Soon, Bai Yuan came to the corridor on the third floor. At this moment, the whole corridor was full of people, talking to each other, and basically they were all panicked. Although they were members of the intelligence class, they were naturally afraid when they saw the evil spirit killing people so close for the first time. "Damn it..." In front of the door of room 3024, Wang Li was angry, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. "Teacher Wang, what's wrong?" Bai Yuan easily pushed the crowd away with his own strength and came to the door of the room. At this moment, his expression was shocked, and his chest was warm again. The ghost is still inside? ! "I'm a step late..."

Wang Li sighed and pointed to the bathroom in the house.

Two men collapsed on the ground, no longer breathing, and their faces were full of horror and fear, as if they had seen some incredible horror before they died.

"No scars?"

Bai Yuan looked alert and came to the two bodies at the same time.

"They died of suffocation."

Wang Li said, "I came here as soon as I heard the noise, but unfortunately, it ran away."

"It... may still be there!"

Bai Yuan's words instantly made the crowd panic.

"Still there?!"

Wang Li was also shocked and looked around with a cold look.

"It may be spying on us in the dark..."

Bai Yuan touched the wall with his hand, and then looked at the whole room, trying to find traces of the supernatural.

But unfortunately, he found nothing.

I think Wang Li also searched for it, but he couldn't find a ghost like him, and Bai Yuan didn't have any effective way.

In fact, it is not easy to find the evil spirit unless it takes the initiative.

Unless there is an auxiliary ghost like the ghost eye.

"Sly thing!"

The warm feeling in Bai Yuan's chest still exists, but he can only let the ghost spy.

"Let's disperse today."

Wang Li shook his head and said, "Go back to your own room!"

The expressions of the people changed slightly. They still have to go back in this situation...

But Wang Li is the chief examiner of the exam, so they can only obey and return to their rooms one after another.

"What did they see..."

Bai Yuan took another look at the body, and then followed everyone away.

After this incident, everyone had a layer of haze in their hearts, and the fear in their hearts emerged uncontrollably.

Now, in the eyes of the evil spirits, they are all delicious food...

Of course, except for the sick Bai Yuan.

"What happened?"

When Qian Gang saw Bai Yuan coming back, he asked hurriedly.

"Two people died."

Bai Yuan said calmly, then returned to his bed and began to close his eyes and think.

"So soon? Two people died?!"

Qian Gang's mind trembled, and he instantly felt that this hotel was like an abyss that could eat people.

He swallowed his saliva, and then covered his whole body with a quilt...


Bai Yuan was speechless for a moment,

You are still worried that I will hold you back...

Soon, night fell, and a terrifying atmosphere seemed to descend with it...

In the entire hotel, as long as there are people in the room, the lights are all on without exception,

Obviously, everyone is scared to death. Although the light has no restraining effect on the evil spirits, it can at least dispel some of the fear in their hearts.

"Can we turn off the lights?"

Bai Yuan yawned, feeling a little sleepy.


Qian Gang's voice came from under the quilt, pretending to be vicious:

"I told you, you are not allowed to hold me back!"


Bai Yuan's eyes twitched, so it was this holding back...

He shook his head and closed his eyes, but didn't say much.

Although the light affected his sleep a little, he had a hunch that something would happen tonight, and turning on the light would make it easier for him to act.

Time passed by minute by minute,

There was no shouting in the entire hotel, which made everyone feel relieved,

And at about two o'clock in the morning,

Bai Yuan, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling,

Just now, he heard a noise coming from upstairs, not footsteps, but more like the sound of someone falling to the ground!

Although the noise was light,

Although his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people, his hearing was naturally quite abnormal.

In an instant, Bai Yuan, who had been still, suddenly rose up, like a whirlwind, and rushed out of the room at high speed.


Qian Gang, who was already in a light sleep, was startled. He didn't understand what was going on and could only whisper:

"Bai Yuan, are you still there?"

However, the whole room was quiet and there was no response.

This made Qian Gang's back cold. He could only shrink in the quilt and mutter in his heart:

"According to the rules of your underworld, you can't cross the line... You can't cross the line..."

At this moment,

Bai Yuan had come upstairs. There was no one in the deep corridor. Everything seemed quiet.

Although there was light, there was an inexplicable sense of terror...

Bai Yuan looked calm and smeared rooster blood on his hands.

Although his body's spirituality had been improved, the whole rooster blood might be superimposed to touch a higher level of evil spirits.

At this time, he looked calm and walked slowly towards room 3028.

"The door is open? Or am I a step too late?"

He looked at the empty room, and at the same time, his chest no longer felt warm.

This also means that the person is dead and the ghost has run away!

Bai Yuan walked straight to the bathroom inside, and indeed saw two bodies full of fear, lying crookedly on the ground.

"The same death..."

He checked the bodies, but did not leave in a hurry, but turned off the lights in the room.

At this moment, Room 3028 became pitch black, with only the deep moonlight shining in from the window.

"Can you lure it out?"

Logically speaking, he was alone now, and he was staying at the scene of the supernatural, so the ghost would target him...

In the cramped bathroom, two corpses with fear and unwillingness lay quietly, and the faint moonlight shone on their faces, looking pale.

Such a terrifying scene would probably scare ordinary people.

But Bai Yuan looked calm, just sitting next to the corpse, silently waiting for something.

For a long while,

There was still no warmth in his chest, which also proved that the evil ghost had not returned...


He sighed, knowing that he could not lure the evil ghost out.

"Teacher Wang!"

Bai Yuan did not wait in vain, but shouted loudly, breaking the silence of the night in an instant.

I thought Wang Li would arrive here soon.

Sure enough, as soon as Bai Yuan turned on the light in the room, Wang Li had already arrived at the door of the room.

It seems that he was patrolling all night as he said.

"Is there something wrong?!"

Wang Li looked at Bai Yuan in an instant, with an anxious look in his eyes.

Bai Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak, but pointed to the toilet.

Wang Li took a deep breath, had expected the result in his heart, and walked in with a heavy face.

At this time, with Bai Yuan's shouting just now, the people who were already in a state of fear woke up one after another, and then came to Room 3028 one after another.

They were afraid, but still came out, but not to catch ghosts, but because they were worried that they would be left alone...

After all, once everyone gathered together, people staying in the room would be more likely to become targets.

At this moment, the crowd panicked again, and screams of fear rang out:

"Hurry up, the two people in 3030 are dead too!"

"The people in 3029 are also dead..."

"Damn, what the hell is this place?! How could so many people suddenly die!"

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