I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 107.

A few days later, all the shipwrights who had gone to Paradise Island came together, and Carlos gathered all the shipwrights together for a meeting, and clearly stated his requirements, the dark and ghostly style on the outside, the understated and luxurious style on the inside, the strong and pliable hull, the minimum speed and the maximum speed, and so on.

At the end of the meeting, they drew some simple pictures, although they were not very detailed, they could still recognize the general influence.

These patterns were elements that Carlos wanted the shipwrights to incorporate.

After a few more days, one design was submitted to Carlos' office in Lucifer Manor, and one by one, they were reviewed and all fifty designs were looked over and considered before Carlos selected a design.

The oars that drew up the design were then brought in for some serious discussion, to improve a few things, before finalizing the design and starting construction.

Two mornings later, Carlos was taking care of business.

The Black Alliance had just been established, there were more things going on, it wasn't on the right track yet, quite a few things needed to be handled by Carlos personally, and today a matter reported from below caught Carlos' attention.

Usually matters were handled by the people below, and some matters only Carlos had the right to handle or authorize the Black Alliance Council to handle.

Because Carlos hasn't left the West Sea yet, the powerful strength and influence makes everyone in the Black Alliance don't dare to go against Carlos' will, so the center of the Black Alliance isn't Pluto Island yet, but the Paradise Island where Carlos is, and the facilities of Pluto Island haven't been built completely yet.

One of the things that Carlos had to deal with today was the issuance of a wanted notice, which belonged to the Black Alliance, and could also be called a hunting order.

As long as Carlos signed the piece that was reported, then as long as a member of the Black would be involved, providing all kinds of support to hunt down the person on the wanted list.

With the Black Alliance's current strength and influence to connect the black and white, once on the wanted list, except for a few islands that can hide their tracks, most of the islands will be tracked and reported once they set foot on the island, and then the pursuit will be incessant.

For issuing such a wanted poster, Carlos was always very cautious, and would personally send people down to find out the situation, so that the people below would not do anything wrong and use him as a knife to make enemies for him, once found to be false, the punishment is quite severe.

It wasn't often that a warrant was issued like this, but Carlos had encountered it a few times, and Carlos had only signed it twice.

Such things were rare, but they didn't get Carlos's attention, and what caught Carlos's attention today was the person below who had reported up to request the warrant.

Although the photo wasn't particularly clear, Carlos recognized the people in it, and the features were pretty distinct after all.

These were none other than Shanks, Ben Beckman, Jesus Boo, and Lakilu!

Can requesting an APB on these four people not get Carlos's attention?

Carlos' first reaction at the sight of the four men's pictures wasn't fear, but surprise.

He wasn't afraid of these four people, he wasn't a vegetarian, he and his crew were enough to deal with them.

Even if he couldn't handle them, he still had a way out. He was on good terms with the Golden Lion, so if he couldn't handle them, he could just ask the Golden Lion to support some experts.

After his intervention, the Golden Lion's legs didn't break, and he escaped in time to push into success. The remaining forces under his command didn't disperse, and were gathered together.

The New World currently has a lot of forces, the top one being the White Beard Bandits, which is unique and no other force can compare, after all, White Beard's forces are well preserved.

The first-rate forces were the Golden Lion, Hundred Beasts Kaido, Big Mom and a few other pirate groups.

So it was impossible to be afraid, and Carlos was surprised how the redhead had come to the West Sea to make waves.

According to the various traces in the original, the redhead should return to the West Sea only after achieving fame and success, was it because of the butterfly effect?

But this question, Carlos is just a random thought, it is not important, the important thing is how to deal with this matter.

To issue an APB or not?

Based on his understanding of Shanks and the others, they weren't people who caused trouble, Shanks' style of acting was quite influenced by Roger, and was usually very approachable and even a bit amusing at times.

It was unlikely that Shanks and the others would take the initiative against the Black Alliance, and Carlos was somewhat familiar with the virtues of the mafia families under his command.

Some families are indeed unpredictable, greedy and outlawed, just like the hoodlums.

It's mostly Shanks and the others who have come across any injustice and made a move, which fits their style.

The Red-Haired Bandits took the elite route, purely pursuing the quality of their crew, this band of pirates to the extreme was like the later Red-Haired Bandits, the Roger Bandits, their influence could be great, but their actual control over the territory was not strong.

The red-haired bandits have no weaknesses, and although they are still in their infancy at present, the core has been gathered, and it is impossible to fear the district mafia, even if the mafia is stronger today than it once was.

They are all alone, barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes, not to mention that they are looking at the new world, heart, vision, strength, for the West Sea in the wind and rain of the Mafia how could be unscrupulous?

Maybe Shanks and the others didn't even care about him!

Carlos pondered the psychology of Shanks and the others, and after thinking for a while, decided not to sign the warrant for now, he would go to meet Shanks and the others in person to see how deep the original Four Kings Bandits were nowadays

Either way Shanks and the others are slapping him in the face for doing this, and doing nothing in this time of the Black Alliance's infancy is a blow to his credibility!

So it must be something that has to be moved.

As for the family involved in this matter, it's better to go through the usual routine and find out how it should be handled according to the rules.

"Someone!" Carlos sat in the soft boss chair, put down the piece, and drank.


The door was pushed open, a face exquisite charming, body hot and voluptuous,, wearing a small black suit, white shirt, black skirt, black stockings, black high heels, a tall woman pushed the door, petite shouted, the voice makes people a little hot!

This was Carlos' specially selected secretary, well maid, selected from among the maids, and after careful training and induction, her abilities were not particularly outstanding, but she was qualified enough.

"Pass on my orders to have all the families affiliated to the Black Alliance, as well as related personnel, investigate these four people with all their might."

"I want to know their location in the shortest possible time." Carlos squared off, picking up the top piece of the office and handing it to his female secretary.

"Yes, Godfather!"

Receiving the pieces respectfully, the black silk secretary turned around, wiggled her rather shapely hips, stepped on her heels, and yadda yadda yadda left.

"Quite tasty, gotta eat before we leave the West Coast." Carlos said to himself with narrowed eyes, before ducking his head and going back to business.

Somewhere on an uninhabited island in the western part of the Western Sea, the four red-haired Shanks were having a small bonfire, drinking and eating meat and joking loudly, the atmosphere was so warm that they didn't seem to take the recent events to heart

Chapter 117 - The Official Meeting

Two days later, under the Black Alliance's powerful network of relationships in the Western Sea, the whereabouts of Shanks' group was finally detected and reported to Carlos as quickly as possible.

Shanks and his gang had already set foot on an island called Peach Blossom Island, which was naturally different from the other Peach Blossom Island.

This is a purely agricultural island with peach trees at its core. The island is not the territory of the Black Alliance, but the Black Alliance has connections on the island.

From the bottom of the report Shanks' gang to the current location of Shanks, Shanks' path of travel was towards the core of the Black Alliance, which was Carlos' paradise island.

This discovery made Carlos very upset, too arrogant, simply did not care about him

Carlos admits he's a little pissed off!

After taking a deep breath, Carlos called his secretary in, and the beautiful and enchanting secretary, who had heard the song and knew Ya-Yi, immediately squatted down when she saw Carlos's action, and waited for the fire to die down, told the secretary that he had to go out for a short while, after which he left without hesitation.

The target, Peach Blossom Island!

A quarter of an hour later, Carlos crossed the ocean and set foot on Myrtle Island.

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