flood, he still found it incredible.

Surprisingly... there are actually ships that can sail safely in the flood.

Won't it corrode?

You must know that no one has tried boats, but the magic in the flood is extremely terrifying, and ordinary boats cannot withstand the corrosiveness of the flood.

He realized almost immediately that if this strange and magical house-boat could be mass-produced, then the flood would really no longer be an obstacle!

It would even become a source of power for them to go everywhere.

The warrior looked outside in silence.

About an hour later, this magical ship had stopped at the first gathering point ten kilometers away from Gray Sand City.

You can see the shield that still stands firmly in the flood, and you can look down at the city in the flood.

They have arrived!

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ It's September soon, I wish you all a happy new month~

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