I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 68 68 Warcraft’s sweet dream, human’s nightmare (please read on)

Chapter 68 68. The Dream of Warcraft, the Nightmare of Humans (Please Read)

In the next two days, he stayed at the Air Coral Base, focusing on observing the situation of the sea ganoderma spores and taking a vacation.

The results of the observation were quite encouraging.

The white mycelium had slowly left the magic eggshell of the bead and began to spread to the outside world. This speed was very slow, and they would not start to grow upward until they occupied the entire reef.

The growth cycle was about three months.

It would not start to produce sea ganoderma secretions until three months later.

At that time, you can start making sea ganoderma potions, and then use them to cultivate your own team, and you can also cheat some of the surrounding nobles' money.

But since they left the magic eggshell, it means that they have indeed adapted to the magic here and can grow.

Through the Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique, you can also see that they are full of vitality.

"That's relieved for me."

Kroya breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that they would not absorb the magic after the air coral filtered, which would be a big trouble.

Now that the problem was solved, he could finally eat with peace of mind.

He lowered his head and looked at the duck eggs fried on a cleaned holy white iron plate, and used his magic hand to pick up the squid tentacles and fish meat that had been processed on the side and fried them together.

He sprinkled some spices on it.

With the sound of "sizzling", they soon exuded a fragrance.

The color also changed from bright red to pink.

He picked up the squid tentacles with his magic hand and put them directly into his mouth to taste it.

Hmm... very chewy, but the meat is very tender.

The combination of these two different tastes gives people an urge to keep chewing.

"This life is pretty good, except..."

While tasting his food, he stared at the ancient herbage fungi in the distance - these seemingly inconspicuous ancient herbage fungi gave him a huge "surprise".

According to observations, they are converting the magic power of the outside world and certain substances in the air into nutrients needed for their growth through some unknown way.

It's not like fungi absorbing nutrients from other organisms.

They will even release the magic power they have absorbed and transformed, which is very similar to the photosynthesis of plants.

In this respect, they are not like fungi at all, but like plants.

Kloya is very sure that they are not absorbing carbon dioxide, but a substance he does not know.

After being absorbed and transformed by them, this substance is released again, gradually filling the air coral base on the seabed.

The result is... it is getting colder here.

This kind of cold does not make people feel physically cold, but the consciousness and mental power will feel cold, but they will also be more awake and sharp.

It's like a tremor in the brain after drinking ice water.

It is obvious that they are changing the environment here at an incredible speed!

To be honest, when Kloya first discovered this, he had the urge to destroy them for a moment.

Ancient forage fungi.

Maybe it's some ancient remnant.

If they transform the current environment, will it cause any unknown impact? Or will something unpredictable happen?

Later, he hesitated again and again and decided to observe it again.

What if it's a good sign?

After two days here, he found that his daily life, including meditation and magic research, would not be disturbed.

But... when he went to bed, he suddenly found that he could not dream at all!

Even if he really fell into a dream, he would control it by himself, and it would be empty, not the kind of bizarre dream.

Anything beyond his common sense could not be imagined.

It was as if he was restrained by something.

What's more outrageous is that after he tried to review his knowledge, when he woke up the next day, his clear dream would become blurred and he couldn't remember what he was thinking about at all.

Reviewing and learning are completely useless!

This also led to him sitting in the empty space of his dream every night.

But after waking up the next day, he was particularly excited.

For two days, he was really tortured. It was not right not to think at night, and it was not right to think...

However, although he was tortured like this, the ducks living here and the earth-stealing rats he brought with him when he took time out felt very comfortable and adapted.

You can clearly feel their high spirits.

Driven by curiosity, Cloya asked the earth-thieves why they were so happy, and the latter chirped and gestured at him.

The general meaning is... they can imagine countless food and partners in their dreams, and every night they just eat and reproduce.

No need to worry about food, there are new partners every day.

It's simply their paradise!

Cloya was speechless immediately-yes, if this dream is forgotten, it is equivalent to a brand new beginning every day.

No wonder the two earth-thieves and the ducks feel comfortable, maybe they are having a brand new dream every night.

Even the speed of going out to forage, doing things and laying eggs during the day is much faster, it is really a brand new beginning every day.

This is a good thing for them, because they don't need to think so much, but it is even more torturous for Cloya.

Does he have to have erotic dreams every night? Or a big meal?

Rather than indulge in such illusory things, it is better for him to not think about anything and do nothing, and just sleep well.

He finally understood a little bit why these things are called "grass fungi". It turns out that they can make the captive monsters feel physically and mentally happy.

In a sense, it is similar to playing music and massaging cows.

If you are in a good mood, isn't it good?

After fully understanding their effects, Kroya didn't dare to stay here any longer.

He was very worried that he would be corrupted by such dreams and become depraved. This place... it's better to raise monsters.

He left as soon as he said he would. He took the duck eggs here and the seafood that the dolphins gave him, and quickly left the seabed and arrived at the shore.

At this time, the sky had cleared up, and the bright golden sunlight shone directly through the clouds to the entire Hanjiao Island, which was a beautiful scenery of clear sky and clear air.

The air washed by the heavy rain became particularly fresh.

Taking a deep breath, he felt that the vague sense of irritability he had felt in the sea for the past two days was swept away, and his mood was much better.

"Oh, it's sunny now."

Kloya was quite happy to see the sun.

But when he stood on the shore and looked into the distance, he found that only Hanjiao Island and the surrounding sea area were sunny, and other areas were still covered with dark clouds.

It was as if an invisible giant hand tore apart the dark clouds over the island and ignored other places.

Thanks to Xueyue Fenghua, book friend 160826202725627, Chalk 1, and Xianxian Ayu for their rewards.

This is the second time Xueyue has rewarded, thank you~

Thanks to Qiu Tianyao, book friend 20210714143349885, Jiuchong Qingkong for their monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets of all the big guys.

Thank you very much, please read it every day~

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