I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 116.

The sun was setting on the sea, and the sky and the sea were a fiery red, and Kaido was tortured by embers all afternoon.

In fact, in the vision of the white eyes, all the body surfaces of the Hundred Beasts Kaido were spontaneously and rapidly repairing the injuries within their bodies, and the various injuries were recovering rapidly!

Carlos felt very weird and mysterious, it was not reasonable for the Navy, or anyone inside the Propulsion City prison to give Kaido anything to eat, without any energy intake, and recover from his injuries so quickly.

After an afternoon of torment, the embers and the others were a little tired, so they ordered many of the soldiers to carry the Hundred Beasts of Kaido to a special prison for strict guarding, and to continue the torture tomorrow!

The embers, the warden, clearly hadn't had enough and would continue to play tomorrow, tossing and turning, but someone else was the boss, so what else could he do?

If you still want to hang around, just execute it.

When he saw the Hundred Beasts Kaido here, Carlos felt that he should change his mind, not to be so simple and rude and just take Rain Hiei away, otherwise there would be trouble later on

It's best to follow him after Yuu no Hikaru voluntarily resigns, and to convince Yuu no Hikaru to voluntarily resign, then you'll need a little help.

The embers, the big brother is here, rain no hijuku have been quite happy, for the work is quite motivated.

It will take until after the embers leave and Magellan succeeds in his ascension to the throne for the hard times to begin for Yu no Higuiru.

As long as the embers left, it would be much simpler to fool away Rain's Hiryu, as a battle force that Carlos valued very highly, Carlos didn't want to completely overwhelm it with force.

If his method didn't make the embers leave, then he couldn't care less, he couldn't go there for nothing, he would spend more time to train them later.

If he was right, embers most likely left during the Golden Lion's prison break in the original, and Carlos also wanted to create chaos, have a Kaido escape, and add some more tactics to see if he could pull it off.

Chapter 126 - Pandemonium in Propulsion City (above)

Kaido is a hobbit that can't be killed, and will cause trouble no matter where he's locked up, making the Navy very anxious about how to deal with Kaido, and detaining him in Propulsion City isn't just once or twice, but each time he has to be released to go back to the New World.

The reason for not directly put back, in addition to the navy's authority, detention in the propulsion city put back, than directly put back, than directly put back, Kaido will not often come to the navy's trouble.

There are many strong men in the navy who can hang Kaido now, but no one who can kill him yet, so much trouble!

After secretly observing where Kaido was being held, Carlos returned to the Divine Might space for dinner, disguised himself, and waited quietly for the late night.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Carlos used his divine might to sneak silently into a special huge cell on the fourth level of the burning hell.

It wasn't that these soldiers were very dedicated and didn't intend to doze off at all, but the sound of the Hundred Beasts Kaido snoring was too loud, like muffled thunder, it was impossible to sleep, the noise was just too serious.

Carlos wore a spiral mask and changed into a red cloud suit with a black background, standing in front of Kaido without a sound.

The moment Carlos stepped out of the spatial vortex and landed on the ground, Kaido, who was already asleep and snoring loudly, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly locked onto Carlos, somewhat confused, but didn't open his mouth.


Carlos didn't say anything, his pupil power surged, and a large black flame suddenly appeared covering the alloy chain that bound Kaido's whole body mixed with sea floor stone, burning silently, and a chain quickly broke.

Kaido's large pupils shrank with a sudden look at the black flames, he felt a hint of danger from them, it might not kill him, but it could definitely cause him harm!

Kaido didn't understand why this mysterious man who suddenly appeared here wanted to save him, although whether he saved him or not, he himself could get out sooner or later.

But since he had saved him, he wouldn't twist and turn, no matter what purpose the other party held, even if he wanted to harm him, it was fine, no matter what means he had, just use it.

Soon, the chains that bound Kaido were all burned off, and Carlos looked at Kaido, his mouth open and closed, and whispered something, purposely hiding his voice.

"I have been secretly sent by Lord Ashes, Lord Kaido please leave quickly, in a few years Lord Ashes will come to the New World to join Lord Kaido."

After saying that, he retreated to the corner of the huge cell and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, the Hundred Beasts Kaido's eyes glittered and his eyes turned, his heart was happy, not only for the fact that embers had the intention to join him, but also for the fact that embers could join him immediately!

A few more years before you join him?


He, Hundred Beasts Kaido, didn't have that much time to wait, now that the new world was officially a time of wind and strife, the entry of a strong man was important, let alone the entry of a strong man whose strength was only as strong as his!

The man in front of him reminded him that whether the embers had arranged this or not, just put a label on his head anyway, the Navy wouldn't let the embers stay too comfortable if it aroused suspicion!

A super-roller of Kaido's caliber is not something that the warden of Propulsion City can just let go, it has to get the nod from the Navy brass.

This method would shorten the time it would take for Embers to join him, and although Embers hadn't agreed to join him, he should have the will to join him, he just hadn't completely made up his mind yet.

He's been persuaded not once or twice, and since he can't make up his mind as best he can, he'll do it for him!

For the sake of this pretentious mysterious man who had given him a good method, he would not kill the man and spare his life, whether he was sent by the embers or not

The monster Kaido may look abnormal and brainless, but the others aren't really stupid and dumb, they're actually coarse and shrewd, and it's very difficult for a brainless person to stand out from thousands of pirates and become one of the four kings, even if they have someone to assist them.

Kaido stands up from the ground, his huge body like a small mountain, black hair, a pair of horns on the top of his head, a very long beard on his mouth like a dragon's whiskers, a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm, his upper body naked, an X-shaped scar on his right abdomen, a purple jacket hanging from his waist, two gold chains hanging from the hem of his jacket, his lower body wearing dark green wide pants, the waist tied with a note chain rope, his face taut and fierce, as if he was. The Devil!

A huge fist clenched and blasted out, smashing into the adult thigh-thin, shimmering metallic special alloy pillar with a clang, the entire cell trembled violently, the ground shook endlessly, and the special alloy pillar bent.

The stationed prison soldier officer came running to check, only to see that the chains on Kaido's body were gone, and the other side was smashing fist after fist on the cell, frightening the souls of the dead, asking for backup and attacking Kaido, but their attacks were nothing more than fluff.

The only thing they're really good for is vigilance, and there's no stopping Kaido if something really bad happens.

Carlos's figure also disappeared without a trace as Kaido smashed the door, and Carlos was ready to go find a nice place to watch the show.

The pillars made up of special alloys hadn't broken yet, they were just completely disfigured, but the walls connecting the cells couldn't withstand such a bombardment, and the entire cell door was smashed directly into the air, and the soldiers in front of the door were touched, killing many people in an instant with a lot of losses.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido, like a tiger entering a mountain forest and a dragon returning to the sea, all of a sudden rushed out of the cell, exuding a barbaric and domineering savage air, laughing wildly, "Hahahaha embers, thanks for sending someone to save me, although I don't know if that kid is one of your people or not"

The sound of laughter, the sound of speech spread throughout the fourth level of burning hell, making those who heard this is a stunned, then the pirates laughing wildly, in addition to the necessary manpower, the fourth level of all kinds of support rushed over!


Kaido doesn't need to defend himself at all against these guys, just swing for the kill.

A few people were smashed into a pulp on the spot as a fist that contained terrifying power hit the ground, a huge hole surfaced and the shockwave lifted up the people around them, almost blowing through two layers of hell in one punch!

Prison break was not supposed to be a love affair, but Kaido stayed away and just stood there and killed, thanking the embers from time to time, promising all kinds of things to the embers, status, wealth, power, even beautiful women came.

Kaido's idea was simply to cause great damage to Propulsion City, so that it was unlikely that the Navy brass, or even the World Government brass, would ever hold the position of Warden of Propulsion City again, whether they believed it or not.

The position of Warden of Propulsion City is the best fit for Embers, and it's the only position where you can torture with impunity and at will, but other positions are out of the question.

This way even if we can't take the embers under our wing tonight, we'll be able to advance a long time.

He could feel the bloodlust of the embers, the madness, the two of them were perfect for each other, there was no power in the New World more suited to the embers than his Hundred Beast Bandits, no other bandit group but the Hundred Beast Bandits would allow the embers to run amok!

Chapter 127 - Pandemonium in Propulsion City (Middle)


The piercing sirens in the Propulsion City kept sounding, and a steady stream of Propulsion City soldiers and guards with various weapons attacked Kaido, but the difference in strength was too great, and neither swords nor bullets and artillery were of any use to a strong man of Kaido's level, and they couldn't even break the skin.

It could only be blocked slightly for so long, and that was if Kaido wasn't in a hurry to break through and flee the advancing city.

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