I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 64 64 Demon-Solid Bottle Grass, Exclusive Seal (Please Read)

Chapter 64 64. Solid Demonic Bottlebrush, Exclusive Marking (Please Read)

After dealing with the mushrooms, Cloya could finally stay at home in his laboratory to conduct research.

He carefully studied the strange Holy Light Four-Leaf Clover, but found nothing - he did not dare to destroy the structure of the four-leaf clover, if the dark clouds inside were released, it would be a big problem.

He did not even dare to slice it for research.

Who knows if its structure will be destroyed after slicing.

In the end, Cloya, who had no way to deal with it, could only try to insert it into the soil treated with the magic field method.

Although this thing has no roots, maybe it will succeed if it is inserted into the soil?

It is a magic plant after all, it should be able to grow.

After the Holy Light Four-Leaf Clover was properly placed by him, he temporarily ignored it.

Because the Solid Demonic Bottlebrush has finally grown completely!

That was what he had been looking forward to for a long time. Compared with the tricky Holy Light Four-Leaf Clover, he obviously cared more about this.

The fully grown Demonic Bottle Grass is one meter tall, with three "bottles" of different colors growing on the light green branches - aqua blue, light red and light white.

Each bottle is of a very regular size, all of which are cylinders about 20 cm long and 5 cm wide.

It is translucent, and you can see that the bottle is empty. If you pour potions into it, you can definitely observe the situation directly.

According to the description provided by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, the bottle of a mature Demonic Bottle Grass can hold about 500 milliliters of potions.

This amount will also change as the Demonic Bottle Grass grows. It is said that if it is planted for hundreds of years, it can even hold a potion the size of a lake.

"It's finally grown. Let's try it now."

Kroya took out the specially made Sea Spirit Coconut potion that he had prepared long ago, and reached out to gently touch the mouth of the bottle of the Bottle Grass, and a small crack immediately appeared on it.

A bottle of Sea Spirit Coconut potion is a standard 20 milliliters.

In order to make these sea coconut potions mixed with the power of water, he specially used the essence of water and picked the few remaining coconuts of the pure white sea coconut.

He barely made ten bottles.

When he poured all the prepared ten bottles of sea coconut potion into it, the cracks healed immediately.

It was tight, as if it had never been cracked.

Then, Cloya did the same thing again and poured the prepared ten bottles of morning dew potion into the light red bottle.

But just after pouring it in, something strange happened.

The two bottles of different colors seemed to be trembling.

Vaguely seeing the translucent bottle body, the originally stable potions were falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were absorbed by something.

"Huh?" Cloya frowned.

What's going on? I've never heard of this kind of magic-fixing bottle grass swallowing potions?

He didn't move, but observed carefully.

As a result, he found... It was actually the light white bottle!

The light white bottle was transferring and absorbing the potions in the two bottles through the branches, and then mixing them all in its body.

This change really caught Cloya off guard.

"You... you are too impatient."

Admittedly, Cloya knew that this bottle wanted to mix water and fire magic, but he didn't engrave any magic on it!

Without engraving magic, can it absorb it like this?

Will there really be no problem?

Losing two potions is okay, but if you lose the magic-fixing bottle grass, there will be a problem - this kind of magic plant that desires evolution and mutation is not easy to find.

Although the power of the Sea Spirit Coconut Potion and the Morning Dew Potion can both heal and nourish, one source is the water magic of the pure white sea spirit coconut, and the other is the sun power of the sunflower.

If it is taken and absorbed by humans, it is okay. As long as the time is staggered, there is no need to worry about the impact on oneself after swallowing.

But if the two bottles are mixed together directly... the water magic and sun power in them will definitely conflict.

At present, it can be seen from this bottle - it is trembling, the vitality is constantly disappearing, and the surface is sometimes red and sometimes blue, obviously being tortured by the conflicting magic inside.

"Well, it seems that I have to give you this."

Kloya sighed softly and began to perform the Star Body Imprinting Technique. This time he imprinted the "Seven Stars Separation Technique" from the legendary wizard.

When he got the Solid Demon Bottle Grass, he had not yet obtained the Wood Star Curved Vine King, so he didn't know this advanced separation and fusion method.

Later, he originally planned to wait until the Solid Demon Bottle Grass matured before imprinting it, but who knew that this guy swallowed the two potions impatiently.

Now there are only two options left, pour it out, or imprint this magic.

If you pour it out directly, you will definitely lose the two potions, so it's better to try it like this, just in case?

If it doesn't work, it's still in time to pour it out.

After a short spell, he successfully imprinted——

[Imprinted successfully, Solid Demon Bottle Grass (Seven Stars Separation Technique)]

[The magic bottle of Solid Demon Bottle Grass can separate and fuse two different powers, and the time consumed depends on its level.]

[It will absorb some of the separation power during the separation and fusion process and use it to strengthen the other two magic bottles.]

[Note: Because the magic bottle grass has been engraved with "Water Restoration Sage" and "Fire Spirit Purification", the magic plant's form will change, and the engraved spell will also change. ]

"Done, follow this instruction..."

Kloya breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the light white magic bottle with great anticipation. After the successful engraving, some strange patterns appeared on its surface, like magic patterns.

Then, dense branches suddenly grew in the middle of the three completely independent magic bottles, connecting all three bottles together.

The two magic potions in the light white magic bottle returned to the two magic bottles through these dense branches.

The two magic bottles also grew some strange magic patterns.

Because they were already connected together, the magic patterns of the three bottles gradually connected into one, and the magic potions inside naturally changed.

After being purified by some unknown power, the two-color magic potions entered the light white magic bottle in the middle for fusion.

The golden and white potions did not react this time, and merged into one very docilely, turning into a beige color.

At the same time, the prompt appeared again-

[Due to the fusion of three kinds of magic, the magic currently engraved by the magic-fixing dangling bottle grass has changed to: Cloya's Seven Stars Separation. ]

[The water magic bottle and fire magic bottle of the magic-fixing dangling bottle grass will nourish the potion, and then merge through the fusion magic bottle to turn the potion into a new one. ]

[It also has the effects of "Water Restoration Sage" and "Fire Spirit Purification". ]

[This magic engraving is an exclusive effect. ]

Cloya: "..."

Surprisingly, can spells be fused?

So... did I get a brand new spell model and a magic plant that has never appeared before?

Thanks to Dao Ru Mo, Love Don’t Be Too Cheap, Book Friend 20170411085104963, Book Friend 20200630181609929, Shang Xia 122, Book Friend 20201216182120855, Book Friend 160526102843813, Amber Light, I am Immune to All Poisons, Book Friend 20170517190914797, Zhanghua Mingzai, Cornelia and other big guys for their monthly tickets and the recommendation votes from all the big guys, thank you very much!

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