I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 37 The Rat Who Wants to Go to the Bottom of the Sea

Chapter 37 37. The rat who wants to go to the bottom of the sea

It stands to reason that no matter how much he cries, Rob will not waver in the slightest.

But this involves a big shot - walking in the Northern Territory, and Hanhai County, where Hanjiao Island is located, is the Northern Territory area.

If you are a local noble lord, you should probably restrain yourself and worry about whether others will come to your door.

He should have a very high position himself. He came here to temporarily manage something, and he might even have the emperor's will.

As a former nobleman, Robert knew very well that this kind of guy was specially appreciated by the emperor, otherwise he would not be given such a position.

It is a truly high position of authority.

As a result, now his son has fallen in love with sunflower seeds. It's no wonder that Sesulfur came over quickly and desperately. If he wants to kill a businessman, he probably doesn't even have to use his hands.

Of course, this has nothing to do with his lord.

Croya is a mage, a born extraordinary person who belongs to the Mage Association and has no connection with the administrative organization of the kingdom.

In other words, the relationship is actually not that good.

Mages attach great importance to their transcendent status. If the other party is really trying to suppress others, the King's Mages Association will definitely come forward - even if Croya is exiled, he is still a member of the Mages Association, and it is not the kingdom's bureaucrats who can do it casually. commanded.

The Foreign Mage Association is still very defensive.

With this relationship, you don't have to worry about the possibility that the other party will come directly to put pressure even if they know who is behind you.

Of course, in business, the key is what price the other party can pay to buy these sunflower seeds.

Thinking of this, Robert glanced at the motionless Mu Yaoqu Vine King calmly, and continued to ask: "Since the other party wants to buy it, what is the price you want to sell it for?

Are you planning to use these as a favor and give them away for free? "

The tone was a bit teasing. He knew that when a small businessman saw a big noble, he wanted to go up and lick his boots. There was a high probability that he would give them away for free just for the sake of favor.


Sesu shook his head quickly. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he didn't even bother to have anything to do with him and paid him immediately.

If it weren't for this magical sunflower seed, he would never have even thought of meeting Master Carl.

Therefore, he wanted to facilitate this business.

He immediately signaled to a guard, who immediately placed a package on the table and slowly opened it.

There are eleven first-level magic crystals inside, and they are not general-purpose non-attribute magic crystals, but crystal clear blue magic crystals.

Water attribute magic crystal.

"Master Karl bought it for one magic crystal. Because I ate one, it was eleven pieces." He explained.

For one piece of magic crystal, the price is honestly quite high. Even the finished first-level magic plant fruit cannot be sold for a piece of magic crystal.

Not to mention... this is just a small pill.

Rob keenly sensed something was wrong, and out of caution, he continued to ask: "What did he buy these sunflower seeds for?"

It's fine if you just eat it for yourself, but if you use it as a magic material to harm others, it might be a bit troublesome.

"I inquired that Mrs. Vanessa was not in good health, and it was said that she was given some food."

Are you not feeling well?

Croya, who had been watching here in the laboratory, felt a slight movement in his heart, and ordered King Mu Yaoqu Vine to touch Robert, and conveyed his instructions in a very small voice.

Rob understood and replied: "Well, the lord agrees to sell thirty pills, and there is also a magic potion for you to take away."

"Magic potion?" Sesu opened his eyes wide: "Master Mage can also refine potions? What kind of magic potion is it?"

Potions, a branch of alchemy, is not easy to learn. Generally, those who can refine potions are particularly powerful beings. I didn't expect Master Croya to be able to do it.

"Of course it is a magic potion that has a healing effect on the human body." Robb smiled: "How you take away the magic potion and sunflower seeds and sell them is your business, Mr. Sesu, and it must not involve our mage.

As for the income, we are 80% to 20%.

If you agree, we will sign a contract. "

"Okay, I can make a contract. It's a contract with the God of Order."

Sesu heard what Rob meant and immediately agreed. All he had to say was that he got it from a powerful mage, and the other party would most likely not ask any more questions.

Because during the last transaction, Mr. Karl just asked casually and did not get to the bottom of it.

He definitely wanted to find an alchemist to test the unknown potion. To be honest, he was actually really hoping that the potion would work.

Since Master Croya can come up with this magical sunflower, then the magic potion should also be useful, right?

If it really works, even if he can only get 20% of the profit for his hard work, as long as he can establish a relationship with the young master and have a good relationship with Master Croya, it will definitely not be a loss.

He had actually had this idea for a long time, so he carried a contract with the God of Order - this kind of contract cost one gold coin and was sold by the Temple of Order.

They are very willing to spread the light of the God of Order to the entire world, so they basically provide an unlimited supply.

When he took out the contract, Rob said teasingly, "You have everything you need."

"Because I came with sincerity." Sesu smiled back, and then signed the contract impatiently.

The person who signed the contract was not Croa - he was not proud enough to let Croa come, so it was Rob who signed it.

After the contract was signed, Rob handed him thirty sunflower seeds and a bottle of sea spirit coconut potion sent by a servant.

After sending Sesul away from the castle, Rob carried the gopher's cage and package to Cloya's laboratory.


The door to the laboratory was pushed open by King Mu Yaoqu Teng.

Croya looked at Rob with a smile on his face, and his eyes flickered to the cage he was carrying - this thief had indeed shown a hint that he could imprint a spell.

When I looked at them just now, I felt that something was not right about these two mice. It was like a feeling of bliss in the soul, and I could vaguely feel that they were longing for something.

He felt that if he could completely control this feeling, he would not need prompting and would be able to tell whether these magical beasts or magical plants could be imprinted by just looking at them.

Croya squinted his eyes, looked at Rob, and patted King Mu Yaoqu Vine.

"Thank you for your hard work. Next time Sesu comes, you can just take care of him yourself, Rob.

If he wants more potions or sunflower seeds, it depends on the price. "

Mu Yaoqu Vine King also stretched out his vines according to his wishes, took the cage and package from Rob's hand, and placed them on the experimental table beside him.

"Okay, I know!"

Rob saluted and turned around to leave.

And Croya's attention was focused on the two mice in the cage. As the star spirit body engraving technique was activated, two particularly clear consciousnesses sounded——

"I want to live under the sea..."

"Being able to stay away from the crowd and not want to dance..."

Their consciousness is extremely clear, and they even sigh. This is probably their idea...

Well, there's no problem if you want to escape the world, but if you want to go to the bottom of the sea, aren't you earth-type monsters?

Croya fell into a brief thought.

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