Chapter 99 99. Your "gift" is on the way

"Master Mage."

Elena came over quickly and saluted respectfully.

Kloya looked at the daughter of a farmer in coarse cloth and found that her complexion was much better than before, which was a huge change.

Both her complexion and temperament did not look like what a farmer's daughter on an island should have.

Is it the power of the Son of Harvest, or the power given to her to manage the farmers during this period?

After just a little guess, Croya asked: "How is the book I asked you to read?"

Anyway, they are all his subordinates, and it's good to get better and better.

As the Son of Harvest, they are of course instilled with the special ability of "knowing words". Otherwise, how can they be considered the "harvest" given by God if they can't even read the words?

Elena heard Croya's question and stretched out her hand.

In her palm, there was a light green magic ball beating, flashing with extremely abundant natural magic.

"Sir, do you think this control ability is okay?"

She was a little uneasy when she asked this question - she was following the book, but why is it different from what is written in the book?


If she hadn't heard that she really didn't understand, Kloya would have thought she was showing off.

This level of magic control ability is probably not even achieved by most first-level mages. Just based on this point, she can probably consider trying the entrance examination of the Mage Association.

You's only been a short time, and she can already control the magic stably in her palm. It's really hard to imagine what she can achieve in the future.

'It seems that it's right to give her the book on magic control. '

For such a capable person who can also do things for himself, Kloya's attitude was a little gentler, and he nodded and said: "Not bad."

"Since you can already control this kind of magic, then..."

He stood up: "Let's go, let's change the place to plant the Poseidon barley."

"Okay, sir." Elena followed behind Kloya. She didn't ask how to do it, just followed.

The two soon came to a place not far from the sea. This is a flat land, just flat, nothing special.

A vine had been waiting here long ago.

Its vine body is like emerald, about the thickness of an adult man's arm, and it shines with warm light in the sun.

This is the King of Wood Yao Teng. Today, it has actually been able to extend its body into the sea, and it is perfect as a "magic pipeline".

If the seawater brought in this way can be used to grow Poseidon barley, then Cloya will find a way to build a real pipeline to draw water.

Poseidon barley cannot be grown with dead water, and it needs living water all the time.

Cloya cast magic as usual, and soon made the ground concave, made a pit of about half an acre, and then ordered the King of Wood Yao Teng to pour water into it.

A trace of magic pattern appeared on the emerald green vine body.

Then, seawater immediately gushed out.

Soon the half-acre pit was filled.

At the same time, on the other side, at a lower position, the vines of the King of Wood Yao Teng were also absorbing seawater and sending the excess seawater back.

The two vines cooperated with each other, and with the terrain, they actually simulated the surging waves of the sea, and also had the ebb and flow of the tide.

Quite magical.

Seeing this, he waved his hand and ordered: "Plant the barley in."

Elena had some sea god barley seeds in her hand, and it was Kloya who nodded and allowed her to go to the warehouse to get them.

In theory, ordinary barley should be planted in the fields after seedlings.

But that is common sense. For the Sons of Harvest, they have a faster method.

After Elena agreed, she looked down at the barley seeds in her hand and said softly: "Grow up quickly, grow up quickly..."

When she said this, she also kissed the barley seeds in her hand, and the natural magic gathered in her palm and poured into the barley seeds.

They quickly broke out of their shells and sprouted, and soon grew into wheat seedlings.

The whole process took no more than three seconds, and the seedling raising process was directly omitted.

Then Elena entered the sea water and began to bend down to plant wheat seedlings. Her movements were skillful and gentle, and she would send a blessing to the wheat seedlings every time she planted them.

"May you grow strong..."

"I hope you are healthy."

"Grow up quickly."

Watching from the side, Cloya could feel her sincere wish for the wheat seedlings to grow strong. The magical thing was that this kind of emotion... he could also absorb it.

He found that this kind of emotion was extremely sincere and in large quantities, and it was the emotional sound of hope and blessing.

'Could this special person give me more and richer emotional sounds? ' He had a vague guess.

If this is really the case, can we find a few more sons of the harvest?

One can plant so much, if a group comes, then wouldn't we no longer have to worry about food?

To be honest, as his strength and foundation increase, he is no longer afraid of some things. Instead, he needed help that could help him develop as quickly as possible.

So, he asked directly: "Are there any other sons of the harvest like you?"

After hearing Croya's inquiry, Elena stiffened and looked at the Master Mage with an unbelievable look.


"Is there any?" Croya asked again.

"Yes!" Elena quickly replied: "I know there are a few people like me, and they live not far from Hanjiao Island.

But they..."

She hesitated again. Those people who were similar to her were all servants of another noble lord. Would telling them cause trouble to Lord Croya?

Croya said calmly: "Go ahead."

"...They are the servants of another baron lord, located on Black Rock Island not far from your territory."

"Black Rock Island?" Croya thought for a moment. That place seemed to be a little "better" than his place, of course it was better on the surface.

A baron... ha.

"They haven't revealed their identities yet."


"Okay, I will ask the knight to take you to bring them back after a while. Then you will teach them how to live on Hanjiao Island."

Since it's not exposed, it's easy to handle.

He just wanted a few farm servants. To be honest, farm servants were not considered human beings in the eyes of the nobles.

You even just need to come to the door and directly say that you want to buy some slaves. At the worst, you can get some magic creations.

Would such a small nobleman from the countryside still reject him?

Hearing Croya's calm voice, Elena felt certain in her heart. She quickly planted the remaining barley seedlings and left the sea to salute the former.

"Master Mage, I will definitely teach them well!"

"Yes." Croya waved his hand: "Remember to change your clothes before you go. If you go out, it will be on my behalf. Just ask Rob to find it for you."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Before leaving, he made one final statement: "Take good care of these Poseidon barley. If they can grow healthily, then continue to expand the planting area."

"Follow your orders!"

Elena bowed deeply, her expression changed from respect to piety.

What Croya didn’t know when he went to the Magic Field Grape Vine was:

At this moment, about dozens of kilometers away from Hanjiao Island, a car pulled by a wolf was heading towards his territory.

Sitting in the carriage was a fat businessman, Sesu, who had just been able to leave. He looked down at a letter sealed with fire paint and sighed softly.

"I didn't expect... Master Mage's potion to be so effective."

He recalled what happened in Bol County where he stayed temporarily while walking in the Northern Territory, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Although he was lucky enough to meet the young master of the Northern Territory Walking Family at that time, he was also involved in the escape of the Stardust Circus.

If the young master hadn't seen that the potion he brought was effective and gave him some protection, he would have died long ago.

When he thought of those crazy guys who were eroded by magic and looked like demons, he couldn't help but think of the always calm Master Croya.

The mage is always calm and unhurried.

If I could serve under him... would I have some ability to protect myself in this situation?

"……What am I thinking!"

As soon as this terrible thought arose, he shook his head and cut it off. Don't think too much about it.

His master is Baron Kemoyer. Unless the baron surrenders to Croya, if he dares to rebel, he will have no foothold in the Northern Territory.

Nobles hate disloyal people the most.

After burying this thought deeply in his heart, he put away the letter he had always carried with him, and couldn't help but glance at the person imprisoned in the corner of the carriage.

The latter had disheveled hair, was naked, and was bound by large and small chains. He looked completely dying.

But there was a long and narrow wound on his back, and what was flowing inside was almost solidified magic power, flowing slowly at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Sesu wrapped his little blanket tightly, shrank to the edge of the carriage, and muttered: "I don't know why Master Olivier gave him to the Master. Can this be considered a gift?"

He had seen this "man" go crazy with his own eyes.

That scene was really no different from a demon crawling out of hell.

So he really didn't understand why Olivier vowed that the Master Mage would like this gift, and also ordered him to bring back more potions.

He didn't understand it, but it didn't stop him from doing it.

In matters like this, he just had to be obedient.

"I hope I can get to Lord Croya soon..."

After taking one last look at the people imprisoned in the cage, the fat businessman hid in the corner of the carriage and was restless.

I was worried that I would kill this guy when he woke up.

QAQ, I’m really busy at the end of the month. I’m probably due for an update in the past two days. I’ve also seen everyone’s monthly tickets, there are a lot of them. So no matter whether it reaches 1,000 or not, I will update it more and make up for it during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday! Let everyone enjoy it!

I would like to thank everyone for your love!

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