I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 81 81 Cutting the Cloud Snake

Chapter 81 81. Cutting the Cloud Snake

It was about to be a tragedy, but the moment the sharp beak came down, the body of the Phantom Feather Cloud Snake turned into mist and dissipated.

Floating and floating, it appeared not far away.

Straightened up and glared at the owl.


The sound was full of threats and warnings.

"Coo coo coo~"

The owl did not succeed in pecking the cloud snake, so it did not continue to move, combing its feathers with its beak, just as if nothing happened.

It seemed a bit embarrassing for the Phantom Feather Cloud Snake to make such a big fuss.

Seeing this, Kloya couldn't help laughing: 'This owl is really good at playing dumb. '

"Okay, okay."

After seeing enough of the farce, he stretched out his hand and made a virtual grabbing motion towards the feathered serpent. Two pairs of wizards' hands simultaneously surrounded it from all sides, and the turbulence of magic made it completely unable to escape.

It was grabbed directly.

"You can't peck it casually anymore!"

After teaching the owl a lesson, he looked at the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake:

"Answer my question just now, why did you sneak into the black-feathered chicken? Do you have any idea?"

The captured Phantom Wing Cloud Snake sensed the magic power of the two pairs of wizards' hands and calmed down immediately.

It is indeed a level 3 magic beast, but facing these two pairs of hands, it has no ability to resist at all.

So, it answered honestly: "I escaped from the Stardust Circus. To avoid them, I just want to find my fellow tribesmen."

"Stardust Circus?" Kloya thought about it and found that there was no such name in his memory. He asked curiously: "What kind of circus is that?"

The Phantom Wing Cloud Snake looked at Kloya strangely: "Don't you know? They came with the Northern Territory Walker to perform magic for the lords."

"You should be a powerful lord."


Kloya really didn't know about this.

He was a lord sent by the Mage Association, and there was no overlap with the kingdom's administrative system. Even if there was something, the other party would deliberately ignore him.

The relationship between nobles in this place was complicated, but quite exclusive, and it was really difficult for outsiders to get involved.

This was also the main reason why he wanted to take Baron Kemoye as his subordinate. He urgently needed someone who could help him explore intelligence in the nobles' power.

Otherwise, he would be really stupid if he was completely in the dark when encountering things.

Moreover, when it comes to walking in the North Territory, the merchant named Seriou has not contacted him for a long time. Some transactions on materials were communicated between the other party's subordinates and Robert.

Last time, I gave him the Sea Spirit Coconut Potion. Could it be that the potion didn't work, or that the potion caused the big man's illness to worsen, and he was arrested?

Or is it related to this Stardust Circus?

"You said they were going to perform magic for the lord?" Kloya asked curiously, "Are there many magicians there?"

If it was really that magicians were playing clowns to perform tricks for the lords sent by the kingdom, the Mage Association of the capital would be blown up.

How could a mage, such a noble profession, do such a "lowly" thing?

Let alone the Northern Territory Walker doing such a thing, even if the Grand Duke dared to do this, he would be directly asked by the Mage Association to ask for an explanation.

To be honest, the credibility is really not high.

"..."Phantom Feather Cloud Snake was silent for a moment before answering: "Not magicians, but prisoners, all of them are prisoners."

"Punished." Kloya understood immediately.

If it was them, it would not be strange.

The so-called "prisoners" are actually miners from the Yavanna Holy Mine, one of the largest magic crystal mines in the entire Semrio continent.

There will be more or less some strange magic phenomena in that huge magic crystal mine. After mining ore for a long time, they will inevitably be infected with these chaotic magic powers and their bodies will mutate.

These mutations allow them to use some basic magic, which will not exceed level 2 at most, and are very rigid.

Being able to control magic sounds good.

But they cannot control these violent magic powers, and their bodies will gradually be eroded by magic power, and finally die completely.

They have mastered magic, but they also have to endure the terrible feeling of being devoured by magic power, which is the origin of the name "the prisoner".

When the original body was in the Mage Association, he once saw a prisoner and saw with his own eyes the scars on his body that were eroded by the chaotic magic source.

It was blue, like a huge crack on the back of the prisoner, deep into the bone marrow.

The magic power inside is almost endlessly surging and violent, which makes people feel chilling.

The mages are completely wary of this chaotic and contagious magic source.

At that time, it was said that the archmage of the Mage Association and the bishop of the church discussed it together, but they could not come up with a solution.

The attempt was fruitless, and the magic these prisoners could use was very elementary, basically just fireballs, fire circles...

There was really no reason to redeem them.

The erosion from the magical veins bred by the earth, perhaps some high-level magic or divine arts should be able to soothe, or even calm the magic.

However, it was obviously impossible to use this level of magic and divine arts on a group of miners.

So they could only become clowns for people's entertainment.

Honestly, it was quite sad, and suddenly performing magic for the lords, no matter how you think about it, there is something fishy.

Although it is far away from him, he will keep a proper attention and vigilance to avoid affecting himself.

He put it aside for the time being and continued to ask: "How did you escape? I remember that the Mage Association and the Royal Family of the Kingdom monitor this kind of prisoners almost 24 hours a day.

The existence of such an unstable source of magic is like a time bomb."

"If you are also from the Stardust Circus, it should be impossible to escape."

The Phantom Wing Cloud Snake replied: "Because there is a guy who has learned space magic and spirit walking among the prisoners."

The sound it produced through magic resonance became low:

"He chose to self-destruct his own magic source, so that we and all other prisoners can escape through the magic of spirit walking.

After I left the Stardust Circus, I chose to hide in the chicken flock to avoid being caught by the men walking in the North Territory, but I still fell into your hands."

"I see."

Since then, Kloya has sorted out the clues.

Walking in the spirit realm is a very special space magic that can make people temporarily intangible and ignore most physical means.

It is reasonable that he can escape.

To be honest,

He is not worried that any prisoners will escape to his territory. Hanjiao Island is isolated overseas. If a stranger comes, it will probably be watched by the whole island.

The only thing he is worried about is the businessman. He is quite efficient. If he accidentally dies because of this, it will be a pity.

Poor Serio doesn't know what happened.

He sighed for a moment and said to the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake: "There is a fourth-level magic called Inspiration Seeking."

"It can find magic fluctuations similar to its own power through the special resonance of its own blood or magic."

"You should understand what I mean, right?"

The Phantom Wing Cloud Snake certainly understood what Cloya meant.

If there is such magic, it can indeed find its own kind, but the problem is...

It shook its head bitterly: "I can't learn human magic."

As a magic beast, it is very troublesome to figure out the spell model if it wants to learn human magic. Although it can communicate with Cloya normally, it seems to be quite smart.

But even the smartest magic beast needs to make hard efforts to learn human magic.

The reason why the human race can suppress the naturally powerful race of the elf dragon and occupy the dominant position on the continent is mainly because of its super strong learning ability.

Level 4 magic? It's better to kill it.

Cloya smiled mysteriously: "I have a way for you to learn it, but what benefits can you bring to me?"

Facing this kind of magic beast, he didn't intend to beat around the bush.

The benefit is the key.

The phantom feather cloud snake thought carefully, and suddenly a cloud of mist rose from its body. In the cloud, its body stretched rapidly, like plasticine.

Although the cloud was not clear, Cloya could see that this guy should be turning into a human form, and a very slender human form.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

About half a minute later.

The mist slowly dissipated.

A woman who was dressed a little too cool appeared in front of Cloya.

She was tall and fit, not the slender look she had just seen. She had flesh where it should be, and her whole body was full of the agile beauty of a female leopard.

But she had a head of drooping white curly hair, and her pupils were also light pink, which added some softness and pitiful charm.

She smiled at Cloya and made a pretentious voice: "Master Mage, are you satisfied with my change?

You... You can let me do anything!"

Cloya: "..."

Thank you, it's really a bit nauseating.

Warcraft imitating humans... This is simply a disaster, stiff and weird, and the uncanny valley effect has been violated.

His expression did not change at all, and he directly stretched out his hand and waved, and a wave of magic rushed over the woman like a wave.

The magic washed away a pile of clouds and mist from her body, and in the blink of an eye, she changed from a beautiful woman to the sacred cloud snake just now.

It immediately felt much better.

"Besides this, don't you have any other skills?" He was a little dissatisfied.


Perhaps it heard the dissatisfaction in Cloya's voice, it hurriedly said: "I can collect clouds and help you cut and fix them in a certain position!"

"My ability to change is formed by using magic to create clouds and mist."

"Collect and cut clouds?"

Cloya finally got a little interested and gestured: "Show it."

"Master Mage, please wait."

The Phantom Wing Cloud Snake flapped its wings and flew into the sky, then went directly into the white clouds in the sky. After a while, it fell down with a piece of white clouds.

White clouds, to put it bluntly, are water vapor and dust gathered together, and they will be dispersed by a slight breeze.

But the cloud captured by the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake was very stable, and there was no change even when it flew down.

Kloya reached out and touched it. It felt soft like cotton. The water vapor inside seemed to be gathered and fixed by a strange magic, and it was not so easy to disperse.

"Then what? Is that all it can do?"

If it's just for fun or decoration, then... it's not that it can't be used, it's just a little useless.

"It can absorb water magic. If there's enough water inside, it can start to rain at a fixed location through my magic.

The bigger the cloud, the more rain it can bring. It won't disappear until the water vapor inside dissipates."


It sounds good.

Kroya suddenly thought of something.

By the way, aren't there still dark clouds stored in the Holy Light Clover over there?

If you can use those dark clouds to make them rain at a designated location, wouldn't it be a fully automatic irrigation machine?

The amount of water stored in it should be very exaggerated.

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