I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 109.

The first time he felt the power of the Overlord Colored Bully head-on, he really didn't feel quite comfortable with it, feeling his hands and feet were much heavier, as if he was in the mud.

But these difficulties were nothing to Carlos, don't look at all these years Carlos had been having a good time, but when he first came to this world, he had suffered a lot in order to establish himself.

Even after gaining a foothold, he had put in hard blood and sweat to get to where he was today, and he hadn't earned this strength for nothing, he wasn't bad when it came to perseverance either!

As long as the Tyrant Color Tyranny didn't instantly shock him into unconsciousness, then he couldn't do anything about it, maybe Shanks who became the Four Queens had that strength, but not today.

Carlos is like a reef in a stormy sea, seemingly heavy terrifying blows keep coming, but in reality it's just a surprise, just don't be afraid, face it head on, even more stable as a mountain!

Under the impact of this tyrannical dominance, Carlos felt as if something was sprouting in the depths of his consciousness, a whole new power was being birthed, like a seed buried in the land had sprouted and was trying to break out of the ground!

It made Carlos's mind happy, he wasn't a man of nothing, how could he not understand what this was?

It was his own dominating color domination!

Come, come, let the storm, nay, the tyrant-coloured onslaught come more fiercely!

Carlos's black hair flew, his shirt and pants were blown and shocked, roaring in his heart and praying in his heart.

But heaven forbid, Shanks saw unable to shock stun Carlos even put away the tyrant color dominance, making Carlos a little lost, not going up and down really a little hard.

The good news is that Carlos was tough-minded and quickly picked up the mood, the seeds had been revitalized, and sooner or later he would be able to break through the ground, and he had a way to speed up the process.

He also consulted the Golden Lion like the Golden Lion regarding the cultivation and opening of the Tyrant Color Hegemony.


Shanks drew the Western sword at his waist, the famous sword Griffin, the snowy blade reflected the dazzling coldness of the sun, the blade pointed at Carlos, "The man who can unify the Mafia and dominate the title of Godfather is truly extraordinary!"

"Come on, today, battle it out, those fellows of mine will never interfere in a battle between you and me!"

I don't believe you!

Carlos scribbled in his mind, he didn't believe that Shanks was in danger and Jesus Boo and the others were really doing nothing, and non-mainstream pirates weren't pirates anymore?

Mostly Jesus Boo would not hesitate to shoot himself, but interfering Carlos isn't afraid, he's confident enough to defend himself!

"Well, let's see how much the people on the Pirate King's ship are capable of!"

The words disappeared in an instant as Carlos's silhouette disappeared, and Shanks saw a sword slash to his left side, crashing into a red fist.


The fist and blade collided with the sound of the collision of gold and iron, sparks, a wave of gas spread towards the surrounding area, the surrounding peach trees tremble, peach blossoms fall down, what a beautiful scene!

Unfortunately, under the peach blossom rain it wasn't a couple with a flirtatious love interest, but two men, and two men with a big fight, for nothing such a nice view!

"I can't believe that you even learned the Armed Color Hegemony, and it's such a special Armed Color Hegemony."

"You don't look like someone from the West Sea, not many people on the great voyage can even master a kind of tyranny" Shanks was greatly surprised, the black ring of energy twisting between the palm of the sword griffin dyed the white shiny famous sword into a black, not pitch black, but bright black.

Carlos smiled, did not answer Shanks' question, his right hand turned into a fist into a claw, five fingers like a hook to snap Griffin, and his left hand turned into a fist into a palm, a seemingly flat slap to Shanks' chest!

Heartbreaking Palm!

Although Shanks was not very old, but the experience, the combat experience were not plain, his right hand used the word shock in the sword art, and his left fist covered armed color domination against Carlos's destroying palm.

Griffin's vibrations were so strong that they caused some gaps in Carlos' tightly closed claw clasps to show, allowing Shanks to draw his sword in time to easily resolve the crisis.

However, Shanks was still given a small swing by Carlos, fists and palms met, Carlos felt as if his power was blown into the air, but an incomparably strange and feminine force in the palm of his opponent's hand actually broke through the defense of dominance and drilled into his arm hand.

Battles in the Pirate King world were all straightforward, head-on clashes of power, masculine fist power prevailed, and only a very few people had mastered the subtleties of masculine and feminine.

The young Shanks is not yet in this case, this soft and strange force into the arm on the destruction, fortunately Shanks reacted quickly, busy mobilizing tyrannical strangulation, grinding, a little late, the whole arm is ruined.

But even if the reaction was fast, and Carlos shaded this one, it was not unharmed, the left arm was more or less damaged, a little stinging, using it less smoothly than usual.

Shanks toe a little ground, body back legs, griffin seem slow and fast paddle, two silver-white sword qi in the shape of a cross vastly cut to Carlos, sword qi where the peach blossom split in two, peach tree and peach blossom as fragile.

Carlos's figure moved, leaving a black and red trajectory in the air, under the dual perception of the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye and the Seeing Color Tyranny, seemingly dangerous, but actually more than capable of dodging the two crossed sword qi, a leg thrown down, carrying the sound of wind and thunder, before the move arrived, the force first, the strong wind pressure blew Shanks's full red hair into a wild dance.

Wind Lightning Kick!

Shanks face solemn, feet just landed, sensing Carlos attacking, immediately stomped on the earth, a muffled sound, cracks emerged, tearing several thick peach trees, the figure rushed to the sky, the black griffin cut into Carlos' legs

This was the benefit of the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony, if it wasn't for the perception of the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony, there would be no way for the ordinary naked eye alone to catch Carlos' movements, so Shanks would have to be passive on the ground instead of colliding with Carlos in the air.


The legs that wrapped around the armed colored domination and the sword collided in the air, erupting into a thunderous roar that spread throughout the entire island, causing everyone on the island to look over.

The violent air currents condensed into a round materialized balloon after erupting into a tearing storm, the invisible wind turned into a sharp knife cutting and tearing everything around, the peach tree was cut off into pieces, the peach blossoms were cut into pieces flying around, the earth was uprooted in the air and turned into pieces, the emergence of a crack in the earth!

"Hmmm this guy is a lot stronger than I thought," Lakilu tore his hand back, a chicken leg surfacing and somehow pulling it out of nowhere.

"This is just the beginning, the display of strength on both sides is just the tip of the iceberg, maybe he's a lot stronger than we thought he was!"

"Two kinds of domination aren't something anyone can master, you two have only been mastering it for a short while and the other's attainments are already no shallower than Shanks and I."

"And the other side mostly still has Devil Fruit abilities, so I'm afraid this will be a tough battle for Shanks!" Ben Beckman had a cigar in his right hand, his eyes were deep and calm and relaxed, but in reality there was a hint of concern.

Chapter 119 - Carlos vs. Shanks (Middle)


The air trembled, legs and swords met, sparks shot out in all directions, and a circle of pale white shockwaves spread in all directions as powerful forces collided, causing the earth beneath the two of them to tremble slightly!


Broken Finger!

Carlos flexed his fingers, a whitish finger strength cut through the air and shot straight at the top of Shanks' head, Shanks reacted quickly, head, body in mid-air forcefully twisted to avoid the strike, the finger strength landed on the ground, leaving a deep hole in the ground.

Shanks landed on the ground, making two trails several meters long, Carlos stepped on the air and rushed towards Shanks, the attack was swift and explosive, speed to the extreme, the naked eye, the four sides of the leg shadow pumped into Shanks, the air constantly sounded dull cracking sound.

Boom boom boom.

Shanks look solemn, see and hear the color domination to the extreme, the figure in place without ceasing to change, residual shadow shaking, silver-white sword light into a continuous sword screen, without ceasing to collide with the sky legs awake, a sound like thunderbomb

It's a contest between physical and swordsmanship, and between seeing and hearing colors, and armed color dominance!

The two of them had been transformed into a dangerous area, peach trees had been shattered, peach blossoms had been torn apart, the earth was densely cracked, there were countless holes, and as the two of them fought more and more violently, the mountains where they were trembled

"Ahahahaha pain, pain, this is the most painful fight I've ever had!" Carlos looked up to the sky and laughed.

Shanks was worthy of being Shanks, not only was he able to defend down under his stormy like attack, he was also able to seize the fleeting opportunity to counterattack such a battle was not only painful, it was also extremely beneficial to improving his strength.

"Hahaha For me, it's also an extremely rare battle, I never thought there would be an expert like you in the Four Seas."

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