I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 239 239 Friendship Seal, Banyan Tree Factory

Chapter 239 239. Friendship Seal, Banyan Tree Factory

Inside the Mage Tower of Hanjiao Island, Cloya smiled with satisfaction, pointed to the rotating houseboat model not far away, and said:

"So this is the homework you handed in?"

The houseboat has been completely analyzed by the tower spirit's analysis system, and the magic plants, materials and engraved magic patterns used on it are clearly marked on the side.

Obviously, Cloya has studied it carefully, and his expression shows that he is very satisfied with this wonderful idea.

Jamie immediately said: "Yes."

"I think no matter how solid the foundation is, it can't resist the impact of long-term floods, so I thought of this combination method.

In my plan, countless such houseboats will form a network, which will stretch out to form a channel at ordinary times, and once the flood comes, it will become a ship floating on the water."

As he spoke, he used the special ability of the rainbow grass dream to materialize the picture he thought of and displayed it next to him.

This is the advantage of dreams. Compared with dry language descriptions and on-the-spot drawings, what you think in your mind can appear directly, and the description will be particularly clear.

Judging from the clarity and detail of the picture, this is not a sudden idea, but it has been memorized in the one-month shipbuilding work.

So it can be displayed so quickly now.

‘Really good, jumping out of the limit...’

Kloya didn’t look at it carefully, just glanced at it and nodded: "I am very relieved to leave it to you, do it.

I don’t care about the process, as long as the result satisfies me. Tell us what you need in time on Hanjiao Island, and don’t be polite to Lord Huisha over there.

We are now his largest food supplier.”

His trust made Jamie feel heavy in his heart. You know, this is the first time that Hanjiao Island has carried out infrastructure operations to the outside world, and he was given full authority.

It was precisely because of this that he suddenly plucked up the courage to ask: "Sir, I saw many people selling slaves over there."

"You abolished such a system in the northern border. Will it affect you?"

In the eyes of many nobles, buying and selling slaves at will is their power. This kind of selling people as livestock can prove that they are superior.

During this period, he has heard some things over there. It is said that those who do not buy and sell slaves are not even recognized as nobles.

"Ah?" Kroya was surprised: "Why do you think this kind of thing will affect me?"

He said with a smile: "The Mage Association has tacitly recognized my status and even issued me the Grand Mage Badge. The royal family is working hard to push Sir Kemoye to a high position.

They are afraid that I, a mage, will seize the power of the nobles. Now it is not me who needs to hide, but they have to take the initiative to help me cover it up."

When he said this, he was very confident.

At the Yavana Holy Mine, he has tested the battle line formed by the cooperation of magic plants, and the effect is excellent.

Especially after having the helper of Ophis Oak, who possesses the magic of tree-herding, the weakness of the magic plant that is fixed in a certain place and cannot move is also fading quickly.

The elves already have this tactic. However, the magic plants cultivated by the elves cannot specify a certain ability, but Cloya can.

He can completely combine the magic plants into a sophisticated machine, a war machine, and it depends on who is blind enough to let him test his war machine.

Now he is even studying how to target the magic beasts and magic plants of the mage. As long as the mages below level 4 can be suppressed by him, it doesn’t matter if they are higher-level mages.

He has never lacked the ability to fight - the Mage Association and the royal family should know this, so almost no one dares to step into the North casually.

With strength comes confidence.

So, he said bluntly: "Don't worry about me, everything I do is what I want to do."

"What you want to do..."

After listening to Cloya's words, Jamie was thoughtful.

Seeing one of his favorite apprentices lost in thought, Croa said straightforwardly: "I am the one who brought you out of this quagmire. Think about it, what can you do?"

After that, he waved his hand to let Jamie leave.

The words have been made so clear, if Jamie still doesn't understand, then there is really nothing to do.

"I understand! Thank you, teacher!"

Jamie's eyes sparkled, and after saluting, he left this dream exclusive to Croa.

After he left, the Orpheus Oak, which had been hiding beside him and pretending to be an ordinary tree, finally spoke:

"Human friend, what do you want him to do?"

This twist and turn is still a bit too complicated for it, and it can't understand what Croa is going to teach Jamie for a while.

"I just suddenly feel a little emotional." Croa waved his hand casually, changing the picture in front of him to the ongoing Warcraft Magic Plant Competition.

Then he explained: "Most things in the world are beyond our ability to handle. We should all try to grow up and not become that kind of person."

"Hmm?" A small branch resembling a question mark appeared on the head of the Orpheus Oak.

Although it is not a human, it can understand that this is the idea of ​​many humans trying to climb up.

Is this wrong?

Facing the curious eyes of the Orpheus Oak, Kloya said slowly: "If it is just like this, it would be too boring. Jamie is a kind-hearted child. I want him to know...

Gaining strength is not about avoiding being that person, it’s about becoming the person so that others don’t become that way. "

This may sound a bit convoluted.

Obvious doubts and confusion flashed through Orpheus Oak's eyes, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions.

It took the initiative to change the topic and pointed to the ongoing competition, "So, human friends, who do you like this time?"


I didn’t expect you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be so abrupt in changing the topic.

"I, keep an eye on this guy."

Croya curled his lips, returned to his usual laziness, and leaned on the comfortable sofa. A cursor immediately appeared on the head of the person competing on the screen.

It was a young man wearing a simple leather armor and running wantonly with a flame-tailed dog.

It can be said that the flame-tailed dog cooperates with him because of the same mind, whether it is picking fruits on the road, crossing muddy potholes, or facing the monsters that suddenly come out with claws and fangs...

Every time the cooperation is perfect, it's like one person and one dog have established some kind of spiritual connection.

On the track of this flame-tailed dog, they almost became the most dazzling pups, and all others were eclipsed.

They enjoyed the feeling of being watched very much, and the smiles on their faces were brighter than the sun.

Croya was also very satisfied.

"That's great."

"I remember that the flame-tailed dog track is the most rigorously designed. It not only tests the quality of the flame-tailed dog, but also considers the owner's ability to adapt to changes."


Orpheus Oak nodded: "It's not easy to do this. He hasn't learned any magic to communicate with Warcraft. He only relies on the tacit understanding accumulated in daily life."

"You should indeed be rewarded." Croya thought thoughtfully.

The competition held this time mainly focused on several types of Warcraft Plants sold by Croya. Because of their different functions, they were also divided into several different tracks.

For example, gopher rats, their task is to organize housework quickly and efficiently.

Azure Dove focuses on the accuracy and amount of healing magic - for example, how much magic power should be used to heal a small wound the best and fastest.

Bobtail cats train their sneaking ability. This kind of cat that looks like a tabby actually has a very strong sneaking ability and is a good assassin.

There is a bit of trouble with the magic plants. They cannot be tested with the abilities of conventional monsters, but Croya still figured out a way.

Test the effectiveness of the Soothing Lily of the Valley, especially its ability to soothe the nerves. After modification, this magical plant can best detect changes in people's emotions. If you take good care of it, its feedback will be very good.

But if you just pour some water on it and ignore it, it will become languid and lack of energy.

Impacting peas will test the accuracy and impact; lavender will also test the efficacy; small pot pine will test the number of pine seeds produced...

In short, whether it was magic plants or monsters, Croya tried his best to arrange games suitable for them to display their abilities.

This game has been going on for a month, and it is estimated that it will take another month to end. At that time, Croya will personally distribute rewards to the winners and give their magic plants or monsters new abilities.

No one knows the reason why Kroya holds such a large-scale competition - such a strange world and huge prize money are just free of charge!

But he himself was deeply happy.


He has already seen preliminary results——

The young man who was running with the flame-tailed dog had a very subtle resonance between the magic power wrapped around him and the magic power of the flame-tailed dog.

This magic power intertwined and merged.

In the flame-tailed dog's mind, there was a shining mark that looked very similar to the young man's and was slowly taking shape.

Its color is like that mottled and faded old black and white photo, which is gradually being renovated, becoming full of color and more vivid.

The tall flame-tailed dog's heart was filled with the shadows brought by this mark, and it had even begun to spread to all parts of its body.

The power of magic not only affects its mental power, but also transforms its body.

Through the evolved Celestial Spirit Body Imprinting Technique, Croya was able to detect its attributes——

[The spiritual resonance between Sean and Robert. 】

[Spiritual magic composition, special magic resonance. 】

[My friend, I will take you to run across this land, enjoy the sunshine and rain, and face the storms and showers, until we can no longer walk or jump! ——Sean]

【Woof woof woof woof! ——Robert]

[The seal is not yet completed at this moment and more power is needed for irrigation. 】

This is a quite special engraving.

It has no clear description, and even how it was formed and what kind of magic pattern it contains cannot be clearly seen.

But it does exist, and it's very effective.

After observing carefully for a while, Croya was able to determine:

Sean, that is, this young man and the flame-tailed dog named Robert, their ability to communicate almost spiritually comes from this wonderful engraving. It is like a resonant piece of music that works together seamlessly.

‘Let me try and see if I can influence it. ’

After discovering this, he tried to use his mental power to perceive and influence, but... the astral body engraving technique did not work so easily.

It's not that it can't work, but this magic seems to be instinctively unwilling to affect this wonderful engraving - if Croya uses it forcefully, it's okay.

He stared at the man and the dog running wantonly, and asked the Orpheus oak tree next to him: "Friend, in the legend of the elves, can the effect of psychic communication be produced without the intervention of external forces and magic?"

After hearing this, Orpheus Oak glanced at the screen and explained: "It is said that there is, but it requires a very special environment, and it is almost like being treated as a family.

If you live in harmony like this for a long time, the magic and spiritual power in your body will become intertwined, just like how humans can recognize at a glance the relatives they live with day and night. "

"Friendship magic?"

"It can be understood this way."

"Wait, you're saying that this human and that flame-tailed dog have friendship magic?"

At this time, Orpheus Oak suddenly reacted, with a surprised look on his face: "How long ago, when did he buy the Flame Tail Dog?"

"Seven months."

"...Can this happen in seven months?"

Even Orpheus Oak is a little uncertain now.

You must know that even the elves who are born with natural affinity need to get along day and night for a long time if they want to achieve this kind of friendship magic.

As a result, a human who had just become a first-level warrior actually became one, which was indeed a bit beyond its imagination.

"Maybe this is fate." Croya smiled: "It seems that the first place should be no problem. When this competition is over, I will officially invite him to join Hanjiao Island.

You said that since he is so destined to the Flame Tail Dog, how about calling him Dog King Sean? "

"My friend, has it been decided by default?" Orpheus Oak teased, "Then help me take a look at this. Can it also be decided by default?"

It waved its trunk, and the scenery beside it immediately began to change, and an extremely fantastic scene appeared——

It was a banyan tree that didn't look very huge, but its leaves were crystal clear like emerald, and the hanging aerial roots were all condensed with elemental magic.

Banyan trees grow directly on the water. Just one tree covers about twenty acres of water, as lush as a forest.

On the ground formed by the roots of the banyan tree, there are countless tulips growing, and the roots of the tulips have been integrated with the roots of the banyan tree.

The light from the leaves of the banyan tree covers these tulips, allowing them to grow freely under the sunlight.

The fiery red tulip flowers bloomed like flaming clouds in the sky, filled with nectar, and bees were flying around, collecting nectar from time to time high in the canopy of the banyan tree.

In the first layer of the canopy, the flowing magic is like the test tubes and crystal bottles in the laboratory, quenching the nectar collected by the bees into honey crystals.

Finally, the elves who were flapping their butterfly wings transported the honey crystals away and placed them at the highest level of the tree canopy to receive the final blessing.

The blessings given to these honey crystals are some dust like sunset. They are carefully and evenly sprinkled into the honey crystals by the butterfly elves, staining the already fiery red honey crystals with an even more magnificent glow.

It's absolutely beautiful.

Overall, this banyan tree looks like a huge factory, which is continuously producing this special "sunset honey crystal".

Croya saw the huge magic imprint inside the banyan tree at a glance, which he imprinted on the banyan tree when it was in its seed stage.

Now it has grown up as it takes root, sprouts, and gradually expands to the entire tree body——

【Cloya's Banyan Tree Factory. 】

[At this moment, the seal is a combination of magic. The current magic combination is: -

Leaves: Croya's sunlight refraction, magic plant soothing technique, and magic connection technique.


Roots: Magic tentacles and magic plants breed symbiotic magic.


Tree Trunk: Magic Layering, Seven-Year Separation Technique and Primary Elf Summoning Technique.


Canopy: Powerful magic purification and liquid crystallization magic. 】

[The current magic has not yet been fully integrated. 】

[After the complete fusion is completed, the form of the magic plant will be changed. 】

"You want me to decide that you will be the number one?" Croya smiled half-heartedly.

This is not the only magic plant factory he attempted, but this one was personally in charge of Orpheus Oak.

The remaining groups are formed voluntarily by apprentices and are still in their infancy.

After all, letting some low-level mages compete on the same stage with such a powerful God's favored person... To be honest, it's a bit bullying.

Seeing Croya's half-smiling gaze, Orpheus Oak smiled coquettishly and decisively changed the subject:

"I don't know how you cultivated it. This banyan tree was originally used to make a floating town, but it turned into this."

It was very emotional: "Now it is self-sufficient, cultivating tulips and producing nectar from butterfly elves and bees."

"Didn't that little girl Aili already place the first batch of orders for you?"

Morning dew and sunset have extremely special significance in the civilization of the elves. The elves are all more literary and artistic than the nobles, and they have almost no resistance to this kind of beautiful and delicious honey.

Croya just gave her a little drink, and the latter placed the order without hesitation, and asked for as much as she wanted, and offered a high price per milliliter of honey equal to one first-level magic crystal.

If the quality is particularly good, it can be doubled.

"Of course I have a special way to cultivate you. If you want to learn, just work hard."

After saying these words in a serious tone, he continued:

"Although the price is high, I don't really care." Kloya lay back: "What I care about is being able to trade directly with the elves."

"After all, in the entire Semrio continent, the elves are the best at cultivating magic plants and magic plants."

The Oak of Orpheus was still thinking about what Kloya said - can it really learn it?

However, it did not ask, but continued: "After this batch of honey is transported over, the other party should be more willing, and there may be special elves to visit and negotiate with you."

"That's just right."

"This batch of honey is expected to be completely produced in another month, and the Gray Desert and the competition should be over in a month.

After a month, it will be busy harvesting again~"

The words of the wizard sounded like complaints, but the satisfaction in his tone could not be concealed, and he was smiling.

Even the Oak of Orpheus was looking forward to what the results would be in a month.

One person and one tree smiled at each other and decided to stay here for another month, and then go to pick the fruits of the harvest together.

Time has always been generous to them.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ Thank you guys~

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