I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 89 89 Magical Elf Magic

Chapter 89 89. Magical Elf Magic

Finally, Cloya decided to agree.

But some things need to be made clear: "I can agree, but the Elf Kingdom is extremely xenophobic. I'm not sure how long I can give you news."

He spread his hands: "Friend, you should know that it is too difficult for a human like me to find out news in the Elf Kingdom."

Orpheus Oak shook his head indifferently.

"I have been waiting for six hundred years, and it doesn't matter if I wait for another six hundred years... New friend, you can talk to me when you have time."

The last sentence was full of loneliness.

There was even some pleading.

For a magical plant like it that has almost human wisdom, loneliness is really the biggest poison.

It feels that if it continues to be lonely like this, it may not even speak.


Cloya agreed at once.

Next, the man and the tree talked about some things.

Including some things about the elves, the situation in the surrounding sea, and some information about magic in the booklet. After chatting for about two or three hours, Cloya got up and said goodbye.

To be honest, this time he gained a lot - Orpheus Oak had a deep understanding of natural magic, and some of the things he showed him were so enlightening.

And the process of how he gradually transformed the sunken ship that it inadvertently mentioned made Kloya feel like he had found a treasure.

He might know how to further transform the castle through the Wood Star King.

"Goodbye, good friend!"

Orpheus Oak watched Kloya leave, and in just a short while, he had gone from a new friend to a good friend.

Before leaving, he repeatedly emphasized that he could come and see it when he had time.

It seems that he is really lonely.


Riding a dolphin, Kloya first returned to the air coral base on the seabed, checked the situation of the ducks, and then diluted the potion with water and divided it among them.

These new potions originally had the healing effect of the water star. Now that the sharks have been removed, they should be safe in this area.

"You should recover here." He reached out and touched the head of the Sea Duck King.

This guy didn't know what was wrong with him. He acted brave and fearless outside, but he immediately started to look pitiful when he saw Croa.

He pulled Croa's trouser leg to a place where there were no ducks nearby, then "quacked" a few times and buried his head in Croa's trouser leg.

He really looked like a dog that was acting like a spoiled child with its owner.

Croa has always been soft-hearted, and it was really hard for him to kick away this little guy who relied on him wholeheartedly.

So, he could only comfort it for a while.

It really tried hard this time and deserved a reward.

He gently stroked the soft feathers of the Sea Duck King, and recalled in his mind a natural magic demonstrated by the Orpheus Oak just now.

"This magic may be useful."

After thinking about it, Croa decided to cast this magic on the Sea Duck King.

It should be said that the magic of the elves is really dazzling in terms of sound and light effects - a trace of natural magic was gathered and condensed into a drop of water in his palm.

The water droplets looked like fine jadeite, with vines and branches on the surface, and they were truly emerald green.

This magic was called "Emerald Tears", a third-level natural magic that could gather the surrounding natural aura and condense it into water droplets, which had an extremely powerful healing effect.

According to the above description, if the natural magic power was sufficient and pure enough, it could even achieve the magical effect of limb regeneration.

After the Emerald Tears gently dripped onto the wings of the Sea Duck King, its already crippled wings actually began to grow granulations.

Obviously... if it continued to recover like this, it could even grow new wings.

The Sea Duck King was extremely happy, circling around and quacking, and then fluttering around Cloya, like he was crazy.

Actually, it was understandable.

As the leader of the duck flock, if it could not ensure its own strength, it would be easily eliminated by the duck flock - survival of the fittest, even if it was so dedicated to the duck flock, it could not avoid the fate of being replaced.

Watching it jumping so happily, Cloya couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

At this time, several ducklings with staggering steps came over. They looked really immature, and their feathers had not even grown yet.

The ducklings ran to the side of the sea duck king and spit out some fish paste that had not been fully digested from their mouths.

That was the fish paste of the silver moon fish that the sea dolphin gave them.

The sea duck king was stunned for a moment, then immediately waved his intact wings and angrily "quacked" a few times.

Kloya could barely understand what it meant-

"I don't want it, why do you feed it to me!"

"Eat it quickly and get out!"

The ducklings were immediately frightened by the sudden fury of the sea duck king. After a few aggrieved and scared cries, they ate the fish paste clean and ran away quickly.

Because they ran too fast, they even stumbled and fell a few times.

They looked a bit like children being scolded by adults, and they were really a bit pitiful.


"You." Kloya patted the Sea Duck King's head gently: "They are clearly presented to you. It would be fine if you didn't want them, but you rejected them in this way."

The Sea Duck King did not answer, but he also lost his excitement. He huddled together silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Kloya sighed softly, got up and left.

He really did not understand the world of Warcraft very well. He just let them handle it themselves. If he interfered too much, there might be some problems.

As their wisdom improved, perhaps many such things would happen in the future.

After leaving the Air Coral Base, he came to a small rift not far from the base - that was the area where the sea shellfish were placed.

There were plenty of small fish and shrimps in this rift, and there was also a seabed vent at the deepest part, which gushed out warm sea water.

Such a warm and food-filled environment is definitely a paradise for most Warcraft.

In addition, there were sea dolphins and fish and ducks patrolling crosswise, so there was absolutely no possibility for them to escape.

But to be honest, they did not want to escape.

There was food and drink here, and it was warm, and there was also the magic power provided by Kloya from time to time, so they had already gotten used to it. If they were allowed to leave here and live on their own now, they would probably not be used to it.

This is being gradually domesticated.

When Croa came here, they even welcomed Croa - they sprayed out colorful magic dust from their shells.

Those dusts are actually their pearl powders. They will spontaneously polish their pearls and keep the excess dust.

This kind of magic dust is like buying money when they encounter danger. After spraying it out, it can attract the attention of predators.

Then they can take the opportunity to escape.

Well, it is indeed a grand welcome ceremony.

Croa, who was sprayed all over: "..."

But he really can't afford this kind of welcome ceremony.

He waved his hand and used magic to control all the dust to collect it, and then rolled it into a ball and threw it into the shell magic tool.

Well, except for being a little embarrassed by being sprayed, the quality of these things is really good and can be used as magic materials.

After collecting these pearl dusts, he walked to the sea pattern shell he had marked and reached out to knock on its shell.

He said loudly and unceremoniously: "Let me see!"

The sea-patterned shell immediately opened its shell obediently.

It revealed a pearl wrapped in its trembling clam meat.

At the moment of opening, a blue light flashed by.

This was the first time that Cloya saw how it nurtured pearls directly - its clam meat was faintly flashing with a blue halo, and it was constantly rubbing and polishing the pearls with magic power, not only making the pearls smooth, but also forming a pattern on them.

The familiar magic pattern was undoubtedly the water sword magic that Cloya had engraved for it.

Judging from the integrity of the pattern and the fullness of magic power, it is estimated that it will take only a few days for this pearl to be nurtured.

The speed is quite fast.

Is this the ability of the Warcraft?

"Nurture well, and I will give you a reward when you succeed."

Cloya touched the shell of the sea-patterned shell with satisfaction and injected it with magic power as a reward.

After the sea shell absorbed the magic power gathered by Cloya, the shell began to tremble, trembling as if it had drunk too much.

Then it suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of sea water, and with a "click", the shell closed tightly.

It was motionless, as if it was dead...


"You are still drunk?" Cloya was speechless. This situation was obviously that the sea shell was allergic to the stimulation of magic power and fainted directly.

If it were a person, it would be drunk, which is almost the same as oxygen drunkenness. They all inhaled a high concentration of magic/oxygen intolerance instantly.

How could you, a magic beast, have this situation?

He shook his head helplessly, checked the situation of other sea shells breeding pearls, and left here.

It seems that I really can't give magic like this in the future. If the pearls it breeds are destroyed because of the chaos of magic, it will be a big problem.


After leaving the sea, Cloya quickly returned to the castle.

He first called Robert and handed him all the shark meat, shark fins and other materials collected in the shell.

Robert looked at the pile of shark materials in silence, and for the first time he felt a little shocked - did his master wizard go to kill a group of sharks?

It has only been a short time, and he can fight against the sharks in the sea?

Did he hide his incompetence in the capital before, and deliberately took this opportunity to come to a place far away from the capital?

If so... that would be great!

As a butler who has been deeply bound to Kloya, he certainly hopes that Kloya will get better and better. Only when the master's strength and status increase, he, the butler, can also enjoy it.

The butler's mind turned quickly, then sighed slightly, bowed and said: "My lord, you should consider building an ice storage, otherwise these ingredients... really can't be stored."

"Ice storage?" Kloya blinked and clapped his hands: "That's perfect, is there a suitable place now, take me there."

"Uh... Yes, come with me."

Robert immediately took Kloya to a warehouse under the castle. It was very cool here, so it was where the castle stored ingredients.

It was about the size of a basketball court.

Kloya controlled the wizard's hand to pick up the magic crystal and began to carve on the hard stone ground. As the magic crystals flew, their dust gradually seeped into the ground.

After spending about two hours and consuming three magic crystals, a hexagonal snowflake pattern was finally drawn.

The strands of cold air began to be gathered by the snowflake pattern, and the air gradually became colder.

This method was actually learned from the Orpheus Oak. It is one of the "natural magic circles" of the elves.

The elves are very good at manipulating the magic of nature. Most of the magic circles gather the magic in the air, which is very inspiring to Kloya.

The success of this attempt further strengthened his idea.

Tomorrow, start to transform the castle!

Thanks to book friends 20220801014412019, Xueyue Fenghua, Orange Soda, book friend 20180630165320420, Youzi Xingyun, Jianjun Daochang, Yixue Piaoning, Fullmoon, book friend 2022051118555557, book friend 20200920201954356 for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

Today's update is a bit late... Sorry QAQ.

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