I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 118.

"I don't have the kind of men you're talking about." The embers looked up at Kaido, indifferent.

"Hey ha ha ha that's strange."

"Then why did the mysterious man do it?"

"Could it be that he has seen through my desire to take you under his wing?"

"Embers come with me, get out of this hellhole, this hellhole is nothing good."

"It's all a place for some losers to scrape by, follow me to the new world, where the strong are, torturing them is the only fun!"

"That's where strong people like you and me stay, or as the saying goes follow me, you are only beneath me in the Hundred Beast Bandits!" Kaido urned, continuing not to give up his solicitations, patient and very different from his usual nature, it was evident how much he liked embers.

The embers are indifferent and remain silent, and Kaido does not press the matter, waiting for the embers' answer.

Even if he failed, it didn't matter, he Hundred Beasts Kaido wasn't someone who could only accept success and endure failure, come what may, he was confident enough to recruit the embers sooner or later.

"Let's talk after the last battle." After a long time, the embers spoke up.

The surroundings were already filled with people who had come to support them, but all of them didn't dare to get too close, a strong man of this level wasn't something they could interfere with, and the aftermath could kill them all!

"Well, battle on!"

"The Hundred Beast Pirates have three major disasters second only to me as their captain, and now that the two disasters are complete, you shall be the first of the three!"

"Come on, I'll let you make the first move!"

Kaido didn't lower his voice or increase it, but spoke in a normal voice, making many people hear, many of them looked odd and suspicious.

But neither Kaido nor Embers took them seriously, so what if they understood, could they still be stopped?

Carlos, who had run to the top of the Propulsion Castle, saw that Kaido and Embers were finally going to fight, and his face showed excitement, excitement, what a treat it was to watch a strong man of this level fight!

Carlos couldn't wait to get out a bottle of wine, a pack of cigarettes, some snacks, and was ready for a good viewing, viewing.

There was no pretense for Kaido's concession, Embers was the strongest opponent he had encountered so far, and it wasn't an insult to qualify him to make the first move.

Embers had eaten the demon fruit, but currently his fighting style was not based on demon fruit, but on swordplay.

There were orange-red flames burning behind the embers head, these flames burned silently, seemingly without any power, yet they didn't know what secrets they were hiding.

The right hand wearing the dark gloves gently held the white hilt engraved with a red diamond square, Carlos had limited knowledge and couldn't recognize the origin of this blade, but at the very least it should be a great fast blade, maybe even a supreme great fast blade!


In the next instant, sharp, piercing cracking sounds rang out, an orange-red sword qi was arcing and spreading towards Kaido, harsh and fiery, the temperature of the place where it passed rose rapidly, in an instant it grew by more than ten degrees Celsius.

Kaido was much more serious than before the fight, this sword qi contains a sharp blaze is able to break through his skin defense, causing him some damage.

Even though the damage didn't affect his fighting ability at all and his injuries could recover quickly, Kaido didn't want to be hit, he had to take in his little brother, he had to make him realize how powerful he was!


The strapping and huge body was not heavy at all, possessing great speed, and the figure dodged this drawing slash from the embers in a flash, and the spreading sword qi cut into the far wall, tearing a crack flowing with hot stone juice!

Kaido's silhouette appeared from mid-air, dominating, shadows enveloping the embers, punching them, power restrained within.

Kaido, though without his weapon, Wolfsbane, was confiscated by the navy, and his strength, though diminished, fell by a limited amount.

Kaido was strong by itself, and didn't rely on weapons or anything.

Facing this power restrained punch of Kaido, embers wisely did not choose to fight hard, in terms of pure strength he was not Kaido's opponent.

The wings behind the embers moved slightly, the feet stepped out, and the figure moved dozens of meters away as if shunting, dodging the blow.

Kaido punched the ground, the ground shook wildly, smoke and dust filled the ground, and another hole was blown out of the floor between the two levels of hell.

The temperature around him was rising rapidly, and the air around him was twisting and spreading as if it was about to ignite the space between his breaths.

A blade cut down, endless flames spread out from the blade, not sure if it was the blade's ability or the embers' racial ability, maybe both.

The endless orange-red flames transformed into a blazing flaming giant knife, still fierce and fiery, the moment the flaming giant knife appeared, heat waves rolled, the air distorted, the temperature grew again, some flammable materials around the area were ignited, flames burst.

The soldier guards who pushed into the city had already pushed back farther, and if they stayed for another moment, they would probably die of dehydration alive.

The flaming giant blade seemed to cut down towards Kaido slowly and quickly, with a fierce and fiery intent, cutting through the air and even igniting it, its power was extraordinary!

Thunderclap Punch!

Kaido's face rarely appeared condensed, no longer using flat A, the figure disappeared in an instant, countless cracks appeared on the ground, sonic booms burst.

Kaido's fists above the lightning winding, dense lightning winding, both fists together and the giant flame blade smashed together, terrifying flesh is the strongest weapon, not afraid of a collision with the giant flame blade!

A terrifying red and blue shockwave spread in all directions, harsh, fiery, bursting and violent, everywhere the shockwave passed, everything turned into ashes except for Kaido and embers.

Some bold, fearless ones, too close to death, were swept away by the fringe of the shockwave, their bodies paralyzed, watching as their bodies turned into dried corpses, and finally into ashes!

This tragic situation made others simply do not care to watch the battle, can go all go, can not go, such as criminals and so on, depends on the luck, bad luck is affected by the wave can only wait for death.

Chapter 129 - Pandemonium Advancing City (End)

The huge shockwave caused by the two fighting directly destroyed more than half of the Hunger Hell, if the fighting continued, I'm afraid that Propulsion City would all be destroyed in the hands of the two sooner or later.

If Propulsion City was destroyed because of the two of them fighting, it would be a severe blow to the Navy, the World Government, the Navy, and the World Government would never let the two of them go, and would target the two of them as their primary targets, then Kaido, Embers, and even the Hundred Beasts Bandits would have no peace, let alone any development.

Plus, embers had lived and lived here for a long time and didn't want to see the destruction of Propulsion City at the hands of the two, so embers flashed towards the upper levels of hell.

"Go outside and fight."

"If we really want to let go and destroy Propulsion City, the two of us will have to face the world government experts hunting and suppressing us all the time!"

Remnants of words rang out, and the Hundred Beasts Kaido's mind spun at the news and followed without much hesitation.

Propulsion City really couldn't be destroyed, or else the world government might not be able to kill him, but it would be able to suppress him if he really pissed off the world government and expended a lot of effort to keep suppressing him, that would be too bad.

It didn't matter where they fought anyway.

The speed of the Hundred Beasts Kaido is no slower than Embers', even faster, and in the original Kaido was the most defensively powerful of the four kings, but that doesn't mean Kaido's strength, speed, and destructive power aren't strong, just relative.

In the anime Kaido was hammered furiously by Luffy for one episode before he used Thunderbolt Yagami to smash Luffy directly out of combat; in the manga, that was a meet second, showing Kaido's strength and speed.

Luffy's meet color may not have noticed, or may have noticed but couldn't avoid it, his own reaction speed, and movement speed can't keep up.

All this is just to show that Kaido is not weak in other aspects besides his strong defense, not as strong as the best, but definitely much stronger than most people.

The two of them quickly arrived outside the advancing city, above the ocean.

The mysterious wings behind the embers spread out and flew up into the sky, flames rising behind their heads, and in their hands they held a long blade that burned with a raging flame, the air twisting around the blade

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