I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 108.

Instead of rushing to find trouble with Shanks' gang, Carlos found a peach forest and sat down under a peach tree, sitting on the grass with his eyes closed, recovering the pupil power, stamina that had been expended during the period.

He was going to be in the best shape to take on Shanks' gang!

The reason why he didn't bring his own crew was that Carlos felt that he was extremely free to advance and retreat on his own.

He personally came to understand the depths of Shanks' gang, if a deadly feud was made, it would not be too late to bring someone else; if Shanks knew how to advance and retreat, then a fight would wipe out the previous small grudge.

Half a quarter of an hour later, his condition restored to its peak, Carlos stood up, his figure disappearing in an instant, a fallen patch of peach blossoms helping him to fly with the wind.

Peach blossom town is a small town on the peach blossom island, white walls and black tile two-story small mouth, blue slate streets, both sides of the street are also filled with peach trees, this is the peach blossom season, will the whole town are hidden in the peach blossom, beautiful, indifferent, leisurely!

Peach blossom town town entrance, Carlos wore a casual black and red shirt, with three buttons missing above to reveal a bronze, incredibly strong chest, wearing black slacks underneath and a pair of crocodile leather shoes, walked into this town.

The pedestrians on the streets of this small town are sparse, the pedestrians are not slow, there are also a lot of various shops on both sides of the street, mostly taverns, these taverns are also good business, walking down the street can smell a hint of wine fragrance.

Carlos's mind moved, and the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony surged towards the entire town like a wave, like a radar, scanning the entire town, and soon searched for four extremely powerful scents in a tavern in the northwest of the town.

As the breeze blew, a few pink peach blossoms danced on the street, and Carlos's figure disappeared again.

In the northwest corner of the town, there was an inconspicuous tavern that didn't even have a signboard of that kind, but the tavern's peach blossom wine was the most authentic and delicious, and usually only the locals knew the secret.

The tavern was small, but every seat inside was already filled with people, and the four Shanks were sitting around a table whispering and laughing.

The tavern in Peach Blossom Town was different from the usual taverns that were incredibly noisy, because the style of the entire town was light, laid back, and life was in a slow pace, so even the tavern was relatively quiet, and people generally had to keep their voices down as they talked.


The four people who were laughing stopped in unison, and they all felt the probe, and it was coming towards them.

"Here it comes!" Shanks whispered, making his eyes look towards the door of the tavern, and the other three looked towards the door as well.

Only in the next moment, a dashing and handsome young man who revealed a bit of authority walked into the tavern and gazed at them at the same time, the atmosphere of the tavern was instantly dull as if the air had frozen, and in the next moment, it returned to its original state.

The pupils of the four shrank, somewhat surprised, they hadn't expected at all that the person they wanted to meet would come to them in person, and so quickly!

"Give me a glass of the best peach ale you have here."

Carlos turned his head to ignore Shanks and his gang for the moment, pulling out a ten thousand berry note and slapping it casually on top of the counter with a smile and a kindly look at the aged looking old bartender in front of him.

"Okay, just a moment."

The old bartender had a smile on his face at the words, collected the money, turned around to pour the wine, and before long, a glass of about two-two green and green wine cups containing pink liquid was handed to Carlos.

Carlos took the tavern, sniffed gently, there was a faint floral fragrance, turned around with the glass to Shanks and his gang in a distant salute, drank the two-two peach wine in one gulp, then put the glass on the counter, turned around and left, walking out of the tavern.

The four Shanks, after Carlos had left, also drank the peach wine from their glasses in a row, got up and left the tavern, following Carlos until they left the town and came to the mountain where people were few and far between.

"Introduce yourself, Lucifer Carlos!" Carlos stopped and turned around, his eyes transformed into triangular scythe kaleidoscope writing eyes, staring at the four people and spoke softly.

The four knew when they saw Carlos' movements that they were not in good hands, but the four did not panic, they were confident in their own strength.

"You can call me Shanks!"

"Ben Beckman!"

"Hey my name is Jesus Boo!"

"Lakey Road!"

Peach Blossom Island is full of peach trees, accounting for eighty percent of the island's trees, five people are still in the peach forest, the mountain wind, the mountain wind, the petals dancing as if it was a peach blossom rain general

"Nice to meet all four of you."

"Especially Shanks, I hear you're a trainee crew member on the Pirate King Roger's ship."

"I've actually met you in Loguetown in the beginning."

"We used to be well off, but now we have a bit of a history."

"Though I don't know what my men did wrong to provoke you into action, but they were my men anyway."

"They will certainly be severely punished for not following the rules I have set, but you have slapped my face and swept me off my feet by taking personal action against him."

"Let me see your tactics today, together!" Carlos looked serious.

The four of them sniffed at the corners of their eyes, were they the kind of people who liked to gang up on people?

Also, this asshole is so patronizing, isn't he?

How dare you let them all on board together surely you're too short sighted to sit in the Western Sea and snail mail.

Seeing this, Laki Lu, a recent addition to the crew, wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks took a step forward and smiled slightly, "Even if we go together, we don't have a deep grudge, we won't bully the few with the many."

"I, Shanks, will be the one to bear the wrath of Your Excellency!"

As the words fell, Shanks' right eye suddenly widened, and an invisible wave erupted, surging wildly towards Carlos with an air of domination and crushing all!


Tyrannical Hegemony!

Carlos was impacted by the tyrannical color hegemony, a tyrannical special power acting in the depths of consciousness, with a vast momentum like a high mountain, like the sea, trying to suppress Carlos' waking consciousness.

The figure of Shanks in Carlos's eyes suddenly infinitely elevated into a giant, feet on the sea, head above the heavens, himself so small, so vulnerable to the depths of consciousness ringing faint persuasion, persuade him to close his eyes, so that nothing can be seen, he is still him!

That is, the so-called escape!

Chapter 118 - Carlos vs. Shanks (above)


Oh how could it be?

With this district's hegemonic dominance?

An overlord-colored bully of this intensity was not even close to shocking him!

Carlos's eyes widened and his body erupted, directly ignoring the impact of the Tyrant Color Tyranny and slowly spoke, "Is this the Tyrant Color Tyranny?"

"Not bad indeed, but not nearly as good!"

"Come more fiercely!"

Shanks eyebrows raised, unleashing an even more fierce, intense overlord-colored overlord energy that turned into an incessant, massive impact, the waves surging, the peach blossoms around them falling into streams of flowers rushing towards Carlos.

Carlos's pressure increased instantly, his brows furrowed as he watched the peach blossoms flying in the sky obscuring his vision, and with twice as much effort as usual, he raised his arm and blasted out, tearing the flying peach blossoms apart!

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