I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 63: Sky Magic (Please read on)

Chapter 63 63. Sky Magic (please read)

It stands to reason that looking directly at such a high-level existence will generally have some impact on one's soul and body. In severe cases, one may even turn into a fool.

So Croya regretted it when they looked at each other accidentally, but... there was no change in the angel's eyes.

Very rigid and sluggish, showing no emotion whatsoever.

His eyes are not pretty at all.

It is a highly concentrated aggregate of holy light, like a small white sun, with no concept of pupils at all.

But inside His pupils, there was the shadow of a rotating platinum ring, and some characters seemed to be flowing on it.

It is very tiny and flows on the ring like a decorative pattern.

Those characters are filled with sacred magic power, as if they have been blessed with the sixth-level magic "general knowledge". You can understand the meaning of the words just by looking at them.

Croya narrowed his eyes and read out: "Skylight magic, Ark Garden...the dark clouds wiped out the four-leaf clover?"

Nothing else surprised him, except this "Ark Garden". Are these angels and mushrooms really related to Kong Yao Ark?

Is this so-called Ark Garden a special place similar to this four-leaf clover, where various magic plants grow?

He had a vague guess.

The angel looked at him and said slowly:

“May miracles be granted…never ending.”

After saying these words, He fell into a deep sleep again, curled up in the light above the mushroom, motionless.

The light emitted by the mushrooms was dimmer than ever before.

Like a lamp with an unstable supply of magic power, it began to slowly go out.

But the four-leaf clover above the lake slowly continued to fly towards the sky. As it soared, strands of dark clouds gathered towards it like threads.

Eventually, the white four-leaf clover turned into a deep black.

It is really absorbing the dark clouds with its own body, but how many dark clouds can such a small four-leaf clover hold?

The dark clouds in the sky are still thick and heavy.

Even if it has turned pure black and tried its best to absorb it, it is completely unable to contain so many dark clouds, and it will be pushed to the point of exploding by the dark clouds.

Croya kept staring at it during this process, carefully observing the strange spell model that made it up. The more he looked at it, the more he felt...

This seems to be a kind of summoning technique.

The composition of the spell model and the structure of the spell were somewhat similar to the summoning spell he had learned, and it was unexpectedly simple, with no complicated magic patterns at all.

In other words, he can also use it.

"I'm going to give it a try."

He immediately mobilized the sacred magic power in his body, sketched it on his fingertips, and finally formed a white circle that seemed to loop endlessly.

In the very center of the ring, there is a small, almost invisible gap, filled with holy light, which seems to lead to the legendary kingdom of heaven.

"It actually succeeded?" Croya was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this kind of summoning technique would be performed in one go.

According to his understanding, inter-dimensional summonings like this have extremely high requirements for space science and contract science. He just tried it and it turned out to be true.

The price is only some of his own spiritual power and the sacred magic power that the mushrooms gave him.

After the summoning technique was formed, a new four-leaf clover that was exactly the same as the four-leaf clover in the beam of light flew out and flew straight to the side of the first four-leaf clover.

The two grasses flew towards the sky together.

Logically speaking, just one more tree... shouldn't make any difference, but as it turns out, there really is a very obvious change——

The two four-leaf clovers were intertwined with each other and began to absorb the surrounding dark clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed of absorption was several times faster.

The dark clouds that were so thick that there was no gap in the sky above Hanjiao Island were absorbed by them, and the amount was reduced by about half compared to before.

The speed is very fast.

It only lasted two or three minutes at most, and the downpour was much lighter.

But that's all.

The two four-leaf clovers absorbed the dark clouds and turned completely into a deep black. Each leaf was filled with flowing black and fell to the ground.

Since then, the world has become dark again, with only the occasional flash of lightning lighting up the sky and the earth.

"That's it...I thought I could completely dispel the dark clouds."

Croya murmured to himself and came to the place where the four-leaf clover fell, lowered his head and looked down - the four-leaf clover did not disappear, the once holy and pure white light faded, and darkness enveloped it.

"It's not an elemental magic plant...a real magic plant?"

He lowered his head and tried to pick one up, but he actually picked it up. It felt slippery, as if he had touched some kelp.

The four leaves of the four-leaf clover are filled with solid dark clouds, which seem to be bound by its special power and cannot leave.

So can we say... if this thing is destroyed now, the dark clouds inside will quickly come out.

A magic plant that stores dark clouds?

"How can you store so many dark clouds? Do these levels of magic plants have spatial attributes?"

At this time, Croya was so curious that he wanted to cut it open on the spot and have a look. He was really puzzled.

Finally, he decided to take this thing back and study it carefully.

If it is really as he thought, and can store dark clouds...

Then it would be very useful.


Kroya quickly returned to the castle and returned to his laboratory.

He came to the cabinet where valuables were placed, opened it, and stared at a small test tube inside, which was only one centimeter high, hesitating.

The astral crystal test tube contained a barely visible golden green gas, which sank to the bottom of the test tube. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

"Should I use it..." He was entangled.

Before he came back, he dived into the bottom of the lake to see that the power in the mushroom was extremely weak, and what was even more helpless was that the holy white iron had been refined.

It no longer absorbed the sacred power in the holy white iron, even if the sacred power of the holy white iron was still there, it did not absorb it at all.

This made Kroya feel very tricky.

The mushroom obviously wanted to absorb the sacred power. If it really withered and died, it would be a big loss.

Now he didn't have the sacred power in his hand, so he had no choice but to come up with a bold idea.

Holy power... the power of the Earth Mother, can it be considered holy power?

The crystal test tube contains the power of the Earth Mother that he separated a few days ago and didn't have time to discard.

Now he decided to use this power.

Try it on the mushrooms.


Lake bottom.

When Kloya hurried over and dripped the power of the Earth Mother onto the mushrooms, the latter did absorb the power immediately.

However, it didn't seem to like this power very much.

Through the astral body imprinting technique, Kloya could clearly see that its astral body had turned into a somewhat disgusting gray-black color, and it absorbed the power of the Earth Mother reluctantly.

The holy white light was stable, and the angel's sleeping posture seemed to relax a little.

Other than that, there was no change, and even the holy power was not fed back to Kloya.

Well... you can grow an angel by absorbing a little bit of the power of holy white iron, but there is no change after absorbing the power?

He didn't quite understand, but it was okay as long as the situation got better.

Before leaving, he instructed Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang, who had successfully extended his vines here, to monitor the situation of the mushrooms throughout the process, and then he left.

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