I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 39 39 Dim Sky Crystal (Please read on!)

Chapter 39 39. The dim sky crystal

Out of curiosity, he dove directly under the water.

He entered the water with a "plop" sound.

Of course the two marmots jumped into the lake with him.

Just by looking at their names, you can tell that they are earth-type monsters. They probably don’t like water by nature, and they may even have never been in the water for generations.

So when they first entered the water, they were obviously a little unfamiliar, and their limbs and tails were a little nervous and flustered. However, because of the existence of underwater breathing, they quickly adapted.

Even better than Cloya's swimming.

The tail spun directly like a propeller, the small limbs slid happily in the water, and the mung bean eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Without even looking, Croya knew that their astral bodies must be red with excitement, and shook his head.

'You're swimming pretty well, but can you come in with me? ’

He observed quietly for a minute or so, then continued swimming downwards, his body passing through the bubbles made of air coral very easily.

Although the two thieves still wanted to swim, when they saw Croa entering, they swam over quickly, and they passed through the bubble easily.

No hesitation, very smooth.

This scene made Croya, who had already landed, slightly stunned.

Um? How can you really get through it, and even Kababmon can get in?

Could it be...

He looked up at the bubbles that looked weak but blocked the heavy pressure of the water flow. What they had in common was that he had imprinted magic on them.

Is it because of this?

There is a special magic wave when it is carved, so it can enter?

"Give it a try."

The method to verify is also very simple. Just wait until it is planted on the seabed and see if the dolphins can come in.

They are not imprinted with magic themselves.

After he figured it out, he no longer cared. He stepped on the soft grass and came to the place where the ground was sparkling with white light spots.

He squatted down and gently parted the grass to take a look.

There is a very strange little mushroom hidden inside. Its color seems to be white from a distance, but in fact, when you get closer, you will find that it is more solemn and holy than white.

Preferring the so-called platinum color.

Around it are piled some already refined holy white iron, which was piled here spontaneously by Kabamon.

When he was pulling away the grass, the kaba beasts nudged him with their noses, as if to ask him to be careful.

Croya could only comfort them with a few words.

"I won't ruin it!"

After he finished speaking, he began to observe carefully.

For some reason, Croya always felt that this strange white mushroom was absorbing the light from the holy white iron, but returning the light to them.

On the contrary, Holy White Iron has become more pure and holy.

Similar to a kind of filtering or...blessing?

"What on earth is this...a strange magic wave."

Croya felt it carefully for a while, and suddenly felt that the power of this thing seemed to be somewhat similar to the divine power and the "Akon Futetsu" that he composed of the Seven Lights Divine Law Formation.

That is the crystal that represents the emptiness attribute in Qiyao Crystal.

But this one is obviously purer.

"I only heard the mermaid say that it is a crystal with empty attributes, but I really don't know what its specific use is."

"Is it possible to filter power?" He tentatively released a trace of his magic power towards the white mushroom.

But Bai Mushroom immediately refused.

The magic power was obviously resisting, and it couldn't get close to the white mushroom at all. Moreover, he felt that if he forcibly injected the magic power, the white mushroom might self-destruct for him to see.

Even when I tried to channel a ray of power and used the Qiyao Separation Technique, it remained motionless.

After discovering this, he immediately stopped and muttered to himself: "No way, is it only reacting to the power of this kind of sacred attribute?"

When trying to infuse magic power failed, he could only activate the astral body engraving technique and planned to take a look at the situation inside.

He knew that mushrooms were fungi, but this thing looked like it was just a mushroom, more or less not like a serious mushroom.

As the star spirit body engraving technique was activated, he saw... countless platinum-gold silk threads wrapped around a strange platinum-gold ring at the core. Although it was now dim and damaged, it still exuded a halo, slowly absorbing it. In response to the holy white light coming from the outside world, it fed back a brand new light.

It seems to be filtering, but in essence, it absorbs something in the holy white light, and then feeds back the new light.

"What a strange star spirit body, platinum gold ring? What level of magic plant is this, or..."

Croya stared at the ground where the white mushrooms were, then reached out and dug slowly, making sure not to destroy the white mushrooms but also to see if there was anything buried underneath.

After digging for a few times, we found a crystal that was completely darkened inside the thick mud, and the last bit of light in it had also dissipated.

It was almost his sixth sense that told him that Croya felt that this must be a "crystal of space and light" with the superior attributes of the illusion of time and space.

But it did lose all its power, and what was left became this little mushroom.

A mushroom formed by the power of the sky?

Regarding this precious mushroom, Croya actually wanted to take it away and put it in the laboratory for careful observation and study.

But considering whether it would wither or not adapt if it was taken away - he still didn't understand the power of the sky.

He could only choose to give up and let it stay here.

"Only interested in the power of the sacred attribute... Divine power, is the power of the Earth Mother Goddess feasible?"

He thought about this possibility seriously and finally gave up. Just like his previous worries, it was better for the divine power to stay away from him.

However, he could continue to use it to refine the holy white iron, and he could also use the power in the holy white iron to nourish it.

Perhaps if it continues to nourish like this, its mysterious star spirit body will undergo some changes and will no longer be dead silent.

"Then I'll leave you here for the time being. I'll make another magic circle to prevent you from being stepped on..." Kroya thought.

In addition,

the transaction with Baron Kemoye can continue. He has just checked the holy white iron and found that it is better than the one that was originally refined.

The power inside is very pure.

It was time for Robert to notify the other party to pick up the goods. The original ten-day agreement had only passed eight days.

I think the other party would be very happy.

After he decided, he collected all the holy white iron scattered on the ground. The original two hundred kilograms of holy white iron were reduced by fifteen or sixteen kilograms after refining.

This number is actually exaggerated, because the power inside was compressed and some useless scrap iron was discarded.

In the operation of refining, the smaller the number is compressed, the higher the purity and the stronger the power. And the improvement of purity is a great thing for making weapons.

It can effectively increase the power.

"You really made a profit this time. If I didn't plan to raise the price, I would have to cheat you." Kloya muttered a few words.

For long-term business considerations, it is a bit too bad to raise the price after the agreed price. It is not appropriate.

But the price can be raised a little next time.


After he put all the holy white iron into the shell storage magic tool, he carefully checked the surroundings and checked the situation of the kaba beasts.

It is obvious that the sacred attributes here are of great benefit to them. Their bodies have become much stronger, but the magic power in their bodies seems to be gradually assimilated by the sacred power.

To be honest, this is not a good thing. If the magic power is really assimilated by the sacred power, it is estimated that it will become a holy kaba beast, but the ore of other attributes will probably not be easy to refine.

The rejection reaction of the sacred power to other elemental attributes is very exaggerated.

"It seems that we have to divide it into six or seven to refine this sacred attribute, and the rest to refine other attributes.

Or buy some and let these kaba beasts take them. Sooner or later, they will fall in love with eating ore... right."

He looked at the kaba beasts, and finally looked at the two earth-stealing rats who were already familiar with the environment, and ordered them to perform the magic of controlling water.

The result was naturally quite satisfactory to him. Although he was still a little rusty, he had no problem controlling the water ball to water the plants. He should be proficient after a period of practice.

"Then you stay here. I will send you to the bottom of the sea in a few days."

After saying this, Kloya turned and left.

He was going to inform Robert to call the baron to discuss the follow-up matters.

The two earth-thieves saluted Kloya's figure, their expressions were extremely respectful and worshipful, and finally faced the grass, excitedly "chi chi" and kept chirping.

This is the paradise they have always dreamed of!

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