I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 38 38 Pressure Stealing Earth Rat Successfully

Chapter 38 38. Pressure Stealing Rat succeeded

Of course there are magics that can allow monsters to breathe freely underwater, such as underwater breathing, simulated fish gills, universal adaptation...

He also knows one.

It was the underwater breathing spell that dived into the bottom of the lake at that time, but that kind of magic has a time limit, which increases with the increase of magic power, and is far less convenient than the following high-level magics.

Hey, wait.

Kloya suddenly remembered those air corals that were taking root under the water. He planned to move a few of them into the sea.

After the first transaction with the mermaids was completed, he was not afraid that they would hinder him. He could just try to extend his tentacles into the ocean, and the sea ganoderma also needed the environment of the ocean to cultivate.

Fresh water cannot cultivate and plant sea ganoderma. It can only be cultivated in an environment filled with special ocean magic-generally speaking, seawater is moved to make a culture pool, but if it is planted directly on the seabed, it will grow faster.

It may not be convenient to arrange manpower to take care of it in that kind of place, but if it is these two stealing rats...

Can they help take care of it?

He had heard of these earth-stealing rats. After training, they were even smarter than eight or nine-year-old children. Except that they were too small to do many things, they were actually perfect assistants and pets.

After thinking for a while, he said to the two earth-stealing rats: "I can let you live on the seabed, but you have to sign a contract with me and help me take care of the fields on the seabed.

Can you do it?"


The two rats, whose IQs were obviously higher than their peers, nodded quickly, raised their little paws and bowed to Cloya again and again, with gratitude in their little eyes.

Just looking at this look, they are almost the same as humans.

But it is just like this. The smarter they are, Cloya needs to use contracts to restrain them, otherwise who knows if they will suddenly run away.

"Well, let's sign the contract now."

Seeing them nod in agreement, Cloya simply bought two master-servant contracts through the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Now he doesn't need to spend magic crystals and can buy them anytime and anywhere.

When signing a contract with a monster, you can't use a contract of order. You must have this master-servant contract to have the strongest binding effect.


The two earth-thieves cooperated very well to sign the contract, and then Kloya began to engrave them.

The engraved spells were two spells - underwater breathing and elementary water control.

The former was the magic that the mice dreamed of, which allowed them to breathe underwater, and the latter was engraved for them out of some considerations.

It was also a small attempt - could I "pressure" them to learn this magic.

In this process, he has been instilling in them the attitude that they can help him plant and manage the sea ganoderma fields after learning this spell, and that they can only live on the seabed by taking care of the sea ganoderma fields.

According to his understanding, if monsters or magic plants have an obsession or desire for something, they should be able to engrave different magic.

These two originally had the idea of ​​living on the seabed, and he instilled some attitudes that "only by planting well can they live on the seabed all the time."

This is a kind of motivation to push them forward. With motivation and obsession, and they are so smart, can they succeed?

As expected, it was successful.

The two spells were engraved one after another, and they were directly engraved inside the astral body of the earth-stealing rat.

[Engraving successful, earth-stealing rat (underwater breathing, elementary water control)]

[This magic beast can perform underwater breathing to move freely underwater, and because of its extreme desire to live on the seabed, it will continue to improve this spell engraving. ]

[Because they can live freely in the water only after taking good care of the fields, they have learned water control and will continue to improve this spell engraving. ]

‘That’s true.’ Cloya blinked, and suddenly many not-so-bright thoughts rose in his mind.

The so-called “survival of the fittest”, if he really uses the environment, mental suggestion, and language pressure to arrange magic beasts or magic plants... can he really create suitable magic plants according to his ideas?

Just like a young eagle that has just left the nest will fall to death if it can’t fly, is this kind of pressure and desire the root of the astral body engraving technique?

He felt that the Star Body Imprinting Technique was more like a means to help the evolution of magic beasts and magic plants, a very advanced method.

"Well... you can try it."

After considering this, Cloya rubbed his chin and suddenly had a bold idea - he wanted to make a fire array, and then plant a few water attribute magic plants in it to try.

This method is a very common method of cultivating mutant magic plants, through the external environment and some potion assistance or grafting and other methods to let them gradually adapt.

But the success rate is very low.

Because magic plants have magic power, the power in the body is naturally determined. If you want to add another kind of magic power, the rejection reaction will be quite serious.

It takes almost several years and decades of cultivation and screening from generation to generation to finally achieve the effect of successful cultivation.

But if it is really as he thought, as long as those magic plants have the desire to survive in the fire, they should be able to imprint some magic.

In time, perhaps you can really rely on this method to create the magic plants and magic beasts you need.

Of course, that's a later story, and you need to try it slowly.

Before that, he had to arrange for the gophers first, and take a look at their diving and water control abilities with his own eyes.

"Come with me. You can't go to the bottom of the lake for the time being, but you can try to go to the bottom of the lake."

He left the laboratory with the cage in hand and soon came to the lake behind the castle, and then he was surprised to find... all the Kabobs were gone!

All the kaba beasts that should have been sleeping peacefully on the grass disappeared, and even the turf on the ground in the distance seemed to be controlled by something and scraped off a layer.

A mess.

And looking at the muddy traces on the ground and the mix of old and new grass roots, it seems that it didn't just happen, at least it had been for some time.

Has it been planned for a long time?


Croya frowned. Those kaba beasts were still refining the holy white iron. If they ran away, he would be the first to cramp and skin Bartos.

But at this moment, Bartos seems to be still taking care of the coconut trees.

He has been watching over Kababmon. Since he didn't say anything, he probably didn't run away.


He carefully observed the ground and noticed that there were strange footprints on the wet land leading to the lake. A thought suddenly came to his mind - could he have entered the lake?

With such doubts, he came to the lake, squinted his eyes and looked down——

The bottom of the lake is filled with light.

The air corals have grown a lot during this time. They have occupied the entire lake, forcing the water to one side, and covering the entire bottom of the lake in bubbles.

The bottom of the lake, which was supposed to be a silt, was now covered with grass, and the emerald green covered the dark silt.

Thanks to the silt accumulated for an unknown period of time and nourishment from the excrement of the Kaba beasts, they grew very lush.

There is a faint holy white light shining in the grass, like a white star.

It is much more beautiful and beautiful than on the ground.

The missing kaba beasts were just lying on the grass at the bottom of the lake, some were gnawing on tender grass buds, and some were sleeping soundly.

It looks very comfortable and comfortable.

Croya: "..."

You guys really know how to enjoy it, and you have found a good place. It is indeed a lot cooler down there.

But how did you break through the bubbles of the air coral? Don't they repel it? And what are those dots glowing with sacred white light?

It doesn't look like holy iron.

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