I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 92 Peas and Stumps in Yanshan Ridge

Chapter 92 92. Peas and stumps in Yanshan Ridge

The answer is of course yes - the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce seems to have known that someone would have such an idea. A Holy Spring crystal card can have two codes, which can communicate with people separately.

The price is... if you need to store and consign goods through the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, you need to pay double the price.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is very keen to let customers spend money. After Cloya asked, it immediately took the initiative to send a price list.

Since he is only a first-level member now, the items sold and stored through the Chamber of Commerce channels are limited to level 4 or below.

If a transaction is reached from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, they will estimate and charge 1% of the value of the transaction item in money or magic crystals as an intermediary fee - the vest is 2%.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce guarantees that the items will never be lost. As long as the other party takes the crystal card to pick up the items, they can be delivered immediately, no matter how many items there are.

To be honest, this is really a good deal.

You have to know that this is a direct delivery to the hands. You give the goods to him on this side, and the other side can receive them immediately, which is equivalent to a transaction without delay.

After getting the answer from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, Croa immediately began to look for a suitable trading partner.

Estner mentioned that if you want to join, you need someone to invite you. If you go to someone's door and say you want to join, they will definitely refuse.

He can only find someone to talk to, do business and build a good relationship, and then mention his desire to join.

It will take some time, but if it goes well, he should be able to get the third-level magic encyclopedia through the channel of the wizard lord.

As for materials, the more important thing is to exchange what you have.

He is located on the seashore, and the most common resources are various fish and seafood, which can almost be said to be inexhaustible.

Just the fish washed up on the coast every day are almost picked up and eaten casually, not to mention that the sea dolphins can directly chase fish in the sea.

Now that the magic sharks have been dealt with, the offshore area can be said to be the world of the sea dolphins, and fishing is so easy.

Although salt is also a good trading item, ordinary salt is obviously not enough, because the Mage Association has long announced the method of extracting salt from seawater.

Moreover, the kingdom and the Church are said to have a cooperative relationship. The Church owns a continuous salt mountain range, and any salt you knock on is pure salt.

This is why ordinary people in this era can afford salt. You may not be able to afford bread or meat, but you will definitely not be unable to afford salt.

So salt is not considered for the time being.

The second is the various magic plants he planted.

After two generations of planting, the lily of the valley and the thick potato can be considered for sale.

"... Forget it, let's talk about it first."

He thought for a while, shook his head, and decided to find a lord in the inland or desert area to communicate.

"Grizzly, Flame Mountain, Ximo..."

After roughly reading it, he found that these names basically correspond to a certain place name - Grizzly Mountain, Flame Mountain Territory, Ximo City.

Then his vest code name will be called Hanjiao.

There is no point in hiding this kind of thing. The other party can find out who has been recently exiled to the seaside as a lord by just a little investigation from the association. It is better to be open than to hide it.

Sincerity can sometimes move people.

After studying the map, he finally chose a lord named Yanshan.

After careful consideration, he sent a letter.

Originally thought that he would have to wait for a while, but unexpectedly, the other party immediately responded within a few minutes after the letter was sent, and also invited him to meet directly.


"Have you been eyeing the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce? It's night now."

Kloya was speechless.

But since he was invited, he gladly accepted the appointment.

As the surroundings were flooded by the blue holy spring, he once again came to the illusory holy spring illusion and saw a red-haired young man who was pacing anxiously.

"Ah, you are finally here!"

The red-haired young man hurriedly said after seeing Kloya: "My friend, I need about one ton of various fish. How long can you deliver it to me?"


So straightforward?

To be honest, one ton of various fish is very easy to catch. Some magic fish will become very large, just take the magic sharks killed not long ago.

Among them, those above level 2, each weighed more than one ton, including skin, flesh and internal organs, and the Demon Shark King weighed more than ten tons.

It took a lot of effort to cut them open to obtain materials.

There are really a lot of big fish in the sea.

This deal is completely feasible.

Kroya nodded and agreed: "No problem, but Master Yanshan, what do you want to exchange?"

"Great! I have some special fire magic plants here. Here is the list. You can take a look."

The red-haired young man seemed to be trading for the first time. He immediately took out a list and handed it over.

There were a total of fifteen kinds of magic plants and a brief introduction on the list, but most of them were level 1, and only two or three were level 2.

No magic beasts?

That's quite strange.

He looked through it and was suddenly attracted by something called "flame stump" on it.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Oh, tell me this." The red-haired young man scratched his hair: "It is a first-class magic plant. After cutting off the main trunk, the remaining hollow tree stump will burn with blazing fire.

This flame is related to the properties of elemental magic, but apart from being interesting, I haven't found any special effects on it yet. "

You are so sincere, and you can say anything besides being funny.

Croya didn't know whether the Lord of Yanshan really had this kind of character, or whether he was deliberately pretending to be sincere.

However, he is indeed very interested in these magic plants in Yanshan.

Whether it was the "Shock Pea" or the "Flame Stump" and "Spike Cactus" inside, they all reminded him of an almost household name game he had played in his previous life.

When he was playing with it, he felt that the plants inside were very magical, so would he have the opportunity to reproduce them now?

Knowing their effects, is it possible to imprint some spells and combine them, so that they can achieve the magical effects seen in the game?

To be honest, now that he has the knowledge of magic, he can figure out what magic can produce what effect just by thinking about it.

"I'm very interested in these. I can provide you with more magic fish, and I can specify the type of magic fish."

Croya also took out a list: "This is all the kinds of magic fish I can catch. Take a look."

After staying here for a long time, he has basically figured out the common magic fish in offshore areas. I don’t know if it’s because no one has been to this sea area for a long time and the fish resources are quite abundant.

Those fish are all in groups, counted in thousands.

The red-haired young man did not expect that Croya could also provide the designated devil fish. He suddenly smiled and picked up the list to look at it carefully.

About a minute later, he pointed at one of the special fish named "Xiaxia Oarfish" and said: "That's it, Master Hanjiao.

If you can help me get more than five tons, I can provide you with more than a hundred of all the magic plants on this list. "

It sounds quite generous. There are a total of fourteen different magic plants on the list, which totals a total of 1,400 plants.

But in fact, this kind of hairtail fish lives near submarine volcanoes, and is an extremely rare first-class fire-type devil fish.

But apart from being special and tasting better, it doesn't have any other abilities. If it were to be sold, one magic crystal would be enough.

Five tons, there must be more than a thousand.

In fact, it was a transaction of equal value. There was a slight price difference, but neither of them was so careful - it was difficult to completely fix the price of magic plants and magic beasts.

Except for the situation where the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce sells it at a high price, it all depends on how the two parties negotiate.

By the way, a sea spirit dolphin costs fifty magic crystals each.

This shows that ability is the only criterion for measuring the value of Warcraft.

Previously, Croya had not dared to catch fish in such a large amount. But now, he wanted to give it a try and see how far the mermaid clan would go in terms of their leniency towards him.

If I can help them make the water essence, after all...it should be a bit preferential treatment, right?

Besides, he won't fish in a dry lake. At most, he will catch them at different times and places, and then arrange for dolphins to look after them. He won't catch all the fish in one catch.

If the mermaid tribe didn't respond to his capture, then he planned to catch a large number of fish, buy more dolphins, and provide an environment suitable for their reproduction.

Just build an undersea fishing ground.

After a brief thought, Croya nodded: "Okay, I agree."

"Then I will wait for the good news from Master Hanjiao. Once there is news, you can notify me immediately and I will prepare the magic plants and wait for you."

The red-haired young man seemed to be more looking forward to the successful completion of the deal than Croya.

His expression was quite joyful.


The communication ended and both of them left the illusion.

Croya planned to enter the bottle immediately, discuss it with the dolphins, and study magic at the same time.

At the same time, on the other side.

Yanshan collar.

There are large and continuous mountains here, but they are all barren of grass, showing a burning red color, and there are volcanoes erupting.

The area is much larger than that of Croya, but in terms of resources... I really can't tell who is good and who is bad.

Inside a cave.

A red-haired young man put down the crystal card of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce and stretched out his hand to touch the huge monster next to him.

"I have found enough food for you and it will be there soon."

His voice was very gentle and his movements were extremely gentle, as if he were caressing his lover's cheek.

If there is a third person in this cave, they will be surprised to find that the cave is filled with various bones, and in the center of the bones lies a huge thing.

It has red scales and golden vertical pupils. The whole body does not look huge at all, but is full of explosive muscles and a sense of strength.

Red dragon.

It had already fallen into a deep sleep and had no reaction at all, but it was instinctively eating various foods.

In order to supply it with enough food, the red-haired mage has almost captured all the large and small monsters around it.

If we continue to catch them, they will become completely extinct.

Otherwise, he would not be in such a hurry to buy a huge amount of fish with Croya.

He sighed deeply, leaned his head on the dragon's scales, and muttered to himself: "I hope the Reef Mage can have enough fish. I don't lack magic plants..."

There is really no shortage of magic plants in his territory. Even the magic power emitted by the sleeping dragon can produce a lot of fire magic plants.

In order to provide food for the dragon, he has bought from all the lords he can buy, even to the point of being suspicious.

For this reason, he had to buy high-priced goods from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is good, but they basically sell fine products. If you really buy food in large quantities like this... you have to have a very deep family background.

Obviously he is not good enough.

So this time, Kloya's arrival is like a pillow for a sleepy man.

He can't wait to prepare the magic plants and wait for Kloya's good news.

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