I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 90 90 Transformation is successful, double happiness

Chapter 90 90. Successful transformation, double happiness

The next day.

Before transforming the castle, Kroya first came to the terrace garden, holding the precious bottle of water of life given by the oak tree.

He never dared to open it.

This thing is just like that kind of wine, it is made of oak and directly plugged into the bottle mouth. Once opened, even if it is stuffed again, the magic inside will be lost.

It is the famous water of life.

Even if a little power is lost, he will be heartbroken.

The original owner has heard rumors about the water of life many times in the Mage Association.

This strange liquid is actually a naturally generated magical potion-it flows out from the negative light river under the roots of the three generations of descendants of the world tree guarded by the elves, and flows through the holy world forest of the elves. During the period, it is unknown how many magical plants and magical beasts have been fused.

It can be said that it is a potion that can only be produced by a precise and special natural formation.

Of course, its effectiveness is also amazing. For magic beasts and magic plants, this thing is like a key to evolution.

It is estimated that the oak tree has absorbed the water of life to grow like this.

To be honest, this level of magic potion can be used in many ways, but... he has not only promised the oak tree, but the sunflower is also worth it.

That was the first magic plant he planted after coming here, and it also carried the rainbow poem he engraved, and it was also in tune with him on weekdays.

"So, don't let me down."

He came to the front of the sunflower, and the sunflower elf had landed on his shoulder, seemed to be able to feel something, and looked at the bottle in Cloya's hand curiously.

His tone was a little excited.


"Well, it's for you."

Cloya gently opened the oak cork, and an indescribable life force and natural magic suddenly surged out, sweeping all the surrounding things like a gust of wind.

After the magic plants on the terrace felt the breath of life, they all grew visibly - the sunflowers and the Wood Star Twig King grew taller.

The Wood Star Twig King was fine, as its main body was not here, so the impact was limited. But the sunflowers grew very exaggeratedly, from more than one meter high to three meters high.

The flower disk became even bigger.

More sunflower seeds grew on it, but those sunflower seeds were still empty. They did grow, but there was not enough Yangyan power to infuse them.

But they absorbed Yangyan magic power more quickly.

Three or four times faster than before.

Now they really became light-absorbing magic plants.

"Wow, this has become so powerful before it is watered, so if it is watered..."

He had some vague expectations, and immediately dripped the liquid in the bottle slowly onto the roots of the red sunflower, and each drop of liquid was a very standard water drop.


The water droplets containing the power of life fell on the roots of the red sunflower, splashing out light green ripples.

Then it slowly penetrated in.

One second, two seconds...

The sunflower elf, who was originally intoxicated by the smell of the overflowing magic, was now more like being drunk.

After it swayed to the flower disk of its body, it fell on it with a "click".

The flower disk was like a soft and comfortable big bed supporting it, and then it fell asleep directly, with a comfortable and relaxed expression.

Through the star body imprinting technique, Kloya could find that some kind of power was flowing rapidly in its body, and these powers seemed to be strengthening its... imprint?

The location where the red song was engraved glowed slightly.

Those powers seemed to have been surging towards the imprint representing the red melody in the red song.

The wisps of halo entangled the small imprint.

"What's going on?"

Kloya was a little confused.

Does the Water of Life have this function? Or did the Sunflower Elves do this on purpose?

What will the Red Repeat look like after it is strengthened?

Kloya was looking forward to it. He shook the remaining one-third of the Water of Life in his hand and put the cork back in.

He planned to put this small bottle of about 100 ml into the Star Crystal Bottle after returning, making a nesting doll. In this way, even if the power leaks out, it will not disappear.

Let's keep the remaining little bit for the time being, just in case it is needed someday?

It may not be so easy to get this treasure again.


After solving the problem of the sunflower, he planned to start transforming the castle.

The most important part is actually the Wood Moon Curved Vine King.

When chatting with the Orpheus Oak at the sunken ship, it described how it gradually formed a magic circle inside the ship through its branches and roots.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the booklet just happened to write about the magic of the elves to gather natural magic.

The one I drew underground before was one of them.

The most important thing inside is not the magic array that gathers natural magic power, but a kind of... half-space transmission magic array.

It can be arranged with some not-so-expensive materials to form channels and veins of magic power, allowing stable materials to be transmitted inside.

Even if they are thousands of meters apart, the materials inside can reach the other side from one end of the pipe in an instant.

Orpheus Oak mentioned that this method would be used to arrange "space transmission arrays" on Elf ships or some tall buildings.

At that time, Cloya felt that this thing was very similar to the so-called pneumatic flow, but it was just a magic version.

After discovering this.

He had a sudden thought - could he use this to engrave the seal on King Mu Yao's Curved Vine? Is there any other material that could be a more stable transmission channel than the body of King Mu Yao's Curved Vine?

It has been growing in the legendary mage's nursery for who knows how long. It is already a very high-level magic material and can fully carry the turmoil of space.

With these two magic formations, King Mu Yaoqu Vine can be upgraded once, and Croya also plans to completely renovate and transform the upper level of the castle.

It completely becomes his private space.

In order to carry out this transformation, Croya spent a huge sum of money to purchase sufficient materials from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce - hollow crystal, light-transmitting crystal mud, magic-guiding pipes, magic crystal plates, and green silk grass mats.

After buying the materials, he began to renovate the upper level of his castle with great motivation.

He first came to the top of the castle, and used the mage's hand to spread the jars of translucent crystal mud evenly where he needed it.

After these crystal muds were applied, they began to erode the original stone walls at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually turned into a deep black color.

It looks like the top has just been painted, but in fact, if you look out from inside the castle, you can see that the area painted with translucent crystal mud gradually becomes transparent.

Finally, you can clearly see the outside scenery and sunlight.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a magic material that can turn basic materials such as stone, soil, and ordinary iron into one-way perspective glass.

The most suitable situation is when you have already built a house and are unwilling to tear it down and rebuild again.

Croya didn't want to stay in a dark and strange laboratory every day. What he wanted to see was the blue sky and white clouds, and the clear starry sky at night.

Therefore, except for some private spaces and areas where he occasionally wanted to hide in the dark, he basically painted all the places that could be painted.

Then he returned to the castle and looked up at the effect——

The originally thick and somewhat dark stone ceiling gradually became transparent, as if something was chewing on it, from small to large, and finally became completely transparent.

The bright sunshine shines in.

You can clearly see the blue sky and white clouds outside, the clouds are rolling, and the seabirds are flying freely in the sky.

Although it has just undergone such a simple transformation, it feels really different all of a sudden, as if my mind has become much broader.

The indoor environment is not as cramped as before.

"Not bad." Croya nodded with satisfaction and started the second step of transformation - the wall.

He installed and laid all the purchased magic crystal pipes and magic crystal tubes on the walls to ensure that the magic power in the magic pool in his laboratory could be transmitted to all the upper areas of the castle at any time.

In this way, whether he wants to build a small field in a certain room or conduct some experiments that require separate isolation, he can conduct research as he pleases.

Finally, Croya spread the green silk grass mat on the ground.

These green silk grass mats are actually first-class magic plants. They only need to be watered regularly with some magic water, and they can grow well indoors.

It will be softer than carpet when you step on it, and it can also purify the air.

The only thing that Croya couldn't understand was... Not only did this thing not sell seeds, but the price was actually more expensive than the magic crystal plate.

To cover the entire upper level of the castle, which is about 400 square meters in size, would cost a full 20 magic crystals.

In the same area, the magic crystal panels used as building materials only have fifteen magic crystals.

It seems that mages also have very high requirements for the quality of life. Otherwise, how could such a thing be sold so expensively?

The renovation of the front half of the castle took a full day.

At night, the stars are clearly visible in the clear night sky, the ground is soft green grass, and the blue magic flow flows in the walls.

The combination of the natural beauty and the mysterious beauty created by the mage made Croya quite satisfied.

Lying on the grass and looking up at the stars, with the ice-cold coconut juice and delicious sea urchin and sweet shrimp sent by the King of Miyaoqu Teng next to you, it feels really comfortable.

Hmm... Although he spent all the accumulated magic crystals this time to purchase materials, he was still very satisfied with the result of the decoration.

This is life.

After completing this matter, he began to carry out the second half of the transformation - the transformation of Mu Yaoqu Vine King.

In fact, Mu Yaoqu Vine King has always been eager to evolve.

Its desire for evolution can be said to be terrifying. After Croya told it to transform it and asked a few tentative questions, it immediately felt a strong desire.

It was this desire that allowed Croya to transform it.

The first thing to be imprinted is the "Magic Gathering Array of Various Elements" in natural magic.

The engraving of these magic circles needs to be engraved with the vines of the Mu Yaoqu Vine King. They also need to be entangled in the designated area and connected with the magic-guiding pipeline.

The engraving process was not very smooth.

Because Cloya needs to engrave each of its vines, and finally he needs to consider the integrity of the magic array between the vines.

This item alone took him three full days to finally complete.

Fortunately, its effect exceeded Cloya's imagination——

[Engraving successful, Wood Star Twig King·Designated Vine (Element Gathering Magic Array·Isis Array)]

[This magic beast can attract and absorb all the surrounding magic elements at a very fast speed and store them inside the body, or transmit them. ]

[Depending on the different elemental magic power absorbed, this magic beast will gradually transform into an elemental body. ]

Elemental body!

Cloya exhaled lightly and began to engrave the second magic, which is the space transmission magic array.

This engraving did not take a lot of time, because the main thing was to engrave the magic pattern on the folded crystal, and then embed it into the body of the Wood Star Twig King through the astral body engraving technique.

It was completed in about half a day.

[Engraving successful, Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang (space transmission array)]

[The folded crystal in this monster can transfer materials within its own extension range. The transferred items cannot have too strong magic fluctuations and corrosiveness, otherwise the transmission will fail. ]

A very concise description.

But the effect is very magical.

Kloya tried to tell Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to get a piece of holy white iron from the bottom of the lake.

"Okay." Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang's voice was also a little excited. This change was also an evolution for it.

A ray of white fluctuations representing space flashed on its vines, and a crystal light flashed below.


A piece of holy white iron as big as a head was "spitted out" and fell right on the table in front of Kloya.

"So fast?"

Kloya blinked and continued to try more.

Stones, flowers, wood... In the end, he even tried it on monsters, and it turned out to be successful.

He looked at the fluttering magic fish that suddenly appeared in front of him, and muttered to himself:

"It's quite amazing, can the living ones be transferred here?"

After discovering this, he made more attempts, and found that at most he could transfer the first-level magic beasts, and higher-level ones were not possible.

But even so, it was enough to make him excited.

I don't know if he was lucky recently. Just after he succeeded in his attempt, Robert sent him a message.

Two letters were delivered.

One was sent by Baron Kemoye.

And the other one... was sent from the capital.

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