I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 240 240 Purely Natural! A Deal with the Elves

Chapter 240 240. Purely natural! The deal with the elves

Time passed quickly.

At the end of the World of Warcraft Planting Competition.

Ellie brought an extraordinarily tall elf to the reception hall of Atlantis Overseas.

This welcome hall is a special passage given to Croya by the mermaid tribe. Only through here can one enter the interior of the Atlantis Sea.

It is considered the gateway to Hanjiao Island.

Its overall building materials are made of various rocks. After years of baptism and erosion, they have long appeared to be somewhat mottled. The reddish-brown, gray-white, and navy-blue rocks are colorful and gorgeous under the sunlight, like a simple oil painting.

Beautiful, indeed quite beautiful.

But it didn't look as luxurious and elegant as Ellie imagined. She didn't understand why Croya wanted to use this common seaside stone as a building material, but she thought it was very pleasing to the eye.

After observing the reception hall for a while, Ellie turned back and said loudly to the elf next to her:

"Hurry up and go in. Isn't that what I need you to sign when signing the contract this time?"

"Sister Ellie."

The tall elf looked at the strange reception hall in front of him and hesitated slightly: "Just bring it to me. I haven't left Yongju Island in a hundred years!"

His expression was a little uneasy, his handsome features were wrinkled, and he was looking around cautiously, as if he was afraid that some magical beast would suddenly appear.

It really doesn't have the carefree spirit of an elf, but more like a cat that is uneasy in a strange place.


Ellie was angry when she saw him like this. Is he still an elf when he is so coquettish?

So, she grabbed him and pulled him inside.

While pulling him back, he said: "Melox, you are like this because you don't leave Everjum Island every day. In another year, you will travel to the mainland. As long as you are like this, it will be fine if you don't get sold by the slave master. !”

The elf immediately cried and said: "Sister Ellie, I still haven't finished the potion. The elders won't let me travel outside, right?"

This is actually true. He is the natural pharmacist of the Oak Garden, and he is also extremely talented. The elf elders really will not let him out casually.

However, Ai Li felt that she still had to take care of this little brother, so she specially dragged him over.

This business is not only a transaction between Croya and the elves, but also the only new transaction with humans in hundreds of years.

The elders in the clan are very concerned about whether this business can be completed smoothly, and the elves are also trying to find ways to contact humans.

The two elves jostling in front of the reception hall have already attracted the attention of the apprentice Ryan here.

After he reported to Croya and received the order for him to entertain, he came out directly to greet them.

"For guests coming from afar, I have prepared honey black tea and snacks."

With a proper smile on his face, Ryan invited: "Why don't you come in and talk slowly?"

"You are here to receive us this time. I will take him in right now."

Ellie recognized Ryan.

Her little brother was really embarrassed, and her face suddenly turned red, but she still did not forget to drag Merlox inside.

Ryan kept a subtle smile beside him and didn't say much.

In the room of the guild hall, honey black tea and snacks have been prepared - of course this honey is the honey they want to purchase this time.

The magnificent rays of the sun are shimmering in the deep red tea soup, exuding a special sweet aroma, as if the rays of the sky are really captured.

Seeing this bowl of black tea, Merlox immediately stopped struggling and walked quickly to the tea soup and sniffed it intoxicatedly.

"This is!"

"It really smells like the sunset glow!"

He picked up the cup and tasted it carefully. The fragrant aroma flowed into his throat along with the deep sunset magic, giving him a cool feeling.

He closed his eyes to perceive and murmured to himself: "The completeness of the magic integration should be at the silver level... The provider is the third-level bright red tulip, and the mixer should be the second-level grass, tree, butterfly, fairy... and the banyan tree The magic..."

As the natural pharmacist of the Oak Garden, of course he could immediately taste the magical changes in the tea, and he could even associate it with the growth environment of the honey.

Seeing this, Ryan said: "Lord Croya has told me that if you two need it, you can go to the Banyan Honey Factory for an on-site visit..."

Before he finished speaking, the tall elf came to him and said impatiently: "Let's go now!

I have a contract signed by Oak Garden in my hand. As long as the raw materials are good enough, we can sign an order for a thousand years now! "

When it comes to his professional field, he instantly loses his fear of others and his eyes sparkle like a cat after seeing fresh fish.

A thousand years of orders!

Ryan swallowed imperceptibly.

In terms of the elves' concept of time, a thousand years is actually a very short period of time. It takes seven or eight hundred years for them to reach adulthood. For the elves, it starts from a thousand years.

But according to the human perspective of time, this thousand years can pass by several generations - as long as this contract can be signed, it will be a continuous exchange of resources.

Ryan was very excited when he thought that he wanted to sign such a contract on behalf of Croya and record it in the records of Hanjiao Island, but on the surface he still maintained enough calmness and restraint.

He stretched out his hand and invited: "I have prepared the magic circle. Please come with me, two guests!"

"Go, go, go!"

More anxious than him was Mylox.

This guy is almost pushing Ryan forward - although he is a very weak elf, he is still an elf after all.

In ancient times, they were the elves known as the golden race. Although his arms are very thin, they are quite strong.

Ryan was half pushed forward by him, while Ellie watched helplessly from the side. One person and two elves quickly arrived at the space magic circle.

After a short teleportation, we arrived at the Banyan Tree Factory.

The floral fragrance from tulips suddenly filled the elf's keen sense of smell——

A cluster of bright red tulips, as brilliant as flames, grows freely under the protection of the banyan tree.

As soon as he arrived here, Merlox immediately ran towards the clusters of tulips growing on the ground, squatted down and twitched his nose, sniffing the fragrance of the flowers.

Looking at the nearly overflowing nectar inside the flower, the expression on his face became even more surprised.

He couldn't understand why these bright red tulips had so much nectar that they could even be drank as honey.

With an attitude of asking if he didn't understand, he asked Ryan curiously: "Are these bright red tulips watered with the spring of life? Or have they been modified by the Beorel array?"

——In the Garden of Oaks, these two methods are the most effective in transforming magic plants.

Of course, he didn't ask in vain. When he asked, he had already taken out a beautiful magic device that looked like a lotus leaf from the space magic device he carried with him, and gently threw it out.

The moment it was thrown out, with the lotus leaf as the center, countless small jade chips flew out from it, combined in mid-air, and merged into the tulip field.

At first glance, it looks like many lotus leaves suddenly growing out of a tulip field.

The magic power of the magic lines fluctuated and changed, and eventually water droplets were sprayed out from the flickering lines. They were light green spiritual dew, and every drop was filled with vitality.

Under the moisture of these rains and dews, the tulips are obviously more vigorous, and the petals are more dazzling, even with a ruby-like luster.


Ryan looked at these tulips and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ai Li saw this and was about to answer the question, when she suddenly felt something and looked to the side.


A somewhat old voice sounded.

There was a hint of praise for the younger generation in his tone: "The lotus leaf rain dew magic weapon is very useful. Which generation is this?"

"Teacher Oak!" Ryan felt relieved and saluted quickly, because he was really at a loss to answer the question.

Although he admitted that his knowledge reserve was insufficient, he couldn't embarrass Lord Croya like this!

The oak gave him a reassuring wink.

When Merox and Ellie saw the oak tree appearing, they bowed their heads slightly in respect. They had already felt the care of the Mother Earth on the oak tree.

"Oak wise man, Merlox is using the fifth-generation lotus leaf and dew magic weapon. Dozens of them will be shipped along with the items in this transaction." Ellie expressed her kindness.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a magic weapon version of cloud and rain magic, but with some natural magic patterns added to it, it can more realistically imitate naturally falling raindrops and dew.

"Then you're welcome." Oak nodded and introduced:

"The tulips here are only nourished by a simple magic array and are cultivated by Croya's friend himself."

"You can take a closer look. There are not too many magic tools and magic patterns used to assist growth."

In the civilization of the elves, there seems to be a little resistance to the magic plants and monsters cultivated by excessive use of magic power, and they prefer to pursue natural growth.

This is very strange, because the elves are famous for using magic power to cultivate and improve magic plants, but now they suddenly pursue pure nature, which is really weird.

However, the elves are such an awkward race.

"Ah? This has not been cultivated by magic patterns?" Merlox was surprised: "But I feel the magic fluctuations here..."

He scratched his hair, pointed at the leaves above and said, "The magic here is so well-proportioned, can it really be formed naturally?"

To be honest, his doubts were quite normal.

Because judging from the current magic environment, the sunlight falling from the leaves and the magic fluctuations in every ray of light are almost the same. Such an exquisite magic environment can never be formed naturally.

And there seems to be traces of spiritual comfort for the magic plant and magic combination and connection.

Faced with Merlox's doubts, Oak just said: "You can go and take a look for yourself. If you can find the magic circle here, then I promise to give you a batch of honey for free."

Merox actually used magic directly and flew to the leaves of the banyan tree to observe and study them carefully.

He used as many magical equipment as possible to check, trying to detect traces of the magic circle on the leaves and branches.

However, it turns out that this is actually formed by the leaves themselves, or it is the sunlight filtered by the leaves that creates such a perfect magical environment.

What kind of pure natural gift is this?

It must be a gift and miracle from the Mother Goddess!

His eyes widened.

The elves have this quirk: in the absence of the influence of the magic circle, the closer the fruits and creations grown in the magic circle environment are to them, the better they are.

There is no doubt that this is the case now - the leaves of the banyan tree naturally form an environment similar to the magic circle, and the scattered sunlight and magic nourish and soothe the tulips.

The nectar grown in such an environment is pure natural nectar!

After realizing this, he took out the contract he had been carrying with him without hesitation: "Let's sign it now. I will give three magic crystals for every milliliter of honey.

If the age of the tulip increases, three more magic crystals will be added for every twenty years, and it will double after a hundred years, with no upper limit.

According to my authority, we can sign a two-thousand-year contract first, and I will come here again after two thousand years."

He made such a decision without even going to the upper level to check, and he was no longer socially anxious, his eyes shining.

Such naturally formed treasures will definitely set off a trend among the elves. As long as they are transported back for secondary processing, they are likely to double or triple.

In front of the huge amount of magic crystals, even he couldn't hold back. After all... research costs money!

How can we research and buy equipment without magic crystals?

But the Oak of Orpheus said slowly: "We don't lack magic crystals. If you want to sign a contract, trade with the magic plants and magic creations unique to the elves."

In order to increase the stakes, it took out another thing from its own space and showed it to Mylox.

It was a crystal clear dew.

It was a very symmetrical drop shape.

But it reflected the solemn and warm morning light.

Mylox's eyes were still a little confused, and he didn't recognize what it was for a while.

"!!!" But Ellie on the side had already widened her eyes and said anxiously: "Has Mr. Cloya studied that plane thoroughly?"

She couldn't be wrong.

This must be the "Morning Dew Spirit Drop" that can only be produced in the dark plane.

The glow that appeared in the honey just now is probably the "Sunset Spirit Powder".

These two are the special materials mainly produced by the dark plane. They are pure light that can only be born in extreme darkness. Although they are only third-level materials, they have special significance even in the Orpheus family.

"Yes." Orpheus Oak looked directly at the young generation of the Orpheus family for the first time: "It is beautiful, isn't it?"

"... Is there any mineral?" Ellie suppressed her excitement and asked.

Orpheus Oak shook his head: "Not yet."

"Let's focus on this contract first."

"Can you meet my requirements?"

The positions were instantly changed. Originally, the elves came to purchase and had an advantage, but after showing the pure natural structure of these honeys and seeing the drops of morning dew spirit, they immediately became the supplier's advantage.

Now it is the elves who are rushing to buy, not them who are rushing to sell.

After all, Malox has never done business, so he agreed at once: "Okay."

He took out a brand new piece of paper engraved with the elf magic pattern, rewrote the contract on the spot, and asked Orpheus Oak what he wanted to trade.

Orpheus Oak was not polite. The first request was the drawings and seeds of the elves' moon well and moonlight moss.

It had described the magic array of moonlight spirit dew grass and sea ganoderma to Cloya a long time ago, and the advanced version of this thing requires the genuine moon well and moonlight moss to build.

If it can really have the materials and components required for this set of magic arrays, it can create the real "moonlight blessing dew".

That thing can directly increase the efficiency of meditation.

It is more than ten times stronger than the sea moon potion that Cloya is making now. With the moonlight spirit dew, Cloya will be able to train his subordinates much faster.

Of course, this kind of treasure equivalent to a strategic resource will certainly not be so easy to trade.

The reason is that the components it needs are moonlight spirit dew grass, pure sea ganoderma, moon well, moonlight moss and magic array map.

It is almost indispensable. Without any one, it is impossible to produce the moonlight blessing that can directly increase the efficiency of meditation.

Outsiders didn't know that Croa actually had Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass and Sea Ganoderma with such high purity - Ai Li might know, but she didn't say it.

Malox looked at Ai Li with some embarrassment and whispered: "Sister Ai Li..."

"I agree."

Aili agreed directly, "but it must be added with honey with Morning Dew Spirit Drops, and the quantity of each transaction cannot be less than 30 milliliters.

The original price can be doubled, from three magic crystals to six magic crystals, and the price will also double with the increase of years."

Orpheus Oak nodded: "Okay."

Malox rewrote the contract on the spot, and Ai Li and Orpheus Oak talked here to determine the content of the contract.

The final result is: the elves will provide a complete set of Moon Well drawings and ten Moonlight Moss seeds, and the corresponding price is 10,000 magic crystals.

But Hanjiao Island must provide honey with two kinds of magic, sunset and morning dew, and the monthly output cannot be less than 60 milliliters - 30 milliliters of each.

After the transaction of the first batch of 10,000 magic crystals was completed, Hanjiao Island asked for more specialties belonging to the elves, and the transaction time was temporarily set at two thousand years.

If there are more special products during the period, the contract can be expanded and supplemented.

This transaction can be said to be a happy one for both parties, and both parties got the treasures they wanted.

When Ryan pressed down with Cloya's seal, his heart was pounding - he actually signed a two thousand year contract!

This is Hanjiao Island, and even the contracts signed by the human race and the elves are considered very long.

This kind of excitement and joy beat in his heart, which made him feel more excited than training.

An idea gradually emerged in his mind: he wanted to do business outside and sign more business contracts that were beneficial to Hanjiao Island.

Only in this way can his name remain in the history of Hanjiao Island and Cloya's heart for a long time.

That is absolutely impossible to do with hard training!

'I will apply to Master Cloya to go out to do business! '

He made up his mind.

The Orpheus Oak on the side didn't know what the apprentice next to him was thinking. It saw that the contract had been signed, and its mind was all on the gray desert.

As the envoy of Croa, Mifeiyin has gone to negotiate with Lord Graysand and inspected the results of the first batch of Ship City. I wonder how it went?

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