I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 105.

Captain, navigator, cook, helmsman, shipwright, and ship's doctor.

Carlos considered these six positions to be the most essential, with combatants coming in second, after all, no one had ruled that these six positions couldn't have great combat power.

But specialized combatants were actually very important, barely an essential member of the group, what other archeologists, pianists, dancers or whatever were not essential professions.

Carlos asked everyone to gather together, not only to get to know each other, but also to ask what else they could do besides fighting, if they lacked the necessary positions, he could immediately arrange someone to find them.

Oh yeah, and he's going to build a boat, specifically one of his rides, no, on a boat!

Chapter 114 - Preparation

Carlos sat on the couch with his legs crossed at a leisurely pace and teased, "Mad Cowboy, looks like you've been having a good time lately, you look like you've put on a lot of weight?"

Olsen smiled a little silly and flatteringly in front of Carlos, the crazy and ferocious captain of the band of pirates under his command.

"It's all thanks to the care of the boss."

Carlos nodded, thinking that he was still quite sensible, then coughed and said squarely, "Calling you all here today, besides letting you all get to know each other and deepen your friendship, there is also business."

"I've unified the mafia in the West Sea, although I've taken some coincidences, but it's always made."

"I'm a little tired of staying in this West Sea and want to embark on a great voyage, so I'm calling you today to prepare for the official voyage."

"Tell us all, what else will you do besides fight."

"Don't ramble on about anything else, I'm asking about careers in sailing, like seafarer or something."

"I'll be the future cook on the ship." Kylie stood up, smiling, and falling flat on her face.

Kylie didn't have much to say, everyone actually knew and looked at Kylie with a smile on their face.

Carlos waved his hand and motioned for Kylie to sit down.

"I can do some boatsmithing, but I'm not proficient in it." Martin got up.

Carlos's eyes lit up at the news, finally a surprise, not proficient, it doesn't matter, you can learn.

"Martin is good, it doesn't matter if you're not proficient, you can learn, shipbuilding will take some time, it's enough."

"I will arrange to go down and have you taught by the best shipwright in the Western Sea."

Carlos smiled widely, happy that he had caught a strong man.

Martin's mouth twitched at the words, he was at least a famous and strong man in the Great Voyage, and had some subordinates in the Great Voyage, an existence that gave orders, and now he already had to do such things as repairing ships himself?

But there was no way, Carlos gave the word no room for him to refuse or his life would be in danger, so he had to nod his head in a sullen agreement.

Looking at Martin's face, Riley also had to step forward, he was afraid that he would hide his skills will be Martin and Doris who knew him well, and then at least he would be beaten up.

"I can steer a boat, and I can be a helmsman, and I'm not bad at it." The round Riley got up and opened his small eyes.

Carlos' eyes brightened again at the news, and grabbed another strong man who could have more of the highest necessary position to save him the trouble of looking around.

"It can be." Carlos looked at Riley with admiration, "But still, you need to learn, to make your skills more pure and reach the point of perfection."

Riley was startled at the words, he still hadn't escaped being an apprentice, he was good at sailing a ship alright, what about being able to blaze the first half of a great voyage!

"Anyone else?" Carlos looked to the three sitting on the couch eye to eye.

Doris, Olsen, and O'Neill all kept their mouths shut, but Doris had a torn look on her face that was not obvious, but was still noticed by the perceptive Carlos.

"Ahem, Doris don't you have anything you want to say to me?"

Being named, Doris squirmed in a rare way, "I can do some healing, but only to the extent of treating my own wounds."

"Eh then you'd better be your swordsman, healing is something that can't be tolerated half-heartedly."

Doris smiled happily on her warm face at the news, smiling and holding her sword Red Cherry sat down, she was glad that she didn't have to bother to learn medical arts, how good was it to have that time to use to practice her sword?

Martin and Riley enviously looked at Doris a glance, but did not say anything, the doctor and navigator is a ship's most indispensable position in the technical content of the profession, the half is not ambiguous.

A little bit of wrong medicine, a little bit of deviation from the direction, is a big deal.

As for Olson and O'Neill, the two reckless men, Carlos had no hope at all, but made up his mind that the dirty work on the ship would be given to them.

What did he Carlos do?

The captain, of course, who gives the orders, and the sniper, of course, who does two jobs for himself.

"I know there's some confusion in your minds, why do we have to do these things ourselves, can't we just arrange for the people down there?"

"But I'm going to go the elite route, the subordinates below have thought it over and decided to start the voyage without them."

"Their combat power is limited, the further they go behind the Great Voyage, the more they'll drag their feet, and when they're injured, dead, in conflict with others or whatever, it'll be troublesome to deal with."

"So, I plan to at least get a foothold in the Great Voyage before I send people back to transport troops to the Great Voyage."

"One step at a time to transport the troops to the New World, and only after they have a firm foothold in the New World will they send troops on a large scale, and then they will be useful."

"It's actually a process of training, the men are considered good in the West Sea, but still not as good as the Great Voyage, not to mention the pirates who survived the battles in the New World."

"So since we're going the elite route, we'll have to do some things ourselves."

"I've seen that we're still short of extremely crucial navigators and doctors."

"I plan to use the influence of the Black Alliance in the entire Western Sea to recruit them properly, and select the best among the best to see if there are any talents we fancy."

"If it's really not possible, we'll have to make do with it for the time being."

"But I really don't believe that I can't find outstanding navigators and ship doctors in this big West Sea."

"Alright, let's talk about this for today for now, do what you have to do."

Hearing Carlos's words, the crowd understood what Carlos was thinking, got up, saluted, and took their leave.

No one objected, and no one dared to object, since Carlos had said it, then the matter was settled.

This world's pirate band in various forms, for example, like the Big Mother Pirate King maintained by blood kinship, the White Beard Pirate Band is similar to the Big Mother Pirate Band also maintained by kinship, it is right to be White Beard's son.

However, although both are stained with the side of family, but no blood ties to the White Beard Bandits because of the White Beard but more harmonious, Auntie actually have as their son and daughter as a tool.

The Golden Lion Bandits are similar to the Hundred Beasts Bandits in that they rely on the strength of the captain, and the crew for the superior and inferior relationship, the partnership is very light, the captain is very dignified, and they hardly joke with each other.

The Roger Bandits, Redhead Bandits, and Straw Hat Bandits all rely on friendship to maintain, and the friendship between the captain and crew is deep, and the loyalty to the captain is not inferior to that of the bandits of blood kinship, and the atmosphere on board is also good.

The band of pirates that Carlos had formed was not really a band of pirates, it should be accurately called an adventuring group.

The seas were not the only activities of pirates, and pirates were not just anyone who wanted to be a pirate, do you call yourself a pirate is a pirate?

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