Chapter 91 91. Two letters

Two letters were brought to Croya.

An ordinary letter with a large package attached - it was just delivered by the baron's men.

The other letter was surrounded by the glow of magic, as well as the coat of arms of the Mage Association and the mage's personal coat of arms.

The person who sent this letter was a Level 2 Magical Beast Riding the Wind Dove. It is now being treated to delicious food and drinks by Rob, and will not send it away until Croya replies.

Look at these two letters.

Croya hesitated for a moment, then took out the baron's letter and read it carefully.

The letter was not long, and the main point was that he promised to deliver Croya's materials, and hoped that Croya could complete the production as soon as possible and let his men take away the finished product.

Enclosed with the letter is a very quaint book and a lot of materials.

The book seems to be very old. The edges and corners have been smoothed, but it feels very smooth. The surface is also engraved with the emblem from the Holy See and two sentences -

"From the light."

"That's when the miracle happened."

Well, two sentences that are very religious.

What he was more concerned about was the material of this thing. He weighed it with his hands and found that it was very heavy.

"It's made of iron. If you hit someone with it, you'd probably get a bloody head, right?"

After Croya put it down, he opened it.

The pages of the book are slightly yellowed, but the writing and illustrations are still clearly visible.

He didn't look at it carefully at first, just flipped through it roughly.

This book of Miracles of Light does not have a catalogue, which means that he needs to find whatever is in it by himself.

After a brief look, Croya's expression was filled with joy and a bit of complexity.

"This is really a great gift." He said with emotion.

The book records at least hundreds of scattered potions and magic weapons that extend the divine power.

From the most basic production of various types of holy water to advanced light instruments, it probably covers everything needed by priests, paladins, and paladins from level one to level four.

There is so much knowledge in it, if it were sold, it would probably be sold for tens of thousands of magic crystals - this is the alchemy method of the Holy See, and very little will leak out.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being passed down from the Pioneer Knights?

Croya even suspected that the somewhat discordant things like the "Holy Silver Crossbow" were issued by the current Holy See to the alchemists under his command?

That thing... seems to be only used by the Inquisition.

It is said that those who are hit by this crossbow arrow made of silver flames containing evil will be burned into a pile of ashes in struggle and pain. It is only used to punish sinners and heretics.

“There are a lot of things, but there really isn’t much that can be done.”

He came to this conclusion after reading it.

There are too many raw materials that need to be supplied by the Holy See. The only ones that can be produced now are low-level holy water instruments and scrolls.

Materials from level three and up are probably hard to come by.

What could be used during the pioneering period has now become prohibited items, and the raw materials will of course be controlled and sealed within the Holy See.

"Forget it, let's make these first." He didn't think much about it.

He can't do more advanced things either, let's talk about that later.

According to what Baron Kemoye mentioned at the time, he quickly recorded three different formulas for the Holy Water of Prayer for Light, Wings of Prayer for Light, and Scroll of Light Link, and studied them carefully.

The first two types, as you can tell from their names, are of the same category - the Holy Water of Prayer for Light is a holy water with healing and exorcism effects, and can be controlled by the person wearing the magic weapon of Prayer for Light Wings.

Not only can it be summoned for defense and attack, but it can also be used as a priest and paladin for healing.

Although it has the name of holy water, it is actually a semi-element creation that needs to be produced with the unique "Light Summoning Technique".

As for the Light Link Scroll, this thing is even more exaggerated.

It is actually a scroll that stores the holy magic of light. Anyone who has signed a contract through the scroll can use the holy magic in it anywhere by linking the holy seal.

It should be said that the selection of these three alchemical creations is really good.

Healing, defense, attack, exploration, and even taking into account the team, exploring the ruins is perfect.

Of course, it is very difficult to make such a comprehensive set of three alchemical creations.

The first is to pray for holy water, which requires extremely pure holy water, and then summons an elemental creature called "Holy Firefly". In the end, several special methods must be used to refine it before it can be considered successful.

The wings of praying for light need to be made of holy white iron plus the wings of the Sky Feather Bird, and then extremely complex sacred magic patterns must be burned on them to complete the production.

The final Bright Link Contract is even more heavyweight.

It needs to first make the original clay tablet of the light link, burn light spells on it, then enchant it through eight methods, and finally make a rubbing clay tablet...

The process is extremely complex, and there are some operations with unclear religious implications.

To be honest, these three things require far more time and energy than refining holy white iron.

If you are a mage who has never used sacred power, you even have to start learning how to control sacred power.

"It's really troublesome."

He has no intention of giving up or giving up. No matter how difficult it is, as long as he starts doing it, he will definitely succeed.

Making these alchemical creations that he has never seen before is a rare experience for him, and it will definitely make his future road smoother.

The mage would have made various attempts.

Not to mention being a creation of divine power, in the future he will also try elements, demons...

Moreover, he already possesses the divine power within his body. This alone is enough to crush the mages who complete the production by controlling the divine power.

Control and owning it are completely different concepts.

"Let's start working on it tomorrow. Read this letter first."

After making this decision, he temporarily put aside the book Miracle of Light and the large amount of materials, and picked up another letter.

Compared to the thick letter from the Baron, this one from the Royal Capital is obviously much simpler. It feels like there is only a piece of letter paper inside.

"Does he disagree?"

If the other party doesn't agree, I can only buy other varieties of sunflowers. I don’t know if different varieties of sunflowers can have this effect.

Croya frowned and opened the letter.

As a result, what was placed inside... was a thin wafer.

It doesn't feel as thick as a piece of parchment.

Magic patterns of different colors flashed on the surface of the chip. They were intertwined with each other and connected to form a coat of arms.

"The coat of arms of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce?"

Croya was very familiar with this coat of arms. The dark blue holy spring formed by countless lines was exactly the heraldic emblem of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

"Is it the storage card of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce?"

He seems to have heard of this kind of card before, which is a certificate that can store items at the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce for a certain price. As long as you get this card, you can take it out from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce anywhere.

Generally speaking, senior mages will choose this method.

Because in this medieval era, it is too troublesome to send a letter, and you have to worry about whether it will be lost on the road.

In comparison, it is much more convenient and faster to summon a monster to send the storage card there.

"Let me see what's in storage."

Croya took out his VIP card and summoned the holy spring, then threw the crystal card into it. After waiting for about half a minute, two things spewed out.

A familiar box for storing seeds, and a thick letter.

Croya breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the box.

It seems that the other party is still willing to trade with me, so that's good.

"That letter is..."

He opened the letter thoughtfully and read it.

The content inside turned out to be unexpected again.

The friend named Estner not only promised him to continue to provide such sunflower seeds in the future, but also advised him that he could obtain knowledge from the association in some special ways.

The words reveal concern and sincerity.

"It's true that I judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. Even though I am far away from the royal capital, this friendship has not changed."

He sighed again.

And he could vaguely feel that Estner seemed to know that he had a secret, so he used the channel of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce instead of the channel of the Mage Association.

Just to ensure that the secret will not be leaked.

No wonder someone who can become the disciple of the Archmage does have some abilities.

If this is the case, I can really communicate with him more. Such a person is worth being a friend.

As for the method of acquiring knowledge he mentioned in the letter...

It seems that there is really much to be done.

To put it simply, it means bypassing the mage system of the Mage Association, communicating directly with other lords, and obtaining knowledge through the channels of the lords.

Croya is now an expatriate lord and owns his own land. In fact, in a sense, he is no longer a "mage" of the Mage Association, but a "lord".

This special situation means that if he obtains the resources and more profound knowledge of the Mage Association through normal channels, he needs to go through layers of approval.

Hmm...the approval efficiency of the Mages Association.

All I can say is that it is ridiculously slow.

If someone is causing trouble, things will become more troublesome. After all, the lords outside are different from the mages who stay in the Mages Association.

As for the priority of knowledge, the latter must take precedence over the former.

So Estner recommended Croa to communicate with other expatriate mages. See if you can join the mage lord's faction. If you want to get resources, you have to take another channel.

A single person and a group have different weights.

Even the Mage Association needs the magic materials that are continuously produced in the territories of these lords, and even needs to send special personnel to purchase them.

In the letter, he also thoughtfully mentioned the names of several mage lords who might be willing to trade with Croya, as well as their code names in the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Just like Cloya at the seaside, all he saw were magic materials in the sea. Some of the lords were inland, some in the mountains, and some in the desert.

The exchange of materials is obviously important.

After reading this long letter, Croya thought carefully about the feasibility of it.

The answer is of course yes.

By exchanging supplies with other lords, you can not only add resources unique to other regions to your territory, but also increase your voice.

But he suddenly thought of a very important thing-if he communicated with those lords through the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, wouldn't he only be able to use the code name "Star Spirit"?

If it gets out, wouldn't his vest be exposed?

Can you open another vest?

QAQ I can only update twice today. I was forced to be a paru on Monday and I have to go to social events in the evening. I owe one update first, and I will make up for it as soon as possible.

Thanks to Yuluotiankong1234, Book Friend 20220915194612730, Book Friend 20200630181609929, Danny Old Cup, My King 2v, Quiet Black and White, Lazy Deer Singing, Book Friend 33021212571784, Small Mode, Indonesian Idle People, Duckling, Xiu Nei Shou Zhong, Tianmen, Book Friend 160726220113064 for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

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