I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 106.

Did the Navy approve?

The Navy agrees that you're the pirate and you're the pirate!

Let's call what Carlos has assembled a band of pirates, and the way to maintain this band of pirates Carlos has taken is a mix of partners and hierarchy.

It's a bit quadratic and impure, but it can't be helped that everyone under his command is repressed except for Kylie.

Kylie actually smelled that repressed too, but much less so, and with the added time, Kylie was the closest of his crew to him.

Disposing of the crew, Carlos planned to deal with the ship, get up, and head off towards the shipyard, he was going to build a top of the line ship!

Chapter 115 - The Plunging Moon, Returning Man

The Black League had a number of shipyards in their hands, after all, this was a world dominated by the sea and land, and ships were the most important form of transportation, bar none.

Just after Carlos annexed the John family and the Charlie family, he had about ten shipyards of various sizes in his hands, which was one of the important sources of income for the climactic mafia families.

There was one large shipyard on Paradise Island, located next to the port on the north side of Paradise Island, which was quite spacious.

Carlos took people to the shipyard after leaving Lucifer Manor, and all the shipyard executives who got the news came out to greet them.

Carlos was happy to encourage them, this was his first official visit to the shipyard, so the reception was a bit more grand, and there was no need for such a large crowd later.

When he arrived at the office area of the shipyard, Carlos summoned the top shipwrights in the yard, ready to listen to their design plans, selecting the best from the best.

In fact, the shipyard had already gathered most of the core shipwrights in the shipyard he mastered.

Just this is not finished, Carlos conscripted the other families, that is, most of the shipwrights within the entire Black Alliance, leaving only the minimum requirements of the other shipyards to maintain operation, and then invited with a large sum of money, to hire, not belonging to the Black Alliance forces of the shipwrights.

The shipwrights within the shipyards had yet to arrive in full, and some were still on their way.

All in all, Carlos' goal was to gather most of the famous, top shipwrights in the Western Sea to work together to build a world class ship, the kind of ship that could sail in any sea of the world, the four seas, the great voyage, the new world, unbridled, a hundred no-holds-barred!

Carlos knew that the most famous shipwright in the world was Mr. Tom, who built the ship for Roger the Pirate King, and now this man should have been implicated by the world government and had been sentenced to death for the Sea Train, but was not killed immediately and was still surviving.

The day the Sea Train was completed was the day this legendary boat builder perished.

Honestly, there was no doubt about the quality of the ship if this one was hired to do the job, but Carlos was not a man who liked to owe people favors, and he didn't bother to go to the Capital of Seven Waters to abduct Tom.

The shipwrights of the West Sea were also very good, and even if one person was far inferior to Tom, he still didn't believe in group tactics and combining everyone's pearls of wisdom.

Carlos sat on the couch, surrounded by subordinates in black suits, maintaining silence, while the others waited quietly in another room, expecting Carlos to look at their designs.

Carlos crossed his legs, unhurriedly, one by one, flipping through about twenty-five copies of one shipwright's designs.

There were various styles of designs in these twenty-five copies, but none of these were particularly satisfying to Carlos.

But Carlos didn't blame these shipwrights, after all, he didn't make any specific requests, these shipwrights designed according to their own ideas, and it was quite difficult to be to his liking.

Carlos hadn't completely made up his mind about the specific style of the ship, he liked few but not many styles.

But it was time to decide on that one, and the shipwrights who hadn't arrived yet should be arriving soon as well.

After a moment's thought, and a bite, Carlos decided to use the route of the Phantom Yellow Fountain Wind, which made one cringe at the sight of the ship!

Of course, Carlos was referring to the exterior style, the inside didn't have to be that way, and the resting place was still going to be mainly cozy.

The name of the ship Carlos had thought of, it would be called the Stygian Moon.

Once the style was clear, Carlos called in all the shipwrights, communicating his views and requirements for the design, and passing it on to the shipwrights who had not yet arrived.

When he selected the most satisfactory design, all the talents worked together to build the boat in the shortest possible time.

All shipbuilding materials should be top-notch, and shipbuilding techniques should be as top-notch as possible, and money should not be a problem, just spend and be done with it!

When Carlos arrived at the shipyard, a wanderer from the West Sea had also returned home.

On the vast sea to the north of the West Sea, a not too small pirate ship was nonchalantly sailing on the ocean, and on the deck, four men were happily drinking, eating meat, talking and laughing loudly, with unbridled pride and freedom!

A man who looked to be about Carlos' age, wearing a straw hat, showing some red hair, a simple, chest-exposing white shirt, brown wide-mouthed pants, and a Western sword hanging from his waist, who was it that wasn't a red-haired Shanks?

The one to the left of the redhead was Jesus Boo, the father of the great god Usopp; on the right was the future vice captain of the red-haired pirate group, with an extremely high IQ and a strength even comparable to that of the redhead, Ben Beckman; opposite was a fat man wearing green and white striped T-sleeves, chubby and round, with red glasses, and it was Lakilu.

There were only four people on this ship for the time being, but the core of the red-haired pirate ship's core crew was complete.

It could be said that the four people on this ship were already enough to run roughshod over the Western Sea.

The purpose of the redhead's visit to the West Sea was simple: first, he wanted to visit his hometown; second, he wanted to recruit some trustworthy partners in his hometown.

After talking and laughing to their heart's content for a while, we got down to business.

"Hahahaha recently the West Sea but a lot of major events happened, the wind and clouds, the West Sea Mafia unification, the O'Hara incident, but unfortunately came back a little late, could not personally witness, some regret" red-haired Shanks fiercely filled a mouthful of wine big laugh, said regret face but nothing regret.

"It's always windy everywhere in this world, but the West Sea has been particularly lively lately."

"That man called Lucifer Carlos is very remarkable ah, I have a rough understanding of this man's experience, the rise is really fast." Ben Beckman with a cigar in his mouth, a slight smile, not slowing down, calm and relaxed, with a unique temperament, a unique power to calm the heart.

"Hey hey want some contact?" Jesus Boo grimaced.

"From what I've observed, I'm afraid this man is not one to stoop to the level of a man." Ben Beckman took a drag on his cigar, squinting through the smoke.

"Hmmm," Lakey Road gulped down a piece of chicken leg, "I think we can give it a go, even if we can't pull in our band of pirates, getting to know the man would be worth the trip."

"Hahaha I think Lu is right, besides how do we know the outcome for sure if we don't try?"

"It's decided, I'm going to get to know the man when I go back to my hometown."

"I don't know if the other guy will see us, after all, he is the godfather of the mafia that unified the Western Sea" the red-haired Shanks laughed, his open eyes full of openness, not caring much about whether he could see Carlos or not, just going there and doing the deed was enough.

"Well I think the other guy not seeing us is a huge loss for him"

"The Red-Haired Bandits will be famous!" Lakilu was righteous, and his words were full of confidence, in himself, in his team!


The crowd laughed in unison, not contradicting Lakewood, things on which Shanks, Ben Beckman, and Jesus Boo were more confident!

For what?

With their strength, even if it was just the four of them, the four of them didn't give a damn about the pirates of the Western Sea!

"Guys, full speed ahead!"


The crowd shouted in unison, and though there were only four of them, it was as if they had the strength of a thousand horses!

Chapter 116 - Red-Haired Shanks

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