I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 101.

"Olivia you're not young anymore, there's limited power improvement, focus on little Robin."

"She's still young, if you stick to your training, you should have enough self-preservation when you grow up even if I'm not by your side."

Carlos said as he reached out and ruffled the damp hair of little Robin who was rushing over to him.

Olivia didn't know what to say, she didn't even know how to repay such a heavy favor

A promise of love?

Olivia thought about it in the dead of night, but she didn't think it was a chance, not enough to repay her, and Carlos didn't think much of her as a broken woman, with a daughter so old.

Carlos's identity recently through the maid she completely clarified, much more terrifying than what she had learned before, thought it was one of the five godfathers of the West Sea, so young, but also very impressive.

I never thought it would be the only godfather of the West Sea, this young man, who looks less than twenty years old, has already unified the West Sea Mafia!

Carlos smiled and said something to little Robin, then looked at the sky, "There is a lot of excitement in the manor tonight, I will send someone to bring you something, so you can have some excitement inside yourselves."

"It's getting late, I'm leaving first, little Robin should listen to her mother oh."

"I know, big brother." Little Robin grinned, a sunny grin.

"Hahaha go, Olivia."

Carlos blurred and disappeared in an instant, Olivia looked a little stunned at where Carlos had disappeared, and felt something strange in her heart, but what exactly it was, she couldn't say

Carlos went directly outside the castle and called someone over to give orders that a share of what was due for the dinner would be delivered, so that the people in the castle could have their own fun, and a hundred men would be deployed to guard the surrounding area, so that not a bird could fly over unless it had a special ability.

The time after that, Carlos returned to the castle where he lived to close his eyes and rest until seven fifty, when he left to go to the main part of the dinner.

The dinner was grand, divided into one main venue and four smaller venues, four smaller venues surrounding the main venue.

Due to too many people, the main venue where the banquet was held was in the square of Lucifer Manor, with white and gold tables placed on all sides, filled with all kinds of food, mainly West Sea food, with some dishes from the East Sea, South Sea, North Sea, and Great Voyage.

The sky was full of stars, the moon was like a silver plate, the manor was brightly lit in various colors, a West Sea's top band was playing a light and melodious piece of music, with the main venue as the center, one could see a man dressed in formal attire not just a suit and a woman dressed in all kinds of dresses holding wine glasses in the five venues shuttle, with real or fake smiles on their faces, plus some well-dressed service staff, what a lively and busy look!

Once eight o'clock arrived, the music stopped, the lights dimmed and a few beams of light hit the center stage of the large venue, shining down on Carlos and drawing everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lucifer Manor for tonight's dinner."

"None of you are outsiders, and those who are able to come have various connections to the Black Alliance."

"Your arrival has made Lucifer Manor shine, and I have felt everyone's goodwill and city intent, and I hope our future cooperation will be even deeper, and we will all move towards a brighter tomorrow!"

"It's been a bit of a long day, so I'm a bit tired, and I'm not a long-winded person, so the speech is over."

"Ladies and gentlemen, get high and enjoy the evening's revelry!"

The microphone carried Carlos's voice throughout the venue, the music was loud and the cheers were loud, making the atmosphere of the venue even more exciting.

Carlos came down from the stage, a large group of women dressed in various colors of dresses, glowing, different temperament towards Carlos, mainly girls, but also some widowed young women, and some more open, not widowed mature women, at least more than thirty people, a warbler.

Around the stage, Carlos's men tried to stop them, but Carlos waved his hand and told them to back off.

What's going on? What are you doing?

The people underneath have no eyesight at all, what's this blocking, it's not a bunch of stinking men, he's fought so hard for so long, can't he enjoy the fruits of victory?

It doesn't have to be a multiplayer sport, just enjoy being winked at, complimented, pleasured, and licked in all kinds of positions by all kinds of women.

Whether it's licking the dog and licking the dog until you have nothing, or licking the dog and licking the dog until you have everything you need, whichever the outcome, the only thing you can be sure of is that it's great to be licked!

Carlos's woman on the scene is meat and potatoes, not to mention that Carlos does not have a girlfriend yet, much less a wife, and even if he did, I'm afraid there would be an unknown number of women climbing up.

The vanity of this thing, how to say, in fact, can not be considered wrong, no matter how men and women all aspire to a better life, as long as they do not hurt others, it does not matter, their own efforts can be.

For example, Carlos like this, he has no girlfriend, let alone a wife, so many women take the initiative to approach him, close to him, the purpose is naturally self-evident, is to climb the high branch!

Carlos wasn't bored either, especially with the single women among them, it was human nature to pursue stronger, richer, and more powerful men.

In fact, both animals and people, like the strong, not heard of like the weak, as long as do not hurt others, love vanity Carlos think nothing.

Chapter 110 - Stacy.

Carlos was surrounded by a group of warblers, all kinds of perfumes mixed together straight to the nose, one intentionally or unintentionally leaning towards Carlos, close always with words or actions to tease.

Alas this made Carlos feel too excellent trouble.

Carlos's current situation made the men present envious and jealous, but not ruthless, who called Carlos strength so strong, the power controlled in his hands so powerful, no matter which son of the family can not compare, even their elders, also have to stammer.

Although very troubled, Carlos is still patient to deal with, swimming among the flowers, there is no need to take the initiative to take advantage of anything, others will come to the door, not to occupy yet.

After so many years of hard work, it wouldn't hurt to relax and indulge, just don't indulge and be worn down by the tenderness.

The ladies' feet moved around Carlos, chatting away, Carlos came to an area where seats had been placed, this was for customers who had been standing for too long.

Carlos took a seat at random, legs crossed, a glass of red wine in his hand, and some of the women following him moved to sit next to Carlos, one closer than the other, fighting all sorts of open and covert battles to get even closer.

Carlos didn't care either way, because it was quite fun.

Behind Carlos was even more enjoyable, a young girl who moved quickly and took the seat next to Carlos began to feed Carlos fruit, peeling the skin and removing the seeds with her white, slender hands and bringing them to Carlos' mouth.

Although we are fighting in the open, but the most basic quality is still there, no cursing like a shrew cursing, not to mention the hands, almost just use the body to block a bit, topping a bit, talking some Yin and Yang just.

With the leading cast, Carlos was more relaxed, all kinds of food was being fed, wine didn't have to be held by itself, cigarettes were being put to mouths, lighters were being taken out to light them, and massages were being given, thumping of legs, the great among the great!

Carlos was having a great time and was indeed enjoying himself, but he wasn't getting carried away, nor was he losing his cool, the invisible color of seeing and hearing was all around him, and the movements of the women around him, lightly or darkly, were all within Carlos' grasp.

Carlos thought he was very good at staying alive, but didn't think he had any weaknesses, such as toxins that could affect him, that's why he turned on the color of sight to prevent someone from secretly poisoning him.

The food for the dinner party was the most important, no matter if it was homemade or purchased, it had to go through several rigorous tests before it was sent up, and it was mostly after it was sent up that something would go wrong.

In fact, even if he ate poisonous food, Carlos wasn't too weak, he had a perfect medical team and his own resistance was very strong, his special armed color hegemony could flow throughout his body, forcing the poison was not impossible to do.

To be honest, Carlos was wondering about finding a time to test his own resistance to poison, so he could have a number in mind.

Carlos lay on the chair, enjoying the cast, enjoying the touch of a soft hand, massage, smiling and chatting with the surrounding women, from time to time to tease a few words, immediately draw away the shy, infinitely coquettish, soul-stirring eyebrows, the woman being teased will also attract the white eyes of other women.


Carlos's eyebrows rose, his view was blocked by a large circle of women, but he saw an interesting woman coming towards him in the Seeing and Hearing color domination.

Women, well, they were all different sexes, and there were definitely more than just the women around him in the venue.

These women around him are all more vain, more active women or women who have a desire for him, anyway, all have a variety of purposes.

Some of the reserved women wanted to get to know Carlos though, they wouldn't come over so aggressively, the purpose was too obvious.

The woman who came towards him was a young girl look, wearing a white hat, a head of blonde hair, with features that gave a dignified and feminine feeling, wearing a white jacket that looked like a half-cloak, wearing a short orange-red skirt, revealing fair and slender thighs, stepping on black high heels, holding a small red bag, stepping with a unique aura, not a unique aura that ordinary women could have!

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