I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 102.

This woman Carlos had seen before, precisely the time of watching the anime in his previous life, in the Cake Island chapter, one of the kings of that dark world, known as the Queen of Pleasant Street, Stacy translation problems, there are other names, I prefer this name, this woman seems to be the world government CP0.

To be honest, her appearance nowadays is not too different from ten or twenty years later, her appearance can be said to have not changed much, and her dress is also, idiosyncratic, not wearing a dress.

In theory, a CP0 member like Stacy should be active in the New World, and then it should also mix with the Great Voyage ah, come to the West Sea, but also deliberately come to his territory why?

Carlos was somewhat curious as to what this woman's purpose was, and while he knew it was definitely related to him, the exact purpose was unknown.

But Carlos wasn't in a hurry, since the other party was here, sooner or later the purpose would reveal itself, and he had patience!

"Ladies, please move aside, I have business with Father Carlos." Stacy nodded towards Carlos with a smile, not missing a beat.

"By virtue of what? We were here first."

"And we have something."

"Exactly, exactly."

"This tactic is long overdue."


A group of women surrounding Carlos chattered, Are you kidding, is this something that can be easily let go?

Carlos held a cigarette in his mouth, shushing his eyes and looking at Stacy playfully, if this doesn't even pass, then he's not qualified to see him

No matter how powerful Stacy was now in the Great Voyage, in the New World, and no matter how much power he had in the World Government, this was Carlos' territory or home base, and if he wanted to go on the rampage, one Stacy alone might not be enough!

Stacy did not get angry at the sight of this, smiling slightly, her face showed a picture of a chutney, her hands trembled, and said in a delicate voice, "Sisters, people really have important matters to find Godfather Carlos, it's a matter of life and death for people, I still hope that you sisters will give a convenience."

In the middle of the conversation, a unique hypnotic technique had been performed, relying on the combination of eyes, expressions, voices, and movements, instantly confusing the women present, these women's faces all showed a sympathetic and distressed deep emotion, and couldn't help but make way for Stacy, making Stacy smoothly walk to Carlos.

"Hello Godfather!" Stacy smiled slightly, like a sunflower in the sun, very sunny, making people's hearts unconsciously generate good feelings, trust, recognition of this girl.

"Okay, don't use hypnosis in front of me, it won't work on me."

In terms of hypnosis, he, Carlos, was considered an expert, and this level of hypnosis was of no use to him at all.

Carlos finished taking a deep drag on his cigarette, which tugged so deep that half the cigarette was gone in one breath.

As Stacy was about to open her mouth to speak again, Carlos exhaled a straight mouthful of smoke that enveloped Stacy's face, making Stacy swallow back the words she wanted to say, her good-looking eyebrows furrowed slightly, and her mind seemed to be falling apart.

But Stacy was Stacy after all, and soon the frown loosened with a shallow smile on her face, worthy of being mixed into a pimp king, ahem, the Queen of Pleasant Street's woman!

Chapter 111 - Ambition to be King?

"Godfather, I have something important to discuss with you." Stacy steadied her mind and smiled slightly.

"You're looking for me to discuss?"

"Do you represent yourself or something?"

"You alone are not qualified to discuss with me?" Carlos pretended not to know Stacy's identity, holding a cigarette in his mouth, with a proud face.

Stacy's face remained unchanged, but in her heart she was cursing Carlos, a guy who didn't know the meaning of the word, if it wasn't for the orders from above, she would have come down hard.

"Of course the little woman is here to discuss with the godfather on behalf of someone else, what's the use of a weak woman representing herself?"

"On behalf of whom?"

"I hope the Godfather moves, this is not the place to talk about things."

Carlos' eyes glazed over at the words, his thoughts fizzled, it looked like this Stacy was here to talk to him on behalf of the world government.

Recruiting him?

If the conditions met his expectations, it wasn't that he couldn't agree to it, and with an official status, he wouldn't have to worry about being harassed by the navy when he went to sea.

"Yes, follow me."

Carlos got up and left, Stacy even followed, eventually arriving at a castle nearest to the venue, the entire Lucifer Manor was his territory, and not all the castles in it were occupied.

When he arrived in the castle's meeting room, there was naturally a maid who set up drinks, the reason for setting up drinks and no other drinks was because Carlos only wanted to drink at the moment, and into the countryside, Stacy could only drink, and if she didn't drink, there was nothing left to drink, that's how rude she was!

Waving his hand to let the waiter go down, Carlos leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed and a glass of red wine cradled in his hand, his expression somewhat flippant and hangdog, "Now can we talk, by the way haven't you asked for the lady's name?"

"The Godfather may call me Catherine." Stacy and Carlos sat opposite each other, slender white legs together tilted to the right, waist stopped, right hand cupping a glass of red wine, dignified, noble, elegant.


Holy shit Katherine, you're so bad, you little hoof, I didn't know I knew your real name, did I?

But it was normal to think about it, after all, it was a spy for CP0, so naturally, real names and such could not be revealed, at least not for the time being.

"This time, the little woman has come to issue a solemn invitation to the Godfather on behalf of the world government, hoping that the Godfather will lead the ministry to join the world government." Stacy was not grannyish and got straight to the point.

Carlos's face showed a hint of surprise at the right time and then restrained, rather playfully, "World government?"

"You can represent the world government? What evidence is there to prove it?"

"If we can't produce evidence of sufficient weight, I'm afraid Miss Catherine will have to stay tonight."

"I was thinking of engaging in a multi-sport tonight, Miss Catherine is certainly a very nice person far and away, beautiful in person and even more beautiful in temperament!"

If it was an ordinary woman, she might not be able to understand Carlos' meaning, but Stacy was a woman who would be known as the future procuress king and queen of Pleasant Street, and this level of dirty talk was not enough for her to understand.

So Stacy's anger surfaced on her face, and a wisp of killing intent radiated from her eyes, having lost count of how many years it had been since someone dared to talk to her like this?

"Yo, is Miss Kathryn trying to kill me with her eyes?"

Carlos raised an eyebrow, the dark eyes disappeared, the scarlet kaleidoscope writhe eyes emerged, patterned as a large four-cornered windmill, the eyes exuded a strange, evil, dark atmosphere, making Stacy's eyelids jump, an extremely bad premonition, how many spy-bred instincts, seeing and hearing color domination were frantically reminding her to leave this place immediately, or the consequences would be unpredictable!

"The Godfather misunderstood, people are just a little annoyed, who told the Godfather to be so disrespectful" Stacy gave Carlos a sanitary eye, misplaced Carlos' kaleidoscopic writing eye and her voice became a little whiny.

She couldn't leave, at least not now, she had to talk about it to get a result!


Carlos laughed, this Stacy looked youthful in age, but her actual age was almost Auntie's generation, and the whining was a bit too much to handle, it gave you goosebumps, even though the woman was considered beautiful.

"Okay, back to business, show proof that you are you, no, proof that you are the world government."

Hulking Stacy exhaled deeply, she felt like this was a really bad mission, she had thought it was a handful, but she had never expected to be put under more pressure than dealing with characters from the Great Voyage, or even the New World.

Stacy was on guard, seeing and smelling the color domination with all her might, just in case she got caught.

Stacy unzipped her pink bag and pulled out a piece and a phone bug from it, placing it on the coffee table and pushing it towards Carlos' place.

"Miss Catherine don't be so nervous, even the Seeing and Hearing color bullying is on, I'm not a demon, I won't eat Miss Catherine"

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