I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 98 How to learn Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Chapter 98. Learning Methods

In order to find out if there are more of these buried magic trees underground, Cloya decided to let the gray magic ants search for minerals to check the entire island.

Although he thought that there should be only one tree and it was impossible to get a lot of them so easily, he still had to check.

What if?

Whether it was the air coral, the secret room, or the magic tree that suddenly appeared, he felt that there might be something hidden under the island.

Therefore, under the command of the wizard, the new gray magic ants were about to start looking for more magic trees and ores - they would walk all over the island to find out if there were any treasures buried deep underground.

In order to prevent these gray magic ants from being trampled to death by some blind guy or encountering danger, Cloya specially asked his apprentice Jamie to accompany them.

All Jamie needed to do was to mark the location, and as for what was inside, he would wait for Cloya to dig for treasure himself.

As his only apprentice of the wizard at present, Jamie's status was more exaggerated than he imagined.

Of course, Cloya also fulfilled his promise to the Gray Demon Ant.

He found a place to buy a ball of earth clay from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, intending to use this thing to make a nest for the Gray Demon Ant.

This special soil with a dark yellow color and a bit of a sticky texture can only be mined in certain mines.

It is one of the favorite nest materials of many demon ants.

The clay containing the magic power of the earth element not only makes them feel comfortable and safe, but also nourishes their bodies with magic power at all times, making them stronger.

"Here, you go in." Cloya put it over to the ant colony.

The workers of the Gray Demon Ants took the lead in entering and began to dig and eat the clay.

After working diligently and stealing food, they dug out a passage, transported their queen ant in, and then ran to the original nest to carry food and eggs.

They were busy, but they didn't feel any fatigue or slackness. The star spirit body was always orange-red, with joy and happiness.

Kloya didn't leave immediately. During this time, he kept watching the gray magic ants moving and busying themselves. He could feel the joy and... music from them.


He frowned.

Since he learned the magic of natural communication, he seemed to have reached some subtle resonance with the Orange Song. Anyway, he could hear the "music" of magic beasts, magic plants and even people.

This "music" refers to the sound of emotions.

When they are happy, sad, and in pain, there are different music echoing.

Just now, when he was riding on the explosive fire horse on the sea, he vaguely felt that the music of the gray magic ants was more obvious now.

After hearing these sounds, Kloya could clearly feel that the originally unclear and incomprehensible words on the second chapter of the Orange Song that he had memorized had some subtle changes.

It seemed that he could see clearly and understand the meaning.

He immediately realized: "This should be the practice method of the second chapter of the Orange Song."


Actually, it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

As a qualified bard, of course he has to accept the feedback from the audience. Perhaps these music sounds represent the response of life after being affected by his power.

It is obviously not okay to be happy by yourself.

In this way, the second chapter of Orange should involve emotions.

"I have to listen carefully."

After listening for a while, he found that the music of magic plants and monsters alone was probably not enough. If he wanted to truly understand the second chapter thoroughly, he might need to have more contact with humans.

Although the emotional sounds of monsters and magic plants are very pure, they are still too few.

The second chapter requires both quality and quantity.

"Well... humans." Kroya thought about it for a while, and immediately thought of how to get the emotional sounds of humans.

He has been struggling with the production of various special magic plants, and has not really applied magic plants to the farmers and free people in the territory.

So can we create some special magic plants that are beneficial to people's livelihood?

I have played so many simulation business games before, and one of the important items is to improve the attribute happiness of the residents in the territory, let them develop, and then continue to feedback various materials.

What he needs now is the sound of various emotions so that he can successfully learn the second chapter of the Orange Song.

In fact, in a sense, it should be the same.

As for what kind of magic plant to do, he also has a vague idea.

Fresh water.

A magic plant that converts sea water into fresh water.

Although there are many water sources on Hanjiao Island, fresh water resources are relatively abundant, but if they are really consumed, they are still very scarce.

Those springs, streams, and small lakes are far from meeting the needs of more people.

It is imperative to open up a new source of fresh water.

Nothing can make people living by the sea feel more joyful and happy than being able to take a bath every day and use fresh water at will.

However, considering some things, Kroya does not intend to do it directly. He plans to let the people on the island participate, so that they can better establish a sense of belonging.

Speaking of the kind of magic plant he intends to do, the source is still the booklet given by Orpheus Oak.

In that booklet, there is a special method for cultivating "sea salt stone flowers" - plant ordinary sea salt flowers in high-concentration salt water, and then use natural magic to help them grow. They will gradually absorb the salt and the surface will become salty. change.

Not only can it purify the salt in seawater, but it can also directly obtain salt, which is a way for the sea elves to obtain salt.

"It's completely feasible to kill two birds with one stone."

Thinking of this, he made a decision and planned to start immediately.

after a while.

The young adults who were still on the island were taken to the seaside by two knights, Art and Joshua.

There was obvious uneasiness in their eyes, and their bodies were shaking when they walked.

Although the lord has been here for a while, he has never given such an order. They are worried about what will happen.

"Sir, we have all been brought here."

Art walked up to Croya, who was sitting on the rocks at the beach, closing his eyes and concentrating, and said respectfully.


The mage wearing a blue robe opened his eyes.

He glanced around at the anxious people and used a loudspeaker: "I have a task to assign to you."

He held a piece of pale white algae in his hand and shook it, and the sound clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

"This is a sea stone flower. You should all know it. Now I need you to go to the sea to collect as many of these sea stone flowers as possible."

“Whoever collects the most will be able to use fresh water unscrupulously when I build the reservoir.

As long as it's not wasted, you can use it however you want. "

Saying this, he raised his foot and stepped lightly on the ground.

Obviously even when his feet landed on the ground, he didn't exert much force, but the ground immediately trembled, and the sand on the beach suddenly surged up, quickly forming a pool under the influence of magic.

It is twenty meters wide and about three meters high, and is extremely regular.

It doesn't look big, but in fact the ground has sunk to a depth of ten meters, leaving an inlet for seawater and an outlet for fresh water.

As long as you plant sea stones into a pond and then cultivate them into sea salt stones, they will gradually filter the salt in the seawater.

Finally, the seawater undergoes secondary filtration, sedimentation and disinfection, and it becomes fresh water that can be directly drank. He planned to use magic plants and magic beasts to complete all of this.

For example, what kind of elemental microorganisms, snails, algae, hydroponic plants... you can think of a lot if you just think about it.

If you give them some more engravings yourself, you will definitely be able to achieve it.

Doing this will cost a lot of energy and time in the early stage, and is far less quick and convenient than directly arranging the array.

But once his experiment is successful, this method and means can be applied no matter where it is.

Every mage can build a magic circle, but not many mages will study this special water purification method.

Maybe he will have more territory in the future, but he can't do everything himself. If he can leave a feasible method, it is obviously better than the magic circle.

After all, the magic circle... requires magic crystals, and there are quite a few magic crystals needed.

The magic crystals in this province still have to be saved.

The peasant servants and freedmen were stunned when they heard the lord's request.

Could it be that...the lord plans to build a reservoir for them? !

They thought they might be dreaming.

This is the Master Mage!

Will the mage pay attention to them?

Doubts, joy, uneasiness...all kinds of emotions echoed in their hearts, and they were keenly captured by Croya.

‘Sure enough, my guess was correct. ’

Croya felt the impact of these emotions on his magic power and nodded with satisfaction.

Although human emotions are not as pure as those of magic plants and monsters, they are really abundant and complex enough.

Moreover, he also found that he had to target his emotions in order for him to feel and understand the second chapter.

‘That means I really have to manage the territory well. ’

He thought for a while and decided to do it one by one.

Get this freshwater pool done first, then consider other things.

Anyway, it’s just that.

What about running water pipes, toilets, houses, smooth roads, sufficient food...

Let’s get these infrastructures in place first, and then worry about letting them help you farm.

‘Well, wait a minute, speaking of food, Poseidon Damai also has to worry about it. ’

He suddenly remembered something very important, and immediately ordered the knight to call Elena.

As early as when it rained heavily, he realized that there were many restrictions and inconveniences in growing Poseidon barley by the sea.

If you want to obtain stable income, you still need to plant inside the island, which is more convenient for harvesting and care.

As for the method, he has already thought of it.

It just depends on the actual effect.

Guys, the group is ready, you can come in and have some fun!

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