I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 69 69 Coconut trees with the same hobbies (please read on)

Chapter 69 69. Coconut trees with the same hobbies (seeking for further reading)

There is darkness in the distance, but only the top of the head is bright and the sun is shining - this feeling is actually really wonderful. The strong contrast between darkness and sunshine makes the sky look like a picture with bright colors.

It can be described as magnificent.

He sat on the rocks by the sea and stared into the distance silently.

There was nothing in my mind, I just sat here looking at the sea and sky in a daze.

It took a while before he gradually came back to his senses.

"Have you been a little overworked lately?"

Croya murmured to himself: "I actually don't want to leave while sitting here. It seems that I am really in a hurry and tired."

The cool sea breeze blew over his cheek, and the water vapor in the air brought by the violent storm gathered in the air, and he could see a colorful rainbow bridge hanging in the sky.

It stands to reason that the bright sunshine and the undissipated magic brought by the heavy rain are very suitable for meditation.

But he just didn't feel like meditating.

He just fiddled with his magic power at will, resonating with the three chapters of the Red Song that he has now completed, and the resonant magic power formed a sweet music.

echoing around.

He was immersed in the pleasure of releasing his magic power so freely. To be honest, this feeling was really refreshing, releasing the magic power without any scruples or reservations.

The Red Song is originally a poem praising the sun. In such an environment, it seemed like a fish in water. The music even resonated with the magic power of the surrounding sun.

The red halo burned like a flame in the sunlight, and was beating as if it had life and self-awareness.

As the music spread farther and farther, the crimson halo also spread further and further, covering an ever wider area, eventually even covering the entire island and the surrounding sunlit sea area.

The magnificent firelight can be seen when you look up.

It was as if a legendary mage was casting a spell.

This situation lasted for about five minutes. When Croya's magic power was exhausted, it was finally over.

"So, I have to sing."

Croya thought thoughtfully. He had always regarded the Poem of Rainbow Light as a special meditation method and method, but he had ignored that it itself was a poem that could be sung.

And after singing this time, he always felt like something was missing...


After thinking about it carefully, he discovered that he was missing an instrument, an instrument exclusive to bards.

If there was an instrument that could guide magic power, it would be much easier for me to study the Red Song and even other chapters in the future.

The first thing he thought of was of course the musical instrument that the original owner's grandfather had used - the harp.

The harp is also one of the common instruments used by bards. In a sense, the playing of the strings and the resonance of magic are actually connected.

Now that he has practiced this special meditation method, he must be equipped with a special magic weapon. The standard magic staff issued to him by the Wangdu Mage Association is no longer very attractive.

"Go back and check it out from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, or buy the materials and make it yourself."

He had a vague idea in his mind - wouldn't it be better if he made a harp from living magic plants that could continue to grow, and then engraved some spell marks on it?

Just like those "natal magic weapons" and "psychic magic weapons" I saw in my previous life.

To be honest, there is actually something suitable right now.

Phytophthora fluorescens.

That thing highly resonates with his magic power, and it is also engraved with the red song, but how can the properties of fluorescent algae be made into a suitable magic weapon?


Can those algae be made into piano strings?

There is definitely no need to think about the piano body, because the piano body also needs to be engraved with some magic patterns that increase magic power and spiritual power.

After thinking for a while, Croya didn't think any more. If he wanted to make his own harp, he would need to buy the corresponding production guide.

Now that the materials are not complete, it is useless to think about it.

He stood up and planned to inspect his territory.

The first thing we came to was the coconut tree.

To be honest, he was looking forward to it.

When he arrived here, he found an apprentice here, carefully cleaning up the dead branches and leaves brought by the violent storm.

This person seemed to be one of the three apprentices at that time.

It seems to be called...

"Jamie," he said aloud, "how long have you been here?"

The apprentice who was working with his head down heard his voice and saluted quickly: "Master Mage! I have been here for a while."

"Well, you're doing pretty well."

Croya asked casually: "I asked the three of you and Bartos to take care of these coconut trees. Why are you the only one here?"

Hearing the Master Mage's question, a look of struggle flashed across Jamie's face, but he answered honestly: "They are going home first."

Go home.

It's actually normal to go home after a storm, but... as apprentices in the castle, they should have known that Rob and the knights would make arrangements properly.

You won't get angry if you are angry, people always have choices, and they decide their own path - it's just that their time to learn magic has to be postponed.

"Oh." Croya's expression didn't change at all, he nodded, and suddenly asked curiously: "What about you? Why don't you go home?"

"I...I don't have a home anymore." Jerome looked a little disappointed.

There is obviously a very bitter story here, and it is most likely one of thousands of bitter stories.

Croya was in a good mood today, so he didn't want to hear these stories that might affect his mood.

So he just pointed at the coconut tree: "It is about to become a magic plant. Since they are not here, you should take a good look. Learning magic and cultivating magic plants will be your business in the future."

After saying that, he looked at the coconut trees seriously.

Jamie's face was filled with joy - he already knew what Croya meant.

It turns out that the coconut tree lived up to his expectations.

Except for the coconut tree that was turned into a magic plant by Cloya's hydrochloric acid essence, the bark of the remaining fourteen coconut trees also has a tendency to turn white.

Although their branches and leaves were very obviously damaged after enduring the violent storm, they appeared to be more energetic.

The slimes are carrying the rainwater that has not completely penetrated into the ground, watering them diligently.

As an elemental creature, slimes are naturally able to gather magic power in their jelly-like bodies, so they are actually good at handling magic power.

Watching them diligently carrying water, Croya slowly walked forward and carefully observed the coconut trees that were about to transform into magic plants.

He could see through the astral body that the largest coconut tree in the center seemed to be emitting an invisible wave, spreading to the surroundings.

The originally dim astral body of the coconut tree that comes into contact with this kind of fluctuation will light up a little bit, just like rekindling a fire.

Very peculiar.

Croya had previously observed the advancement process of pure white sea spirit coconuts. They seemed to have degenerated from magic plants into ordinary plants - their astral bodies were not rebuilt, but relit.

As time passes by.

The skin of the coconut trees is getting brighter and brighter.

In the end, it completely turned into a texture like white jade.

They become magic plants.

And after they turned into magic plants, Croya immediately felt their desire—

"Brother, there is someone to serve you!"

"We want it too!"

"Slime, slime!"

Croya blinked, and he suddenly became interested - just as he thought, there was a magic plant guiding them, and they also wanted to learn the summoning technique.

It seems that his army of summons is just around the corner.

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