The first time, the last time, the last time.

One after another, the shocking news appeared, which completely ignited the fear in people's hearts!

At this moment, everyone no longer had the test in their hearts, and they just wanted to leave this cannibalistic hotel.

"Be quiet!"

At this moment, Wang Li walked out of the toilet and shouted at the crowd.

But his majesty as an instructor was a little bit unable to calm everyone.

"Instructor, I want to quit!"

"Me too, whoever falls in love with this intelligence class can join!"

They can accept the death of people, but they can't accept so many people dying for no reason.

And it seems that Wang Li, as a ghost, has no ability to deal with this supernatural incident.

If they stay any longer, within three days, I'm afraid that hundreds of people will all die.

"Shut up!"

At this moment, Bai Yuan, who had been silent, shouted loudly.

But the crowd was not afraid of Wang Li, so they were not afraid of Bai Yuan as a student.

A man spitted and continued:

"Who the hell are you... ah..."

But before he finished speaking, his feet were actually in the air, and his face turned red, and he felt suffocated.

Bai Yuan actually grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up, and pressed him against the wall.

This scene shocked everyone instantly!

Damn, are you serious...

"Whoever talks again, I will beat him to death!"

Bai Yuan's eyes were faintly crazy, and everyone he saw couldn't help but lower their heads.

His body was not strong, but at this moment he brought everyone an unparalleled sense of oppression.

"What kind of student did I teach..."

Chen Qingli was also in the crowd, looking at the brutal Bai Yuan, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The rest of the people also felt cold in their hearts, and they instinctively complained:

Damn, there are evil spirits and mental patients, how can we live like this...

"Everyone stay where you are, I'll find a way."

Bai Yuan ignored the emotions of the crowd, but put the man down, and then said:

"Teacher Wang, don't worry, I have a way."

Wang Li, who was about to speak, narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak, wanting to see what the other party had in mind.

After speaking, Bai Yuan put his hands behind his back and began to walk back and forth, looking thoughtful.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they had to obey obediently due to the other party's force.

After a while,

Bai Yuan stopped, as if he had thought of a perfect way, and said:

"I have a way to save you, but before that, you have to pay the protection fee first!"


Everyone opened their mouths slightly, and they were quite excited when they heard the first half of the sentence,

but in the second half, you directly showed your true intentions?

At this time, you are still thinking about making money?

For a moment, they didn't know what to say...

Bai Yuan didn't care, but looked at Wang Li in front of him and said:

"Teacher Wang, you are the chief examiner here, how about you set an example for everyone?"


Wang Li was a little confused, pointed at himself and said:

"You want me to pay protection money?"

Not only him, but the others were the same, looking at him like a madman,

Isn't this crazy because of poverty?

How dare you collect protection money from the official ghosts? !

Bai Yuan raised his eyebrows and said:

"Is there a problem?"



Before Wang Li finished speaking, he was instantly knocked away by Bai Yuan's punch and hit the wall heavily.

At this moment, everyone's brains were completely short-circuited,

Damn, are you serious?

"This is the consequence of not paying protection fees!"

Bai Yuan's expression was calm, and he said:

"Teacher Wang, can you help me make a sample now?"


Wang Li was about to say yes, but Bai Yuan's body shot out and came to him in an instant,

"Dare to hesitate? It seems you are still unwilling!"

Bai Yuan's fists blasted out violently, and all blasted towards Wang Li's head, which can be said to be a direct killing blow!

"I don't want you @#&¥!"

At this time, Wang Li cursed in his heart, full of frustration and resentment,

Are you a psychopath...

From beginning to end, he didn't know what he did wrong...

"Are you cursing me in your heart?"

Bai Yuan licked his lips and blasted out more violently.

"Bai Yuan!"

At this time, Chen Qingli looked horrified and hurriedly stopped him:

"You know

What are you doing? ! "

"Teacher, there is no way, who told him not to pay the protection fee..."

Bai Yuan replied helplessly, while his hands did not stop moving at all.

"He is really crazy, a pure madman! "

Everyone kept thinking in their hearts, and they had never thought that such a scene would appear.

Soon, Wang Li seemed to become weaker and had no power to resist.


Bai Yuan punched his head directly into the wall with all his strength, and the whole corridor trembled.

Such a violent scene made everyone terrified.

What kind of humanoid monster is this...

"Why... why..."

Even after being beaten like this, Wang Li is still alive, and he keeps muttering in his mouth.

And this scene also shocked everyone's heart.

Is the ghost so rebellious...

Chen Qingli frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Even after being beaten like this, Wang Li did not use his companion ghost.

Either he really loves his students, or... he doesn't!

"Hmm? "

At this time, Bai Yuan seemed to have noticed something, and he retreated and distanced himself, and stopped bombarding.


Wang Li's head had already sunken and twisted, and the white and red things in his brain kept dripping out, but even so, he still didn't die.

Bai Yuan looked calm and responded lightly:

"I've already said that you didn't pay the protection fee. "

Hearing this, Wang Li finally lost his mind...

His face became hideous and terrifying, and instantly turned into a rotten corpse, with a look of resentment and frustration staring at Bai Yuan.

A chill swept across the corridor!

At this moment, everyone stepped back, their eyes full of fear, and some even screamed.

Seeing this scene, they finally understood that the real identity of Wang Li, who they had always thought of as their protector, was actually...

A ghost!

"Is it true..."

Bai Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no surprise in his heart.

Whether it was just entering the hotel or every time a murder occurred, he would feel warm in his chest,

And without exception, every time Wang Li was present!

And every dead person, in addition to extreme fear, was also extremely shocked before death, as if they had seen something incredible.

Is there anything more shocking and frightening than Wang Li being a ghost?

Of course, these two points are just speculations, and it cannot be concluded that Wang Li is a fierce ghost.

And just now, Bai Yuan paced back and forth, not thinking, but verifying.

Whenever he was away from Wang Li, the ghost face in his body had no reaction, but as long as he got close, he would feel warm.

How could such a coincidence happen?

On one side was Mr. Wang, the chief examiner, and on the other side was the ghost face who gave him medicine.

Bai Yuan always respected his teachers, so of course he decisively chose to believe... the latter!

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