I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 44 44 Designated Magic Pearl (Please read later)

Chapter 44 44. Designated Magic Pearls (Please read later)

Seeing that the harvest was good, Kloya immediately took the dolphins away and came to the beach where the air coral was scheduled to be planted.

You can't fish out all the fish in a dry pond, so let's take our time to catch the rest.

Sitting on the soft beach, he looked at the giant clams as big as five millstones and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad!"

He praised the dolphins, ducks and fish, and then couldn't wait to open the clams.

If he was not mistaken, this clam should be a second-level magical beast sea pattern clam. It is said that the pearls it breeds will come with natural sea magic patterns.

This natural magic pattern itself has the effect of gathering magic power, and can be used to release some basic water magic. The more complex and advanced the magic pattern, the more terrifying the magic that can be released.

It is said that a legendary wizard from the Mage Association once got a legendary sea pattern pearl and made it into a magic weapon.

It is one of the foundations of the Mage Association. If the magic power is gathered in advance, it can even release forbidden spell-level magic such as "World Destruction and Dark Cold Disaster".

I didn't expect that there would be such a magical clam here. Is such a place considered barren?

I really don't know what the people in the Mage Association think.

The existence of these sea-patterned shells alone is definitely a specialty, and it is worth developing.

Of course, what Kloya has in front of him must be ordinary. It is impossible to open some legendary pearls in it...

It is estimated that at most, some high-pressure water column, ice shock, and other second- to third-level magics will be released.

This is also very satisfying.

It is a very good magic foundation. It is a good choice to sell it or make magic tools.

Then the next step is to open the clam.

"I remember it seems to be like this..."

In order to avoid destroying the clam shells, Kloya also plans to continue to breed them and let them continue to produce pearls.

So violently taking the pearls and killing them directly is definitely not an option.

A little trick is needed.

Immediately, he carefully drew a magic circle on the beach, sprinkled the magic powder in it carefully, and then injected magic power into it.

With a "sudden" sound, a weak flame emerged from it.

The red fire ring surrounded the sea clam, and the flames burned the clam shell. The power was very weak, which would not hurt it, but it would make it feel hot.

Soon, the clam shell opened slightly due to lack of water.

Kloya was quick-witted and inserted the prepared iron rod into the clam shell, and saw the pearl inside that was wrapped in the clam meat but still flashing with a glowing blue light.

It was smooth and round, and there was a magical glow flashing.

"The quality seems to be good."

Although it was half wrapped in clam meat, Kloya had already prepared it. He took a knife and cut it, and took out the meat and the pearl together.

The poor clam twitched in pain and could only watch the robbers snatch the pearls they had worked so hard to nurture. They had no ability to resist at all after losing the moisture of the sea water and being burned by the flames.

"Huh, it went pretty smoothly."

After taking it out, Cloya took out the iron rod and told the ducks to get the clam into the water. After all, it was a level 2 monster. It lost a little meat and it would recover in a few days.

He then did the same thing and took out the pearls from four sea-patterned clams one after another. When he took out the pearl from the last sea-patterned clam, he suddenly felt something.

His puzzled eyes stayed on the egg-sized pearl in his hand for a few seconds, which was white, round and flawless, but without any peculiarities.

"Huh." Cloya was a little surprised.

The other four pearls all had naturally formed magic patterns on them, but why didn't this one have any?

An abnormal monster? Could it be...

He immediately looked at the sea-patterned clam whose pearl had been taken away, and his heart moved slightly, and he activated the Star Body Imprinting Technique.

As expected, he sensed the consciousness of the sea-marked clam——

"I'm so stupid, I can't learn anything..."

"My pearl... has no magic pattern..."

"Why, why doesn't my innate spell have it!"

Kroya blinked, oh no.

No need for prompts this time, does that mean that he has gradually mastered this spell?

So the magic patterns on the pearls of sea-marked clams come from their innate spells, no wonder this one doesn't have it, it turns out you don't know how to do it.

I didn't expect that there are idiots in clams.

After discovering this, he immediately had an idea: "Wait, does that mean I can arrange it for you?"

After engraving through the engraving technique, can it engrave the specified spell on the pearl to achieve the effect of mass production?

In this way, whatever magic you want, you can have it?

He immediately thought about what spell to engrave.

First of all, this thing belongs to the water-based magic beast, it must be engraved with water-based spells, and the level cannot be too high, otherwise it will probably take a long time to breed.

For example, the magic weapon named "Netherfrost Crown" was made from sea-patterned clams, which are estimated to have lived for at least tens of thousands of years.

So, the effect can be seen in a short time, and the spell is also special...

"Water Magic!"

Kloya clapped his hands and felt that Water Magic was the most suitable. As long as the spell model is mastered and there is enough Water Power, even a fool can cast this kind of magic.

The Water Magic he has learned so far is: Water Sword, Green Water Jet, Diamond Water Dust and Water Resurrection.

After a little thought, he decided to engrave the magic of "Water Sword".

The reason is that this magic can exist for a long time. As long as the Water Sword is summoned, it can exist forever when there is the power of Water.

It is equivalent to taking an enchanted water attribute magic weapon.

At that time, it can be used by his subordinates to create an army that uses all magic weapons - just imagine that the originally harmless soldiers suddenly have a magic weapon with them.

Not to mention the improvement of combat effectiveness, even if it is just for show, it is definitely enough. Those who don't know would think that everyone is a magic swordsman.

That scene is really wonderful to think about.

It also fits his style as a wizard lord.

"That's it!"

He immediately began to engrave the Water Sword for this sea pattern clam. The engraving process was quite smooth. Soon, the prompt came -

[Engraving successful, sea pattern clam (Water Sword·Sage)]

[When the sea pattern clam breeds pearls, it will replicate the magic pattern on the pearl according to the power of the engraved Water Sword. 】

【Water Sword Magic requires Water Power, and sufficient Water Power is required for breeding. The duration is determined by the quality of the Water Power in the pearl. 】

Well, it's not surprising.

Kloya stared at the sea clam that had been successfully engraved, thinking about the ways of breeding pearls in his previous life.

Such monsters actually have basic wisdom, so as long as you choose a suitable pearl core and throw it in, it will basically start breeding.

It saves a lot of trouble.

As for the choice of pearl core, Kloya decided to use Water Essence plus a small piece of charging crystal - the latter can carry magic power of almost all attributes, which can continuously supply Water Power to the pearl.

He noticed that the Water Essence in the instructions was "determined by the quality of Water Power". Is there anything better than Water Essence?

Obviously not.

But Water Essence and Charging Crystal need to be returned to the laboratory to get, so he can only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​trying it immediately.

"I'll do it later. No outsiders are allowed to enter the lab..."

He stood up, took out the air coral he had been carrying with him, and then dived to the bottom of the sea and planted it in a triangle on the flat seabed.

In the new environment without bubbles, the air corals immediately began to make bubbles impatiently. The three bubbles are gradually getting bigger, and they will probably merge into one in the near future.

After completing the planting plan, he returned to the beach with satisfaction. The purpose of this trip was perfectly achieved.

But when he saw a large pile of things brought by dolphins on the beach, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly-not helpless, but joy.

Thanks to Youling Zhuyuq Dimension Interference P for the monthly ticket and the recommendation votes of all the big guys, thank you~

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