I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 83 News about Gopherwood

Chapter 83 83. News about Gopherwood

After watching Elena leave, Cloya asked Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to give her a copy of the "Magic Manipulation Manual" and then turned his attention back to the olive branch.

"It's still active." He breathed a sigh of relief.

This thing was what he had just taken out by opening the seal with the magic in the secret room notes at the bottom of the lake.

The sealing array was of an unknown level, but it still kept the olive branch active, which means that it can be planted by cuttings.

This is good news. Although the planting time may be a little longer, it doesn't matter as long as the effect can be seen.

It's just time. What he lacks the least is time.

"Mu Yao, leave it to you!"

After solving a problem, he handed the olive branch to Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang, who had already prepared the magic field in the laboratory and could directly cultivate it.

He picked up another bottle next to him and put it in front of him for careful observation.

The bottle contains a beige potion, and you can vaguely see golden and blue lights flickering inside, which looks extraordinary.

It is a brand new potion that has been bred by the magic-fixing bottle grass, mixed with the sea coconut potion and the morning dew potion.

After trying it out, Cloya found that the effectiveness of this thing is more than just several times higher... It is almost close to the third-level potion.

But it is normal to say.

One of its raw materials is the sunflower transformed into the power of the sun, and the other is simply the essence of the water, all of which are rare materials.

The exclusive engraving and the skills of the legendary wizard are in it.

If such conditions are met, it is abnormal to make an ordinary potion.

"It's a pity, I don't know what happened to Seliu... Why don't I sell it to Baron Kemoye after he gets better.

What's the name..."

Cloya muttered a few words, opened the bottle cap directly, and then drank it all in one gulp.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with his body.

I just want to taste this brand new potion and experience its effects.

I worked hard to make this potion, I can't just keep it for sale and not eat it myself, right?

Earning magic crystals is for development and better enjoyment. If you want to eat it, of course you have to eat it, otherwise it's putting the cart before the horse.


The entrance of the potion has the warmth of Yangyan power and the unique coconut fragrance of the Sea Spirit Coconut potion. The potion is extremely long and smooth, almost sliding all the way from the throat to the stomach.

Where it flows through, there is a slight burning sensation at first, followed by a long and cool feeling.

As a mage, Cloya can feel that their magic power is repairing his body-even if there is a slight abnormality, they will repair it.

Cloya closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling.

Let your thoughts slow down.

The sunflower elf lies on his head, and the thirsty sea fluorescent algae is on his body. Both absorb the magic power of the sun and transfer it to Cloya.

Without him doing anything, the magic power in his body has been visibly improved.

Such days are really pleasant.

Time flies in the leisurely days.

Four days later in a blink of an eye.

Kloya arrived at the lotus building on time at night. He observed the thorns growing on the carriage and couldn't help but smack his lips.

Those strange white thorns are growing very lushly at this moment, and have even begun to grow gradually towards the ground outside the carriage.

The pure white thorns without a trace of flaws look very dazzling, and the magic inside can't accommodate any other colors.

It seems to be still strong.

But through observation, Kloya saw that their astral bodies have begun to become unstable, and the composition of magic has gradually begun to collapse.

The white thorns are visibly withering and disappearing under his gaze.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they completely withered and turned into ashes and fell on the ground.

"Justice Thorns..." He sighed, came to the side of the carriage, and directly lifted the curtain to look inside.

Baron Kmoye, who was a little miserable before, was now lying on the soft cushion, and the thorns that were originally all over his body had almost disappeared.

Only on his chest was there a small thorn.

Its color was different from those thorns just now. Although it was still white, it was not as pure as white, but it had a kind of pure taste.

Cloya carefully peeled it off Baron Kmoye's body with the hand of the wizard, and then fed him some magic potion.

The thorn was brought to Cloya by the hand of the wizard.

He stared at the thorn and suddenly found that its description had changed from "just thorn" to "just thorn mother plant".

This change made Cloya slightly stunned, and he immediately went to the other carriages to check one by one.

As a result, the thorns of justice on Baron Kmoye's men had all disappeared, and there was no "mother plant" left like the baron.

"Could this be the mother plant?"

He muttered to himself: "Then how does it spread?"

In the magic world, there are actually many kinds of magic plants that can spread themselves through different channels, such as blood, magic power source, anger source...

Anyway, if it is planted on one person, it will gradually infect everyone in this way.

To deal with this kind of magic plant, you only need to remove the roots of their mother plant, and the others will wither and disappear directly.

What about Baron Kemoye?

After a brief thought, he said with certainty: "Contract."

If you have to say that so many people can have some connection with Baron Kemoye, then it is the contract-and it also conforms to its characteristics.

Generally speaking, these people will sign a blood contract with their master, and while enjoying special treatment, they will also have to do the most dangerous things.

After having this guess, a few beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and his face became a little serious.


In this world, isn't it the Temple of Order that spreads the most contracts? Their roots all come from the power of order. Is this the same source?

If this is true, if the Temple of Order has this kind of magic plant, wouldn't it be possible to make the thorns of justice bloom on all those who have signed the contract of order in a very short time?

How many contracts has the Temple of Order sold so far? Moreover, it was sold at a low price, so how many people were contacted by the contract?

Perhaps he was overthinking, and he hoped that he was overthinking.

He took a deep look at the thorns in his hand and put them directly into the largest astral crystal bottle.

Before he figured it out, he should not use these thorns casually, and even the contract of order, he would use less.

There are also many gods and means to ensure the effectiveness of the contract, so there is no need to worry about it.

The next day, when the sun shone through the ceiling, Baron Kemoye finally woke up.

He stretched out of habit.

After stretching, he found that the thorns around him had all disappeared!

"Ah!?" The baron couldn't help but exclaimed, and he hurriedly left the carriage, and sure enough, he saw Cloya who was resting with his eyes closed outside.

"Master Cloya!"

He called tentatively, and Cloya slowly opened his eyes, with a slight trace of fatigue in his eyes.

The baron thought that Cloya must have cast some special magic to be so tired, right?

Magic that can dispel these thorns...

Thinking of this, his attitude became more respectful, and even brought a hint of respect for the superior that he himself did not realize.

"Thank you, Lord Cloya." The baron said, "If you need any help, I swear on my family emblem that I will do my best!"

For a noble, swearing on his family emblem is more solemn than swearing to God.

"It's good that it's solved." Cloya nodded casually, "I have done what I promised you. Give this bottle of potion to your men. It's my gift."

After giving a brand new potion with the hand of a wizard, he stood up and planned to leave.

When Kmoye experienced the benefits of this potion, he didn't believe that the other party would not come to him.

But the baron held the bottle and called him, "Please wait a moment!"

"Huh?" Cloya was puzzled.

Baron Kemoye seemed to be entangled for a while before whispering: "Master Mage, I will provide the materials. Can you help me make some magical instruments or scrolls to fight against the undead?

I... I can give you a piece of news.

News about Gopherwood."

The three words "Gopherwood" made Kroya's pupils shrink slightly.

That... that is the legendary seventh-level magic plant, and it is a special seventh-level magic plant. Even the illustrations of the Mage Association are marked as extremely rare.

It is a spiritual wood that contains natural magic power. It is said that there are some mysterious effects that can eliminate disasters and help humans adjust their own fortunes.

When he considered making his own harp magic instrument, the first thing he thought of was this strange magic plant-it was just a delusion.

He once tried to ask the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, but the latter just replied that he did not have enough authority and needed members above level 5 to get the news.

A treasure that can't even be bought.

Now a little baron actually said that he had news about this magic plant?

The first reaction was disbelief.

Are you kidding me?

Croa's eyes also expressed this meaning.

But after the baron said this, he calmed down. He said seriously: "I didn't lie to you. I did find news about Gopher wood in the ruins."

He looked directly at Croa and continued: "In the deepest part of the ruins, there is a seedling of Gopher wood! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I want to cooperate with you. I want to get the treasures in the world of the dead. Gopher wood can belong to you."

When he said this, his eyes were full of burning ambition, as hot as flames.

Obviously, this is a noble with his own ideas.

Want to continue to climb up, want to get a higher status...

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