I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 110


Shanks was equally beaming, and afterwards, with a flash, he charged at Carlos, the sword swirling on Griffin, extremely sharp!

"Come on, I'm going to get totally serious!"

A bloodbath!

The special red hegemony stored in Carlos's body spurted out in large quantities, and because the quantity was so great that it looked like blood, his whole body was covered with blood-red hegemony, and the blood-red hegemony contracted and transformed on his skin, and finally turned into a special blood-colored line, which split into two bifurcations from his eyebrows and ended at the soles of his feet, looking mysterious and strange!


Carlos raised his right arm to block Shanks' chop, and a clear, distant sound of gold and iron rang out

What a strong defense!

Shanks looked at the fact that his winding domineering blade couldn't even break his opponent's defense, and there wasn't even a white mark on his arm, and sighed inwardly.

But this was all a momentary thought, Shanks saw that a sword couldn't be broken, so he increased the output of his armed colored domineering energy, and cut down Carlos one sword after another in a continuous stream!

The Bloodbath Battle Body was made from Carlos' use of the Golden Bell Mask as a base, blending Armed Colored Tyranny and some secret techniques, once used for defense, the recovery would be much improved, and there were some other improvements as well.

Carlos wouldn't stand still and let Shanks chop, although his defense, even nowadays, wasn't something that could be broken in a short while, but Shanks' chopping was not to be underestimated, and the defense couldn't be broken, but it was still quite painful.

Although he wouldn't let Shanks behead him, Carlos' fighting method was much more rugged and bold, less defensive, dodging, taking an injury for an injury, life for a life, and his defense was stronger than Shanks' anyway.

For a while, Shanks was hamstrung by Carlos' fighting style, falling into a downward spiral, retreating steadily, only able to defend himself as if he would be defeated at any moment!

"Oh no, the captain has been completely overpowered." Lakilu's fat face was full of surprise, and the chicken leg in his hand was no longer fragrant.

Jesus Boo, Ben Beckman looked rather glum, but not alarmed.

"Lu, don't worry, you haven't seen the really powerful place on the ship, being suppressed for a moment is nothing" Ben Beckman stared at the battlefield.

"That's right, what the captain is best at is not seeing and hearing color, not armed color, not even swordplay, but tyrannical dominance, and that initial degree is nothing" Jesus Boo also spoke up.

But the two of them said that, but the worry in their hearts did not diminish, Shanks had a card to play, didn't the other side have a card to play?

It's hard to predict the outcome of this fight.

Carlos transforms into a killing machine, cascading punches, kicks and elbows, shifting and blasting towards Shanks, making the pressure on Shanks immense!

This was the one person among his peers who gave him the most pressure, strength, speed, defense, and agility were all lacking!

A punch, a kick, a move can not be despised, take a hit, even if armed color tyranny protection, flesh strong he is also extremely difficult to suffer, and this is not avoidable, the other party's playing style is to rely on defense, recovery, hard hit, over time, he also inevitably injured.

It must be known that he was disciplined by the pirate king Roger, guided by the underworld king Riley and others, none of them were experts, he would be a lot of things, and very balanced, only the tyrant color bullying because especially talented, especially outstanding!

Fist qi, leg shadows, finger strength, palm shadows, claw mane, sword qi flew, the powerful forces kept clashing, causing the small mountain full of peach trees on Peach Blossom Island to be destroyed, the entire mountain was shaking, it looked like it wouldn't be long before it would fall apart.

Buzz buzz buzz.

After being pressured for so long, Shanks finally couldn't hold back the fire in his heart and used his cards, his attainments in the Tyrant Color Tyranny exploded out without reservation, much more terrifying than the initial Tyrant Color Tyranny.

With Shanks as the center, a transparent circle of ripples spread out in all directions, the ripples seemed fragile but were actually terrifying, physical damage mixed with mental shock, countless cracks surfaced on the small hill that was destroyed by the two, tree limbs and rocks shattered!

The sky was filled with wind, dark clouds, silver-white thunder snakes swimming in the clouds as if they were trying to break through the clouds, the rain was pouring down, and the sky around the hill changed dramatically for ten miles!


Too close and sudden, Carlos grunted as the sudden burst of tyrant-colored dominance caught him off guard and subconsciously backed away.

Although the shock didn't stun him, it made his chest a little stuffy, and his reactions slowed down a little, as if he had been up all night, and he was a little listless

Carlos understood that this was Shanks' powerful Tyrant Color Hegemony suppressing him and giving him a debuff.

Carlos hadn't expected that Shanks' true attainments of Hegemonic Hegemony had reached such a level, not only to the point of interfering with matter, but also to the point of touching the heavens!

Shanks can be said to have inherited the strongest skills of the pirate king Roger, once legendary sea pirates, each is the most good at their own things, Roger this pirate king is the most good at the peak, the unpredictable tyrannical color tyranny, Shanks now has so sub a taste.


Cracking sounds rang out, Shanks aimed a simple forceful strike at Carlos, a silver-white sword qi broke through the air, within the range of the overlord-colored overlord qi, the sword qi had to increase by one point for every point it advanced, by the time it cut into Carlos it was already extremely exaggerated, the entire hill was sliced hard!

Carlos smacked the corner of his mouth, feeling this level of tyrannical dominance, a debuff to the enemy and a buff to himself, what a very powerful tactic!

Chapter 120 - Carlos vs. Shanks (below)

Carlos breathed a long sigh of relief and disarmed his Bloodbath Body, the following battle wasn't one that his physical arts could handle.

The triangular sickle kaleidoscope eyes of his eyes moved, and Carlos instantly shifted his real body into the divine power space, leaving a phantom in the real space, using the ability to vanish, and opening his arms wide as if welcoming a lover, no, a beloved.

Shanks paled, he had no intention of taking out Carlos, but the sword was close enough that there was no room for him to stop.

The faces of the three men of Jesus Boo also changed, not that they were worried about Carlos being killed, but they were amazed at how quickly the battle was changing

The fierce and sharp sword qi cut through the center of Carlos's body, the imaginary being cut in half, the bloody side of blood and guts scattered did not appear, the sword qi seemed to pass through the air, cutting through the hill, cutting through the sky, cutting the whole hill in half, leaving a silvery white trajectory in the sky.

"This" Shanks eyebrows raised, amazed, his Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny clearly felt Carlos' breath, and the sword qi just went through?

"Spatial abilities? Is that his demon fruit power?" Ben Beckman nearly bit off the cigar in his mouth in amazement.

Jesusb, Lakilu and the two men also stared at the unharmed figure on the hill


After dodging the sword qi, Carlos' left eye popped open, his pupil power surged wildly, and he immediately backhanded a hard one!


Shanks eyebrows jumped straight, seeing and hearing the color domination gave him a crazy warning, without hesitation Shanks jumped directly to the left, wanting to leave his original position.

If it wasn't for Shanks' timely reaction, the space vortex would have appeared at the position of Shanks' neck.

Although he had avoided the most dangerous moment but Shanks' crisis had not been lifted yet, the reverse twisted space vortex was tearing at Shanks' body, trying to pull Shanks' body into the violent, tearing and twisting space vortex.

From the outside, Shanks' body all looked as if it was twisted, looking extremely terrifying!

Ben Beckman, Jesus cloth, Lakilu three people watching the battle from a distance, the color suddenly changed, this battle changed too quickly, worried under did not think too much this is a single fight, have hands quickly rushed towards the battlefield.

Shanks all goosebumps, this was definitely the biggest crisis he had lived for so many years, he was really feeling the danger of death, good thing he wasn't helpless!

Shanks was busy tyrannically shrinking the sphere of influence extremely fast, controlling the sphere of influence to about three feet around his own body, affecting the ripping force of the spatial vortex, and then exploding all of his physical strength in an instant to break away from the ripping force of the spatial vortex.

"Hahahaha what a worthy Shanks!"

Carlos saw the move being survived by Shanks with great laughter and stopped his pupil output, dispersing the twisted space vortex, laughter tearing through the curtain of rain and masking the sound of rain

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