I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 45 45 Coral Magic Pool (Please read on)

Chapter 45 45. Coral Magic Pool (please follow up)

When Croya returned to the castle with the fully filled shell magic weapon, the butler Rob was pacing anxiously.

"What's wrong?"

He thought something had happened, but when Rob saw him, he immediately beamed with joy: "Master Mage, that shark... it, it has a magic core!"

The butler's voice trembled with excitement at the end.

The magic core is a special treasure that can only be born from high-level magic beasts, those above level six.

If a low-level monster gives birth to a magic core, it means that it can reach at least level seven or even eight in the future.

The magic core has many functions, the biggest of which is that it can be used to cultivate monsters and serve as the core of the magic circle. Croya has always wanted to get one.

Unexpectedly, it was actually delivered to my door.

At the same time, he was also a little enlightened.

No wonder just after killing it, a level 4 demon shark came to seek revenge. That might be the future of the human family group!

Without the power of the mermaid, it would be really difficult to end the story.

No, it’s already very difficult to end.

It seems that I have to think of a way to get rid of them all, otherwise it will be a huge hidden danger when going to sea in the future.

After a brief absence, Croya said in a calm tone: "Get it to my laboratory."

Then, he walked towards the castle naturally.

It seemed that he was not surprised at all by a magic core.

Robert saluted from behind and ran away quickly - in order to prevent the magic core from being snatched away by people without eyesight, he called in four knights to guard there.

He returned to the laboratory.

Mu Yao Qu Teng King immediately said respectfully: "Welcome back, master."

The vines that had grown more and more lush were like flexible tentacles. He picked up the cotton handkerchief prepared on the side and held it over.

Croya, who was used to being taken care of during this period, took it familiarly, wiped his face and hands, and sat on his recliner, lying back slightly.

"Master, please taste this."

Then, Qu Teng handed over another glass of slightly cold coconut juice.

"Well, not bad."

I took a sip of coconut water.

Although this coconut juice is not the magic coconut, the magic power in it is also very cool and sweet.

Most of the heat and fatigue in my body immediately dissipated.

It is indeed a kind of enjoyment.


Croya took a long breath, leaned on the recliner and meditated for a while with his eyes closed. He waited until King Mu Yaoqu Teng brought the magic core brought by Rob in front of him before he opened his eyes.

What comes into view is a strange six-pointed star crystal.

Every corner of it is made of nature, as if it is a finely crafted work of art. There is a ray of blue light shining inside, and the shadow of a shark can be vaguely seen swimming inside.

"Hey, there is still a shark's soul in this magic core?"

He squinted his eyes and rubbed his fingers on the magic core, feeling the abundant magic power and the vivid soul breath inside.

It was obvious that he had found a treasure. The quality of the magic core containing the soul of a Warcraft would be extremely high, and the soul of the Warcraft could be used to do some things.

For example, refining some magic potions involving the soul, making magic weapons with primary wisdom, cultivating the tower spirit of the magic tower...

Especially the last point, he is now planning to use coral to make a magic pool. Can he use the soul in this magic core to cultivate the tower spirit?

"It might work……"

He carefully recalled the knowledge that the original owner had learned in the Mage Association, and he had a clever way to create a tower spirit.

It is to use the soul of the magic beast in the magic core as a culture medium, erase the consciousness and memory inside, and then create a brand new tower spirit that obeys the mage's instructions.

This method is only suitable for low-level mages, because real high-level mages... can even create souls, and the puppets they make are almost the same as normal people.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked King Qu Teng to get some parchment and pen, and planned to calculate how much money it would cost.

"A high-level requiem crystal, a bottle of solution that can extend the soul's consciousness... and most importantly, the Styx water from the River of Hades in the lower plane."

After finishing writing, he took out the crystal card from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, put the parchment in, and asked about how many magic crystals were needed.

The answer immediately silenced him——

"It is estimated that three thousand first-level magic crystals will be needed. If you need materials with more magic power, the price will be..."

The gentle and intellectual female voice reported a huge number that made his heart tremble - this number was enough to buy a city!

Moreover, this is the lowest level tower spirit culture medium. It is only required to purchase the materials. We also need to consider whether there will be any losses in drawing the magic circle and whether it can be successful in one go.

Not to mention the subsequent investment.

But how many magic crystals does he have now?

The answer is a dozen.

A basin of cold water was poured on her head, and Croya immediately calmed down.

It’s so crazy that even the weapon spirit of the Mage Tower dares to think about it.

He silently put the crystal card away. It was really impossible to do this now. Even if the mermaid refined the water crystal for him, there was honestly no need to do it.

The top priority is to develop basic industries first, transform the castle and the surrounding land into a magic field, and then plant some magic plants and build magic circles.

When the territory can generate a steady stream of benefits for oneself, then one can give the tower spirit a little thought.

After all, the tower spirit... is still too luxurious.

Let's just treat it as a long-term goal. The short-term goal is to develop the territory.


After putting aside the matter of the tower spirit, he carefully put away the magic core and tasted the shark fin soup sent by the kitchen.

The shark fin of the third-level magic shark is indeed unimaginably delicious, with a good taste and extremely delicious, silky and chewy. It feels like a shark is rampaging in your mouth.

After eating, his magic power increased a lot.

After tasting the delicious food, he started to get busy-making pearl cores and making magic pools with corals.

The former was okay, and it only took a short time to get it done; the latter took him ten days, and he used up all the remaining dozen magic crystals.

There is no way, the mana pool cannot only use corals, but also needs some basic magic building materials.

The magic conduit and magic crystal bricks needed to lay the mana pool are relatively cheap. They are made of the most basic crystal ore, and the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce sells them in piles.

One magic crystal can buy ten magic pipes or five magic crystal bricks.

After more than ten days of hard work, his laboratory has three coral trees and three pools of about three meters.

The coral tree is made of the most magical parts of several coral trees that Kroya got, and there are completely transparent crystals between the branches as links.

The crystal clear crystal and colorful corals are put together, and the original natural beauty has a touch of mysterious and regular beauty from the mage.

According to what he learned in the Mage Association, these corals can not only store magic. But also allow magic to flow in them to ensure that the magic remains active.

They are placed in three pools of exactly the same size, and the floor tiles of the castle have been replaced with magic pipes.

The magic flowing in the three pools is different, namely the most basic and most common pure magic, water magic and fire magic.

It is only a shallow layer.

According to Cloya's calculation, the magic power that these magic pools can carry is about 500 first-level magic crystals.

In theory, a complete element pool should be able to accommodate all elements, allowing them to coexist harmoniously in a pool and be used at any time.

But Cloya can't do it yet.

With his current ability, he can only make a beggar's version, and even the magic power can only be his most common water and fire magic.

However, at least it was successful.

Even if it is a beggar's version, it is enough to allow him to use magic power at any time. After all, he is only a second-level magician.

He let out a long breath, admired his masterpiece for a while, left the laboratory, and prepared to go to the sunflower field.

The magic pool has been built, and the pipeline to the sunflower field has been laid, so it's time to transfer the magic power drawn from the sunflower to the pool.

And the newly grown sunflower.

It also gave him a big surprise.

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