I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 111

"That was close, almost finished." Shanks face, and body was full of rain, but he was laughing.

Carlos didn't stop the rain from falling on him, the wind was gusting on the hill and the rain was beating down on him, wetting his hair, his clothes, his body.

Carlos, however, did not mind in the least, he liked the rain, and turned his head to look with his scarlet kaleidoscope writing eyes at the three men of Jesus cloth who stepped onto the hill and did not say anything.

The three were embarrassed to be looked at like that but it was not a glamorous thing for them to do, though there was nothing wrong with what they did, after all, they couldn't just stand by and see their captain in danger.

"His Excellency Shanks' tyrannical dominance is truly an eye-opener, and it looks like this is His Excellency Shanks' card."

"I can't help it, I can only use my bottom card."

"If both sides can't split up after playing their bottom cards, how about ending it here?"

Carlos said his pupil power surged, green-blue energy surging into almost materialized bones to keep the storm of rain out, took a white tipped cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, taking a deep drag.

"Just what I need,"

"We're not exactly enemies, at most we have some conflicts."

"It's best to stop at the right time, I'm afraid this island will be completely destroyed if we really fight regardless." Shanks nodded and squared off.

"Good, I'll also let Your Excellency see what I have to offer!"

Suddenly, he's in his entire body!

The bones, meridians, muscles, skin, armor, and wings were rapidly condensed, and in the blink of an eye, the complete body of Soso Noh condensed, which was 20 to 30 meters taller than a small mountain, and roughly estimated at 120 meters.

The strength of Susa Noh was not a fixed number, but the stronger the pupil power, the higher and stronger Susa Noh was!

Carlos stood in the pentagonal control room of the brow of the complete body Susanohu, clenched his fists, this power is incredibly mesmerizing, both hands reached to the bottom of the closed wings a draw, two large blue and blue taijutsu drawn out, a casual swing, the blade sliced through the small mountain, would have been cut in half easily split, the horror of the power of the heart, the ease of this casual strike ah

Shanks and the others stared dumbly at this figure taller than a mountain, domineering, ruthless, overpowering, full of oppression, eyes filled with wonder as well as scorn, but no fear!

This mountainous figure even more attracted the attention of everyone in Peach Blossom Island, everyone shocked, terrified, and fearful looking at that demon-like figure!

What is this thing?


Shanks laughed loudly, his overbearing king-colored domination constantly released, the battle intent in his heart rose like never before, the winds became more violent, the rain more dense, the clouds more profound, the thunder more coarse, the hills trembled incomparably, and the stones jumped a foot high.

This small square of heaven and earth was influenced by the Shanks Tyrannical Tyranny, and there was a hidden feeling that it moved with Carlos' will

Carlos was aware of this feeling, of his own tyrannical overlordship being affected, taking root and breaking ground at a rapid pace.

What else could be said?

Worthy of being one of the original four kings, each with their own special skills, Shanks didn't eat the Devil's Fruit, relying on swordplay and an even more unparalleled tyrannical dominance!

After Roger's passing, perhaps the world's hegemonic attainment is the red-haired Shanks.

Talent, instruction, and one's own field of endeavor are all missing!

Carlos's battle intent was also incredibly strong, and he took the lead, holding both swords and slashing at Shanks.

Shanks wisely chose not to take the blow from the complete body of Sounenouki, although it was not impossible to take it, it was undoubtedly very exhausting.

When fighting someone who was evenly matched, one had to pay attention to details.

Shanks shifted, dodging the attack that sliced through the mountain, being in mid-air, a sword ripped through the air, silvery-white sword-qi breaking through the air, expanding at great speed, the sword-qi not much shorter than Suginoh.

A terrifying shock wave spread in all directions, the hill collapsed, the dark clouds in the sky were washed away, the storm stopped for a few breaths, and the entire Taohua Island was shaking slightly!

If Carlos hadn't chosen the edge of Peach Blossom Island for the battle, and inside Peach Blossom Island, Peach Blossom Town would have been completely destroyed and countless people would have been killed or injured.

Chapter 121 - Carlos vs. Shanks (End)

Eight feet of jade!

The green-blue taijutsu in his left hand suddenly disintegrated into a large amount of green-blue energy, which turned into three green-blue hook jades in the palm of Susano Noh's left hand, and with a flick of his left hand, the three hook jades connected at the beginning and end and flew towards Shanks.

Shanks figure to the right, dodging the jade bombardment, the three jade landed on the beach and exploded, red flames rose in the sky, violent hot shock waves will be the beach cliff collapse, the beach trees were ignited to cause fire, the sea waves push back, white fog dense.

Shanks dodged the eight-foot Joan of Arc bombardment, Griffin slashed at Sousa Noh's leg, and a sharp silvery-white katana tore through the darkness with razor-sharp intent, cutting through every obstacle in its path!

Carlos' eyes and ears took in all the details of the battlefield in his mind, and his pupils surged, maneuvering Susano Noh with a slight jump to dodge the flying swordsmanship, which was so sharp that it sliced through several mountains.


Being in mid-air, the wings behind Susano Noh spread out and a triangular scythe shaped giant hand sword floated in his left hand, and with a flick of his left hand, the giant hand sword shot across the void towards Shanks.

Shin Megami Tensei's hand sword!

Sensing the flying hand sword, that incomparably dangerous feeling surfaced in his heart again, Shanks looked awe-inspiring, not daring to let the hand sword get close to him, the overlord-colored overlord impact rushed towards the hand sword in waves after waves, Griffin stroked, and another sword qi flew out.

The materialized impact from that Tyrant Color Hegemony had little effect on the Mighty Hand Sword, mainly because the sword qi blocked the flight of the Mighty Hand Sword.

Shanks handled it well, facing Carlos's move of the Mighty Hand Sword, he could only block or dodge it remotely, a head-on confrontation wouldn't work, that spatial vortex would swallow everything.

The sharp sword qi collided with the mighty hand sword, no earth-shattering explosions sounded, the moment it collided, the mighty hand sword turned into a spatial vortex that churned everything up and annihilated the sharp silver-white sword qi!

Both of them were breathing heavily, with a hint of exhaustion on their faces, and for Carlos, this full-bodied Sousa Noh was just too taxing on his pupils.

For Shanks, the full outburst of Tyrant Color Tyranny was also very consuming, and it wouldn't last too long.

"Sir Carlos, how about the last move?"

"We don't have to fight to the end" Shanks shouted looking up at Carlos who was flying in the sky, located at the brow of that sky giant.

"Yes we do!" Carlos didn't hesitate to reply, and he didn't want to fight the redheaded Shanks, at least not at the moment.

"Well then, Your Excellency be careful!"

"Let the horses come!"

Shanks took a deep breath at the words, and looked solemn, constantly outwardly influencing the surrounding space, the tyrannical color tyranny contracted, contracted to the point of only covering the heavenly Sousa Noh, full of sword intent rushed to the sky, the remnants of the armed color tyranny unceasingly infused on top of the Griffin, sword qi swallowed, fiercely towards the sky Sousa Noh a cut, a horsepower that can illuminate the dim sky emerged, sharp and dazzlingly radiant!

Susa can be awesome!

Carlos didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, if this sword was solidly struck, even if it wasn't split in half, it would scrap the Complete Body Sounenoh, and he wouldn't be able to use it again today.

Carlos gripped the big green-blue taijutsu with both hands, the triangular scythe of his eyes spinning rapidly, fortunately his eyes weren't really kaleidoscopic writhe eyes, otherwise he would be severely nearsighted this time even if he wasn't blind.

The ability of the eyes increased through Sugenori's eyes, adding to the large blue and blue taijutsu held by Sugenori, and a slash was made, seemingly the same as the previous slash.

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