Chapter 82 82. The “Mutation” of Grapes

Regarding how to take out the dark cloud inside the Holy Light Clover, Croya actually has some ideas - with this characteristic of being able to respond to requests, wouldn't it be enough to just ask for it?

This was the thought that came to him after the incident just now - since it can respond to the magic plant, it should also be able to respond to himself, right?

Through the ability of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique and the Poetry of Rainbow Colors, his mental power can clearly convey his consciousness to the Holy Light Clover.

Is it possible to accurately obtain a sufficient number of dark clouds?

He thought so, so he experimented like this himself - he brought the Phantom Cloud Snake to the castle and entered the laboratory.

At this time, the Holy Light Clover was still half-dead. The power of the Earth Mother that had just affected Hoututu's evolution had obviously greatly overdrawn its power.

So Croya did not "make a wish" on the shaky four-leaf clover, but chose to make a wish on the four-leaf clover that was in good condition——

"Give me dark clouds, give me dark clouds..."

"Give me a three-meter-long dark cloud, a three-meter-long dark cloud..."

"Dark clouds, dark clouds, dark clouds..."

Just like praying for rain, his spiritual power directly transmitted his thoughts to the star spirit of the Holy Light Clover.

This is no longer just whispering in your ears, it is equivalent to nagging directly in the deepest part of your soul.

It is estimated that no conscious being can ignore such a voice.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The originally motionless Holy Light Four-leaf Clover suddenly trembled, and traces of dark clouds began to penetrate its surface, like black chocolate brushed.

Not too slow, not too fast. These dark clouds soon left the laboratory along the window and floated over the castle.

Croya squinted his eyes.


The size of the dark cloud... was actually exactly three meters.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Holy Light Clover's astral body also conveyed almost the same consciousness as when he helped the thick potato before -

"Fulfill your wish..."

"Gospel Gifts."

There were two weak voices, like praying for blessings from the church.

But unlike before, its power has not weakened at all this time, and it seems to be a little more energetic than before.

Apparently after clearing the dark clouds, things are getting better.

This is really good. After gradually taking out the dark clouds, it can recover and then continue to pretend to be dark clouds. It is simply a virtuous cycle!


"Go and catch these dark clouds."

Croya pointed outside: "I'll wait for you below."

The Phantom Cloud Snake nodded and flew out of the window to catch Dark Cloud. Croya went to wait under the castle and thought about how to use the dark clouds.

After a while, the cloud snake flew down, dragging a dark cloud. Its movements seemed a bit slow, and the speed of dragging the dark cloud was also very slow.

It's like a horse pulling a carriage that can accommodate seven or eight people. The effort is visible to the naked eye.

But it was pulled down anyway.

It said to Croya: "Master Mage, the water magic inside is very violent. There are about a thousand kilograms of water in this cloud."

Three meters of cloud equals one thousand kilograms of water?

The water content and density are really huge.

"Then can you cut it open? Then, how to fix it in a certain position?" Croya threw it a small magic ball, which was the magic power just taken out of the magic pool.

"I will divide it for you now. What size do you need?"

"Let's divide it into 100 kilogram flowers."


The Phantom Cloud Snake swallowed the magic ball in one gulp, and then began to split the clouds - it was seen cutting from its own tail, and when the tail crossed the clouds, there were special magic fluctuations.

After a while, the clouds scratched by its tail were like butter cut by a hot knife, splitting apart.

It moved very quickly, dividing the clouds into ten parts evenly, and then without Croya's words, he plucked a feather from himself and inserted it into one of the clouds.

The clouds that had been shaken by the wind immediately stopped.



As if a magical switch had been turned on, the clouds immediately began to rain. The rain was filled with violent magic. Although it was such a small piece, it really felt like it was raining heavily.

It's a bit magical.

Croya was very curious about what kind of structure this feather had, which could actually keep the clouds in place while also allowing the water inside to turn into rain and fall.

Is it the innate magic of this phantom cloud snake or the unique magic pattern formed naturally?

He walked forward and stared at the feather inserted into the cloud. He found nothing at all. The feather was just an ordinary feather.

At most, there is special magic in it.

It is estimated that these magical powers are the reason why it can make the clouds form such a strange state.

In this case, Croya didn't look any further.

He praised with great satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad."

Magic Feather Cloud Snake quickly asked cautiously: "Then you..."

It can't wait to learn the inspiration-seeking technique, and then go find its own tribe.

Croya waved his hand: "Don't be anxious, help me work for a while, and when all the dark clouds in these two four-leaf clovers are used up, I will teach you and then let you leave."

This answer was expected by the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake.

As long as Cloya is willing to teach it, it doesn't matter if it works for a longer period of time, which can also avoid the search outside.

It doesn't think that such a small cloud will teach it such magical magic.

It nodded: "Master Mage, sorry to bother you."

Years of circus life made it able to read people's expressions and speak comfortably. If you only listen to the voice, you would think it was a polite nobleman speaking.

Neither the man nor the snake mentioned the contract.

Cloya didn't care, anyway, he would abide by the agreement; the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake certainly didn't dare to mention the signing of the contract.

In this way, the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake settled down on the Reef Island.

It didn't have any requirements for its residence, just picked a white cloud from the sky, and then piled it up in a corner and got in.

This soft and magical white cloud is its favorite nest, and its tribe lives on the endless clouds in this way.

They will transform clouds that they like in the sky, forming a small group of dozens or hundreds of them, occupying a white cloud, hiding in it and letting the white cloud drift around without a fixed place.

Although this can maximize the avoidance of being caught by humans or natural enemies, with so many clouds floating in the sky, even they themselves may not recognize which nest is which.

So it can't find its own group. A single snake searching in the sky is no different from a live target.

To be honest, when Kloya saw it living in it like this, he was actually a little bit moved - this is living in the cloud, who didn't expect such a small but safe secret base when he was a child?

The clouds cut by the Phantom Feather Cloud Snake were sent to the Magic Crystal Grape Vine the next day.

Ten clouds were evenly distributed throughout the field.

They fell with fine raindrops, gently sprinkled, like mist, sprinkled on the grape vines and filtered by them, and then dripped into the fields below.

The violent magic power was naturally absorbed and transformed by the vines, and the excess water fell under the roots and would be absorbed at the right time.

If someone dug up the soil at this time, they would find that a stream was almost formed under the crystal blue roots of the magic field vines.

The amount of water was just right and it flowed slowly.

It was just enough for the magic plants such as the lily of the valley and the thick earth potato, as well as the newly arrived crystal apple trees and black lavender to absorb the water inside, without directly submerging their roots.

The magic field grapes, which had already been a little shriveled, were slowly recovering under the infusion of these magic powers, but the dripping speed slowed down instead.

It used to be a few seconds per drop, but now it is very slow.

It may not drip a drop in a minute.

Elena, who has been taking care of the land and is almost living in the magic field, discovered this and was immediately anxious.

She hurried to the castle to ask to see Cloya.

Poor girl, she had never seen this kind of magic plant before, and thought that there was something wrong with her care. She was so scared that she could hardly stand.

After Robert's notification, she quickly came to the terrace garden of the castle.

Kloya was lying on a recliner at this moment, holding a green branch in his hand to observe.

He wore a crown made of olive branches on his head, and his body was covered with red algae.

He looked leisurely.

Elena didn't dare to look up at him at all, and came to Kloya with her head down.

"Huh? What happened?"

Kloya's tone was light: "Is there something wrong with the magic field?"

"It's like this..." Elena quickly told Kloya what she had just observed. After listening, the latter's expression did not change, and even smiled a little.

His tone softened a little, and he said, "This is normal. If the magic field vine has enough magic power, it will be stored.

After all, it is also a grape, and the fruit is of course edible.

When you see its grapes change from translucent blue to deep purple, it is ripe, and you can pick one to taste."

Elena has been doing a good job recently and has been very attentive.

She planted the new magic plants such as the crystal apple tree one by one. As the child of the harvest, the magic plants she planted by herself seemed to grow a little faster.

When Cloya was studying the olive branches in the castle, he saw her taking care of the magic plants late at night through the monitoring of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King.

The hard-working and careful look even made a mage like Cloya look sideways.

For such a hard-working and farming-loving subordinate, he was naturally willing to give her a little benefit, such as the grapes of the magic field vine.

Not to mention the benefits that the magic fruit of the magic field grapes can bring to the body, this is a kind of honor in itself.

At least on the island of Hanjiao Island, with this kind of honor, you are definitely a superior person.

After hearing Cloya's answer, Elena was a little flustered and wanted to kneel down to salute: "Master Mage... I didn't read the book you gave me carefully."

"Then just read it carefully."

Cloya waved his hand indifferently: "As the number of magic plants you take care of increases in the future, you will need to know more things.

How about this, I will send someone to give you a book later, you can read it more.

As a son of the harvest, you already have special power in your body. I very much hope that you can control this power. If you can control this power...

How many impossible things can you do? "

He did intend to cultivate this son of the harvest, who could shed so many special tears just by shedding tears unintentionally. What if she could control her own power?

Will it be easy to create more miracles?

Of course, the more powerful subordinates the better, so that he can stop worrying about basic resources and concentrate on studying more advanced magic and more magical beasts.

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