I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 241 241 The prototype of the ship city, naive Jamie

Chapter 241 241. The prototype of the City of Ships, innocent Jamie

Outside Gray Desert City.

Miffyin came here instead of Croya to inspect and accept the first phase of the project and negotiate with the Lord of Gray Sand.

The two of them had arrived outside the city now. The time was just when the night was about to end and the sun was about to rise.

Jamie has been waiting here for a long time.

He looked a little excited, and there were many young people wearing uniforms produced by Hanjiao Island standing beside him, waiting here, ready to introduce the bridge to the two of them.

Under their feet was a long metal road with a width of about five meters. The silver-blue metal was particularly dazzling at night, and there were even street lights on both sides of the road.

Looking up, the silver-blue road is particularly dazzling in the gray desert, like a road in myths and legends, appearing at night, full of regular beauty.

The sudden appearance of such a bridge and road from the disorderly and chaotic desert is really shocking.

Lord Gray Sand stopped and watched for a while before speaking:

"It's about ten meters high."

He looked at the pillars below: "Can these purple duckweeds actually bear the weight of these pillars?"

Although he paid attention, he had some expectations in his heart, so he didn't understand it in detail, just so that he could personally experience the novel experience brought by this silver-blue bridge and the houseboats.


Jamie immediately replied: "According to our many tests, this bridge can carry a maximum load of about ten tons. You can test it now."

Jamie, who worked in the desert every day and darkened two shades of color, grinned, leaving only one white tooth that was particularly dazzling.

This honest and courteous look surprisingly makes people feel very trusting.

Seeing him like this, Miffy couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you use all the sunscreen potions distributed to you on the island?"

Hearing this, Jamie and others scratched their hair in embarrassment.

They are really useless. That thing was made by a group of female apprentices using materials such as pearls and flower dew in seawater.

It is quite popular among some ladies and young masters in the royal capital. It has a very good whitening effect. It is said that even Vice President Estner and Archmage Celesti admire it very much.

But, that kind of Pearl Cream is so fragrant.

Every time you apply it, it becomes an artificial fragrance. The aroma is fragrant within three or four meters around you. If it is mixed with the smell of sweat... they find it a bit inconvenient and pungent, so they don't apply it.

This led to me darkening two shades in just one month.

Upon seeing this, Mifein immediately understood and said helplessly: "Then I will make a batch of products for you when I get back.

Croya pays close attention to you. "

Miffy's casual tone made the Gray Sand Lord laugh a little - it seems that they are really confident in their project, otherwise they would not be so calm.

But he still had to do the acceptance inspection.

We must know that the most basic function of bridges and roads is to pass traffic. Stability and load-bearing are the most important, especially if they are to be flooded in the future. If they are unstable, it will be very dangerous.

"Then let me try to see if it is stable or not."

Immediately, he released a huge black fish with hard scales on its body, spikes on its abdomen, and sharp teeth in its mouth.

The black fish was like a tank, squirming and sliding on the bridge at an extremely fast speed, and soon disappeared from sight.


Miffyin, who witnessed the black fish disappearing, clenched the wheat ear bracelet in his hand and whispered: "Leviathan fish."

The apprentices were also silent. They all felt the deep and evil magic power emanating from this black fish, as deep and evil as the abyss or the sea.

Obviously, not a kind person.

"Haha." Lord Gray Sand waved his hand quite casually: "It's just a fish, don't worry about it."

He looked at Mifein and invited: "I will use this fish to reward the children for their hard work in a while. I would also like to trouble you to use sacred magic power to purify the evil power in its body."

"..." Miffy was silent for a moment, then nodded.

That fish was a member of the abyss lord Leviathan. He originally had doubts about how much the gray sand lord had used Leviathan's power, but now it seemed that it was really beyond imagination.

Generally speaking, the guy who borrows the power of the Abyss Lord is the disadvantaged party, but this guy actually wants to eat Leviathan's family members...

‘Is this guy probably showing his ability like this to prove to Croya and me that he is capable of stabilizing the situation here? ’ Miffy thought.

He accepted Croya's mission and came here not only to follow the inspection and negotiate a formal contract, but also to see if the situation here was stable.

For infrastructure work, if the local lords cannot stabilize the situation, it will be very, very troublesome.

Croya, who was protecting his shortcomings, did not want his apprentices to be disturbed and affected by external factors when they were building bridges and houseboats every day.

From the current point of view, Lord Gray Sand, the God's Favorite, is really not an ordinary God's Favorite. At least in this gray desert, he should be able to suppress some troublesome things.

Miffy knew what was going on.

They didn't communicate with each other for the next part of the journey.

They walked forward along the bridge that was run over by the Leviathan fish, observing whether the bridge was deformed or unstable. After walking about a thousand meters, they saw the first houseboat.

This houseboat looked like a fortress, with an estimated area of ​​about two hundred square meters, and the overall shape of a bird's nest.

There were fluffy and soft dandelions growing on the surface of the houseboat, and vines intertwined, hiding the magic pattern completely in the depths of the dandelions and vines.

"This building looks good, what's inside?"

Lord Gray Sand looked up at the houseboat with interest and glanced at Jamie next to him.

Jamie introduced: "My lord, we will build such a houseboat every two kilometers.

There will be differences in size, but they can accommodate people to live and take refuge here.

Please follow me, I will introduce you to the things inside."

He took two quick steps forward, and the closed hatch of the houseboat sensed someone coming, and immediately opened slowly, and bright light fell from the door.

Huisha, Mifeiyin and the other apprentices followed into the houseboat. The first thing they saw was the spacious and bright hall.

The decoration design of the hall this time did not follow the usual exquisite style of Hanjiao Island, but was very simple - white bright floor walls and ceiling, with some sofas and chairs and other furniture, that's all.

Although not particularly exquisite, this neat and tidy style is suitable for the aesthetics of most people.

Besides... cleanliness itself is a miracle.

Lord Huisha just glanced at it and was quite satisfied.

"It is expected that this place can accommodate 300 people for a short-term refuge." Jamie introduced: "The houseboat is equipped with a basic life support array, so there will be no shortage of air even in a flood.

In addition, there are magic plants and air flowers that can produce air."

He pointed to some very inconspicuous flowers that looked like balloons in the corner of the wall: "If the air here is too turbid, they will bloom and effectively purify the air here."

"This is..."

Then, he took everyone to visit the rooms, bathrooms, and even public kitchens that can accommodate more than 100 people.

The decorations in these facilities are extremely simple in style, and they were drawn by Cloya when he was free.

To be honest, according to the standards of Hanjiao Island, this houseboat is really just a very simple one. But in the gray desert, it is really not easy to have a place to take refuge when a flood hits.

After the visit, the Gray Sand Lord couldn't hide the smile on his face and praised: "I didn't expect it to be so special, but it must have cost a lot of resources to build the houseboats and those bridges, right?"

After all, he was a wizard and a lord, and he knew how much energy such a place would take - special materials, intelligent control magic pattern arrays, and life-sustaining magic patterns... It is estimated that each one would cost tens of thousands of magic crystals, right?

He still had the resources to build dozens of them, but if he wanted to spread such houseboats and bridges more widely throughout the Gray Desert, the price was simply unimaginable.

But it was really hard for him to refuse such good things.

Hearing this, Mi Feiyin took out a list, cleared his throat and began to read aloud:

"The basic material of the houseboat is the floating moon alloy developed by Hanjiao Island, and the unique life-sustaining array and intelligent control array of the Elf Kingdom Orpheus Family are used inside. Each houseboat requires at least one hundred floating dandelions and a sufficient number of evil sea purple magic duckweed."

He did not specify the specific price of these materials.

However, whether it was the floating moon alloy forged by the mage, the life-support array and intelligent array of the Orpheus family, or the specially modified magic plants, these unheard-of things made Lord Gray Sand murmur in his heart.

Unknown and high-end objects gave him the feeling that they were very expensive.

He was silent for a while and asked: "Have you found the mine?"

According to the verbal agreement between him and Cloya, all the mines and magic plants along the project belonged to Cloya and could be mined at will.

Originally, he was quite confident that the price of these mines should be enough, but now he was suddenly uncertain. Is it really enough?

Jamie continued: "So far, a vein of a first-level magic material gold sand mine has been discovered."

"..." Lord Gray Sand couldn't help frowning.

This gold sand mine was actually the first gift he gave to Cloya. It was a special ore with more decorative significance than practical significance.

In addition to making some decorations and planting earth element magic plants, it has almost no other use.

The price is naturally worrying.

To be honest, he was even a little worried that Croa would suddenly evacuate - there was no money to be made, no resources to be gained, why would anyone bother to do infrastructure work for him?

Although he did promise Croa that any mineral deposit would be fine, but it would not be discovered in the short term, how much investment would be needed to get a return?

They were all smart people, and there was not much friendship, but more of an exchange of interests. He knew this, and he believed that Croa knew the same.

While he was thinking, the lights on the side suddenly began to flash, accompanied by a serious reminder sound: "Warning, warning, flood is expected to hit within 20 minutes!

Please go to the nearest shelter immediately for refuge!"

This sound not only rang inside the houseboat, but also in the streetlights standing on both sides of the road outside, which were also playing in a loop, accompanied by increasingly rapid red lights flashing.

Such an atmosphere made people feel that the situation was very urgent.

Of course, there was no one on this road now, and the few people who were there were all staying in the houseboat.

Jamie said, "The flood is coming, and you can just see how to deal with it."

"Okay." Lord Gray Sand temporarily put aside his thoughts and looked out the window - the flood was coming.

They suddenly appeared from the sand, and after gathering together, they became a flood that covered the sky and the sun, roaring towards this side.

In just a few minutes, the silver-blue bridges and roads were completely submerged.

Those bridges still stood tall in the flood.

As time went on, the flood became gradually stable inside, and the evil sea purple demon duckweed at the bottom of the bridge suddenly pulled out its roots, holding the bridge towards the water.

The whole process was extremely stable, and the few people staying in the houseboat didn't even feel any shaking or bumping, and they rose directly to the surface of the water.

After reaching the water surface, the roots of the evil sea purple duckweeds intertwined and gathered, and at the same time, they sprayed out some strange magic power, turning the water into ice and wrapping them.

The bottom of this bridge that stretched for dozens of kilometers was wrapped in ice, and it was not afraid of the impact of the flood.

In this way, the whole was completely stable.

The road formed by the bridge and the houseboat just floated quietly on the water. No matter how the surrounding floods washed and surged, it did not shake, just like on flat ground.

The morning light fell on these silver-blue bridges, and the golden light and the silver-blue light reflected by the magic alloy intertwined, standing upright in the gray flood, extremely beautiful.

The voice sounded again:

"The bridge stabilization work has been completed. Please leave in an orderly manner and try not to extend your body outside the bridge railing."

Hearing this voice, the Gray Sand Lord relied on his skill and courage to run directly outside the houseboat, back and forth on the bridge, facing the morning light and hot wind-no matter how he jumped, the bridge did not shake, even when he released another Leviathan fish, the bridge was still strong.

"It's unimaginable!"

In the daytime, you can come and go freely on the flood like this!

This is something he had never thought of!

In his original idea, Kroya was strong enough to build a bridge on the quicksand, but he didn't expect that this bridge would also work when the flood came.

If there were more bridges like this, connecting various cities and gathering points, wouldn't the impact of the chaotic magic in the Gray Desert be minimized?

——People can travel freely in the Gray Desert, which is a feat that was not accomplished even before the Gray Desert was invaded by Leviathan magic!

When he thought of that scene, he felt that every cell in his body was excited. He had caused irreparable damage to his hometown because of his wrong decision.

Now there is room for recovery, and the construction team of Hanjiao Island cannot be allowed to leave no matter what!

The current situation is no longer reserved.

The Lord of Gray Sand took out a map from his pocket, and then said to Mifeiyin: "Let's sign a formal contract. This map is the mineral vein map I surveyed."

The mineral vein map of the Gray Desert!

You have to know that after a long period of gestation, a chaotic magic environment can produce some extremely rare minerals, not to mention a special area like the Gray Desert.

It is no exaggeration to say that the most valuable thing in the Gray Desert is the mineral deposits.

Miffin took a glance and saw a series of precious mineral deposits such as: Desert Heart Stone Mine, Leviathan Abyss Iron, Howling Gemstone, etc.

Of course, there was a magic cover on it, so you could only see the name of the mineral deposit but not the specific location - after all, for extraordinary people, you can basically remember it after just one look.

Lord Gray Sand pointed at the map: "From Gray Sand City to Sand Castle Territory, there are three mineral veins along the way, namely Quicksand Iron, Yellow Sapphire and Howling Gem.

I will give you the specific location in exchange for you to build two bridges and houseboats with a length of about 100 kilometers."

Miffin pretended to calculate and nodded: "Okay."

He directly took out the contract that Cloya had prepared long ago, and agreed with Gray Sand to write the specific content and terms on it, and finally branded the magic mark belonging to Gray Sand City and Hanjiao Island.

After the signing, Jamie suddenly said: "Lord Gray Sand, have you ever thought about letting us take over the construction of the entire city?

We can build a fortress consisting of bridges and houseboats, which can float directly with the flood when the flood comes, and can be deployed on the spot when the flood ends.

In this way, the location of Gray Sand City will not be fixed, and you can go wherever you want."

This guy was obviously prepared, took out a blueprint and showed it to Lord Gray Sand - this blueprint was actually the advanced version he showed to Cloya at the beginning.

Lord Graysand could see the subtlety of this blueprint at a glance, but after a brief moment of shock, he shook his head with difficulty.

“Not now.”

He refused: “When the contents of this contract are completed, I will give you the right to build a small city.

Graysand City has a special status and cannot be rebuilt on a large scale now.”

Hearing this, Jamie nodded, not very disappointed.

The apprentice changed the subject and proposed a wish to Lord Gray Sand: "Lord Gray Sand, can you collect the slaves in the name of the city lord? I need them to help us complete some basic construction."

Lord Gray Sand's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stared at Jamie: "Do you want to give them a way out?"

Although it was a question, his tone was extremely firm.

Everything in Gray Sand City could not be hidden from his eyes. Of course, he also knew that Jamie had bought many slaves for training, and even some overly obvious goodwill gestures.

"Yes." Jamie nodded, and the apprentices behind him also nodded - Jamie had discussed this with them.

Faced with Jamie's insistence, Lord Gray Sand nodded without comment: "For Cloya's sake, I promise you."

After he agreed, he walked outside. When he was about to enter the flood, he suddenly turned to Jamie and said: "You have to understand the reason for the slave trade, otherwise how many people can you save?"

After that, he jumped directly into the water and disappeared.

Only Miffin was left, patting Jamie on the shoulder who was in a daze: "Sometimes being naive is not a bad thing, but naivety may lead to some bad results."

The former bishop of the Mother Earth Goddess knew the slave trade very well. In the final analysis... there will be slave trade only when there is a demand for buying and selling.

If Jamie cannot clearly realize this and think of a way to deal with it, it will only increase the number of slave trades in Gray Sand City.

But he was not going to make it clear directly.


Naivety is not a bad thing sometimes. What if there is a good result?

He and Cloya have highly similar views on this. Change is a good thing. They will help you when you hit the wall.

He looked at the apprentices who were lost in thought, clapped his hands and said loudly: "The game on the island is about to end. Cloya said that you will have a vacation.

Don't think too much. Come back to Hanjiao Island with me for vacation now. All expenses during the vacation are free.

Continue to work hard after the vacation."


These two words instantly made the apprentices forget everything, and their eyes all lit up.

After staying in the desert for more than two months, they did miss home a little bit, and more importantly... all expenses were free!

There is no doubt that this must be the reward and welfare given to them by Croa.


"Oh! Thank you, Lord Croa!"

"I want to go home and take a hot spring bath!"

Even Jamie put aside the slave issue he was thinking about just now and cheered.

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