I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 117.

The naval headquarters was not far from the city, and if it took too long, the strongest naval officers would arrive, and then Kaido would be suppressed again.

Knock knock.

A loud tread sounded, accompanied by a slight trembling sensation.

"Get out of the way, it's the Warden Beast coming!"

One of the guardsmen pushing into the city shouted wildly in panic, and the guardsmen who were fighting dodged out of the way at the news, so as not to be mistakenly injured by their own side of the battle.

A group of about seven or eight jailer beasts were seen swarming towards the Hundred Beasts Kaido, including a koala bear monster, a rhino monster, a mastodon monster, a zebra monster, a chicken snake beast, a man-eating lion, etc., all of them were huge, and although they couldn't compare to Kaido, they were still tall enough and big enough.

It was said that these Jailer Beasts were once super experts among the animal-based Devil Fruiters, and each of them had developed their Devil Fruit abilities to the realm of awakening, yet at the final juncture of awakening, their humanity did not carry over the erosion of their animal nature, and finally they completely morphed into their animal forms, and their consciousness was predominantly animalistic.

In other words, these people could be counted as the losers of the demonic fruit awakening, after all, humanity had been suppressed and even devoured, but there was a gain and a loss, these jailer beasts had also gained some of the abilities of the animal-based demonic fruit awakening, that was to carry a beating, very much to carry a beating, very strong defense and recovery, and once the fierceness struck, fearless of pain, brave and unafraid of death!

This was a group of enemies that were very difficult for most strong opponents, but they weren't difficult for Kaido the Hundred Beasts, the King of Beasts!

Kaido had endless confidence against animal demon fruiters, and his band of pirates' abilities could be all animal demon fruiters.


Looking at the group of jailer beasts rushing over, Kaido didn't waste time with these durable beating guys, took a deep breath, a majestic and dominating dragon roar from the abdomen and through the throat erupted, layers of sound waves like waves swept away.


The screams kept sounding, in front of Kaido all the guard soldiers who were enveloped by the sound waves one by one let go of their weapons and fell to the ground, one by one they were bleeding from the seven orifices, looking horrible, their bodies twitching on the ground without listening, if not treated in time they would die soon.

Those jailer beasts were still fine under the attack of the sound waves, but the majestic and domineering sound of the soaring nine heavenly divine dragon's dragon roar, the high bloodline suppression made all the jailer beasts fall to the ground, trembling one by one, a picture of being slaughtered at will.

Of course, the bloodline suppression was bullshit, it was actually strength suppression, and Kaido's strength was much stronger than the Prisoner Beasts.

It's useless to change to a man with a weaker strength than the Jailer Beast's dragon chant, you can see if the Jailer Flesh shoot you or not and be done with it.

After finishing off a large group of enemies, Kaido's sturdy legs flexed slightly and his huge body soared into the air, the layers of hard stone cracking like spider webs spreading.

Kaido bent his right arm and clenched his fist, his muscles like mighty dragons and roots like old trees, and gathered all his strength on his right fist, blasting out with a sonic boom, smashing at the fourth and third hell floors.

A loud boom, a circle of air waves spread towards the surroundings, strong and incomparable flesh power erupted, the floor that was much harder than ordinary floors was directly blown out of a super hole, Kaido's huge body rushed straight up from the big hole to the third level of the Hunger Hell.

Carlos hidden in the dark, has been observing the movement of Kaido, see the situation can only sigh worthy of the new world first-class pirate group on board, one of the four kings in the original, this strength is really extraordinary, just do not know how much force used?

The Hundred Beasts Kaido who came to the third level began to wreak havoc aimlessly, whether it was people or things, everything that appeared in front of him would be smashed to smithereens with a single punch.

Poison puffer fish!

Propelling the most responsible Magellan in the city to be the first to arrive, with a heavy face, he attacked from behind Kaido, opening his mouth and spitting out several purple balls of venom to hit Kaido's back.

Kaido's brow furrowed even tighter, he felt some pain in his back, the purple venom fell on the ground, zippy white smoke kept coming up

Magellan was not surprised to see this, back when Kaido was first taken into the Propulsion City, he had tried to use his poison to kill Kaido, but unfortunately it was not of much use, at most it could only paralyze Kaido's body a little for a period of time, it could not kill Kaido at all.

At that time, he had poured a large amount of his poison into Kato's seven orifices, but it was still useless, and he still couldn't kill the monster!

Magellan was just trying to stall for time, today's Propulsion City only the Warden Embers could stop Kaido from wreaking havoc, he was still too weak.

Today's Magellan is not twenty years later with the general strength of Magellan, not qualified to confront Kaido, the most can only stall for a while.

Kaido slowly turned around and looked at Magellan urn, "Your strength, your abilities are good, be my subordinate."

Poison gas grenades!

Magellan was an extremely responsible man, there was no way he would agree to Kaido's solicitations, his mouth opened and a bubble wrapped in poisonous gas flew towards Kaido.

"Never mind, there's embers enough to kill you!"

Keldo clenched his fist and punched out, compressing the air with a strong and powerful blow, the air masses collided with each other in bubbles, explosions sounded continuously, and poisonous gas spread everywhere.

At this moment, a figure rushed towards Keldo at great speed, the blade light was like a thunderbolt, swift and fierce like a rainstorm, cutting the neck behind Keldo's back.


A sound of gold and iron sounded, and Kaido felt a sharp pain in his neck, which didn't break his defenses but left a mark, just like a normal person would leave a red mark if they pinched their skin hard enough.

"It hurts, get out of here, I'm going to kill you!"

Kaido was furious, turned around and grabbed the sneaking figure with his big hand, it was Rain no Hiryu, fortunately Rain no Hiryu was quick to react, otherwise it would be the end if he was caught.

The young Yu-no-heliu with a cigar in his mouth, face heavy and excited, Kaido's strong unexpectedly, his sudden, long-awaited desperate sword, but can not even break the skin!

Nowadays, like Magellan, Rain's Hiryu was naturally not the Rain's Hiryu who was known as one of the two walls of Propulsion City more than twenty years later.

Rain no Hiryu was about twenty-four or twenty-five years old this year, and although he was one of the two brightest rising stars in the Propulsion City prison system, he was still far from Kaido who had been criss-crossing the New World for many years.

If Rain's Hiryu gave his all in a sneaky sword attack twenty years later, he would surely be able to cut Kaido's neck open!

But Kaido is a monster that may not die if you cut it open, or even if you cut its neck.

Kaido mixed the new world, like to find death everywhere, also did not less provoke white beard, the golden lion and others, usually was beaten hard, beaten all over the body, but in the end still can not dry.

Carlos, who hid in the shadows and watched the show, saw how strong Kaido was, and already wondered if Kaido's death seeking was part of his special training method, which required him to keep on dying and getting beaten up to grow fast.

Chapter 128 - Pandemonium in Propulsion City (Part 2)

Judging from the way Kaido dealt with Kouzuki Gota, Kaido wasn't really afraid of death, otherwise he wouldn't have resorted to using tricks.

It's not that there's no way to kill Kaido in this world, it's just that Kaido's weaknesses haven't been found to reach Kaido's limits.

It's likely that the usual search for death is a method of training, but Kaido is a troublemaker, and doesn't spend much time in base camp all year round, the rest of the time he's either picking a fight or on his way out.

In other words, there were many monsters in the New World with many physiques, including White Beard, Big Momma, Black Beard, and Kaido, but Kaido's physique was the most perverted.

"You two back off and go suppress the criminals who are taking advantage of the chaos to rebel, I'll deal with them here!"

Wearing the garb of the Warden of Propulsion City and a mask that enveloped his entire head, Embers revealed only a pair of calm eyes that could not be doubted.


Despite the reluctance Magellan and Yu no Hiryu both felt, the words of the elder brother could not be disobeyed, and besides it was an order.

Although Magellan, Rain no Hiryu had heard rumors that Kaido's escape had something to do with the embers, they still had to follow the orders of the embers until the higher-ups gave them an order.

The two immediately left to go deal with the criminals who were unwilling to suffer in Propulsion City and took advantage of the chaos to escape.

It wasn't a difficult task for the two, as long as the criminals in the Infinite Hell of Propulsion City weren't released.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido didn't stop the two from leaving either, his target was the embers, Magellan and Rain's Hillel were not currently being taken seriously by Kaido.

"Hahaha embers, someone released me in your name, a very mysterious looking fellow, wearing a spiral mask and a red cloud on a black background" Kaido looked at the embers and laughed, his large eyes full of admiration, this was a strong man he had to even pay attention to!

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