I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 103.

Streissi was in awe at the news, this Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony was not a power that anyone could know, let alone master, the four seas of the East Sea, West Sea, South Sea and North Sea, not to mention mastering the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony, the number of people who knew it was also very few.

This guy was even able to detect that she had used the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny, at least he should have mastered the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny, even stronger than her Tyranny!

How is that possible?

This person's background has been fully investigated, and it's hard to get into something as high-end as domination, let alone learn what secrets this guy is hiding that they don't already know?

Stacy's mind was in awe.

Carlos, however, didn't care about Stacy's reaction and picked up the piece on the table coffee table and read it.

It was a piece from the world government soliciting him, it had some conditions written on it, and to be honest the conditions were not bad, but it didn't meet his requirements.

As for the phone worm that was prepared for him to call Stacy's supervisor based on the phone number specifically recorded on the piece, this phone worm was very special and could only bind another phone worm, eavesdropping and what not, it was useless.

Carlos finished the tour of the pieces, casually placed the pieces on the coffee table, and drank red wine with a bland face.

When Stacy saw Carlos' appearance, his intuition told him that this mission might not be finished, and the other party's appetite was even bigger than he had imagined!

"The terms are good, but they don't meet my requirements, so I won't accept."

"Please tell your superiors, Miss Catherine, that I have no aversion to such things as joining the world government, but purely being a lackey, even if it gives me a higher position, more power, or more money, I don't care."

"Joining the world government, of course, and what I want is to join the world government as a nation."

"And the kind of country that can attend world conferences."

"Miss Catherine, see what I mean?" Carlos took out two cigarettes, one for himself, and tossed one to Stacy, speaking rather proudly.

"The Godfather can be so ambitious that he has aspirations to be king!"

At Carlos's words, Stacy was first stunned, then smiled and popped, the pink lighter rang, and lit the cigarette as well.

Pink pouches, pink lighters, this woman can be quite the pretender!

"Am I not worthy to be king?"

"In terms of power, how many countries in this world are stronger than mine?"

Chapter 112 - Don't Be a God!

Stacy sniffed, and also thought that Carlos' statement was not wrong, the unified mafia forces were indeed powerful, and countries of that level like the Magnetic Drum Kingdom were simply hanging on by a thread, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was indeed a medical power, but its military power was weak.

The countries in the world that could be stronger than the unified mafia under Carlos were basically world price powerhouses.

To be king was not incomprehensible or unacceptable, it was just that the world government people, including her, hadn't expected Carlos to look so far ahead, and the partners' status was naturally higher!

"The godfather is right, I already know the meaning, and I will convey the godfather's message when I get back." Stacy said with a slight smile.

"Ohhhh just relaying it properly is not enough, I also hope that Miss Catherine, no, Miss Stacy can give me a few nice words."

Carlos's lips curved up in a smile, and an incredibly subtle fluctuation flashed through his four-cornered Windmill Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye.

Other gods!

Stacy sniffed as if she hadn't heard Carlos call out his real name, and the smile on her face became respectful and reverent as she spoke, "Godfather, please rest assured that I will speak beautifully for the Godfather."

"The Godfather's purpose will definitely be accomplished!"

"Thank you then, when we get back, we'll keep in touch and find a way to pass on any important news we hear later."

"Godfather, where are we talking about?"

"Isn't that the way it should be?"

"I'm supposed to be loyal to the Godfather, the dark son of the Godfather who broke into the world government." Stacy's face was solemn.

"That's right, but I'm a bit out of line."

"It's getting late, so you should go back first."

"Yes, Godfather, Stacy takes her leave!"

After saying that, Stacy gathered up her things, she got up and bowed to Carlos, turned on these heels, and left with a slender figure.

Carlos watched Stacy leave with a smile on his face and a deep look in his eyes, the kaleidoscopic writhe in his eyes dissipating.

This time using a true Otherworldly God, silently modifying Stacy's will, was a smart choice by Carlos, and it was feared that there would be no chance to use a true Otherworldly God for the next few years, which was forever.

Originally this other god Carlos had prepared for others this time, he already had a target in mind, but Stacy's unexpected appearance in front of him made Carlos change his mind.

Stacy was a very capable person, not only a member of CP0, the highest spy agency of the world government, but also in the future mixed with one of the kings of the new world of darkness, the Queen of Pleasant Street, commonly known as the Pimp King!

How many poor, needy ladies under Stacy's control? There should be all types, even fae, it's exciting!

Of course that wasn't the main reason for Carlos to modify her will, after all, he wouldn't be short of women in his current position, mainly because of his previously stated status and abilities and strength!

The dark world kings of the new world, but also the dark world kings of the entire world, because the new world is the most chaotic, in this kind of fantasy world, the dark industries that can't see the light of day can only develop most vigorously, the so-called righteous navy and world government is difficult to combat, it is difficult to make the dark world kings hurt.

So the real big brothers of the dark world basically live in the New World, and as long as they don't mess with the overlords in the New World, other people can't do anything to them no matter they are black or white, and they live their lives so unrestrainedly and freely.

Stacy was able to become the king of the dark world with a woman's body and sit firmly, the ability, strength, and wrist are all needless to say, and will definitely bring him great help in the future!

Just being a core member of the world government's top spy agency, CP0, would bring Carlos countless useful information, top secret information that would make him deaf and blind!

It would be more useful to modify Stacy's will than to modify his original plan for the man!

What modifies the will of the Tritons?

Although the Sky Dragons were the so-called world nobles with lofty status, most of them were a bunch of rice worms who didn't care about anything but eating, drinking, and collecting slaves and whatnot.

This kind of Celestial Dragons had limited influence on the world government and were of little use.

But the risk is not small. The location of the actual power of the Celestial Dragons is definitely heavily guarded, with countless experts, and they don't know what cards they are hiding, so there is a risk of being discovered.

There was no need to take a risk, the world government was the only one besides Im, and those Establishment Celestial Dragons had influence, but it was limited.

As for modifying Im's will? Don't go looking for death, who knows how strong Imu is?

Carlos pondered for a long time, but decided not to aim so high, the Other God bug was a bug, but it wasn't invincible, it didn't work on everyone.

It didn't necessarily work for those who were highly powerful and incredibly determined.

His pupil power to use other gods and pull up influence can modify the will of most people, but not wirelessly, not if they're too much stronger than him.

It was modifying Stacy's will that Carlos took a risk, because he didn't know how strong Stacy was, even though his own seeing and hearing color domination told him that Stacy wasn't as strong as him, but willpower was something that wasn't quite accurate again.

Some weaklings had stronger wills than stronglings, and in this case, that meant strength.

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